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Hydro-Control V

User Guide

Hydronix Part no: HD0193

Version 2.4.1
Revision date: March 2010


Neither the whole or any part of the information contained in nor the product described in this documentation
may be adapted or reproduced in any material form except with the prior written approval of Hydronix
Limited, hereinafter referred to as Hydronix.

© 2003 Hydronix Limited

7, Riverside Business Centre, Walnut Tree Close
United Kingdom

All rights reserved


The customer in applying the product described in this documentation accepts that the product is a
programmable electronic system which is inherently complex and which may not be completely free of
errors. In doing so the customer therefore undertakes responsibility to ensure that the product is properly
installed commissioned operated and maintained by competent and suitably trained persons and in
accordance with any instructions or safety precautions made available or good engineering practice and to
thoroughly verify the use of the product in the particular application.


The product described in this documentation is subject to continuous development and improvement. All
information of a technical nature and particulars of the product and its use including the information and
particulars contained in this documentation are given by Hydronix in good faith.

Hydronix welcomes comments and suggestions relating to the product and this documentation.

This documentation is intended only to assist the reader in the use of the product and therefore Hydronix
shall not be liable for any loss or damage howsoever arising from the use of information or particulars in or
any error in or omission from this documentation.


Hydronix, Hydro-Probe, Hydro-Skid, Hydro-Mix, Hydro-View and Hydro-Control are Registered Trade Marks
of Hydronix Limited.

2 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Revision History

Issue No S/W Version Date Changes

1.0.0 HS0035 May 01 Original

1.1.0 HS0035 Nov 01 Software upgrade. Reference made to Hydro-

3.0 Probe Orbiter

2.0.0 HS0035 Oct 03 Software upgrade.


HS0035 Software upgrade. Temperature Compensation

2.1.0 May 04 added. Pre-wet and Final-wet valve selection

2.2.0 HS0035 July 06 Software upgrade.


2.3.0 HS0035 March 07 Formatting Correction page 87


2.4.0 HS0035 July 07 User Guide re-indexed


2.4.1 HS0035 March 10 Modification to OPTO selection and maximum

5.05 flowmeter frequency

Hydro-Control V User Guide 3

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Figure 1 – Hydro-Control V - Front Panel

4 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Table of Contents
TABLE OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 9
CHAPTER 2 OPERATION....................................................................................................................... 11
BASIC OPERATION OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................... 11
SETTING MIX TIMES...................................................................................................................................................... 13
EDITING RECIPES .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
MIX CONTROL MODES ................................................................................................................................................... 14
PRESET MODE ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
AUTO MODE ................................................................................................................................................................. 17
AUTO MODE CONTROL PARAMETERS ........................................................................................................................... 20
CALC MODE................................................................................................................................................................... 22
CHAPTER 3 MENU DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................... 27
MENU TREE .................................................................................................................................................................. 27
START MENU ................................................................................................................................................................ 28
SELECT RECIPE ............................................................................................................................................................. 30
EDIT RECIPE .................................................................................................................................................................. 31
MIXING ......................................................................................................................................................................... 36
SYSTEM AUTOMATIC PAUSE AND ALARM ...................................................................................................................... 37
TRIM AND UPDATE ........................................................................................................................................................ 38
MIX LOG ....................................................................................................................................................................... 39
SETUP SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................................................. 45
SENSOR CONFIGURATION .............................................................................................................................................. 54
CHAPTER 4 RS232 INTERFACE ........................................................................................................... 57
RS232 CONNECTIONS ON OPERATOR TERMINAL .......................................................................................................... 57
SENDING REMOTE COMMANDS ..................................................................................................................................... 57
CONNECTING TO A PC/LAPTOP ..................................................................................................................................... 64
UPGRADING SOFTWARE ................................................................................................................................................ 65
CHAPTER 5 INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................ 67
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 67
INSTALLING THE HYDRO-CONTROL V .......................................................................................................................... 68
WIRING CONNECTIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 68
EXPLANATION OF MIX CYCLE ........................................................................................................................................ 73
INPUT AND OUTPUT FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................................... 74
REMOTE SELECTION VIA PLC ....................................................................................................................................... 81
CHAPTER 6 VALVES AND WATER FLOW RATES........................................................................... 85
CHAPTER 7 SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................. 87
APPENDIX A ADVANCED CONTROL PARAMETERS.................................................................... 89
APPENDIX B BACKGROUND TO CONTROL METHODS................................................................... 93

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HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
AUTO MODE .................................................................................................................................................................. 93
CALC MODE................................................................................................................................................................... 93
APPENDIX C SYSTEM AND CONTROL PARAMETERS RECORD ................................................... 95
APPENDIX D PASSWORDS ................................................................................................................. 97
APPENDIX E IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE OF YOUR MIXER ............................................. 101
APPENDIX F DIAGNOSTICS RECORD .............................................................................................. 103
INDEX........................................................................................................................................................... 105

6 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Table of Figures

FIGURE 1 – HYDRO-CONTROL V - FRONT PANEL.............................................................................................. 4

FIGURE 2 – ‘PRE-WET’ MIX CYCLE ................................................................................................................ 11
FIGURE 3 – ‘DRY MIX’ MIX CYCLE ................................................................................................................ 12
FIGURE 4 – PRESET MODE MIX CYCLE........................................................................................................... 15
FIGURE 5 – AUTO MODE MIX CYCLE ............................................................................................................. 17
FIGURE 6 – VALVE CONTROL IN AUTO MODE................................................................................................ 21
FIGURE 7 – CALC MODE MIX CYCLE.............................................................................................................. 22
FIGURE 8 – MENU TREE ................................................................................................................................ 27
FIGURE 9 – START MENU ................................................................................................................................ 28
FIGURE 10 – SELECT RECIPE ........................................................................................................................... 30
FIGURE 11 – EDIT RECIPE (1ST PAGE).............................................................................................................. 31
FIGURE 12 – EDIT RECIPE (2ND PAGE) ........................................................................................................ 32
FIGURE 13 – EDIT RECIPE (3RD PAGE) ........................................................................................................ 32
FIGURE 14 – COPY RECIPE PAGE ..................................................................................................................... 35
FIGURE 15 – MIX CYCLE ................................................................................................................................. 36
FIGURE 16 – MIX LOG (SENSOR READINGS) .................................................................................................... 39
FIGURE 17 – MIX LOG (WATER INFORMATION)............................................................................................... 40
FIGURE 18 – MIX LOG (MIX INFORMATION) .................................................................................................... 41
FIGURE 19 – MIX LOG (DEVIATION INFORMATION) ........................................................................................ 42
FIGURE 20 –MIX LOG DEVIATIONS – TREND DISPLAY .................................................................................... 42
FIGURE 21 – CALIBRATING FROM MIX LOG (ENTER DRY WEIGHT).................................................................. 43
FIGURE 22 – CALIBRATING FROM MIX LOG (ENTER FINAL MOISTURE) ........................................................... 44
FIGURE 23 – CALIBRATING FROM MIX LOG (ENTER TRIM WATER).................................................................. 44
FIGURE 24 – SETUP SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................ 45
FIGURE 25 – EDIT SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................. 46
FIGURE 26 – CHECKING VALVES ..................................................................................................................... 47
FIGURE 27 – CONTROL MENU (FIRST PAGE).................................................................................................... 48
FIGURE 28 – DIAGNOSTICS .............................................................................................................................. 50
FIGURE 29 – HARDWARE ................................................................................................................................. 51
FIGURE 30 – RESONATOR ................................................................................................................................ 52
FIGURE 31 – MONITOR SENSOR READINGS ..................................................................................................... 53
FIGURE 32 – SENSOR CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................... 54
FIGURE 33 – PRE-WET MIX CYCLE ................................................................................................................. 70
FIGURE 34 – DRY MIX CYCLE (NO PRE-WET)................................................................................................. 71
FIGURE 35 – BUSY SIGNAL .............................................................................................................................. 72
FIGURE 36 – SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM .......................................................................................................... 77
FIGURE 37 – SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION ....................................................................................................... 78
FIGURE 38 – EXAMPLE WIRING SCHEMATIC FOR MANUAL PLANT OPERATION ............................................ 79
FIGURE 39 – PANEL CUT-OUT FOR OPERATOR TERMINAL .............................................................................. 80
FIGURE 40 – OPERATOR PANEL DIMENSIONS ................................................................................................. 80
FIGURE 41 – REMOTE RECIPE PLC CONNECTIONS.......................................................................................... 82
FIGURE 42 – REMOTE RECIPE PLC START SIGNAL OPTIONS .......................................................................... 83
FIGURE 43 – REMOTE RECIPE PLC DIMENSIONS ............................................................................................ 84
FIGURE 44 – EDIT ADVANCED CONTROL PARAMETERS SCREEN .................................................................... 89
FIGURE 45 – TEST MODE SCREEN .................................................................................................................... 90

Hydro-Control V User Guide 7

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
8 Hydro-Control V User Guide
HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Chapter 1 Introduction

Hydro-Control V is an easy to use control system for controlling water addition during concrete mixing. In
conjunction with the Hydronix Hydro-Mix V/VI or Hydro-Probe Orbiter it is designed to precisely achieve the
required moisture target without the need for metering the water, although use of a water meter is preferred.

From software version HS0035 v. 4.20, the Hydro-Control V has temperature compensation which enables
the control of water addition to achieve the required consistency throughout the year, regardless of variation
in material temperature.

It is simple to install and can be fitted to both new and existing plants. It uses the latest Hitachi H8
microprocessor with SMD technology to achieve a compact and reliable unit.

The unit contains sophisticated control software to ensure the user can achieve the desired result with the
minimum fuss.

The large, clear display ensures the principal information is readily visible without confusion. Via a few easily
accessed menus, the user can define the mix cycle and the recipes as well as monitor the mixing cycle
status, recipe information, sensor signal trend information and system diagnostics.

The Hydro-Control V can be connected to a batch controller via an RS232 serial link to allow transfer of mix
cycle information and remote recipe selection. The RS232 port is also used to send software upgrades from
a service computer.

The aim of this User Guide is to provide a simple operational overview follow by a more detailed screen-by-
screen explanation of the system operation.

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HD0193 Issue 2.4.1

10 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Chapter 2 Operation

Basic operation overview

The Hydro-Control V operation is based on a recipe system. Up to 99 recipes can be defined. Each recipe
contains information for running the mix cycle. Before running a mix cycle it is necessary to set up a recipe
with the correct values to define the control mode and to control the mix cycle.

There are two basic mix cycles that can be defined: –

‘Pre- wet’ mix cycle

The Pre-wet mix cycle is used when an amount of water is to be added to the aggregates before cement
addition, the Final wet (main water addition) occurs after the First mix time (often referred to as the dry mix
time) and is followed by the Final mix time (also known as the wet mix time). At the end of the Final mix
time a MIX COMPLETE signal is issued from the Hydro-Control V and the mixer can be discharged.

Moisture Final Mix

Add Final Wet Discharge

Pre Wet

First Mix



Figure 2 – ‘Pre-Wet’ Mix Cycle

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HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
‘Dry Mix’ mix cycle
The ‘Dry Mix’ mix cycle is used when no pre-wet is required. The Final wet (main water addition) occurs
after the First mix time and is followed by the Final mix time. At the end of the Final mix time a MIX
COMPLETE signal is issued from the Hydro-Control V and the mixer can be discharged.

Moisture Wet Mix

Final Wet

First Mix


Figure 3 – ‘Dry Mix’ Mix Cycle

The Hydro-Control V can operate in one of three control modes. The control mode to be used is defined by
the recipe and may be different for each recipe.

Preset Mode

A fixed amount of water defined by the recipe is added during both the pre-wet (if required) and final-wet
phases of the mix cycle regardless of the current moisture reading, this mode can also be operated without a
sensor being connected.

Auto Mode

An amount of water defined by the recipe is added during the pre-wet phase (if required) and the sensor
moisture reading is used to control the water addition up to a target defined by the selected recipe during the
final-wet phase of the mix.

Calc Mode

An amount of water is added during the pre-wet (if required) and then the system calculates the amount of
water to add during the final-wet phase from a ‘Calculated Moisture Target’ and recipe Dry weight parameter.

NOTE: This mode requires a Calib mode (calibration) cycle to be completed before a Calc Mode cycle
can be made. This mode will be disabled if no value of ‘Dry weight’ has been entered or if there is no
water meter present.

12 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Setting Mix Times
Setting the mix times correctly is critical to achieve the best from your Hydro-Control V system. The value of
the mix times will vary dependant on the type of mixer, the product to be made and the control mode that is

The First mix time needs to be sufficiently long to allow the ‘dry’ aggregates, the cement and any pre-wet (if
selected) to mix so that a reasonable reading for the average moisture content can be obtained. Similarly the
Final mix time needs to be long enough to allow Final wet to mix with the aggregates and cement so that a
good consistency and reasonable reading for the average moisture content is obtained. Both these times
may be established by observing the moisture trend on the Hydro-Control V during a mix cycle. Sufficient
mixing has occurred when the moisture trend shows reasonable stability (i.e. a flat line) before the Final wet
and MIX COMPLETE phases are reached respectively.

