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1. Explain the type of tests involved in Holistic feature tests.

1) Written test

○ Pupil gets to read a text to acquire their understanding before

answering the questions
○ This type of task consists of usually an open ended question, to
arouse higher order thinking skills
○ Thus, this type of test eventually draws on learning from earlier
in the year as a cumulative result of their understanding
○ To ensure they had understood the lessons taught throughout
the year well

2) Project-Based

- This kind of task usually brings in the elements of learning from

more than one organiser
- Therefore, it could work as a multi-stage task, as the pupil move
from one task to complete another
- Tasks without too much explicit instruction let the pupils think
even better and stimulate their response better

2. Name the type of tests and their functions and construct 2 items for each
test type.
Written test

● Students are able to create text for different purposes and present ideas or
convey a point of view with the use of language, style and tone (word choice,
persuasive language, imagery and/or rhetorical devices) as appropriate to genre.

Example 1:

Read the text carefully and retell this story from the point of view of a different
character of your choosing e.g. Cinderella from the point of view of the step-mother.
Example 2:

Read through the advertisement brief carefully. Using this knowledge, create a persuasive
text which persuades the reader to buy the product.
Project-based test


1. Students are able to create a clear instructions in appropriate way, read

instructions carefully and organized the informations to suit purpose and
2. Students are able to create a piece of writing that applies features and
aspects of the chosen genre confidently and effectively.

Example 1:

Select a traditional game for Malaysian Day Event and write a clear set of instructions to
help others play the game. Design a poster to persuade visitors to the event that your
game is worth playing! Try each other’s games by reading the instructions provided and
choose your favourite, giving a reason for your choice.

Example 2:

A creative piece of writing using the Spongebob Squarepants poster as stimulus.
Learners consider their own view of a cartoon world. Aspects of their world to be
created are: character’s name of their own, the environment (Patrick’s House etc,,) and
many more, as in accordance to the rubric. Through use of setting, mood and language
they should create and sustain a bleak vision of the future Spongebob Squarepants with
a structured plot and narrative.

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