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6/16/2021 Is Blatticomposting a good solution for making compost?

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Dubia Roaches Compost and Composting Cockroaches Gardening

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Is Blatticomposting a good solution for making compost?
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or just rotting?
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Brian Tremback, Soil Scientist and Master Gardener What happens if you compost "wrong"?
Answered July 8, 2018
Why is it important to home compost?
Disclaimer: I’ve done vermicomposting but haven’t tried blatticomposting yet. I am
intrigued, though. How do I compost faster?

Blatticomposting is the use of cockroaches for converting food waste into compost. The How can I make a rich compost?
selection of the species of cockroach used for this is important. There are more than 4,000
Ask question
species of cockroach. Just don’t use any of the 25 of so species that are pests in human
dwellings. Ideal candidates are non-flying species that can’t climb vertical, smooth

Indoor composting systems using earthworms, called vermicomposting, have been

common for a long time. But there are advantages to blattic … (more)

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Gloria Weber Baikauskas, works at Puzzled Hearts

Answered October 23, 2018

Yes, it is a good composting method. They easily break down kitchen waste without
leaving an odor as they work. They reproduce fast, too, so once you begin this method you
likely do not have to buy, or catch more of them.
150 views · View 1 upvote · Answer requested by Erdinç Çelik

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