During the mix phases of a Calc or Calib mode cycle the system averages the moisture values over the last
Averaging time seconds (defined by the system parameter Averaging time - see section Edit Control
Parameters) of the mix time.

Therefore, in Calc or Calib mode, during the First mix and Final mix phases the system will mix for at least
the amount of time defined by the Averaging time, e.g. if the First mix time parameter is set to 10 seconds
and the Averaging time is set to 20 seconds the first mix will last for 20 seconds, however, if the First mix
time is set to 25 seconds and the Averaging time is set to 20 seconds the first mix will last for 25 seconds.

As it is critical that reasonable stability has been reached before averaging starts it is recommended
that the First mix time and the Wet mix time parameters be set to be at least twice as long as the
Averaging time.

Mix Time Guidelines

Mixer Type Control Mode Averaging Time First Mix Wet Mix
(s) Time (s) Time (s)
Single Star Planetary Auto N/A 30 50
Calc 20 50 50
Two Star Planetary Auto N/A 15 20
Calc 15 40 40
Twin Shaft Auto N/A 15 20
Calc 15 40 40
Ribbon Auto N/A 30 60
Calc 20 50 60
Turbo Auto N/A 20 30
Calc 15 40 50

Mix times for Pre-set mode should be the same as for the intended Control Mode

The above is intended only as a guide for getting started. Actual mixing times will vary, and should be
optimised for each application.

Further notes are given in sections describing each Control Mode.

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HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Editing Recipes
A few seconds after switching the Hydro-Control V on the Start Menu screen will appear (– see section Start
Menu). From this menu, to select or edit a recipe press <Recipe> (F2). For full details see sections Select
recipe and Edit recipe.

Up to 99 recipes are available. The number of recipes displayed is selectable (see section ‘Edit System
Parameters’. Initially all the parameters of the recipes will be set to their default values (see section Edit
recipe parameters).

To select a recipe from the list use and to move the cursor to the required recipe or

type the number of the required recipe.

To edit the recipe press <Edit> (F4).

Select the parameters to be changed by using the and keys, and then typing in the
desired value.

Enter the digits, ignoring the decimal point – although with preceding zero if necessary. Alternatively, values
can be increased or decreased by using the <Inc> (F1) and <Dec> (F2) keys - these are also used for non-
numerical items which cycle through the valid entries in turn.

After completion of editing press <Back> (F5) and then either of the following keys:

9 to save the changed values and return to the Recipe Menu.

to cancel and return to the Recipe Menu. Choosing this option will return any edited
X parameters to their original values.

Scrolling down to the ‘More…’ statement at the bottom of the list will display the second page of the Edit
Recipe Screen.

Mix control modes

The control mode of each recipe can be selected using the Method parameter in the recipe.

Alternatively, the control mode of the current recipe may be changed from the Start Menu by pressing
<Mode> (F3). The Hydro-Control V will cycle through the control modes available with successive presses of
<Mode> (F3).

NOTE: Until the recipe’s Dry Weight parameter has been defined for the recipe the only control modes
available will be Pre-set and Auto.Once a dry weight is defined, the Calib mode will be available and after a
calibration cycle has been completed the Calc mode will also become available.

14 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Preset Mode
This is the basic operating mode, which simply adds preset amounts of water in both the Pre-wet and the
Final-wet phases of the mix cycle.

Start Mix Complete

Pre wet
water First mix Preset final Final mix
Moisture added time water added time

Loading Add Discharge


Figure 4 – Preset Mode Mix Cycle

1. From the Start Menu press <Recipe> (F2)

2. Select the desired recipe number

3. Enter the amount of pre-wet water required in Pre-wet water parameter. If you do not require any
pre-wet set the Pre-wet water and Pre-wet target parameters to zero.

4. Enter the amount of final (main) water required in Preset Final parameter.

5. Check that the First mix time and Final mix time parameters are correct.

6. Check the Water limit parameter on page two of the recipe is correct

7. Press <Back> (F5) and then 9 to save the changed values and return to the Recipe Menu.

8. Press <Back> (F5) to return to the Start menu

9. Press <Mode> (F3) until Preset is displayed under the Recipe number

10. Start the mix cycle from the batch controller or manually by pressing Start <F1>

Hydro-Control V User Guide 15

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
The mix cycle may be paused at any phase of the mix cycle by pressing <Pause> (F2).

The following options will be available:

<Resume> (F1) Continues the cycle from the point where it was paused.

<Abort> (F2) Allows the current mix to be aborted. When pressed the option to generate MIX
COMPLETE signal is prompted with the following “Mix Complete Required?”,
<Yes> (F2) and <No> (F3). If ‘No’ is selected it will return to the Start Menu. If
‘Yes’ is selected the mix complete signal is generated and <Reset> (F2) returns to
the Start Menu and clears the MIX COMPLETE signal.

<Trim> (F3) Opens the Fine Water valve all the time the key is depressed, allowing manual
adjustment of the moisture level.

<Update> (F5) Followed by 9 saves the adjusted water amounts and moisture level to the
current recipe.

Pressing <Update> (F5) during Pre-wet or First mix time phases of the mix cycle
updates the Pre-wet water and Pre-wet target parameters.

Pressing <Update> (F5) during Final wet or Final mix time phases of the mix
cycle updates the Preset Final and the Target moisture parameters.

At the end of the Final mix time a MIX COMPLETE signal is generated indicating to the batch control
system that the mixer is ready for discharging. If discharge is set to manual and an automatic Reset is not
received then the following options will be displayed:

<Reset> (F2) Returns the unit to standby and clears the MIX COMPLETE signal.

<Trim> (F3) Opens the Fine Water valve all the time the key is depressed, allowing manual
adjustment of the moisture level.

<Update> (F5) Followed by 9 saves the adjusted water amounts and moisture levels to the
current recipe.
Preset Final and Target moisture parameters are updated.

16 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Auto Mode
Auto mode uses an algorithm to progressively add water to the mixer until the Moisture target is achieved.
As the control only relies on the Current moisture value and a Moisture target value no calibration is
required and a relatively short First mix time can be used. Sufficient Final mix time should be allowed to
let the mix become homogeneous and the moisture stabilise before discharge. A preset amount of water
may also be added in the pre-wet phase of the mix cycle if required.

Start Mix Complete

Pre wet Progressive
Moisture water First mix Final water
Final mix
added time addition


Loading Add Discharge


Figure 5 – Auto Mode Mix Cycle

It is usual to run the mix cycle in Preset mode for several cycles, switching to Auto mode to establish mixing
time, water quantities and to ensure that good mix-to-mix moisture consistency is achieved. The mix-to-mix
consistency can be checked by pressing <More…> (F5) and then <Log> (F2) where Final % values can be

It is suggested that the ‘discharge’ is set to manual mode during Auto mode setup to prevent automatic
discharge; this enables manual correction to the mix after MIX COMPLETE

Hydro-Control V User Guide 17

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
When running a recipe for the first time in Auto mode the system needs to ‘learn’ the target parameters
required with a ‘good mix’.

1. From the Start Menu press <Recipe> (F2)

2. Select the desired recipe number

3. Enter the amount of pre-wet water required in Pre-wet water parameter. If you do not require any
pre-wet set the Pre-wet water and Pre-wet target parameters to zero.

4. Enter the amount of final (main) water required in Preset Final parameter, if you are unsure, enter a
value lower than that required. A manual adjustment to a ‘good mix’ can be performed during the
mix cycle.

5. Check that the First mix time and Final mix time parameters are correct.

6. Check the Water limit parameter on page two of the recipe is correct

7. Press <Back> (F5) and then 9 to save the changed values and return to the Select Recipe

8. Press <Back> (F5) to return to the Start menu

9. Press <Mode> (F3) until Preset is displayed under the Recipe number

10. Start the mix cycle from the batch controller or manually by pressing Start <F1>

11. As soon as WET-MIX begins to flash, press <Pause> (F2).

12. Observe the mix consistency or the quantity of water added and manually add water using <Trim>
(F3) until the desired amount of water for the Final-wet phase has been added.
If a water meter is fitted the quantity of water added will be displayed under the tap icons.

13. When the correct amount of water has been added press <Update> (F4).

14. Press 9 to confirm the update.

15. Press <Resume> (F1) to continue with the mix cycle.

16. At the end of the Final mix time a MIX COMPLETE signal is issued. After the mixer is discharged
press <Reset> (F2) to return to the Start Menu

17. Press <Mode> (F3) until Auto is displayed under the recipe number. The recipe is now ready to run
in Auto mode.

18 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
The mix cycle may be paused at any phase of the mix cycle by pressing <Pause> (F2).

The following options will be available:

<Resume> (F1) Continues the cycle from the point where it was paused.

<Abort> (F2) Allows the current mix to be aborted. When pressed the option to generate MIX
COMPLETE signal is prompted with the following “Mix Complete Required?”,
<Yes> (F2) and <No> (F3). If ‘No’ is selected it will return to the Start Menu. If
‘Yes’ is selected the mix complete signal is generated and <Reset> (F2) returns to
the Start Menu and clears the MIX COMPLETE signal.

<Trim> (F3) Opens the FINE WATER valve all the time the key is depressed, allowing manual
adjustment of the moisture level.

<Update> (F5) Followed by 9 saves the adjusted water amounts and moisture levels to the
current recipe.

Pressing <Update> (F5) during Pre-wet or First mix time phases of the mix cycle
updates the Pre-wet water and Pre-wet target parameters.

Pressing <Update> (F5) during Final wet or Final mix time phases of the mix
cycle updates the Preset Final and the Target moisture parameters.

At the end of the Final mix time a MIX COMPLETE signal is generated, indicating to the batch control
system that the mixer is ready for discharging. If discharge is set to manual and an automatic Reset is not
received then the following options will be displayed:

<Reset> (F2) Returns the unit to standby and clears the MIX COMPLETE signal.

<Trim> (F3) Opens the FINE WATER valve all the time the key is depressed, allowing manual
adjustment of the moisture level.

<Update> (F5) Followed by 9 saves the adjusted water amounts and moisture levels to the
current recipe.
Preset Final and Target moisture parameters are updated.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 19

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Auto Mode Control Parameters
The progressive algorithm used by Auto mode controls the effective water flow into the mixer. The water
flow rate is controlled by pulsing the water valves on and off. As the moisture level approaches the moisture
target the amount of ‘on’ time compared to the amount of ‘off’ time is reduced, which reduces the average
flow rate.

From the Start Menu, pressing <More…> (F5), followed by <Setup> (F1) gives access to the system
configuration menus. It is necessary to enter the Advanced Password (see Appendix D) to access the
Control Parameters, after the password has been entered press <Control> (F3).

The following parameters are used to control the progressive water addition: -

Gain: Controls how fast water is put into the mixer. A higher value will increase the rate at which water
enters the mixer. It is normal to start with a value of 20. Observe the trend line during a mix cycle to
determine if the water is entering the mixer at the desired rate. Increase the value (initially by 5) to increase
the water flow rate, reduce the value to reduce the water flow rate. A value of 20-40 is typical for moderate
to good mixers with correctly sized water valves. Slower acting mixers will use lower values.

Upper Control Threshold: Controls the point when the water valves change from ‘always on’ to ‘pulsing’.
A lower value will keep the valves in the ‘always on’ state for longer, only allowing the valves to ‘pulse’ on
and off closer to the Moisture target. Values of 50 or 70 are typical for most applications if the Gain is set

Lower Control Threshold: Determines the minimum flow rate that can be used by the progressive
algorithm. This parameter is used to prevent the water flow being too slow when the actual moisture is very
close to the Moisture Target. Typical values will be between 10 and 25. A higher value increases the
minimum water flow near the Moisture Target.

Valve on/off Time: Determines how quickly the valve can be switched on and then immediately off again.
This parameter should be set as fast as practically possible for a pulse of water to be delivered. Once set
this parameter should not be altered.

Optimising the Auto mode control is a balance between the top three parameters. It is suggested that
starting from default values, the parameters are altered in the following sequence:

1. Set the Gain parameter to achieve reasonable flow at the beginning of the Final wet phase

2. Increase the Lower Control Threshold so that the Moisture Target is reached at the maximum
possible rate without excessive overshooting.

3. Set the Upper Control Threshold to optimise when the valves switch from ’always on’ to ‘pulsing’

NOTE: Setting up the Auto mode control parameters should be performed with a full batch. The Recipe
gain parameter in the relevant recipe should be set to the batch size if a smaller batch is to be made.

20 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Moisture Progressive
First mix Final water Final mix
time addition time



off always on pulsing off

100 (always on)

Increase to reduce ‘always on’ time
typical: 70
Upper control threshold
Decrease to extend ‘always on’ time

Increase to increase minimum flow

typical: 10 - 20
Lower control threshold
Decrease to reduce minimum flow
0 (off)

Figure 6 – Valve Control in Auto Mode

Hydro-Control V User Guide 21

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Calc mode
Calc mode uses the Dry weight parameter from the recipe and a Calculation target to calculate the
amount of water required to achieve the Target moisture. To achieve a correct calculation, each recipe
using Calc mode must be calibrated. The ‘dry reading’ used for the calculation must be very accurate and
this usually requires the First mix time to be longer than is necessary for Auto mode control. To achieve a
very accurate ‘dry reading’ the moisture signal is averaged for a time defined by the system parameter
Averaging time. It is critical that the moisture signal is stable before this averaging time starts in order to
obtain a correct value.

