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University of Bahrain – ‫جامــعة البحريـــن‬


‫مركــز ضمـــان الجـــودة واالعتمـــاد األكـاديمــي‬

Course Syllabus Form ‫استمارة تخطيط المقرر‬

1. College Bahrain Teachers College ‫ الكلية‬.1
2. Department English Department ‫ القسم‬.2
3. Program Bachelor of Education ‫ البرنامج‬.3
4. Course Code TC2EN236 ‫ رقم المقرر‬.4
5. Course Title Academic English Reading ‫ اسم المقرر‬.5
6. Course Credits 3 ‫ الساعات المعتمدة‬.6
7. Pre-requisites None ‫ متطلبات المقرر‬.7
8. Course Web-page ‫ صفحة المقرر اإللكترونية‬.8
9. Class time M/Th Sec. 7 -8:00 -9:15 ‫ وقت المحاضرة‬.9
Sec. 6 12:30-1:45
10. Classroom No. Sec 7: S22 – 267 Sec 6- S22- 047 ‫ رقم الصف‬.10
11. Course Coordinator Dr. Poonam Anand ‫ منسق المقرر‬.11
12. Course Instructor Dr. Poonam Anand ‫ مدرس المقرر‬.12
13. Instructor Office 152 ‫ مكتب المدرس‬.13
14. Instructor Office Hrs. M/TH 9:30 – 11:30am, S/W- 10:00 ‫ الساعات المكتبية للمدرس‬.14
– 11:00am, more office hours by
15. Academic Year 2018/2019 ‫ السنة األكاديمية‬.15
16. Semester 1
√ ‫الصيفي‬ ‫ الفصل الدراسي‬.16

17. Course Description: :‫ وصف المقرر‬.17

This course aims at equipping 2 year B.Ed. students with the academic reading skills in English
that will enable them to be efficient readers of course materials. Students will learn how to read
extensively, how to develop and build vocabulary, how to read faster with understanding, and
how to analyze and evaluate an academic text by forming an opinion about the writer’s ideas.
Students will learn a variety of reading strategies including but not limited to scanning,
skimming, annotating, summarizing, paraphrasing and making inferences.

18. Textbook(s): :‫ كتب المقرر‬.18

Pattison T. (2015). Critical reading English for academic purposes. Pearson.
19. References: :‫ المصادر‬.19
1. Cohen, R. & Miller, J (2013). Longman academic reading series 4. Student book. Pearson
Education ESL.
2. Giltrow, J. (2002). Academic reading: Reading and writing across the disciplines. Second
edition. Broadview Press
3. Jeffries L. (2014). Advanced reading power 4: extensive reading, vocabulary building,
comprehension skills, reading faster. Pearson/Longman.
4. Langan, J. (2011). Ten steps to building college reading skills (5th Ed). New Jersey: Townsend
BTC.Curriculum Committee.March.2019
5. Langan, j. (2008). Groundwork for college reading (4 th Ed). New Jersey: Townsend Press.
6. McCarthy, M & F O'Dell (2008) Academic Vocabulary in English. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
7. McWhorter, K.T. (2014). Academic reading. (8th Edition). Longman
8. Sanabria, K. (2013). Longman Academic Reading Series 2. Student book. Pearson Education
9. Wells, L.Valcourt, G. (2010). Vocabulary mastery 3: Using and learning the academic word
list. Michigan ELT.
10. Zemach, D. (2010). Building academic reading skills 2. Michigan. University of Michigan Press
11. Zwier, L.J. (2010). Mastering academic reading. Michigan: University of Michigan Press.

