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Name: ____________________________ Score: ______

Time: _____________________________
Instructor: __________________________

Determine whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false, explain why.
1. The expected value of a random variable can be thought of as a long-run average.
2. The number of courses a student is taking this semester is an example of a continuous random
3. When the binomial distribution is used, the outcomes must be dependent.
4. A binomial experiment has a fixed number of trials.
5. The total area under a normal distribution is infinite.
6. The standard normal distribution is a continuous distribution.
7. All variables that are approximately normally distributed can be transformed to standard normal
8. The z value corresponding to a number below the mean is always negative.
9. The area under the standard normal distribution to the left of z = 0 is negative.
10. The central limit theorem applies to means of samples selected from different populations.

Complete these statements with the best answer.

1. Random variable values are determined by ____________ .

2. One requirement for a probability distribution is that the sum of all the events in the sample space
must equal to ________.
3. The sum of the probabilities of all outcomes in a probability distribution is ______.
4. The mean of the standard normal distribution is _________.
5. Approximately what percentage of normally distributed data values will fall within 1 standard
deviation above or below the mean? _______
6. When one is using the standard normal distribution, P(z < 0) =_______
7. The difference between a sample mean and a population mean is due to ______________.
8. The mean of the sample means equals ____________.
9. The standard deviation of all possible sample means is called the _____ of the mean.
10. The standard deviation of the standard normal distribution is _______.

Skills Enhancement Activities

Solve the following problems correctly assuming that the sample is taken from a large population.

1. A survey found that the American family generates an average of 17.2 pounds of glass garbage each
year. Assume the standard deviation of the distribution is 2.5 pounds. Find the probability that the
mean of a sample of 55 families will be between 17 and 18 pounds?

2. The mean weight of 18-year old females is 126 pounds, and the standard deviation is 15.7. If a
sample of 25 females is selected, find the probability that the mean of the sample will be greater than
128.3 pounds. Assume the variable is normally distributed.

3. The mean score on a dexterity test for 12-year-olds is 30. The standard deviation is 5. If a
psychologist administers the test to a class of 22 students, find the probability that the mean of the
sample will be between 27 and 31. Assume the variable is normally distributed.
4. The average cholesterol content of a certain brand of eggs is 215 milligrams (mg), and the standard
deviation is 15 mg. Assume the variable is normally distributed.

a) If a single egg is selected, find the probability that the cholesterol content will be greater than 220

b) If a sample of 25 eggs is selected, find the probability that the mean of the sample will be greater
than 22 mg.

5. The average gross monthly income of the airline pilots in the Philippines for the year 2004 is P98,
575. Assuming that salaries are normally distributed with a standard deviation of P10,000, what is
the probability that if a pilot is selected at random:)
a) His salary is more than P100, 000?
b) His salary is less than P95, 000?
c) Between P80, 000 and P100, 000?

6. The average number of gallons of lemonade consumed by the football team during a game is 20, with
a standard deviation of 3 gallons. Assume the variable is normally distributed. When a game is
played, find the probability that the consumption is
a) Between 20 and 25 gallons
b) Less than 19 gallons
c) More than 21 gallons
d) Between 26 and 28 gallons

7. The average height of a certain age group of people is 53 inches. The standard deviation is 4 inches.
If the variable is normally distributed, find the probability that a selected individual’s height will be
a) Greater than 59 inches
b) Less than 45 inches
c) Between 50 and 55 inches
d) Between 58 and 62 inches

8. The average time it takes a group of adults to complete a certain achievement test is 46.2 minutes and
a standard deviation of 8 minutes. Assume the variable is normally distributed. Find the probability
that a randomly selected adult will complete the test in less than 43 minutes.
a) Find the probability that, if 50 randomly selected adults take the test, the mean time it takes the
group to complete the test will be 43 minutes.
b) Does it seem reasonable that an adult would finish the test in less than 43 minutes? Explain.
c) Does it seem reasonable that the mean of 50 adults could be less than 43 minutes? Explain.
Statistical Literacy and Critical Thinking

1. Read the following study and answer the questions.

The White or Wheat Bread Debate

A baking company selected 36 women weighing different amounts and randomly assigned them to four
different groups. The four groups were white bread only, brown bread only, low-fat white bread only, and
low-fat brown bread only. Each group could eat only the type of bread assigned to the group. The study
lasted for eight weeks. No other changes in any of the women’s diets were allowed. A trained evaluator
was used to check for any differences in the women’s diets. The results showed that there were no
differences in weight gain between the groups over the eight-week period.

1. Did the researchers use a population or a sample for their study?

2. Based on who conducted this study, would you consider the study to be biased?

3. Which sampling method do you think was used to obtain the original 36 women for the study
(random, systematic, stratified, or clustered)?

4. Which sampling method would you use? Why?

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