The advantage of Calc mode is that the water is added in ‘one shot’, which usually makes the Final wet
phase quicker than would be the case with progressive water addition. Fine Delivery determines the
amount of water to be added with the fine valve only, so that the calculated value of water is delivered
accurately and without causing excessive overshoot.

Start Mix Complete

Pre wet Final water
Moisture water First mix addition Final mix
added time (‘one shot’) time

‘Dry’ reading
used to
Final water

Averaging Averaging
time time
Loading Add Discharge


Figure 7 – Calc Mode Mix Cycle

Calibrating a Recipe
In order to run a recipe in Calc mode the recipe needs to be calibrated.

It is usual to run the mix cycle in Preset mode for several cycles before performing a calibration to establish
mixing time, water quantities and to ensure that good mix-to-mix moisture consistency is achieved. The mix-
to-mix consistency can be checked by pressing <More…> (F5) and then <Log> (F2) where Final % values
can be inspected.

It is suggested that the ‘discharge’ is set to manual mode during calibration to prevent automatic discharge;
this enables manual correction to the mix after MIX COMPLETE.

A calibration run can be carried out in two ways depending on whether any ‘admix’ is required.

22 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Calibration without admix

When calibrating without admix, or when the admix is added during the First mix time, there is usually one
water addition phase and the mix cycle will complete with one final-wet and one wet-mix phase. The final
mix time used during a calibration cycle is extended by the Mix extension time to ensure that a good final
reading is obtained.

1. From the Start Menu press <Recipe> (F2)

2. Select the desired recipe number

3. Enter the amount of pre-wet water required in Pre-wet water parameter. If you do not require any
pre-wet, set the Pre-wet water and Pre-wet target parameters to zero.

4. Enter the amount of final (main) water required in Preset Final parameter, if you are unsure, enter a
value lower than that required. A manual adjustment to a ‘good mix’ can be performed at the end of
the mix cycle, so ensure that the discharge is set to manual.

5. Check that the First mix time and Final mix time parameters are correct.

6. Set the Dry weight parameter on page two of the recipe to that of your mix.

7. Check the Water limit parameter on page two of the recipe is correct

8. Press <Back> (F5) and then 9 to save the changed values and return to the Recipe Menu.

9. Press <Back> (F5) to return to the Start menu

10. Press <Mode> (F3) until Calib is displayed under the Recipe number

11. Start the mix cycle from the batch controller or manually by pressing <Start> (F1)

12. On starting the mix an edit box appears which shows the current calibration water (this will be the
amount entered in the parameter Preset Final Water. Type in the amount of water required if this is
different and then press to accept.
13. At the end of the Final mix time a MIX COMPLETE signal is issued. An edit box will appear which
shows the final moisture reached for this mix. You may accept this as the Moisture target or enter a
new value if appropriate.

NOTE: Entering a new value of moisture only alters the displayed moisture figure - the calibration is
not effected. Then press the accept button . 9
14. If the discharge is set to manual, then the quantity of water may be manually adjusted by pressing
<Trim> (F3). The quantity of water added will be displayed under the tap icons.

15. When the correct amount of water has been added press <Update> (F4), followed by 9
16. Discharge the mixer and press <Reset> (F2) to return to the Start menu

The recipe is now calibrated and Calc will be displayed under the recipe number indicating that the next mix
cycle will be performed in Calc mode.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 23

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Calibration with admix (2-stage calibration mix cycle)
When calibrating with admix there are two water addition phases and the mix cycle will complete with two
final-wet and two wet-mix phases. The Busy signal from the Hydro-Control V will activate during the second
water addition to add the admix. In order for the Busy signal to operate correctly the Busy mode parameter
must be set to Admix (see section Setup System).

1. From the Start Menu press <Recipe> (F2)

2. Selected the desired recipe number

3. From the recipe menu press <Edit> (F4)

4. Scroll to the bottom of the recipe menu to the parameter Calibration Type and select 2 point

5. Enter the amount of pre-wet water required in Pre-wet water parameter. If you do not require any
pre-wet set the Pre-wet water and Pre-wet target parameters to zero.

6. Enter the amount of final (main) water required in Preset Final parameter, if you are unsure, enter a
value lower than that required. A manual adjustment to a ‘good mix’ can be performed at the end of
the mix cycle, so ensure that the discharge is set to manual.

7. Check that the First mix time and Final mix time parameters are correct.

8. Set the Dry weight parameter on page two of the recipe to that of your mix.

9. Check the Water limit parameter on page two of the recipe is correct

10. Press <Back> (F5) and then 9 to save the changed values and return to the Recipe Menu.

11. Press <Back> (F5) to return to the Start menu

12. Press <Mode> (F3) until Calib is displayed under the Recipe number

13. Start the mix cycle from the batch controller or manually by pressing <Start> (F1)

14. On starting the mix an edit box appears which shows the current calibration water (this will be the
amount entered in the parameter Calib Water in the first and the Preset Final – Calib Water in the
second (if this is greater than zero). Type in the amount of water required if this is different and then
press to accept the first and to accept the second value.
9 9
15. At the end of the Final mix time a MIX COMPLETE signal is issued. An edit box will appear which
shows the final moisture reached for this mix. You may accept this as the Moisture target or enter a
new value if appropriate.

NOTE: Entering a new value of moisture only alters the displayed moisture figure - the calibration is
not effected. Then press the accept button
9 .

16. If the discharge is set to manual, then the quantity of water may be manually adjusted by pressing
<Trim> (F3). The quantity of water added will be displayed under the tap icons.

17. When the correct amount of water has been added press <Update>F4), followed by 9
18. Discharge the mixer and press <Reset> (F2) to return to the Start menu

The recipe is now calibrated and Calc will be displayed under the recipe number indicating that the next mix
cycle will be performed in Calc mode

24 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
A Calib mode mix cycle may be paused at any phase of the mix cycle by pressing <Pause> (F2).

The following options will be available:

<Resume> (F1) Continues the cycle from the point where it was paused.

<Abort> (F2) Allows the current mix to be aborted. When pressed the option to generate MIX
COMPLETE signal is prompted with the following “Mix Complete Required?”,
<Yes> (F2) and <No> (F3). If ‘No’ is selected it will return to the Start Menu. If
‘Yes’ is selected the mix complete signal is generated and <Reset> (F2) returns to
the Start Menu and clears the MIX COMPLETE signal.

At the end of the Final mix time a MIX COMPLETE signal is generated indicating to the batch control
system that the mixer is ready for discharging. If discharge is set to manual and an automatic Reset is not
received then the following options will be displayed:

<Reset> (F2) Returns the unit to standby and clears the MIX COMPLETE signal.

<Trim> (F3) Opens the Fine Water valve all the time the key is depressed, allowing manual
trimming of the moisture level.

<Update> (F5) Followed by 9 saves the adjusted water amounts and moisture levels to the
current recipe.
Preset Final and Target moisture parameters are updated.

A Calc mode mix cycle may be paused at any phase of the mix cycle by pressing <Pause> (F2).

The following options will be available:

<Resume> (F1) Continues the cycle from the point where it was paused.

<Abort> (F2) Allows the current mix to be aborted. When pressed the option to generate MIX
COMPLETE signal is prompted with the following “Mix Complete Required?”,
<Yes> (F2) and <No> (F3). If ‘No’ is selected it will return to the Start Menu. If
‘Yes’ is selected the mix complete signal is generated and <Reset> (F2) returns to
the Start Menu and clears the MIX COMPLETE signal.

At the end of the Final mix time a MIX COMPLETE signal is generated indicating to the batch control
system that the mixer is ready for discharging. If discharge is set to manual and an automatic Reset is not
received then the following options will be displayed:

<Reset> (F2) Returns the unit to standby and clears the MIX COMPLETE signal.

NOTE: <Update> is not available in Calc mode; any adjustment should be performed using the Water trim

Water trim parameter (Calc mode only)

When Calc mode is the current the control mode <Trim> (F4) will be displayed in the Start Menu.

When <Trim> (F4) is pressed an edit box appears allowing an amount of water to be added or removed from
all subsequent Calc mode mix cycles for the current recipe.

The numeric keys and <Inc> (F1), <Dec> (F2) and <+/-> (F3) may be used to set the value of adjusted
water. Alternatively the Water trim parameter can be edited using the Edit recipe menu.

NOTE: The Minus tolerance moisture alarm will be disabled if a negative adjustment is entered to prevent
nuisance alarms.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 25

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
‘Pre-Wet’ mix cycle

The Hydro-Control V can operate in one of two Pre-wet mix cycle modes:

Pre-set mode (Pre):

The quantity of water defined by Pre-Wet water is added, regardless of measured moisture.

The speed and accuracy of the Pre-wet water addition will be determined by the valves and the In-flight and
Fine delivery settings in the Edit Control menu.

Auto mode (Auto):

The sensor moisture reading is used to add water up to the Pre-wet target using Auto mode control. Pre-
wet water is added using the same control algorithm and control parameters as used for Auto mode Final

Auto mode control parameters that are optimised for final water addition where accuracy is required may
produce a slower than desirable Pre-wet where accuracy is not normally as important. In the case where an
Auto mode Pre-wet is followed by a Calc mode Final wet the Recipe gain can be increased to improve the
speed of the Pre-wet water addition.

Temperature Compensation
Temperature compensation can be used to correct for changes in ambient temperatures throughout the year
and adjust the final moisture target to maintain mix consistencies. Two recipe parameters are used for
temperature compensation:

Temperature : The is the base temperature from which the compensation will be calculated.
The temperature is measured by the sensor and displayed on the front page (see Figure 9).
At the time of setting up the recipe this value should be read from the front screen and the
reading used in the recipe as the base temperature. This value should not be adjusted
following this reading.

Temp. Coeff : The temperature coefficient is the compensation factor in %moisture / Temperature
(i.e.: how far the moisture target is anticipated to change per degree change in temperature)

From these two parameters the Moisture Target is then calculated by the following:

Corrected Moisture Target = (Moisture target) + (Temperature Difference * Temp. Coeff)

Correction is applied for ‘Calc’ or ‘Auto’ mixes only, there is no compensation during a Calib mix or if a Pre-
set amount of water is added.

Final Moisture 6.5 %
Temperature 20 C
Temp. Coeff. 0.100 %moisture/ oC

If the current temperature measured is 25.0 oC then the moisture target will become 7.0%.
If the current temperature measured is 15.0 oC then the moisture target will become 6.0%.

26 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Chapter 3 Menu Description

Menu Tree

Start Menu

Mix Select Set-up Mix

Cycle Recipe System Log


Edit Edit
Diagnostics Test
System Control

Hardware HCV Valve




Figure 8 – Menu Tree

In routine operation the user can operate the system using only the two highlighted menus shown above
(‘Mix Cycle’ & ‘Select Recipe’). However additional ‘Set up’ and ‘Diagnostic’ menus are provided to permit
flexibility and complete control.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 27

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Start Menu

Figure 9 – Start Menu

After switching on the system a message stating

Rom OK
perform Ram test?

is displayed for 5 seconds. Pressing will start the RAM test, which takes approximately 60
seconds. 9
After the Ram test completes or 5 seconds has passed, the Hydronix logo and firmware version is shown
and is then replaced by the Start menu and ‘trend’ moisture graph.

• The ‘trend’ display is a scrolling moisture level graph, which also shows the ‘Target’ (T) and ‘Alarm’ (A)
levels for the chosen Recipe if in ‘Auto’ or ‘Calculation’ modes.

‘Tap’ icons, which show the Status (Off or On …….
….. ) of the FINE WATER and COARSE WATER
valves. Underneath the valves are number(s) showing how much water has been delivered. If a water
meter is used the total number of litres or gallons is shown. If no water meter is used, beneath each
valve is the time that valve has been open, in units of 0.1 seconds.

• Recipe number, batch number and control method (top right of display).

• Moisture readings and targets (centre right of display). Large number shows current moisture, smaller
numbers underneath show:
• The amount of water to be added during the current phase of the mix cycle
• Moisture target of the current recipe
• Trim water of the current recipe (only in Calc mode)

• The temperature of the mixture (in degrees Centigrade or Fahrenheit) is also shown at the top right of
the display, just above the moisture axis of the trend graph.

<Start> (F1) Manually starts the mix cycle

<Recipe> (F2) Displays the Select Recipe menu where recipes may be selected and edited.

28 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
<Mode> (F3) Change the control mode of the current recipe.
Note: until a Dry weight has been defined for the recipe the only control modes
available will be Auto and Pre-set. Once a Dry weight is defined the Calib mode
will be available. After a Calib mode mix cycle has been carried out the Calc mode
will also become available.

<More…> (F5) Displays further options as follows: -

<Setup> (F1) Displays the Setup System menu (see section Setup System).

<Log> (F2) Displays the Mix log (see section Mix log).

