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How to Teach Police Officers: Phrases and

Roleplaying Activities

Pulling People Over

1. Have you been drinking tonight?

2. Do you know why I pulled you over?
3. Is this a rental car?
4. Do you know the speed limit in this part of town?
5. You are driving down a one way street.
6. You ran a red light.
7. Why are you not wearing your seatbelt?
8. I am going to have to give you a ticket, which you
can pay at the police station or city hall.

Interrogation and Solving Crimes

Roleplaying exercise
1. Did you see what they were wearing? a. Yes, the 3
of them had on black ski masks, brown pants, and
white t-shirts.
2. Did they have any weapons? a. Yes, they all had big
machine guns and one of them had a knife.
3. What kind of car did they escape in? a. They were
driving a black pickup but I do not know what kind;
and I saw the first couple numbers of the license
plate. They were 34f5.

4. Did you see any distinguishing marks? a. Yes. One

man was missing his thumb on his right hand, the
second man had some scars on his arms, and the
third guy had a huge tattoo of a dragoon on his whole
right arm.

5. Do you know if their weapons were loaded? a.

They definitely were because they shot their guns a
couple times.

Helping Tourists

a. I am lost. Do you know how I can get to the Grand Plaza

shopping mall?
b. Do you know where I can find the British embassy or
c. Who can we trust to change money with?
d. I lost my wallet, what should I do?
e. A thief just stole my purse, please help me.

Getting ID’s

f. May I see your passport please?

g. Can I have your driver’s license and car registration? (if
pulling someone over)
h. Are you here on holiday? How long have you been here?
i. Do you have another form of identification?
j. Can I see some form of photo identification?

6. 5


vocabulary lists for police officers

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