20. Other Resources (e.g. e-Learning, field visits, periodicals, software, library, LIM, etc.):
‫ مصادر أخرى (مثل التعلم اإللكتروني والزيارات الميدانية والدوريات وتطبيقات اإللكترونية ومركز مصادر التعلم‬. 20
:)‫ومركز التعلم وإدارة المعلومات وغيرها‬
 Academic and Critical Reading:
 Active Reading Strategies:
 Comprehension Strategies:
 Effective Reading Strategies:
 ESL/EFL Teaching/Learning Resources Reading:
 Reading Comprehension:
 Reading Comprehension Strategies for English Language Learners:
 Reading Critically:
 Reading Critically:
 Six Active Reading Strategies:
 Textbook Reading Strategies:
 Using English for Academic Purposes: A Guide for Students in Higher Education: Reading
Skills for Academic Study.
21. Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs): :‫ مخرجات المقرر التعليمية‬.21
Mapping to PILOs
‫خريطة االرتباط بمخرجات البرنامج التعليمية‬
CILOs / ‫مخرجات المقرر التعليمية‬ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Advance vocabulary skills through √ √ √
structural and context cues.
2 Apply active reading strategies to √ √ √ √
comprehend academic texts.
3 Advance reading comprehension through √ √ √ √
knowledge of stated and implied main
ideas, supporting details, patterns of
paragraph organization, and transitions.
4 Demonstrate critical thinking skills in √ √ √ √
analyzing and evaluating an academic
5 Make inferences/draw conclusions based √ √ √
on textual information.
6 Demonstrate ability to read faster with √ √ √
BTC.Curriculum Committee.March.2019
7 Paraphrase, summarize, and outline √ √ √ √
assigned readings.
)‫مخرجات البرنامج التعليمية (كفايات المدرس‬
1. Content Knowledge ‫معرفة المحتوى‬
2. Student Development ‫تطوير الطلبة‬
3. Diverse Learners ‫الفروق الفردية بين المتعلمين‬
4. Instructional Strategies ‫استراتيجيات التدريس‬
5. Learning Environment )‫بيئة التعلم (إدارة الصف‬
6. Assessment ‫التقييم‬
7. Communication & Instructional Technology ‫تكنولوجيا التعليم والتواصل‬
8. School and Community Engagement ‫المشاركة المدنية بين المدرسة والمجتمع‬
9. Reflective Practice, Ethics, & Professionalism ‫الممارسة األخالقية والتف ّكرية والكفاءة المهنية‬
22. Course Weekly Breakdown: :‫ الجدول التفصيلي األسبوعي للمقرر‬.22
The schedule below is tentative & subject to change throughout the semester. All changes to the
schedule will be announced in class and via e-mail
Week e Topics Covered Teaching Method(s) Assessment
‫التار األسبوع‬ ‫المواضيع التي سيتم تغطيتها‬ ‫طرق التدريس‬ ‫التقييم‬
Course Introduction
Direct Instruction/
1. Introduction: course
Lecture/Power Point Observation/
requirements, expectations,
Video Question &
etc. 2. Emotional Intelligence,
1 1,2 Activity (Handouts) answer/ in
Active skills for reading: book
Presentation/ class
4, pp 94-99
Whole Class Discussion activities
3. Assignment #1: take 2 of 3
Pair & Group Work
self-tests for reading level.
CILO 1: Advance vocabulary Direct Instruction/
skills through structural and Lecture/Power Point
Question &
context cues. Video activity
2 1,2 answer/ in
Vocabulary Building - A (Handouts)
1. Structural cues: word Presentation/
roots, prefixes, suffixes
Direct Instruction/
CILO 7: Paraphrase,
Lecture/Power Point Observation/
summarize, and outline
Video activity Question &
assigned readings
3 (Handouts) answer/ in
Introduction to the Book
Presentation/ class
report Project – extensive
Whole Class Discussion activities
Pair & Group Work
Direct Instruction/
Vocabulary Building – B
Lecture/Power Point
1 Context cues
Video Quiz 1
4 Content area collocations 2
Activity (Handouts)
Recognizing paragraph
organization/text structure.
Whole Class Discussion