<Back> (F5) Returns to the main menu with <Start> (F1), <Recipe> (F2), <Mode> (F3)
and <More…> (F5) present

Water trim parameter (Calc mode only)

When Calc mode is the current the control mode <Trim> (F4) will also be displayed below the moisture
reading on the main page.

<Trim> (F4) An edit box allows trim water to be added or removed from all subsequent
calculation runs for the current recipe.
The numeric keys and <Inc> (F1), <Dec> (F2) and <+/-> (F3) may be used to set
the value of trim water.

Alternatively the trim parameter can be edited using the Edit recipe menu.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 29

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Select Recipe
From the Start Menu, pressing F2 will enter the Select Recipe menu.

Figure 10 – Select Recipe

Using the Select Recipe Menu

The system is set up with 99 recipes. Initially all the parameters of these recipes will be set to their default
values (see section Edit recipe parameters).

To select a recipe from the list use and to move the cursor to the required recipe or

type the number of the required recipe

e.g. enter 0 followed by 3 for recipe 3

or followed by for recipe 64.

6 4

<Defs> (F1) Set the selected recipe to the values defined by the Default Recipe – see section
Edit System Parameters.

<Copy> (F2) Enables copying of recipes

<Edit> (F4) Edits the selected recipe.

<Back> (F5) Returns to the previous menu.

30 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Edit Recipe

Figure 11 – Edit Recipe (1st Page)

Using the Edit Recipe Menu

To edit a recipe (see next section for learning a new recipe) select the parameters to be changed by scrolling
through the parameter list using the up and down keys, and then typing in the desired

Enter the digits ignoring the decimal point – although with preceding zero if necessary. Alternatively, values
can be increased or decreased by using the <Inc> (F1) and <Dec> (F2) keys - these are also used for non-
numerical items which cycle through the valid entries in turn.

Example: To change the Final mix time from 15s to 8s:

• Use the and keys to move the cursor to the Final mix time parameter

• Enter 0 followed by 8 on the numeric keypad. The value 08s will be

displayed next to the Final mix time parameter.

After completion of editing press <Back> (F5) and then either of the following keys:

9 to save the changed values and return to the Select Recipe menu.

to cancel and return to the Select Recipe menu. Choosing this option will return any edited
X parameters to their original values.

Scrolling down to the ‘More…’ statement at the bottom of the list will display the second page of the Edit
Recipe menu.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 31

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Figure 12 – Edit Recipe (2nd Page)
Figure 13 – Edit Recipe (3rd Page)

Parameter Units Default Range

Pre-wet water Seconds, Litres or US Gals 0.0 0.0 - 999.9
Pre-wet target % 0.0 0.0 – 99.9
Pre-wet mode None Pre Pre, Auto
Pre-wet delay Seconds 0 0 -999
First mix time Seconds 20.0 0 – 999
Cement timeout Seconds 15.0 0 – 999
Moisture target % Moisture 6.5 0.0 – 99.9
Preset final Seconds, Litres or US Gals 0.0 0.0 – 999.9
Final mix time Seconds 30.0 0 – 999
Control Method None Pre Auto, Pre (Calc - only if
Plus tolerance % % Moisture 1.0% 0.0 – 99.9
Recipe gain None 10.0 0.0 – 10.0
Minus tolerance % Moisture 0.2 0.0 – 9.9
Dry weight Kg or US pounds 0 0 – 99999
Calib. water Litres or US Gals 0.0 0.0 – 999.9
Water limit Litres or US Gals 120.0 0.0 – 999.9
Batch counter None 0 0 – 99
Moisture offset None -3.6364 -99.9999 – 99.9999
Moisture gain None 0.1818 0 – 9.9999
Water trim Litres or US Gals 0.0 -999.9 – 999.9
Cement weight Kg or US pounds 0 0 – 99999
Temperature Degree Celsius or 20.0 0.0 – 999.9
Temp. Coeff % Moisture / oTemp. 0.000 0.000 – 9.999
Calibration Type None 1 1, 2

32 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Pre-wet waterThe quantity of water to add during the Pre-wet phase of the mix cycle if the Pre-wet mode
is set to Pre-set mode.

Pre-wet target: The moisture value to be reached during the Pre-wet phase of the mix cycle if the Pre-wet
mode is set to Auto mode

Pre-wet mode: The Hydro-Control V can operate in one of two pre-wet modes:

• Pre-set mode (Pre): The quantity of water defined by Pre-wet water is added, regardless of
measured moisture.
• Auto mode (Auto): The sensor moisture reading is used to add water up to the Pre-wet target
using Auto mode control ( - see section Auto mode)

NOTE: When the main Control Mode is set to Pre-set or Calib mode the Hydro-Control V will use Pre-set
mode for the Pre-wet phase of the mix cycle regardless of the Pre-wet mode setting.

Pre-wet delay: The delay between Pre-wet phase completing and continuing the mix cycle. Delays the
Pre-wet done signal, allowing any Pre-wet water to be mixed before cement is added.

First mix time: The duration of the mix that follows the addition of any Pre-wet water and the cement (see
Section Setting Mix Times).

Cement timeout: Maximum time system will wait for CEMENT IN signal before beginning First mix time. If
the system exceeds the maximum permitted waiting time for the CEMENT IN signal, the system will
automatically pause the mix cycle, sound and output ALARM. If no CEMENT IN signal is to be used after a
Pre-wet phase set this parameter to zero.

Moisture target: The moisture value to be reached during the final mix phase.

Preset final: The amount of water to be added during the final wet phase of the mix cycle.

Final mix time: The duration of the mix that follows the addition of the final water (see Section Setting Mix

Control Mode: The Hydro-Control V can operate in one of three control modes:

• Preset mode (Pre): where the entered amount of water is always added, regardless of measured
• Auto mode (Auto): This mode adds a preset amount of water defined by Preset Water during the
‘Pre-Wet’ phase and then uses the sensor moisture readings to control the water addition up to the
Moisture target (see section ‘Auto mode’).
• Calculation mode (Calc): This mode adds a preset amount of water and then calculates the amount
of water to add from a ‘Calculated Moisture Target’ and the ‘Dry Weight’ of the mix. This mode will be
disabled if no value of ‘Dry weight’ has been entered or if there is no water meter present. A Calib
mode mix cycle must be performed in order to calibrate the recipe before this Control mode can be
used (– see section Calc mode).

Plus tolerance: Moisture % above target % at the end of the Final mix time at which the system will sound
and output ALARM. Disabled after mix complete

Recipe Gain: (Used only in Auto mode.) A tuning factor for the control algorithm to provide accurate control
for smaller batch sizes. For a normal batch size this will be 1.0. For reduced batch sizes it will be a number
between 0.0 and 1.0. The Recipe Gain would be set according to the following guidelines:

For example: ¾ Batch Recipe Gain = 0.75

½ Batch Recipe Gain = 0.5
¼ Batch Recipe Gain = 0.25

In the case where an Auto-mode Pre-wet is followed by a Calc mode Final Wet the Recipe Gain can be
increased up to a maximum value of 10.0 to improve the speed of the Pre-wet water addition.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 33

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Minus tolerance: Moisture % below target % at the end of the Final mix time at which the system will
sound and output ALARM. In Auto mode if the moisture % falls below this tolerance during the Final mix
time the cycle will revert to Final wet and attempt to reach the Moisture target. Disabled after mix

Dry weight: The total dry weight of the mix including all sand, aggregates and cement.

Calib. water: The Preset final parameter defines the amount of water to be added during the final wet
phase of a calibration mix cycle. Setting the Calib. water value to be less than the Preset Final allows the
water to be added in two phases. During the first phase of water addition (when Calib. water litres are
added) the calibration slope will be calculated and during the second phase of water addition (when Preset
final minus Calib. water litres are added) the admix is also added. The Moisture target is then defined with
any required admix present but the calibration slope is not effected.

Water limit: The maximum amount of water that would ever need to be added for this recipe.

Batch counter: A batch number to identify a mix in the mix log.

Default recipe values may be edited under Setup System - see section Edit System Parameters.

Moisture offset and gain: Factors to convert sensor units into moisture units.
These parameters are used to convert the sensor’s unscaled reading into a displayed moisture value. The
conversion performed is:

Displayed Moisture = (Unscaled x Moisture gain) + Moisture offset

With default values the displayed moisture is not intended to be a true indication of the actual value. It is
possible to display actual moisture values by using the results of a ‘bake out’ test to calculate correct
Moisture offset and Moisture gain values.

Since Auto mode and Calc mode use the Moisture gain parameter in calculations changing these
parameters will affect the control. As a result, it may be necessary to recalibrate recipes or change control

Typical values will be 0 to -5 for offset & 0.1200 to 3.0000 for the gain. If the parameters are changed, all
other moisture parameters in the recipe will be automatically re-scaled.

Water trim: An amount of water added or removed from the final water of a Calc mode mix cycle.

Cement weight: The weight of cement in the mix. This parameter is only used for calculating the
water/cement ratio which is displayed in the Mix log.

Temperature : The base temperature used for temperature compensation in either degrees Centigrade
(Metric Mode) or degrees Fahrenheit (US Mode).

Temp. Coeff.: The compensation factor used for temperature compensation in % moisture per degrees
temperature (oC or oF). If no compensation is required this should be set to 0.000.

Calibration Type: Determines whether the calibration will be a 1-point or 2-point calibration mix cycle (when
calibrating with admix), refer to page 23/24 for more information.

34 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Copy Recipe

From the edit recipe page, it is possible to copy complete parameters from one recipe to another. Pressing
<F2> will display the copy recipe page as shown below. Enter the recipe number to be copied in the ‘From’
section using the numeric keypad and press
section and press .
9 . Then enter the destination recipe number in the ‘To’

Figure 14 – Copy Recipe page

Hydro-Control V User Guide 35

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1

Figure 15 – Mix Cycle

Mix cycle
The current recipe number is displayed in the top box on the right of the screen along with the recipe control
method and the batch number.

The mix run time is displayed in the bottom box on the right of the screen and along the bottom of the trend
graph. Also shown under the run time is a count down of the remaining time in mixing phases of the cycle
(first mix-time or final mix-time).

Throughout the cycle the current moisture value is displayed both in the middle box on the right of the screen
and on the trend graph. Towards the end of the first mix and the final mix times the large % sign flashes.
This is because the sensor is within its averaging time and at this point the moisture trace should be stable.

The middle box on the right of the screen also displays the amount of water to be added during the current
phase of the mix cycle and the moisture target.

The mix cycle phases are displayed in the status bar with the name of each phase of the cycle flashing
between CAPITALS and lowercase to indicate the phase of the cycle reached.

NOTE: If no pre-wet is required the Pre-wet water recipe parameter should be set to zero. This will ensure
that a ‘dry mix cycle’ will be used.

The cycle can be paused at any point by pressing <Pause> (- see section Trim and Update).

36 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
System automatic pause and alarm

Cement timeout
If the system exceeds the maximum permitted waiting time for the CEMENT IN signal, the system will sound
and output ALARM.

Top of display: Cement timeout

Status bar: PAUSED: Resume to cont. cycle

<Resume> (F1) Overrides the Cement timeout and resumes the mix cycle.

The maximum permitted waiting time is defined on a per recipe basis by Cement timeout.

Water limit
If Water limit is exceeded the system automatically pauses the mix cycle and the system will sound and
output ALARM.

Top of display: Water limit exceeded

Status bar: PAUSED: Abort for Mix Complete.

<Resume> (F1) Overrides the Water limit and resumes the mix cycle.

The maximum amount of water that should be added to a recipe is defined on a per recipe basis by Water

Plus tolerance
Plus tolerance defines the level above the target moisture at which the moisture of the mix is recognised as
being ‘too high’.

If the moisture at the end of the mix cycle exceeds this level the system will sound and output ALARM.
Disabled after mix complete

Top of display: !Moisture too high!

Status bar: 9 to Ack & Mix Complete

Minus tolerance
The Minus tolerance recipe parameter defines the level below the target moisture at which the moisture of
the mix is recognised as being ‘too dry’.

If the moisture at the end of the mix cycle is below this level the system will sound and output ALARM
Disabled after mix complete..

Top of display: !Mix too dry!

Status bar:

<Abort> (F2): Allows the current mix to be aborted. When pressed the option to generate MIX
COMPLETE signal is prompted with the following “Mix Complete Required?”,
<Yes> (F2) and <No> (F3). If ‘No’ is selected it will return to the Start Menu. If
‘Yes’ is selected the mix complete signal is generated and <Reset> (F2) returns to
the Start Menu and clears the MIX COMPLETE signal.

<Trim> (F3) Opens the FINE WATER valve all the time the key is depressed, allowing manual
adjustment of the moisture level.
Hydro-Control V User Guide 37
HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Trim and Update
Pressing <Pause> (F2) at any phase in the mix cycle will pause the cycle and any water addition. Messages
showing the current status and at what phase the mix cycle has been paused will be shown, for example.

Top of display: Paused: Final wet

Status bar: PAUSED - Abort for Mix complete

The following options will be available:

<Resume> (F1): Continues the cycle from the point where it was paused.

