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The Principal,


Kotha Kalaan

Subject: increase in salary package

Respected sir,

With due respect, it is stated that i am performing duty as science teacher in ..... school for
about one year. I am performing my duty honestly. My students are satsified wtih my teaching
techniques ans strategies. I always tried to givey best.

Sir! as u know, i am the most qualified among the staff. Everyone is satisfied with my work. I tackle with
all the sections when their incharge is at off. I look after about the necessities of all the students. I am
serving my best to the school. But monthly salary is not in accordance withy services. So, it is humbly
stated that there should be an increment in my salary. Kindly make an increase in my pay as soon as
possible. I will be grateful to you.

Thank you

Name: ..............

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