BTC.Curriculum Committee.March.2019
CILO2: Apply active reading Pair & Group Work
strategies to comprehend
academic texts.
Direct Instruction/
CILO 6 Demonstrate ability to
Lecture/Power Point
read faster with
understanding. Book Report
5 6 Activity (Handouts)
Speed reading practice and Due
Whole Class Discussion
Pair & Group Work
CILO3 Advance reading
comprehension through Direct Instruction/
knowledge of stated and Lecture/Power Point Observation/
implied main ideas, Video Question &
6 supporting details, patterns 1,2,3 Activity (Handouts) answer/ in
of paragraph organization, Presentation/ class
and transitions. Whole Class Discussion activities
Intro. To Reading Project 1 – Pair & Group Work
instructions and rubric.
Direct Instruction/
CILO 4: Demonstrate critical Observation/
Lecture/Power Point
thinking skills in analyzing Question &
and evaluating an academic answer/ in
7 4 Activity (Handouts)
text: a) identifying steps in class
logic activities
Whole Class Discussion
Pair & Group Work
Direct Instruction/
Lecture/Power Point
Reading projects 1,2,3 Reading
8 Activity (Handouts)
presentations ,4,7 Project 1 Due
Whole Class Discussion
Pair & Group Work
Direct Instruction/
CILO 5: Make
Lecture/Power Point Observation/
inferences/draw conclusions
Video Question &
based on textual information.
9 Activity (Handouts) answer/ in
Combine with preview and
Presentation/ class
prediction to increase
Whole Class Discussion activities
Pair & Group Work
Reading Fluency: Using
Previewing and predicting Direct Instruction/
CILO 6: Demonstrate ability Lecture/Power Point Observation/
to read faster with Video Question &
10 understanding. Using content Activity (Handouts) answer/ in
knowledge for predicting. Presentation/ class
Oral reading practice Whole Class Discussion activities
strategies to increase Pair & Group Work
Review: Using conventions – Direct Instruction/ Question &
transitions, references, Lecture/Power Point answer/ in

