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Young Warriors


Chapters 1-17

Chapter 1
1. From which perspective is the story is being told?
2. List and describe the boys who are preparing to be young warriors?
3. Which boy is your favourite and why?
4. Describe the village of Mountain Top.
5. State the year the story is set.
6. How is the village governed and why do you think it is governed this way?
7. Describe the chief of the village. What does his description suggest about his character?
8. What traditions are highlighted in this chapter?
9. What information is provided to the reader through the questioning of the boys?
10. Identify three different types of figurative devices used in this chapter. Write an example
of each and explain how effective they are in conveying information.
11. Use three adjectives to describe the Maroons. Explain your choices.
Chapter 2
1. Which test was the hardest for the boys? Why?
2. Why are the boys required to go to Lookout Rock?
3. How did Lookout Rock get its name?
4. Which boy is the most strategic in this chapter? Explain your choice.
5. What are some of the dangers in the forest?
6. What narrative technique is most employed in this chapter? Explain the author’s choice.
7. Which boy performed the best overall? Why do you think so?
8. How was Tommy feeling as a result of Charlie’s actions? Explain providing examples.
9. State one lesson you learnt from this chapter. Explain.

Chapter 3
1. Why were the boys going hunting?
2. What skills are required for hunting?
3. Describe the setting in this chapter.
4. How does the setting in this chapter impact the boys?
5. What are the mountains called and why?
6. Who is the leader of the hunt and why?
7. Story telling is an important part of African Culture. How is this presented in chapter 3?
8. What is the importance of the Anancy story?
Chapter 4
1. How does the author present the relationship between the Maroons and their
environment? What is the author trying to tell us?
2. What conflicts were occurring among the boys? Why?
3. How did the boys hunt the conies? Why did they hunt them in this way?
4. Why was it important for the boys to hunt as many conies as possible?
5. What survival skills do the boys possess?

Chapter 5
1. How did the boys camouflage themselves? Why did they do this?
2. Which boy was to first to sense danger? Why?
3. What are some forms of communication that the boys employed as they hunted? Why?
4. Who are the redcoats?
5. How many redcoats did the boys encounter?
6. Why did the boys want to avoid them?
7. Use three adjectives to describe Charlie’s character in this chapter. Explain using
8. Who or what is the source of the conflict among the boys? Why?
9. What happened to Nanny Town?
10. Identify at least two types of figurative devices and write at least TWO examples of
EACH. Comment on the effectiveness of their usage.
11. What are:
a. Swivel guns?
b. Scouts?
c. Sentries?

Chapter 6
1. Describe the council house.
2. What is the council house used for?
3. What is the significance of the boys setting on the platform in the council house?
4. Why are the Maroons preparing for war?
5. How do the Maroons prepare for war in this chapter?
6. What advantages did the Maroons have over the red coats? Explain why using
evidence from the novel.
7. What mission did Chief Phillip give Tommy and Johnny? Why?
8. What lessons can Tommy learn from the Old Man’s story?
9. Who is Captain Dick?
10. What is the central conflict in this chapter?
11. Describe Charlie’s character so far in the novel. What do you think accounts for this?
Chapter 7
1. Who are the most famous Maroon scouts? Why?
2. What is guerrilla warfare?
3. How did the Maroons practise this?
4. Explain how Captain Dick got Tommy and Johnny through the Redcoat line.
5. Where were Tommy and Johnny going and why?
6. What do the boys’ reaction to the boar suggests about it? Why?
7. Based on the information provided about the redcoats, what are your impressions of
them? Why?
8. What skills do Johnny possess? How do these skills help the boys?
Chapter 8
1. Compare and Contrast the Redcoats’ behaviour in the forest compared to that of the
Maroons? What do you think account for this?
2. What information do you learn from the conversation between the two Redcoat soldiers?
3. What happened to Johnny and Tommy in this chapter?
Chapter 9
1. How did Tommy and Johnny escape the Redcoats?
2. What dangers did Tommy and Johnny face in this chapter?
Chapter 10
1. What obstacles did they boys encounter in this chapter? How did they overcome them?
2. State TWO historical details the author shared in this chapter. Why do you think these details
were included?
3. Do you think Charlie redeemed himself by saving Tommy and Johnny?

Chapter 11
1. Describe the physical impact of the journey to Mocho village on Tommy and Johnny.
2. Who is John and how does he test the boys?
3. How long was the journey from Mountain Top to the Mocho village?
4. In your own words, state the message that Chief Phillip sent to Chief James.
5. Outline the similarities and/ or differences between the Maroons of Mountain Top and
Mocho Village.

Chapter 12
1. How is Charlie treated in this chapter? What are your feelings about his treatment?
2. What do you think Charlie will do based on the information presented in this chapter?
3. What are your impressions of the Redcoats based on how they are presented in this

Chapter 13
1. Based on the message from Chief Philip, what decision does Chief James make?
2. Why do you think he made this decision?
3. Do you think he is the only one involved in the decision making process? Explain
providing examples from the novel.
4. How did they boys convince Chief Philip to let them return to Mountain Top?

Chapter 14
1. What important lesson does Charlie learn about bravery?
2. What information is revealed by Tommy’s father?
3. What do the Maroons fear the most in this chapter? Do you think they are right to be
concerned? Explain
4. If you were Tommy would you have made the decision to rescue Charlie? Explain

Chapter 15
1. Why was oil rubbed on the boys?
2. How was Charlie being treated?
3. How has Charlie betrayed the Maroons? Were you surprised by Charlie’s actions in this

Chapter 16
1. Do you agree with Chief Phillip that Charlie was brave? Explain
2. How did the Maroons ambush the Redcoats?

Chapter 17
1. Do you agree that Charlie is a hero? Why?
2. Do you like the ending of the novel? Explain.
3. Would you change anything in the novel? Explain.

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