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Principle of Communication Lab Manual EEE351

Lab 2: Introduction to LabVIEW and USRP

Objective: The main objective of this lab is to get familiar with LabVIEW graphical programing basics,
programing tools and debugging tools.

Lab Task
In-Lab Task 1
Create a VI in while loop. Create the logic to find out which (the first) index in the array that have the
number greater than 30. See front panel below.

Front Panel & Block Diagram

11 CIIT Attock Campus

Principle of Communication Lab Manual EEE351

In-Lab Task 2
Implement the given VI in LABVIEW. In given VI the indexing of input tunnel is enabled. Disable the
indexing and find the correct indicator type for the output and explain the reason.

Front Panel & Block Diagram

The correct indicator type for An array is NUMERIC INDICATOR because in loop it takes number from the
array and sums it up with the constant(2) given by User.

In-Lab Task 3
Take an input cluster having the record of a student’s profile such as name, age, university name and
employment status. Unbundle this cluster to display the name and employment status of the student,
also modify the age of the student and display it.
Front Panel & Block Diagram

12 CIIT Attock Campus

Principle of Communication Lab Manual EEE351

Post-Lab Task 1
Implement the given VI in LABVIEW. In given VI the indexing of input tunnel and output tunnel are
enabled. First, disable the indexing of input tunnel and explain the errors occurred. Find the solution for
the errors and repeat the same procedure for output tunnel.


Without Indexing. The Error is mentioned in ScreenShot.

Front Panel & Block Diagram

Without Indexing. The Error is Corrected in ScreenShot.

Front Panel & Block Diagram

13 CIIT Attock Campus

Principle of Communication Lab Manual EEE351

Post-Lab Task 2
Make an array v= [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10], develop an algorithm such that the first element of the vector is
multiplied by length(v), second element by length(v)-1and similarly the last element i.e. 10 is multiplied
by length(v)-9. The final output array should be f= [10 18 24 28 30 30 28 24 18 10]. The algorithm
devised should only use the array size function of array v to achieve array f.
Front Panel & Block Diagram

In this lab we were able to know more about arrays and loops, and further more we learnt about

14 CIIT Attock Campus

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