BTC.Curriculum Committee.March.2019
paragraph and essay Whole Class Discussion class
structure to increase fluency. Pair & Group Work activities
Review: Ability to read faster
Direct Instruction/
with understanding.
Lecture/Power Point
Reading Fluency: Using
Previewing and predicting 1,2,3
12 Activity (Handouts) Quiz 2
Using content knowledge for ,6
predicting. Oral reading
Whole Class Discussion
practice strategies to
Pair & Group Work
increase fluency.
Direct Instruction/
Lecture/Power Point
Reading projects Reading
13 Presentation/
presentations Project 2 Due
Whole Class Discussion
Pair & Group Work
Review: Using conventions –
transitions, references, Direct Instruction/ Observation/
paragraph and essay Lecture/Power Point Question &
14 structure to increase fluency. 1,2,3 Handouts Presentation/ answer/ in
CILO 7: Paraphrase, Whole Class Discussion class
summarize, and outline Pair & Group Work activities
assigned readings
CILO3 Advance reading
comprehension through Direct Instruction/
knowledge of stated and Lecture/Power Point
implied main ideas, Video E portfolio
15 supporting details, patterns 1,2,3 Activity (Handouts) reflections
of paragraph organization, Presentation/ due
and transitions. Whole Class Discussion
Text structures & patterns by Pair & Group Work
Direct Instruction/ Question &
Course and Final exam Lecture/Power Point answer/ in
16 1-7
Review Whole Class Discussion class
Pair & Group Work activities
23. Instructional Approaches: :‫ النهج التدريسي‬.23
Direct Instruction Small Group Discussion
20% 15%
‫التدريس المباشر‬ ‫مناقشة مجموعات صغيرة‬
Small Group Projects Independent Assignments
20% 25%
‫مشاريع مجموعات صغيرة‬ ‫مهمات مستقلة‬
Whole Class Discussion Other
20% N/A
‫مناقشة للصف بالكامل‬ ‫أخرى‬
24. Course Assessment: ‫ تقييم المقرر‬.24
Assessment Weight Type Due Date
No ‫ات‬
‫التقييم‬ ‫النسبة‬ ‫النوع‬ ‫تاريخ التسليم‬
10% Formal/
1 Professional commitment Continuous
BTC.Curriculum Committee.March.2019
1,2, 15% Formal/ Week 4 &
2 Quizzes (2)
3,4 Individual 12
40% Formal/
3 Final Exam 1-8 TBA
Week 8 &
4 Reading Project (I & II) 1-8 20% Group/Indiv
1,2, 10%
5 Extended reading completion 3,5 Week 5
5% Formal/
6 E-Portfolio Refection 1-8 Week 15
Total / ‫المجموع‬ 100%
25. Classroom and Academic Policies: :‫ السياسات الصفية واألكاديمية‬.25
Attendance ‫الحضور‬
The student must attend all lectures consistently ‫على الطالب حضور المحاضرات بشكل منتظم حسب‬
and punctually depending on the class timings. In ‫ وفي حالة الغياب عن أحد‬.‫أوقات المحاضرات‬
case a student is absent or has missed a lecture, it is ‫ فإن الطالب مسئول عن ما تم تغطيته‬،‫المحاضرات‬
his/her responsibility to find out what work he/she ‫خالل تلك المحاضرة سواء من حيث المحتوى‬
missed pertaining to homework, revision, class ‫ بما في ذلك‬،‫المشروح أو المادة الموزعة على الطلبة‬
notes, and such. .‫الواجبات والمذكرات واإلعالنات وغيرها‬
Being late to lectures ّ
‫التأخرعن المحاضرات‬
Tardiness is unacceptable. Being late to a lecture ‫ التأ ّخر عن المحاضرة‬،‫التأ ّخر سلوك غير مقبول‬
for five minutes or more without an excuse will ‫لخمس دقائق أو أكثر بدون عذر سيؤثر على درجات‬
affect your professional commitment grades. ‫ حيث سيتم استقطاع درجات يقدرها‬،‫االلتزام المهني‬
Grades will be deducted based on the instructor’s 20 ‫ أما في حالة التأخر لمدة أكثر من‬.‫أستاذ المقرّر‬
discretion. In case of lateness for more than 20 ‫دقيقة بدون عذر سوف يتم اعتبار الطالب غائبا ً لذلك‬
minutes without an excuse the student will be .‫اليوم‬
considered absent for that day.
Absence: ‫الغياب‬
If the student's absence exceeds 15% of the ‫ من المحاضرات‬٪15 ‫إذا تعدت نسبة غياب الطالب‬
lectures, either with excuse or without excuse, the ‫ فسوف يخضع الطالب‬،‫سواء بعذر أو من غير عذر‬
student will be subject to the first absence .‫إلنذار الغياب األول‬
warning. ،‫ من المحاضرات‬%25 ‫إذا تع ّدت نسبة غياب الطالب‬
If the student's absences exceed 25% of the ‫فإن الكلية ستقوم بتشكيل لجنة للنظر في األعذار التي‬
lectures, the college will set up a committee to
‫ وعلى ضوء قرار اللجنة سيتم إعالم‬،‫قدمها الطالب‬
consider the student's excuses. According to the
‫الطالب إذا كان سيحرم من المحاضرات وسيحصل‬
committee's decision the student will be notified if
he/she is not going to be allowed to attend the ‫ أو سيحصل على‬،‫ في المقرر‬WA, WF ‫على عالمة‬
course lectures and will get a grade of WF or WA, .‫فرصة مشروطة لمتابعة الدراسة‬
or if he/she is going to get another conditional
chance to continue the course study.
Delay in completion of required work ‫التأخير في إنجاز العمل المطلوب‬
Work or projects submitted late is subject to an ‫التسليم المتأخر للواجبات أو المشاريع يخضع لعقوبة‬
academic penalty determined by the instructor of ‫تقييم أكاديمية يقرّرها أستاذ المقرر قد تصل إلى رفض‬
the course. Late work will be rejected, and the ‫العمل المتأ ّخر واحتساب درجة صفر في خانة هذا‬
student work will be graded zero. Work that is ‫ لن تمنح أية درجة لعدم إنجاز العمل نتيجة‬.‫العمل‬
.‫الغياب بدون عذر‬

BTC.Curriculum Committee.March.2019
incomplete will not be graded if the student was
absent without an excuse.