<Abort> (F2): Allows the current mix to be aborted. When pressed the option to generate MIX
COMPLETE signal is prompted with the following “Mix Complete Required?”,
<Yes> (F2) and <No> (F3). If ‘No’ is selected it will return to the Start Menu. If
‘Yes’ is selected the mix complete signal is generated and <Reset> (F2) returns to
the Start Menu and clears the MIX COMPLETE signal.

<Trim> (F3) Opens the FINE WATER valve all the time the key is depressed, allowing manual
adjustment of the moisture level.

<Update> (F5) Followed by 9 saves the adjusted water amounts and moisture levels to the
current recipe.

The availability and function of the <Trim> and <Update> keys depend on the control mode and phase of
the mix cycle as shown in the table below. The shaded cells indicate the phases for which <Trim> is
available and the text indicates which recipe parameters are updated when <Update> is pressed.

Pre-wet First Mix Final wet Wet Mix Mix complete

Auto Pre-wet water Pre-wet water
and Pre-wet and Pre-wet Moisture target Moisture target
target target
Pre-set Pre-wet water Pre-wet water Moisture
Moisture target Moisture target
and Pre-wet and Pre-wet target
target target Preset final Preset final
Preset final
Calibration Moisture target
- - - -
Final water & Calc %
Calculation Pre-wet water Pre-wet water No Update
No Update (see
and Pre-wet and Pre-wet - (see Water
Water trim)
target target trim)

38 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Mix Log

Figure 16 – Mix Log (sensor readings)

Using the Mix Log menu

The Mix Log contains information on the last 99 mix cycles. On entering the Mix Log the most recent mix
cycles are displayed. Previous mix cycles may be viewed by using the up and down keys

<US> (F1) Displays the sensor readings in unscaled values for the mixes. Repeated key
presses will cycle between displaying % units and unscaled values.

<Water> (F2) Displays the actual water and target water for the mixes.

<Mix> (F3) Displays details of the mixes including total time and the weight.

<Back> (F5) Returns to the previous menu.

<More> (F4) Displays the following additional menu items:

<Calib> (F1) Enables a previous mix to be used to calibrate the recipe.

<Dev> (F2) Displays the sensor readings from the dry and wet phases as in the
sensor readings page, and also the variation of the sensor readings
(deviation) at the end of each phase. They can be in unscaled or
moisture values, depending on which is set in the previous menu.

<Reset> (F4) Clears the Mix Log; confirmation by pressing 9 is required before
the Mix Log is cleared.

<Back> (F5) Returns to the previous menu.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 39

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Mix Log Parameters

The first column in each of the three pages of the Mix Log is an identifier. The identifier consists of the
Batch number, the Recipe number and the mix control mode with the following format:

<Batch number>/<Recipe number><Control mode>

Where <Control mode> is P for Preset mode

A for Auto mode
C for Calc mode
Q for Calib mode

For example, 04/01Q is batch 4, recipe 1, Calib mode

Sensor Readings Page

The first page contains information about the sensor readings for each mix cycle.

Dry US/%: The moisture in unscaled or % reached at the end of the First mix time.

Calc US/%: The target in unscaled or % of an Auto mode, Calc mode

or Calib mode mix cycle.
For a Preset mode mix cycle no value will be shown.

Final US/%: The moisture in unscaled or % reached at the end of a mix cycle.

W/C: The water/cement ratio reached at the end of the mix cycle. This parameter will
only be calculated if a cement weight is entered in the recipe. The calculation uses
the dry moisture reading together with the amount of water subsequently added,
therefore the accuracy depends on the calibration of the recipe and the accuracy of
the dry reading.

Water Information Page

Figure 17 – Mix Log (water information)

40 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
The water page of the Mix Log, accessed by pressing <Water> (F2), contains information about the water
added for each mix cycle. The water added will be shown in units selected by the Water mode parameter
(see section Setup System). The above figure shows the Mix Log with the Water mode set to Metric.

Pre L: The amount of water added to the mix during the pre-wet phase.

Calc L: The amount of water calculated during a Calc mode mix cycle.

The total amount of water added during the final wet phase(s) of a Calib mode
mix cycle.
For Preset mode and Auto mode mix cycles no value will be shown.

Tot L: The total amount of water added during the mix cycle.

Trim L: The value of the Water trim for a Calc mode mix cycle.

Mix Information Page

Figure 18 – Mix Log (mix information)

The third page of the Mix Log, accessed by pressing <Mix> (F3), contains the following information:

Mix s: The total time taken to reach MIX COMPLETE.

Dry kg: Dry weight from the recipe of the mix, shown in units selected by Water mode.

Gain: Moisture gain from the recipe.

Offset: Moisture offset from the recipe.

The above figure shows the Mix Log with the Water mode set to Metric.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 41

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Sensor Deviation information

Pressing F2 will show the sensor readings, available in moisture or sensor unscaled values, at the end of the
first mix time and the final mix time, along with the deviation of the signal at the end of these phases.

Figure 19 – Mix Log (deviation information)

The deviations can be used as an indication of how stable the signal is at the end of each phase, i.e. how
homogeneous the mix is. The deviation values are calculated by recording the difference between the
maximum and minimum sensor readings over a period of time at the end of the first mix and final mix times –
the averaging time (see control menu parameters). Deviations should therefore be as close to zero as
possible, always less than 3 unscaled units.

Wet dev.

Average ‘Wet’
Dry dev.

Average ‘Dry’

Averaging Averaging
time time

First mix Final mix

time time

Start Mix Complete

Figure 20 –Mix Log Deviations – Trend display

42 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Calibrating from the Mix Log

When running in Calc mode, as mentioned, the recipe needs to be calibrated so that the controller will know
the required moisture level. This calibration can be done in two ways.

The first method is to use the Calib mode as described previously on page 28.

The second method is to calibrate the recipe from a previous record in the mix log. As with all calibrations, it
is essential to ensure that the moisture at the end of the first mix and the final mix times are stable, and so
this should be checked before any calibration is carried out. Look at the deviations for both the first and final
mix times. These should be as close to zero as possible, always less than 3 unscaled units.

To calibrate a recipe, select the required recipe that provided a good mix in the mix log. Then press Calib
<F1> from the ‘More’ menu. In order for that mix data to be used for calibration, a number of checks are
performed. These are:

o Water must have been added to the mix. If no water was used then the message “!Calibration failed!
No water added” is shown.

o After the main water is added, the sensor’s unscaled reading must increase by at least 4 units. If the
difference between the unscaled reading in the final mix and first mix are less than 4 units then the
message “!Calibration failed! Low moisture variation” is shown.

o There must be a dry weight in the recipe. If no dry weight is present in the recipe, it is possible to
enter this weight at the beginning of this procedure. The page will change to the following. Enter the
dry weight and press the to accept.

Figure 21 – Calibrating from mix log (enter dry weight)

Hydro-Control V User Guide 43

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
The next stage of the calibration procedure will be to enter the reference final moisture. You may select the
figure displayed or type in a new reference value using the keypad. Once updated, this will change the
moisture target in the recipe.

Figure 22 – Calibrating from mix log (enter final moisture)

The next screen will enable the user to input a theoretical trim on the calibration. This might be useful if the
particular batch in the mix log was a little too wet or too dry. Adding or subtracting a trim here will then adjust
the calibration as if the batch was made with a different quantity of water. For example a batch is made with
30 litres. This is a little too wet by only about 2.5. Therefore using a trim of -2.5 litres would calculate the
calibration as if 27.5 litres was used.

Figure 23 – Calibrating from mix log (enter trim water)

After this, the calibration can be saved and the recipe will be updated with the new parameters.

44 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Setup System

Figure 24 – Setup System

Using the Setup System Menu

The Setup System menu is accessed by pressing <More…> from the Start Menu and then <Setup> (F1).
The Setup System menu is displayed with a prompt for a four-digit password. None of the function keys,
with the exception of <Back> (F5) will operate until the correct password has been entered:

• Enter the password by typing the correct 4 digits. The words ‘Incorrect’, ‘Correct’ or ‘Advanced’ will
then be displayed to confirm correct entry or warn of incorrect entry.

• If an incorrect password is entered then you must use the <Back> (F5) key to return to the Start

• If the standard password has been entered then the <System> (F1) and <Diag> (F2) function keys
will be available.

• If the advanced password has been entered then the <System> (F1), <Diag> (F2), <Control> (F3)
and <Valve> (F4) function keys will be available.

<System> (F1) Edit the system parameters

<Diag> (F2) Enter sensor diagnostics

<Control> (F3) Edit the control parameters

<Test> (F4) Enter the system test menu

<Back> (F5) To return to the Start Menu

Hydro-Control V User Guide 45

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Edit System Parameters

Figure 25 – Edit System

Parameter Units Default Range

Water mode None Timed, US, Metric
Meter flow/pulse 1.000000 0 – 9.999999
Meter timeout Seconds 5 0 – 99
Language None English English, French, German, Dutch,
Spanish, Italian, Finnish, Danish
Busy mode None Water Water, Admix, All
Max recipes None 10 1 - 99

Water mode: Determines how the water is measured into the mixer. If you have no water meter use ‘Timed’,
otherwise select ‘US’ (US Gallons, lbs and degrees Fahrenheit) or ‘Metric’ (litres, kg and degrees
Centigrade) to match your system.

Meter flow/pulse: The quantity of water measured by each pulse of the water meter

Meter timeout: If no water pulses are received within this time after opening the valve then an alarm is
generated and the system will pause.

Language: Defines the language used for the information messages.

Busy mode: This can be set to one of three values:

• Water: Busy signal is high only during Pre wet and Final wet phases.
• Admix: Busy signal is high during the Final wet phase.
In a 2-stage calibration mix cycle the signal is high for the second Final wet phase only.
• All: Busy signal is high during entire mix cycle.

Max recipes: Defines the number of recipes available.

Default recipe parameters

Scrolling down to the ‘Default recipe…’ statement at the bottom of the list will display the first page of the
Default recipe. These parameters are identical to those in every other recipe and can be edited in the same
way (see section Edit Recipe).

46 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
System Test

<Valve> F1: Manually test coarse and fine valves

Figure 26 – Checking Valves

<Reset> (F1): Resets the water added and the time elapsed shown in the display
box to zero.

<Fine> (F2): Activates the FINE WATER output all the time the key is depressed
and will stop when the key is released. The amount of water added
and the time elapsed are shown in the display box.

<Coarse> (F4): Activates the COARSE WATER output all the time the key is
depressed and will stop when the key is released. The amount of
water added and the time elapsed are shown in the display box.

<Back> (F5): Returns to the Setup System menu

<HCV> F2: Hydro-Control V hardware tests

Hydro-Control V hardware tests

<Display> F1: Generates a display test screen

<Input> F2: View state of inputs

<Output> F3: Manually control state of outputs

Use the up and down keys to select output.

<off> F1: turns selected output off

<on> F2: turns selected output on

<Keys> F4: Shows a mimic of the keypad and displays keys pressed

Hydro-Control V User Guide 47

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Edit Control Parameters

Figure 27 – Control Menu (first page)


The control algorithm used in Auto mode attempts to make a compromise between achieving the moisture
target as quickly as possible and on the other hand, not letting the moisture level overshoot the target level.
The factors that affect this compromise include:

• How rapidly can your mixer make a homogeneous load?

• How long after water addition starts will the moisture level near the sensor increase? (This depends
upon sensor placement)
• What is the flow rate of water through the coarse and fine valves?
• What is the load size?
• How quickly can you turn your valves on and off?
• How often can you turn your valves on and off?
• What variation in moisture content can you tolerate?

Adjusting the various control parameters permits optimisation to suit local conditions. The Hydro-Control V
has been designed and configured so that most users will never need to know the details of the control
method used and will not need to change the settings. However if your mixer system is unusually fast or slow
in its response, and you are familiar with system control methods and theory, you might be able to optimise
your system response time by adjusting the default parameters.

48 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Control parameters

Parameter Units Default Range

Gain None 45 0-999
Upper Control Threshold None 70 0-99
Lower Control Threshold None 25 0-99
Valve on/off Time Seconds 1.0 0.0 – 99.9
Fine delivery Litres, Gallons, seconds 20.0 0 – 99.9
In-flight Litres, Gallons, seconds 0 0 – 999.9
Averaging time Seconds 10 0 – 999
Mix extension Seconds 30 0 -999
Access mode None Unlock Unlock/lock
Valve – Pre-wet None Both Both/Fine/Coarse
Valve – Final-wet None Both Both/Fine/Coarse

Gain; Upper Control Threshold; Lower Control Threshold; Valve on/off Time:

- See section Auto Mode Control Parameters.

Fine delivery: When a fixed amount of water is being added to a mix the last ‘fine delivery’ litres of the water
will be added using the fine valve only.

NOTE: Setting this parameter to be greater than 99 will ensure that only the fine valve is used for any mix

In-flight: The amount of water that continues to flow into the mixer after the valve output has been switched
off. Calc mode mix cycles require this value to be set correctly in order for calculations to be performed

Averaging time: During the mix phases of any mode mix cycle the system will average the moisture values
over this period of time.

Mix extension: During a calibration run, the system will extend the final mix time by the Mix extension time
to ensure that a good final reading is obtained.

