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Lesson Plan

Teacher name: Natalie Cole and Addiva-Gay Griffith’s

Grade: 3CG

Date: May 3, 2021

Time: 9:00 – 9:40 am

Duration: 40 minutes

Subject: Language Arts

Strand: Writing

Sub-strand: Grammar and Convention

Topic: Punctuation Mark

Sub-topic: comma

Term:2 Unit: 2

Attainment Target:

1) Write sentences which are grammatically accurate and correctly punctuated, using SJC

and JC appropriately.

2) Use and adapt a range of sentence structures according to context, distinguish between

SJC and JC.

Focus Question:

Objectives: students should be able to

1. State what is a comma base on the poem? (Cognitive)

2. Create a 2D model of the comma by working collaboratively in pairs. (Psychomotor)

3. Analyze poems and sentences to see if the comma is being used correctly. (Affective\


Key Vocabulary: comma, separate, critique and poem



Resource materials: video

Instructional Materials: PowerPoint

Summary of content

Engage: Whole group activity
Students will listen carefully to a dub poem that will be performed by the teacher. At the end of

the poem students will write in their books what is a comma along with when it is used. Selected

students will share what they have written.

The poem:

The coma, the coma x2

Yes the coma, the coma is useful when you writing.

The coma, the coma x2

Yes the coma, this is one of the punctuation marks

The coma, the coma x2

You use me to separate words or when joining two or more independent clauses.

The coma makes your words and phrases flow.

Students will select their peer and search for a picture of the comma. Base on picture they have

selected students will work on a 2D model of the comma. Students will decide among

themselves who will created model and which material should be used. Student will be given ten

minutes to create the modern then post an image in the chat. Students model should be labelled

and cooperate with each other


Students will watch a video about the comma. Students would have to listen carefully because

they will be asked to explain what they understand from the video. Questions will be asked to

students to guide their explanation and allow the teacher to do further explanation where


1. What did you understand from the video?

2. Was the video similar to the poem? Explain.

Students will write information in their book that will be projected on the PowerPoint

Elaborate: Students will be divided into two groups to completed different activity.

Activity one

Students will be given two poems from with they will examine them. Students will see that one

poem has commas while the other is missing commas. Students would have to fill in the missing

commas in the poem.

Activity two

Students will be given five question to place the commas where it is necessary.


Students will be given two activities.

Activity 1: Students will be given a poem to read aloud. When finish reading the poem students will
then place the commas where they are missing in the poem.

Activity 2: Students will then write their own short poem about “The beach”. The poem should
include commas where necessary.
Extended Practice/ home work:

Students will complete an activity sheet.

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