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Each PC has 5 stats – Agility (for physical actions), Combat (for punching or shooting), Technical
(for operating and mending vehicles and machines), Personality (for social interaction) and Science
(for the brainy stuff).

The player gets five numbers - a 1, 1, 2, 2, and a 3 - to assign to the five stats. The higher the better.

They also have a Health score, which is 1d3+4.

To succeed in an action, roll a number of d6 equal to the stat score. If any one die rolls a 5 or 6 then
the roll is a success. For opposed rolls, both roll a number of d6 equal to the stat score and total the
numbers rolled. The highest roll wins, re-roll ties. Each action takes a round, which is six seconds.

Punch does 1d2 damage, knife does 1d3, gun does 1d6. Take damage off Health. 0 = unconscious,
-2 = dead. If wearing armour roll a d6; a roll of 5 or 6 negates all damage. For anything that
damages over time (vacuum/poison/suffocation etc), lose 1 point of Health per round. If falling,
lose 1 point per metre fallen.

Spaceships have two scores, HULL and LIFE SUPPORT. For every meter in length the ship gets 1
HULL point. For every ten metres the starship gets 1 LIFE SUPPORT point. If hull ever reaches
zero, further damage is then taken from LIFE SUPPORT, and continues at 1 point per round. PCs
must evacuate before this score runs out or the ship explodes with them on it! TPK! TPK!

Cargo capacity is HULL points x 10 in tons.

Starship weapons; each weapon costs LIFE SUPPORT points and cargo capacity. Light laser (d6)
costs 1 point and 100 tons, heavy laser (d6+6) costs 3 points and 300 tons. Some ships have
SHIELDS which work the same as armour above, which cost 5 LIFE SUPPORT points and 200

During the game, players make jokes about the Space Comedy situation they are in. If anyone
laughs - not including the player making the joke - the group get 1 point to put in the Humour Pool.
If the joke is considered bad or it's a proper groaner, deduct 1 point from the pool, minimum 0.

Players can take up to 2 points at a time from the Humour Pool to add to any single roll, including
attack and damage rolls. They can do this without any other player's consent!

The points must be reduced before the roll - no matter the outcome they are spent/lost. Bad Dad
jokes automatically get a point, I don’t care how awful they are.

Sven Janssen (Order #30989300)

After completing an adventure, total the Humour Pool points left and dole them out equally between
the players. Any odd points left are kept in the Humour Pool.

To add a point to any one stat, the player must spend their Humour Points at a rate of the score they
wish to achieve multiplied by 5. So, if they want to increase a single score to 2 so that they can roll
2 dice, they must spend 10 of their own Humour Points. Any points not spent are returned to the
group Humour Pool automatically for the next game.

Roll a d6. That’s how many minutes you’ve got to think something up.


The party are lost in deep space on a starship that’s under the power of a mad AI and they are tasked
with doing different crazy things both on and off the ship to satisfy the curiosity of the ship’s
computer. New episodes every Thursday, 9pm.

The players are part of the Aeronautical Research and Space Exploration organisation and are sent
on a myriad of missions that involve first contact, planetary exploration and being nice to the aliens
of the galaxy while not offending their cultures... with hilarious consequences!

The team are part of the Galactic Overlord Party, and His Imperial Majesty The Grand Lord Of The
Cosmos And Ruler Of The Stars Of All Creation has gotten a little bored of being cruel and all-
powerful and has decided to send his people out to be a bit nicer all round. From the creative team
that bought you ‘Whoops, Where’s My Rocket?’

After a huge galaxy-wide apocalypse, the last members of the human race are stuck on a dead-end
moon with nothing but a myriad of starship parts and some deadpan robots. Can they build
themselves a ship and search out any other survivors in this God-forsaken galaxy, as well as suffer
bad jokes from malfunctioning androids? Only on the Dude Network.

The adventures of Captain Butch Harris and the Star Cadets of Tomorrow! Join the plucky team as
they travel to distant worlds and charm alien civilisations with the human emotion known as love.
And then have a fist fight. In some sand. In Colour!

When you start the game, your first words should be ‘What’s up, dudes?’ so that the players can let
you know who they are, how they are and why they’re there. And then let comedy* commence!

*actual comedy not guaranteed

Designed and written by Jonathan Hicks

Thanks to all of my favourite sci-fi shows for the inspiration – you know who you are.
(c) 2021 Farsight Games & Jonathan Hicks
Jonathan Hicks has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as Author of this work.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher.

Sven Janssen (Order #30989300)

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