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MME40001 Engineering Management II

Minor Activity Sheet 5

Name: S M Shagor Tutorial Group: Tuesday

Student ID: 102427517 Date: 21/08/21

I. What are the main types of strategies/ dimensions?




Cheap, customised, Fast service

II. What is Product Life Cycle and why it is beneficial?

For marketers, managers, and designers alike, the product life-cycle is a useful tool. It
identifies four distinct stages in the life of a product and provides recommendations for
designing strategies to make the most of those stages while also promoting the product's
overall success in the marketplace.

III. What is SWOT analysis and why it is beneficial?

SWOT Analysis is a basic yet effective framework for examining the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats that your company faces. It enables you to build on your
strengths, fix your weaknesses, reduce risks, and maximize your chances of success.

Strength Opportunities

Weaknesses Threats

IV. What are the Porter Competitive Forces?

Potential Entrants

Suppliers Industry Competitors Buyers


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