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Before you start preparing the seminar read and try to follow:

 You are given 5-7minutes for one answer.

 All your answers must be with presentation.
 Presentation must consists of the main facts, photos, pictures; but not with
texts, or long sentences.
 Use different courses not one.
 While prepare your answer try to find interesting information wherever it is
past or present times! Be creative!
 Make your answer attention-grabbing!

Seminar 1

Geography of the United Kingdom. Contemporary Period


1. The definition of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

2. The flag of the UK. The flag of England. The flag of Scotland. The
flag of Wales. The flag of Northern Ireland (the origin, historical background
and contemporary period of ALL flags).
3. State symbols of the UK (the flag of the UK (in a brief), the Royal
Coat of Arms, the National Anthem of the UK). (Their origin, historical
background and contemporary period)
4. National symbols of England (patron/saint, national flower, national
animal, coat of arms, motto, anthem) (Their origin, historical background and
contemporary period)
5. National symbols of Scotland (patron/saint, national flower, national
animal, coat of arms, motto, anthem) (Their origin, historical background and
contemporary period)
6. National symbols of Wales (patron/saint, national flower, national
animal, coat of arms, motto, anthem) (Their origin, historical background and
contemporary period)
7. National symbols of Northern Ireland (patron/saint, national flower,
national animal, coat of arms, motto, anthem) (Their origin, historical
background and contemporary period)
8. The capital of England – London (about the city and its main
sightseeings: St. Paul’s Cathedral, The Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Trafalgar
Square, The Houses of Parliament or Westminster Palace, Buckingham Palace,
Westminster Abbey, Windsor Castle, London Eye, Soho, Hyde Park) (Their
origin, historical background and contemporary period)
9. The capital of Scotland – Edinburgh (about the city and its main
sightseeings, the Edinburgh Festival. (Their origin, historical background and
contemporary period)
10. The capital of Wales – Cardiff (about the city and its main
sightseeings). (Their origin, historical background and contemporary period)
11. The capital of Northern Ireland – Belfast (about the city and its
main sightseeings). (Their origin, historical background and contemporary
12. (OPTIONAL) Geography of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland.


1. Гапонів А. Б., Возна М. О. Лінгвокраїнознавство. Англомовні

країни. Підручник для студентів та викладачів вищих навчальних
закладів. – Вінниця: НОВА КНИГА, 2005. – 464 с.
2. Козикис, Д. Д. Страноведение. Великобритания = British Studies:
учебное пособие по специальности "Современ. иностр. яз." учреждений,
обеспечивающих получение высш. образования / Козикис, Дмитрий
Дмитриевич; Д. Д. Козикис, Г. И. Медведев, Н. В. Демченко. - 2-е изд.;
испр.и доп. - Минск: Лексис, 2005. - 120 с.
3. Маркушевская Л.П. Учебное пособие по страноведению:
Великобритания. - СПбГУ ИТМО, 2008. - 130 с.
4. Михайлов Н. Н. Лингвострановедение Англии = English cultural
studies: учебное пособие для студентов высших учебных заведений,
обучающихся по специальности "Иностранный язык" / Михайлов, Николай
Николаевич; Н. Н. Михайлов. - 3-е изд.; стер. - М.: Академия, 2010. – 205c.
5. Кузьменкова Ю. Б. От традиций культуры к нормам речевого
поведения британцев, американцев и россиян / Кузьменкова, Юлия
Борисовна; Ю. Б. Кузьменкова ; Гос. ун-т Высшая шк. экономики. - Москва:
МАКС ПРЕСС, 2008. - 314с.
6. Леонович, О. А. Страноведение Великобритании: [учеб. пособие
для лингвист. вузов и фак.] / Леонович, ОлегАнатольевич; О. А. Леонович. -
3-е изд. - М.: КДУ, 2005 (Киров: Дом печати - ВЯТКА). - 252, [1] с.

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