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Impact of Technology on Personal Safety

Technology has had a huge impact on human lives. Whether it is to ordering food at your
table or connecting with people from all over the world, technology has truly made our lives
easier day by day. As we are a technologically well-advanced world, we also know that these
advancements come at a cost.
From small robots to assembly line machines, we have come a long way. But this also means
that human labor is getting replaced by these machines slowly day by day. “Even though
machines are more efficient than humans, they use far more energy in less time than human
labors.”1 This can be disastrous in the long run. Modern world machines require more
developed safety policies for the workers that operates them.
Technological advancement is inevitable. As our earth’s resources gets depleted in huge
numbers every day, we are only doing more than good to ourselves which we will only
realize in the days to come. With technology, also comes great risk and harm. New viruses
are being created everyday which can make millions of dollars go away in the blink of an
The use of data is crucial everywhere and most of these data are stored in computers which
are vulnerable to cyber attacks and can leak personal information in minutes. Big companies
are compromising with people’s private data which is very dangerous in today’s world.
Therefore, more strict policies and regulations should be brought into place in order to
protect the personal data of billions of people around the world.
Children are also entering into the cyber space at an increasing rate. This only creates more
vulnerability to private data store in our phones, computers and laptops etc. The only way
to tackle this is educating children from an early age and also create an awareness among
the people about data safety.


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