Brochure Assess LP 1

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Nursing Advanced Skills Hybrid Course

Learning Plan 1

Initiate IV Therapy via Peripheral Access


Initiate IV Therapy via peripheral access.

Performance Standard

You choose the correct insertion site, correct equipment and relate selections to appropriate
clinical indicators.

Learning Objective

Determine guidelines for vein and catheter selection based on client status and clinical
indications for intravenous therapy.

Learning Activity

Create an instructional brochure outlining guidelines for vein and catheter selection
for intravenous therapy and relate selections to appropriate clinical indications.


For this assessment you will create a two page (two columns each page) brochure instructing student
nurses in guidelines for vein and catheter selection with a description of clinical indicators for IV therapy
related to each vein and catheter selection.

-Read your text and required articles and determine guidelines needed for student nurse instruction in
common vein and catheter selection and relate selections to appropriate clinical indicators.

-Structure your brochure in a format similar to brochures you have used in your personal/professional life.
Avoid using a lot of narrative information but rather present information in short bursts or bullets. Use of
pictures or clip art is allowed.

-Make sure to cite all references used in the production of the brochure at the end of the brochure.

-Make your brochure to meet the criteria of the rubric.

-Show your brochure to a peer NOT assigned to this assessment. Make adjustments based on the
feedback you receive.

-Submit brochure with the rubric, to the specific content instructor for evaluation. The brochure can be
submitted electronically or in printed format. Submit your brochure to safe assignment.
Rubric Brochure for instructing in Guidelines for IV Insertion Total 10

Criteria Points Received Comments

1.Vein selection
2pts Discusses common
veins utilized for peripheral
IV therapy as reviewed in
1pt Missing 1 commonly
used vein
.5pt Discussion of veins
weak or incomplete.
0pt Too brief/general
2. Catheter selection. 2pts
2pts Discusses common
catheters utilized for
peripheral IV therapy as
reviewed in readings.
1pt Missing 1 commonly
used catheter.
.5pt Discussion of
catheters weak or
0pt Too brief/general

3. Discussion of clinical
indicators present in vein and
catheter selection.
2pts Discussion of clinical
indicators present in vein
and catheter selection for
each vein & catheter
selected in criteria 1&2.
1pt Discussion of clinical
indicators too general.
.5pt Discussion of clinical
indicators incomplete/poor
0pt Discussion weak.
4. Information complete and
demonstrates understanding.
2pts Information complete
and demonstrates
understanding of vein &
catheter selection and links
to clinical indicators.
1pt Information complete
but lacks thorough
.5pt Information too general
and lacks clear
0pt Too weak.
5. Brochure presentation. 2pts
2pts Brochure presented is
clear , concise and in a
creative instructional format.
1pt Brochure presented is
disorganized/too wordy.
.5pt Brochure is
informational but not
0ptBrochure too simplistic.

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