Access mode: When set to Lock, prevents editing of recipe parameters and allows user to change only
between the current mix cycle mode and Preset mode (In the case that signal is lost from the sensor it is still
possible to run the recipe in preset mode).

Valve – Pre-wet: Selects the valve used during Pre-wet phase. Can be set to Both (default setting), Fine
only or Course only.

Valve – Final-wet: Selects the valve used during Final-wet phase. Can be set to Both (default setting),
Fine only or Course only.

Note: When using only one valve for water input, it is always recommended to connect to the ‘Fine Valve’
output. In such cases it is not necessary to change the above valve parameters to ‘Fine’ as the default
setting of ‘Both’ will always work.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 49

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1

Figure 28 – Diagnostics

The Diagnostics screens are only used for troubleshooting and will normally only be accessed after
instruction from Hydronix.

Using the Diagnostics Menu

The diagnostics menu provides access to several screens that can be used to read, test and configure the
connected sensor:

• To read system information and test the Current Interface press <H/W> (F1)

• To view a graphical display of the resonator press <RES> (F2)

• To monitor the measurements made by the sensor press <MON> (F3)

• To configure the sensor press the <CONF> (F4) key

Press <Back> (F5) to return to the Setup System Menu.

50 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1

Figure 29 – Hardware

Using the Hardware Menu

The Hardware Menu displays information about the connected sensor, and allows the user to force the
analogue output of the sensor and to autocal a Hydro-Probe Orbiter.

To test the sensor analogue output, select ‘Test’ <F3>. This will force the current to the indicated value. Use
the numeric keypad or the <Inc> (F1) and <Dec> (F2) keys to vary the current between 0 – 20mA.
NOTE: The current interface is not normally used when connected to a Hydro-Control V.

The ‘Calib’ function shown above in <F4> only appears when a Hydro-Probe Orbiter is connected. This is
used to perform an Autocal which is used when a new sensing arm is connected to the sensor.

The Hardware menu will also display the following information:

• Uncompensated and compensated frequency

• Amplitude of frequency response
• Sensor ID
• Firmware Version
• Min and Max temperatures recorded in the sensor
• Factory calibration air and water readings

Press the <Back> (F5) key to return to the Diagnostics Menu.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 51

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1

Figure 30 – Resonator

Using the Resonator Menu

The output from the resonator is displayed graphically. Above the graph, the values of the resonant
frequency, the amplitude of the resonance and the internal and outside temperatures (oC) are shown.

• To view the 300MHz sweep press <300> (F1)

• To view the 40MHz sweep press <40> (F2)

• To view the 4MHz sweep press <4> (F3)

• To view the reference signal press <Ref> (F4)

To return to the Diagnostics Menu press <Back> (F5)

52 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1

Figure 31 – Monitor Sensor Readings

Using the Monitor Menu

The Monitor Menu allows graphical display of the Raw or Filtered unscaled readings. The current
instantaneous value is shown numerically at the top centre of the graph. Viewing options are:

• To view the Raw readings with a 2 second time-base press the <Raw2> (F1) key.
• To view the Raw readings with a 100 second time-base press the <Raw100> (F2) key.
• To view the Filtered readings with a 2 second time-base press the <Fil2> (F3) key.
• To view the Filtered readings with a 100 second time-base press the <Fil100> (F4) key.

To return to the Diagnostics Menu press the <Back> (F5) key.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 53

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Sensor Configuration

Figure 32 – Sensor Configuration

Using the Sensor Configuration Menu

The sensor configuration parameters can be viewed and edited here.

These should not be changed after commissioning as this could adversely affect system

To change a parameter, move the cursor (<) to the parameter required using the up and down

Type the desired value using the numerical keypad or use the <Inc> (F1) and <Dec> (F2) keys to increment
or decrement the value.

The ‘Calib’ function shown above in <F4> only appears when a Hydro-Probe Orbiter is connected. This is
used to perform an Autocal which is used when a new sensing arm is connected to the sensor.

After completion of editing press <Back> (F5) and then either of the following keys:

to save the changed values and return to the Diagnostics Menu

to cancel and return to the Diagnostics Menu. Choosing this option will return any edited
X parameters to their original values.

54 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Sensor Configuration Parameters

Parameter Units Default Range

Output type None 0-20 mA 0-20mA, 4-20mA, Compatibility
Output variable Unscaled units Filtered Filtered, Raw
I/P 1 None M/T None, M/T
I/P 2 None None None
Ave/hold delay Seconds 0.0 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 or 5.0
Filtering time Seconds 7.5 0.0, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 or 10.0
Slew rate + None Light None, Light, Medium, Heavy
Slew rate - None Light None, Light, Medium, Heavy

Output type: Sets the analogue output characteristics of the sensor to the required type. Not used by the
Hydro-Control V but available from sensor.

Output variable: Determines which variable is available on the sensor analogue output:

• Filtered - Unscaled reading filtered using the sensor filtering time and slew rates.
• Raw – Unscaled reading with no filtering applied.

I/P 1: Digital input to sensor that can be configured to:

• None – status of input is ignored.

• M/T – switch analogue output between a signal proportional to moisture and a signal proportional to
external (material) temperature.

I/P 2: This parameter is not relevant to Hydro-Control V and will always be set to ‘None’.

Ave/hold delay: Always set to 0.0 for mixer applications.

Filtering time: Determines the filtering time in a sliding window averaging process..

Slew rate + & Slew rate - : These parameters are used by the sensor to limit the effect of rapid transient
signals due to mixer blades or noise spikes on the electrical supply lines. They set, respectively, the
maximum positive and negative voltage change allowed between successive sensor readings.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 55

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
56 Hydro-Control V User Guide
HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Chapter 4 RS232 Interface

The Hydro-Control V can be connected to a remote device such as a programmable logic controller (PLC) for
remote recipe selection or a batch control computer for remote recipe selection and reading of various
parameters for logging purposes.

It can also be connected to a laptop or PC for software upgrades.

The RS232 port settings should be set as follows:

Baud Rate: 9600

Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1

RS232 Connections on Operator Terminal

The Hydro-Control V is fitted with three multi way connectors of which terminals 21, 22 and 23 are used for
RS232 connection. The connections to the remote device are shown in the table below

Pin No. Signal Name Description

21 RS232 Rx (RxD) Receive data. - Input
22 RS232 Tx (TxD) Transmit data. - Output
23 RS232 Gnd (Gnd) Signal ground.

Sending Remote Commands

This section describes the commands that the PLC/batch controller must send to the Hydro-Control V to
instruct it to carry out the required operations.

Note: All commands are terminated with a ‘Carriage Return’ code, ASCII 13.

Also note that the position of spaces between command characters is important. In the next
sections, the character ”_” represents a space and must be used where shown

To prevent accidental changes that may produce undesirable effects, some commands are only valid during
certain parts of the cycle. These are shown below.

For example:

• Changing the active recipe can only be done when the Hydro-Control V is in standby phase (since
changing a recipe in the middle of an active mix phase will probably produce an erroneous mix).
Response will be ‘Not While Active’ if attempted during any other phase.
• ‘Mix complete at’ is only meaningful during the mix complete phase; the parameter will return zero at
all other phases.

NOTE: During operation, ‘noise’ on the RS232 connection may be interpreted as characters by the Hydro-
Control V. Sending a ‘Carriage Return’ code, ASCII 13, will clear the input buffer, and generate a ?10
response. The Hydro-Control V will now be ready for receiving valid remote commands.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 57

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Selecting Recipes

To select recipe No. nn , send a message in the form:

Format Terminator Parameter Range Valid Response Response

Period Terminator
>R1=nn ASCII 13 nn = 1 to 99 Stand By ! ASCII 13

For example, to select recipe 10:

• Send the ASCII string: >R1=10 Do not forget the ASCII 13 terminator.
• Note there are no spaces in this command.

Setting Dry Weight in Current Recipe

Format Terminator Parameter Range Valid Response Response

Period Terminator
>D1=nnnnn ASCII13 Nnnnn = 1 to Stand By ! ASCII 13

Reading Current Moisture value

The current moisture value can be read by sending a message in the form:

Format Terminator Parameter Range Valid Response Response

Period Terminator
*2 ASCII 13 Any xx.yy ASCII 13

e.g. if the current moisture is 5.61% then the response to *2 will be 5.61

If the final moisture target achieved is required for record purposes then Mixer Status command should be
used, see later in this chapter.

Reading the software version string

The software version identification string (as used at start up) can be accessed by sending a message in the

Format Terminator Parameter Valid Response Response

Range Period Terminator
*3 ASCII 13 Any Hydro-Control V v 1.10 ASCII 13

The reply is the ASCII version string displayed at start up.

Downloading the mix log

The mix log can be downloaded by sending a message in the form:

Format Terminator Parameter Valid Response Response

Range Period Terminator
*4 ASCII 13 Any All current mix Each log:
logs. ASCII 13

58 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Reading current Temperature value
The current temperature value (oC or oF) can be read by sending a message in the form:

Format Terminator Parameter Valid Response Response

Range Period Terminator
*5 ASCII 13 Any xx.y ASCII 13

e.g. If the current temperature is 25.0 then the response to *5 will be 25.0 C.

Reading sensor unscaled reading

The sensor unscaled reading can be read by sending a message in the form:

Format Terminator Parameter Valid Response Response

Range Period Terminator
*7 ASCII 13 Any xx.yy ASCII 13

e.g. if the unscaled reading is 35.61 then the response to *7 will be 35.61

Download last batch from the mix log

The last batch in the mix log can be downloaded by sending a message in the form:

Format Terminator Parameter Valid Response Response

Range Period Terminator
*8 ASCII 13 Any Last mix log ASCII 13

Reading and writing Recipe Parameters

All the major recipe parameters can be set over the RS232 link.

To read the value of recipe parameter pp in recipe no. nn send a message in the form:

Format Terminator Parameter Range Valid Period Response

#_R_nn_pp ASCII 13 nn = 1 to 99 Active recipe – See below

pp – see below Standby ?1x if
All other recipes unsuccessful

For example, if the final water target (parameter 7) of recipe 5 was 8.5%:
• Send the ASCII string: #_R_5_7 (Do not forget to terminate with ASCII 13, ‘carriage return’.)
• Receive: 85

NOTE: It is important to include the spaces as shown.

Recipe parameters can be read by specifying the recipe number (1-99) and the parameter number (see table

Hydro-Control V User Guide 59

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Parameter Description Units RS232 Actual
value value

4 First mix time Seconds 10 10

5 Cement timeout Seconds 10 10

6 Pre-wet water Seconds, Litres or 250 25.0

US Gallons
7 Moisture target 0.1 % 65 6.5
Seconds, Litres or
8 Preset final 300 30.0
US Gallons
13 Final mix time Seconds 15 15
14 Plus tolerance 0.1% 10 1.0
15 Minus tolerance 0.1% 3 0.3
17 Recipe gain None 10 1.0
19 Moisture Offset None -36364 -3.6364
20 Moisture gain None 1817 0.1817
Control method (0 = preset, 1 = auto, 2
23 None
= calculation)
24 Dry weight Kg or lbs 2000 2000
25 Calc. % 0.1 % 60 6.0
26 Calibration Water Litres or US Gallons 500 50.0
27 Water limit Litres or US Gallons 1200 120.0
28 Water trim Litres or US Gallons 50 5.0
29 Batch counter None 3 3
30 Pre-wet delay Sec 10 10
31 Pre-wet target 0.1% 40 4.5
32 Pre-wet mode (0 = auto, 1 = preset) None
33 Cement weight Kg or lbs 2000 2000
o o
34 Temperature C or F 250 25.0
35 Temp. Coeff. % / temp 200 0.2
36 Calibration Type (1=1-point, 2 = 2 point) None

All the major recipe parameters can be written over the RS232 link. The format and parameter list are similar
to the read command, i.e. to write the value of recipe parameter pp in recipe no. nn send a message in the

Format Terminator Parameter Valid Period Response


#_W_nn_pp_vv ASCII 13 nn = 1 to 99 Active recipe – Standby ! if successful

pp – see above All other recipes Anytime ?1x if unsuccessful
vv – see above

For example, to set the final water target (parameter 7) of recipe 5 to 8.5%:
• Send the ASCII string: #_W_5_7_85
• Do not forget to terminate with ASCII 13, ‘carriage return’.

60 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Reading and writing System Parameters
All the system parameters (including the default recipe parameters, parameters 111 to 124) can be read and
set over the RS232 link.

To read the value of system parameter pp send a message in the form:

Format Terminator Parameter Response


#_R_nn_pp ASCII 13 nn = 0 See below

pp – see below ?1x if


System parameters can be read by specifying a ‘recipe’ number of 0 and the parameter number (101-131,
see table below).

