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Name: Natalie Cole


Grade: 3C

Course: Principle of Primary Teaching

Lecture: Miss. Gordon


On April 20, 2021, the Integrated Studies lesson that I taught was on the topic living and non-

living things. It was my first online teaching therefore I was nervous and excited at the same

time. In my lesson I covered all my objective with my students to ensure that they understood

what we are going to cover in the topic and what we are going to do as a class. The use of

technology was big in the lesson as students engaged in using the chat, they used the different

feature on the Microsoft Teams to be actively participating in the class.

The students were engaged with a video that when I called on a student to answer a

question they could without hesitation. For the explore activity, students participate in matching

living and non-living items under the correct headings. Doing this activity, the technology plays

an important part as when a student gave an answer, they could see it move to the heading. For

the explain section, students tell what they understood about the topic base on the video and the

activities that they did. The topic was expound on, but it should have been projected for the

students to see what I am talking about because some students are visual learners. For the next

activity, the students were split into groups. They were place into groups base on their learning

abilities but did individual work. Everything that each student did they were asked to share with

the class for other students get to learn from each other. One of the areas that should really work

on is time management as it is very important and should make sure that the activities that was

given to the students matches the time students would take to complete. The teacher should also

look carefully on the slides before addressing the class to try and make no mistake.

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