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Lesson No: 17

Topic: Motivations, Goals, Success and Failure

(achievable, goals, overcoming obstacles, specific, appropriate, attitude, capability, determination, energy, eventually, inevitable,
motivation, priorities, security, succeed, and successful, attained, benefits, failure, inevitable, rejected, etc.)

Useful Questions:
 What is your biggest goal in life?  Is having a goal in life effective in becoming successful?
 How do you plan to achieve that goal?
 Is having a goal helpful in motivating a person?
 What are your "short term" goals?
 Do you think people have fewer goals as they get
 What are your "long term" goals?
 Should parents help their children set goals?
 Do you have any goals that you feel are unrealistic?
 What are your educational goals?
 What are your career goals?  What are your financial country?
goals?  Why are goals important?

Useful Phrases:

 to accomplish / accomplishment  to chew over an idea

 to achieve/(remarkable) achievement  to  to be the main breadwinner
take risks / a risk taker  to save for a rainy day
 a visionary  unprecedented/modest success
 a dreamer  to bring out the best in people
 an entrepreneur  to be doomed to failure
 an opportunist  to blow it
 to take a chance  to be quite a feat
 to make a fortune  to suffer a setback
 a half-baked idea  to do something as a last resort
 How do people's goals change from country to

Goal is a noun and it can refer to an aim or desired result. There are many types of goals: • Personal
• Financial
• Career/Professional

Short-term goals - goals which you can achieve in a short period of time. Long-term goals -
which will take longer to achieve.

A dream is something you hope to achieve in the future. And you can set short-term and long-term goals to
achieve them.
HOMEWORK: Religion and friends

Sam is 12 years old. His family is Catholic. They go to church on Sundays. Catholics believe in God and they read
the Bible. Sam’s friend is Abung. Abung is from Indonesia. His family is Muslim. They go to a Mosque on Fridays.
Muslims believe in Allah and the prophet Mohammad. Muslims read the Koran.
Sam’s other friend is Harish he is Buddhist. Buddhists do not go to church or Mosque; they go to temple
or pray at home. Buddhists do not believe in God, Allah or the prophet Mohammad they read and listen to
the teachings of Budda.
Sam, Abung and Harish are best friends even though they have different religions. They go to school together,
play soccer together and spend time together on the weekend.
1. Who are Sam’s friends?
=> They are Abung and Harish.

2. Which religion goes to church?

=> It is Catholic

3. Which religion believes in Allah?

=> It is Muslim.

4. Which religion can pray at home?

=> It is Buddhist.

5. If Sam is 12 years old, does he go to primary school or High school?

=> He goes to high school.

6. Why should we be respectful of other religions?

=>It is their beliefs.

7. Do have a friend who is a different religion? Who?

=> N0.

8. Write about your friend, what is their name and what religion are they?

What do various religions promote? (50-80 words)
Today there are many different religions. Each religion has its own beliefs and places of worship. But in general, all religions are
towards good, repelling evil. Religion can also help people of the same religion unite. Having many religions makes society more
diverse and richer. When we believe in religion, it is like when we are about to drown and see a stick of wood for us to cling to.
Religion exists in the people and things we believe in, helping us to have more faith to overcome difficulties and have more
motivation to live.

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