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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

English 1

Actividad #1
Trabajo individual N°1

Presentado por:
Dayana Alexandra Linares Arciniegas

Presentado a:
Director de curso
Camilo Arturo Cendales

Campus Virtual-UNAD-Agosto 25.08.21


1. Introduce yourself in the Discussion Forum (Learning environment). You can

use this paragraph as a template:

Name: My name is Dayana Alexandra Linares

Age: I am 19 years old.
City of residence: I live in the La Dorada Caldas.
Marital Status: I am single.
Job: Customer Support.

2. Choose a song in English that you like, paste the link of this song in your
task document. If you do not know any English singer or song, you can
search on internet or ask a friend for a recommendation.

Use the APA rules to reference the video. Post your song in the Discussion

This is the song which I like:

3. Write a short commitment to study English during the development of this

course and the whole career. You can write it in Spanish or English as you

You can use this sample or write your own, with your own words. Post your
commitment in the Discussion Forum

Yo, Dayana Alexandra Linares Arciniegas, me comprometeré principalmente

conmigo misma para realizar las actividades de inglés sin utilizar traductor, solo
con aplicaciones tecnológicas y un diccionario en mis manos.
I, Dayana Alexandra Linares Arciniegas, will commit myself mainly to myself to
carry out English activities without using a translator, only with technological
applications and a dictionary in my hands.

4. Explore the Virtual Course and answer these question: (Post your answers
in the Discussion forum)

4.1 How many environments does the course have?

a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Six

4.2 Which environment contains the Course Agenda?

a. Initial information environment

b. Learning environment
c. Evaluation environment

4.3 Where can you find the E-book?

a. Initial information environment

b. Learning environment
c. Evaluation environment

4.4 How many units does the E-book have?

a. 10 Units
b. 12 Units
c. 14 Units

4.5 What is the name of the Unit 2 in the E-book?

a. How are you?

b. How’s your family?
c. What kind of music do you like?



 Londoño, E. (2018). Basic Writing. [video file]. Retrieved from

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