BCC 2 Assignment.

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By .

Siddhesh Suryawanshi

Body language/Kinesics
Body language is a type of nonverbal communication in which
physical behaviors, as opposed to words, are used to express or
convey the information. Such behavior includes facial
expressions, body posture, gestures, eye movement, touch and
the use of space.


1 . Facial expressions :-
The many different types of nonverbal communication or body language
include: Facial expressions. The human face is extremely expressive, able to
convey countless emotions without saying a word. And unlike some forms of
nonverbal communication, facial expressions are universal.
2. Eye-Contact :-
The old saying that “eyes are a reflection of your inner self” holds true in most
cases. There are a lot of meanings to eye contact. It can be a glaring look when
a person is defiant or angry. A stare when we see something unusual about the
person (staring obtrusively is rude!). A glazed over look when we are
hopelessly in love with the person. It can also be a direct look when we are
talking and trying to make a point.
3 . Paralanguage/Vocalics :-
Paralanguage, also known as vocalics, is a component of meta-
communication that may modify meaning, give nuanced meaning, or convey
emotion, by using techniques such as prosody, pitch, volume, intonation, etc.
Paralanguage may be expressed consciously or unconsciously.

4 . Gesture :-
Gestures are movements made with body parts (example hands, arms,
fingers, head, legs) and they may be voluntary or involuntary.
5 . Posture :-
Posture can convey a wealth of information about how a person is feeling as
well as hints about personality characteristics, such as whether a person is
confident, open, or submissive. Sitting up straight, for example, may indicate
that a person is focused and paying attention to what’s going on.

6 . Dress and Appearance :-

Dress. Dress is considered an aspect of non-verbal communication and has
social significance for the audience. Dress also includes the things that people
wear such as jewelry, ties, handbags, hats and glasses. Clothing conveys
nonverbal clues about a speaker's personality, background and financial

7 . Haptics :-
Haptics is the study of touching as nonverbal communication. Touches that
can be defined as communication include handshakes, holding hands, kissing
(cheek, lips, hand), back slap, “high-five”, shoulder pat, brushing arm, etc.
Each of these give off nonverbal messages as to the touching person’s
❌The End❌
Thank you 🙏🏻

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