Parameter Description Units RS232 Actual

value value

Water Mode (0 = metric, 1 = US, 2 =

101 None
102 Meter Flow Litres or US Gallons 200 0.200
103 Meter Timeout Seconds 20 20
Language (0 = English, 1 = French, 2
105 = German, 3 = Dutch, 4 = Spanish, 5 = None
Italian, 6 = Finnish, 7 = Danish)
Busy Mode (0 = All, 1 = Water, 2 =
106 None

Seconds, Litres or
107 Pre-wet water 150 15.0
US Gallons
108 First mix time Seconds 10 10
109 Cement timeout 1 sec 5 5
110 Moisture target 0.1 % 65 6.5
Seconds, Litres or
111 Preset final 350 35.0
US Gallons
112 Final mix time Seconds 15 15

113 Control method (0 = preset, 1 = auto, None

2 = calculation)
114 Plus tolerance 0.1% 10 1.0
115 Recipe gain None 10 1.0
116 Minus tolerance 0.1% 3 0.3
117 Moisture Offset None -36364 -3.6364
118 Moisture gain None 1817 0.1817
119 Dry weight Kg or lbs 2000 2000
120 Calc. % 0.1 % 60 6.0
121 Calibration Water Litres or US Gallons 500 50.0

Hydro-Control V User Guide 61

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Parameter Description Units RS232 Actual
value value

122 Water limit Litres or US Gallons 1200 120.0

123 Water trim Litres or US Gallons 50 5.0
124 Batch counter None 3 3
125 Gain None 20 20
126 Upper Control Threshold None 50 50
127 Lower Control Threshold None 50 50
128 Valve On/Off Time Seconds 10 1.0
129 Fine Valve Tolerance Litres or US Gallons 20 20
130 In-flight Litres or US Gallons 50 5.0
131 Averaging time Seconds 150 15.0
132 Samples Seconds 1 0.1
133 Pre-wet delay Seconds 10 10
134 Pre-wet target 0.1% 40 4.0
135 Pre-wet mode (0 = auto, 1 = preset) None
136 Max. recipes None 10 10
137 Access mode (0 = unlock, 1 = lock) None
138 Mix Extension Seconds 10 10
139 Cycle loops None 2 2
140 Cement weight Kg 2000 2000
141 Address (0-16 only) None 5 5
o o
142 Temperature C/ F 250 25.0
143 Temp. Coeff. % / temp 200 0.2
Valve – Pre-wet
144 None
(0 = Fine, 1 = Coarse, 2 = Both)
Valve – Final-wet
145 None
(0 = Fine, 1 = Coarse, 2 = Both)
Calibration Type (1=1-point, 2 = 2
146 None

All major system parameters can be written over the RS232 link. The format and parameter list are similar to
the read command, i.e. to write a value vv to system parameter pp send a message in the form:

Format Terminator Parameter Response


#_W_nn_pp_vv ASCII 13 nn = 0 ! if successful

pp – see above
?1x if
vv – see above

The response will be in the same format as the read command.

62 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Mixer Status Commands
Four commands permit interrogation of the current status.

To read the current status parameter pp send a message in the form:

Format Terminator Parameter Response


#_M_nn_pp ASCII 13 nn = 0 See below

pp – see below ?1x if

Parameter Description Units RS232 Actual

value value

6 Current active recipe None 1 1

12 Total water added (at Mix Complete) Litres or US Gallons 82.20 82.20
24 Time taken to reach Mix complete (at Seconds 140 140
Mix Complete)

25 Status byte None

26 Moisture reading at mix complete % 7.40 7.40

For example (if system is at MIX COMPLETE):

• If water added was 43.1 L, #_M_0_12 will return 43.10

• If current recipe is 17, #_M_0_6 will return 17
• If time taken to MIX COMPLETE was 48 secs, #_M_0_24 will return 48

If system is not in MIX COMPLETE phase, dependent values returned will be 0.00.

The Status byte returns an indication of the current phase of the mix cycle:

Phase Returned value

Standby 1
Pre Wet 2
Cement call 4
First Mix 8
Final Wet 16
Wet Mix 32
Mix Complete 64
Paused 128

NOTE: For example if the system is paused in the wet mix phase, the command #_M_0_25 will return 160
since the status value is: 32 (Wet Mix) + 128 (Paused) = 160 (Total)

Hydro-Control V User Guide 63

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Command Acknowledgements
The Hydro-Control V will reply to valid remote commands in one of the following ways:

Code Meaning
Value The data requested from a valid command. Value may be
in integer, floating point or string format.

! Message processed without error (only issued if command

returns no data)

The Hydro-Control V replies to all invalid commands with one of the following responses:

Value Meaning
?10 Invalid command
?11 Parameter 1 out of range
?12 Parameter 2 out of range
?13 Parameter 3 out of range
?14 Command not valid while mix active

All replies are terminated with a carriage return (ASCII code 13).

Connecting to a PC/Laptop
The upgrade utility uses the Hydro-Control V RS232 serial connections and you will need the appropriate
connecting cable as described below.

Connect the COM port of the PC/Laptop to the RS232 connections on the Hydro-Control V using the
following diagram:

21 RxD 3 TxD

22 TxD 2 RxD

23 Gnd 5 Gnd

Hydro-Control V PC/Laptop
9 pin DIN

64 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Upgrading Software
Due to Hydronix commitment to continuous improvement of their products, upgraded versions of the system
software may be released.

Any new software versions and the utility to upgrade the Hydro-Control V are available on the Hydronix web

Using the Hydro-Control V Upgrade Utility

An upgrade facility is available from Hydronix. This utility is run from a PC using the RS232 serial port on the
Hydro-Control V. This allows the ability to upgrade the Hydro-Control V whilst on site.

Note that when upgrading, the system parameters, control parameters and recipe data will return to their
default value. The upgrade utility therefore has a backup and restore feature which will allow the parameters
to be downloaded onto the computer, then uploaded again so that the Hydro-Control V will once more be
fully functional.

Switching into Upgrade Mode

• Switch off the Hydro-Control V.

• With the 9 key depressed, switch on the Hydro-Control V. This will place the unit into upgrade

Warning: Whilst performing upgrade – please ensure the power is stable for the
complete duration. The upgrade takes approximately 10 minutes. If a problem
with the power supply occurs at the end of this procedure it could cause the
Hydro-Control V to become inoperable and in such a situation would need to be
repaired by Hydronix.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 65

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
66 Hydro-Control V User Guide
HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Chapter 5 Installation

This chapter describes how to install the Hydro-Control V, including connection of the Hydronix moisture
sensor and the RS485/RS232 communications link.

Unpacking the unit

Remove the Hydro-Control V from its packing and check for any transit damage or loose parts. In the event
of any problems contact Hydronix or your local supplier.

Safety Instructions
The Hydro-Control V has been designed in accordance with the recommendations of IEC 664 and has been
supplied in safe condition.

This unit is suitable for indoor use only.

If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer the protection
provided by the equipment might be impaired.

Disconnect from voltage supply before the unit is opened for any adjustment, maintenance or repair work.

Ensure that only fuses of the correct type and rating are fitted.

Ensure that the Hydro-Control V is mounted in an environment that will not cause electrical interference.

Explanation of Symbols and Markings

It is important to understand the meaning of the various symbols and markings on the Hydro-Control V
equipment as follows: -

Caution, refer to accompanying documents.

Caution, risk of electric shock.

Ventilation Requirements
It is important to ensure that the Hydro-Control V has adequate ventilation and that the side vents are not

The recommended clearance for the sides of the enclosure is 100mm.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 67

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Protection From Lightning Strikes
You should give some consideration to protecting the Hydronix installation from damage caused by lightning
and similar electrical disturbances.

Many installations will be in situations that are particularly prone to damage by lightning, for example:

• Tropical Regions.
• Outdoor installations.
• Long cable runs between the sensor and the control panel.
• Tall, electrically conductive constructions (e.g. aggregate bins).

Although the Hydro-Control V is fitted with Opto-Isolation on the sensor input, this will not prevent damage in
all cases. Precautions should still be taken to avoid damage by lightning in areas where there is a known

We would recommend the installation of suitable lightning barriers to all conductors in the sensor extension
cable. Ideally, these would be fitted at both ends of this cable to protect both the sensor and the Hydro-
Control V plus any other equipment connected to it.

Installing the Hydro-Control V

The Hydro-Control V is mounted in a control panel (maximum thickness 10mm) as described below: -

• Cut out an aperture in the panel: 178 mm High x 232 mm Wide (7.01 in x 9.13 in)
• Remove the pair of mounting brackets from the Hydro-Control V by releasing the screws and
unhooking the brackets from the body of the unit.
• Insert the Hydro-Control V through the prepared hole.
• Re-fit the mounting brackets to the unit and tighten the screws to pull the fascia towards the control
panel. Do not over-tighten as this may distort the fascia plate.

Wiring Connections
The wiring connections for the Hydro-Control V are shown in Figures 36, 37 & 38.

The sensor must be connected using an extension cable made up from a suitable length of two pairs twisted
(4 cores total) screened (shielded) cable with 22 AWG, 0.35mm2 conductors. It is recommended that a high
quality cable with good braid screen and also a foil screen is used in order to minimise the possibility of
interference. Recommended cable types are Belden 8302 or Alpha 6373. The cable screen must be
connected at the sensor end only, and therefore it is essential that the sensor body has a good connection to
an electrical earth.

The cable run from the sensor to the control unit must be separate from any heavy equipment power cables,
particularly the power cable for the mixer. Failure to separate the cable runs can lead to signal interference.

68 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Input / Output Module Types
The Hydro-Control V is fitted with plug-in optically isolated input/output modules, manufactured by OPTO-22.
A range of different input/output modules is available.

Digital Input Module Types

Hydronix OPTO-22 Description

Part No. Part No.
0401 G4IDC5 10 - 32 VDC
0402 G4IAC5 90 – 140VAC
0403 G4IAC5A 180 – 280VAC

Digital Output Module Types

Hydronix OPTO-22 Description

Part No. Part No.
0404 G40DC5 5 - 60VDC @ 3A (45ºC), 2A (70ºC).
0405 G40AC5 12 – 140VAC @ 3A (45ºC), 2A (70ºC).
0406 G40AC5A 24 – 280VAC @ 3A (45ºC), 2A (70ºC).

Connecting Ancillary Equipment

The Hydro-Control V provides no operating voltage for any external equipment other than the Hydronix
moisture sensor. All external equipment (valves, water meter, alarms, relays etc.) must be provided with
power from an external supply. An example plant-wiring schedule is shown in Fig 38.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 69

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Mix Sequence Diagrams

Final Mix
Final Wet Discharge

Pre Wet

Loading First Mix

Water Meter

Cement In


Coarse Water

Fine Water

Pre-Wet Done

Mix Complete

Start Pre Wet CEM 1 Final Wet Wet Mix Mix Complete Start
Menu Mix Menu

Figure 33 – Pre-Wet Mix Cycle

70 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Final Mix
Final Wet

First Mix


Water Meter

Cement In

Coarse Water

Fine Water

Mix Complete

Start 1 Mix Final Wet Wet Mix Mix Complete Start
Menu Menu

Figure 34 – Dry Mix Cycle (no Pre-Wet)

Hydro-Control V User Guide 71

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Mix Complete
Start Mix Complete
Pre wet calibration
Moisture water First mix Final water mix cycle)
Final mix
added time addition time

1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2-stage

water Final mix water Final mix calibration
addition time addition time mix cycle



Busy mode

Normal mix cycle




2-stage calibration mix cycle




Figure 35 – Busy Signal

72 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Explanation of mix cycle
The mix cycle (see previous figures) can have the following phases:


System is waiting for START signal. The mixer will normally be running, and the aggregates will often be
loaded or discharged with the Hydro-Control V at the Start Menu.

PRE-WET (if required)

Following the addition of aggregates, a START input (either by pressing the front panel button or by the plant
computer sending the input high) will cause the system to add the amount of water defined in the recipe to
the mixer before the cement is added. The mix cycle will continue after the time defined by the pre-wet
delay. If no pre-wet is required the Pre-wet water and Pre-wet target should be set to zero. This will ensure
that a ‘dry mix cycle’ will be completed.

CEMENT CALL (if required)

System will output a PRE-WET DONE signal indicating the Pre-wet is complete. This signal can be used to
initiate the addition of cement. This phase terminates when either the CEMENT IN input is received, or the
system exceeds the maximum permitted waiting time for the CEMENT IN signal. To avoid ambiguity, the
CEMENT IN signal may stay high until the Hydro-Control V issues a MIX COMPLETE.


Time allowed for aggregates and cement to blend before entering controlled water addition. This is defined in
the recipe menu.


Time during which the system will control the water addition to achieve the target moisture value.


Time allowed for mix to achieve a homogeneous state following all water addition.


If at the end of the wet mix, the Hydro-Control V outputs a MIX COMPLETE signal, which may be used to
initiate a discharge sequence.


After the RESET input (either by pressing the front panel button or by the plant computer sending the input
high) the MIX COMPLETE signal is cancelled and the system goes back to the Start Menu. The mix cycle
will start as soon as another START input is received.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 73

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Input and Output Functions


Minimum 200mS pulse used to initiate the next mix cycle or to resume current mix cycle following a pause.
Event occurs on leading edge of pulse.


Minimum 200mS pulse to indicate that cement addition to the mixer is complete. Event occurs on leading
edge of pulse.


Minimum 200mS pulse used to place the unit in a ready state for the next batch and remove the MIX
COMPLETE signal. Can also be used to pause the current mix cycle. Event occurs on leading edge of pulse.