Plagiarism ‫ األمانة العلمية‬/‫السرقة األدبية‬

Using or closely imitating the language and thought ‫تعني استخدام أو تقليد لغة وأفكار كاتب ما دون‬
of another author without authorization and the ‫الحصول على موافقته ونسب النص أو جزء منه إلى‬
representation of that author’s work as one’s own, .‫الطالب دون اإلشارة إلى الكاتب األصلي‬
as by not crediting the original author is considered ‫السرقة العلمية الذاتية أو كما تسمى "إعادة استخدام‬
plagiarism. “Self-plagiarism” is dishonest and ‫النصوص" تُعد إحدى أنواع الغش وعدم األمانة‬
accepted as a form of plagiarism as well. It is not ‫ من غير المقبول من أي طالب أن يقوم بتسليم‬.‫العلمية‬
‫ الخ) ألكثر‬.. ،‫ مشروع‬،‫ ورقة بحثية‬،‫عمل ما (نشاط‬
acceptable for a student to submit an assignment, in
‫ وإذا تم التوصل إلى أن الطالب قد‬،‫من مقرر أو أستاذ‬
which some or all of that paper/work/text has
‫قام بهذا الفعل سيتم التعامل معه اعتمادا على‬
already been submitted for another course or .‫اإلجراءات التأديبية المتخذة في حالة السرقة العلمية‬
instructor. Students who plagiarize will be dealt ‫عدم األمانة العلمية سيؤدي إلى اتخاذ إجراءات تأديبية‬
with according to the rules and disciplinary ‫قد تصل إلى الفصل النهائي من كلية البحرين للمعلمين‬
measures in place for plagiarism including and up to ‫ مع العلم بأن هذه اإلجراءات التأديبية‬،‫وجامعة البحرين‬
expulsion from the BTC and the University of ‫سواء كانت تتعلق باألداء األكاديمي أو السلوك ستكون‬
Bahrain. Disciplinary actions will remain as a part of .‫جزءا دائما من سجل الطالب‬
students’ permanent records. Refer to BTC Student ‫عند تقديم مشروع جماعي أو عرض جماعي فإن جميع‬
Handbook for more information on the BTC policy ‫الطلبة مسئولون عن خلو كل جزء من العمل المقدم من‬
with regard to academic honesty and professional ‫ للمزيد من المعلومات عن األمانة‬.‫أية سرقة علمية‬
behavior. ‫العلمية والسلوك المهني الرجاء الرجوع إلى كتيب‬
.‫الطالب للكلية البحرين للمعلمين‬
Please refer to Student Handbook for more information related to policies & procedures
‫للمزيد من المعلومات المتعلقة بالسياسات واإلجراءات الرجاء الرجوع لكتيب الطالب‬
26. Grades: :‫ الدرجات والتقدير‬.26
Letter Grade Percentage Equivalent Grade Point Value
‫الدرجة بالحروف‬ ‫الدرجات المعادلة للنسب‬ ‫قيمة المعدل المعادلة للدرجات‬
A 90-100 4.00
A 87-89 3.70
B 84-86 3.30
B 80-83 3.00
B 77-79 2.67
C 74-76 2.33
C 70-73 2.00
C 67-69 1.67
D 64-66 1.33
D 60-63 1.0
F Below 60 0
27. Rubrics: :‫ معايير التقييم‬.27

BTC.Curriculum Committee.March.2019

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