Maximum 50 Hz input used for counting the amount of water added. Water mode, Meter flow/pulse and
Meter timeout are used for setting up the water meter input. Count occurs on leading edge of pulse.


Output used to switch on the coarse valve. Maintained high while coarse water required.


Output used to switch on the fine valve. Maintained high while fine water required.


Output used to signal that the system is busy, either (i) during only the Pre-wet and Final wet phases of the
mix cycle, (ii) during the final water addition phase only (for use with admix) or (iii) throughout the whole mix
sequence, selectable by Busy mode (see System Settings).


Output used to signal that the Pre-wet phase (Pre-wet water addition and Pre-wet delay) has completed.
Maintained high until CEMENT IN received. If Cement timeout is set to zero then this pulse will be


Output to indicate that the unit has completed the current batch mix cycle. Maintained high until RESET input


Output to indicate that the unit has entered an ALARM condition. Intervention is normally required to clear
the alarm.

74 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Basic Tests
Sensor Testing:
The Hydro-Control V uses a RS485 serial communications interface to communicate with the Hydronix
moisture sensor. Once the sensor has been connected, the Hydro-Control V can be switched on. The Hydro-
Control V will show a start-up screen displaying the Firmware version for approximately 3 seconds. After this
period the Start Menu will be displayed and will search for the sensor. A message in the ‘Moisture’ display
box will show Polling until the sensor is located. If the current control mode is Auto the main display area
will also show:


No response

from sensor nn

Where nn is the address the Hydro-Control V is currently searching.

After a maximum of 15 seconds the display sensor should be located and the display will change to the
standard Start Menu (– see section Start Menu), displaying the current moisture value and the trend

1. Press <More…> (F5) and then <Setup> (F1) to access the Setup System menu.

2. Enter the Advanced password (see Appendix D), press <Diag> (F2) followed by <Mon> (F3) to
display the Monitor page that shows the unscaled values being read from the sensor.

3. With the mixer empty and the sensor clean and dry, the unscaled value shown should read close to
zero (0). Due to differences in installation the empty value may vary and acceptable values will be in
the range 0 to 14.

4. Get someone to place the palm of their hand on the sensor; the unscaled value should now climb to
a value of 70 - 85 over a period of approximately 30 seconds. The value does not reach the final
value instantly due to the rate limiting and smoothing filters in the sensor.

The above verifies that the sensor is working correctly and that the communications with the sensor is also
working correctly.

Press <Back> (F5) three times to return to the Start Menu.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 75

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Valve Testing:
1. From the Start Menu press <More…> (F5) and then <Setup> (F1) to access the Setup System

2. Enter the Advanced password (see Appendix D).

3. Press <Test> (F4) to display the Test menu

4. Press <Valve> (F2) to display the Checking valves menu.

5. Press <Reset> (F1) to reset the display.

6. Press <Fine> (F2) and keep pressed to ensure the fine valve activates correctly.

7. Press <Reset> (F1) to reset the display and repeat using <Coarse> (F4) to check the coarse valve.

Water Meter Testing:

The water meter function is most easily tested by using a ‘dummy’ recipe to deliver a set amount of water.
The actual amount of water delivered can then be checked against the amount displayed.

The system parameters Water mode, Meter flow/pulse and Meter timeout must be correctly set before
performing any meter testing – see section Edit System Parameters.

Arrange for the water delivered from both the coarse and fine valves to be diverted into a suitable container
so that the actual amount of water delivered can be determined.

1. From the Start Menu press <Recipe> (F2)

2. Select a recipe for the dummy recipe

3. Set the Pre-wet water parameter to zero.

4. Enter the amount of water to be delivered in Preset Final parameter.

5. Enter a time in First mix time that will allow you to reach the water delivery point.

6. Check the Water limit parameter on page two of the recipe is greater than the Preset Final

7. Press <Back> (F5) followed by 9 to save the changes to the recipe.

8. Press <Back> (F5) again to return to the Start Menu.

9. Press <Mode> (F3) until Preset is displayed under Recipe number.

10. Press <Start> (F1), to start the dummy recipe; you will now have the amount of time defined by the
First mix time to reach the area where the water is delivered to check the delivery.

11. After the water turns off, check the water amount shown on the display is consistent with the amount
of water delivered.

The amount of water delivered and shown on the display ideally should be exactly the same as that
requested by the Preset Final parameter. In most installations this will not be the case, as some water will
continue to flow after the valves have been switched off. The Fine Delivery and In-flight parameters can
now be adjusted to optimise the accuracy of the delivery – see section Edit Control Parameters.

After the water meter has been calibrated the flow rate of the fine and coarse valves may be checked from
the Checking valves menu by pressing <Fine> (F2) or <Coarse> (F4) and dividing the amount of water
displayed by the amount of seconds displayed. See Chapter Valves and Water Flow Rates for guidelines.

76 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.1
Batch Control External
Signals 24VDC



Binary BCD Discret

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 27 29

24 25 26 28
Remote 24VDC Hydro-Mix
21 22 23

Recipe Select RS232

PLC Hydro Control V or
(If fitted) Hydro-Probe

1 2 3 4 19 20

From Batch Computer * Note: If only one

valve is used, connect
to the Fine Valve
Coarse Fine Water output
Valve Valve * Meter
(optional) (optional)

Figure 36 – System Block Diagram

Hydro-Control V User Guide 77

HD0193 Issue 2.4.0

24V DC 30 N/C
29 0V
Hydro-Mix V 27 +24V DC
Sensor A
Connector BLK G 25 RS485B
WHT F 24 RS485A
RS232 23 RS232 GND
Serial 22 RS232 TX
21 RS232 RX

External 17 PAUSE/RESET +

12 BUSY -
11 BUSY +
10 ALARM -
Status 9 ALARM +
Outputs 8 MIX COMPLETE -
Valve 3 FINE WATER +
Control 2 COARSE WATER -

Figure 37 – System Interconnection

Note: The sensor cable screen is connected on Pin H of the Mil Spec connector ONLY.

78 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.0

* Note: If only one valve

is used, connect to the
Fine Valve output

27 29

26 28
+24 V Hydro-Mix
Hydro-Control V or

24 25

+ _
+ _ + _
19 20 3 4 1 2

_ _ Fine Coarse
Valve * Valve
O/P Water I/P
Meter External
+ + _ Power Supply
Relay or Volt Free Output
Water Meter

Figure 38 – Example Wiring Schematic For Manual Plant Operation

Hydro-Control V User Guide 79

HD0193 Issue 2.4.0
Panel or Enclosure

Cut-out for

232mm (9.14 in)

178mm (7.01 in)

Figure 39 – Panel cut-out for Operator Terminal



78mm 246mm


Figure 40 – Operator Panel Dimensions

80 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.0
Remote Selection via PLC
If the Hydronix supplied PLC (Hydronix part number 8102) is used for remote recipe selection the
inputs to the PLC can be represented in one of three ways:

• BCD: The recipe number is applied in Binary Coded Decimal form. This allows all
recipes 1 through 99 to be selected using eight inputs.
• BINARY: The recipe number is applied in Binary form. This allows all recipes 1 through
99 to be selected using seven inputs.
• DISCRETE: Each input allows one recipe to be selected, allowing recipes 1 through 10 to
be used.
The selection method is configured by the state of inputs A and B on the PLC as defined in the table

Input A Input B Method

OFF OFF Discrete
OFF ON Binary
ON ON Not Used

Note: There has to be a recipe in the Hydro-Control V to be able to select it. If there is no recipe, the
selection remains as the last one selected.

Connecting the Hydronix supplied PLC for remote recipe selection

The 9 pin connector on the ‘IMO K-7’ PLC user port uses a different pin-out to a standard RS232
connector, and the Hydro-Control V must be connected to it according to the following diagram:

21 RxD 7 TxD

22 TxD 4 RxD

23 Gnd 5 Gnd

Hydro-Control V PLC

The PLC software is programmed to send a Recipe Select command via the RS232 port after the
input selection is made: the input selection must change from zero to the desired selection code
(according to the coding method as above: BCD, Binary or Discrete) for more than 200ms, then return
to the Zero state.

Additionally, the PLC will operate relay output P47 after a Recipe Select command – the Hydro-
Control V requires that Recipe Selection is made during Start menu only, this output may be used to
delay the START signal to the Hydro-Control V in case the Recipe Selection is made at the same
instant as the plant Start signal in order to ensure the selection is registered.

The relay output P47 may also be used to originate a START signal upon receipt of a Select Recipe
command. For example, different remote plant stations may invoke a START signal simply by sending
a Recipe Select, which may be unique to each station. The batching plant must still load the mixer, of

The following figure shows connections to the IMO-K7 PLC terminals.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 81

HD0193 Issue 2.4.0
Input contacts
1 3 5 7
2 4 6 8

Mode switch


P00 P02 P04 P06 P08 P0A COM0
P01 P03 P05 P07 P09 P0B 24G 24V

AC 100-240V P44 P46

5 1 FG COM3 P45 P47

9 6

23 Optional delay contact

for START input
L N Note: Relay
output rated to:
24VDC 2A
Hydro-Control V AC Power connections 240AC 2A
RS232 interface

Figure 41 – Remote Recipe PLC Connections

82 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.0
Start output

Hydro-Control V
START input

(a) Normal Start connection – no PLC

AC 100-240V P44 P46

FG COM3 P45 P47

Start output

Hydro-Control V
START input

(b) Plant generated START signal delayed by PLC

Note: Relay
output rated to:
AC 100-240V P44 P46
24VDC 2A
FG COM3 P45 P47 240AC 2A



Hydro-Control V
START input

(c) PLC generated START signal

Figure 42 – Remote Recipe PLC Start Signal Options

Hydro-Control V User Guide 83
HD0193 Issue 2.4.0
Dimensions in mm

Figure 43 – Remote Recipe PLC Dimensions

84 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.0
Chapter 6 Valves and Water Flow Rates

While the Hydro-Control V can work with a single water control valve, optimum performance (fastest
cycle times with least overshoot) will probably only be achieved with:

• A coarse valve to rapidly bring the moisture level near to target

• A fine valve to trim up the moisture level to the target without overshoot

It is essential that the valves are correctly sized and flow rates correctly adjusted with respect
to the mixer capacity and efficiency.

Valves should be able to turn on and off rapidly – the combined on/off cycle time for a 50 mm (2”)
valve should be no more than 2 seconds and 19 mm (3/4”) valves should have combined on/off cycle
time of no more than 1 second. This permits precise water addition.


Metric units:

If a 1m3 mixer has only a coarse valve with a water flow rate through the valve is 10 L/s and an on/off
cycle time of 1 sec, then water can only be added in 10 L steps. With a full load (~ 2200 Kg) then the
smallest moisture step is approx. 0.5%, which is too coarse for adequate control.

If the same system was also fitted with a fine valve which had a flow rate of 1 L/sec and an on/off time
of 1 sec, then using this valve would permit water addition in steps of approx. 1 L or 0.05% giving good

US units:

If a 35ft3 mixer has only a coarse valve with a water flow rate through the valve is 3 Gal/s and an on/off
cycle time of 1 sec, then water can only be added in 3 Gal steps. With a full load (~ 4800 lbs) then the
smallest moisture step is approx. 0.5%, which is too coarse for adequate control.

If the same system was also fitted with a fine valve, which had a flow rate of 0.3Gal/sec and an on/off
time of 1 sec, then using this valve would permit water addition in steps of approx. 0.3Gal or 0.05%
giving good control.

It is worth noting that a higher water flow rate should normally allow a shorter mix cycle time for an
efficient mixer, provided the valve is fast enough to control the dose (on/off time is short). A slow flow
rate and slow valve will provide the same dosing accuracy but will take longer to complete a mix.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 85

HD0193 Issue 2.4.0
Guidelines For Sizing Valves & Flow Rates

• Fine valve flow rate multiplied by on/off cycle time should be in the range 0.04% to 0.1%
moisture increase (e.g. into 1m3 {35ft3} mixer, flow rate x on/off time should be in the range 1 to
2.4L {0.26 to 0.63Gal})

• Coarse valve flow rate multiplied by on/off cycle time should be in the range 0.25% to 0.5%
moisture increase (e.g. into 1m3 {35ft3} mixer, flow rate x on/off time should be in the range 6 to
12L {1.6 to 3.2Gal}))

• Valve on/off time if in doubt, set it to one second, then choose valve sizes to give suitable flow
rate according to the chart below

• Valve Cycle Time should be at least twice the Valve On/Off Time, with a minimum cycle time
of 3 seconds recommended.

Mixer Load Coarse valve Fine valve

Capacity (Kg) Flow rate On/Off % Moist Flow rate On/Off % Moist
(m3) (L/sec) Time Increase (L/sec) Time Increase
(sec) (sec)
0.25 550 2 1 0.36 0.4 1 0.07
0.5 1100 4 1 0.36 0.75 1 0.07
1.0 2200 8 1 0.36 1.5 1 0.07
1.5 3300 12 1 0.36 2.25 1 0.07
2.0 4400 15 1 0.34 3 1 0.07

Mixer Load Coarse valve Fine valve

Capacity (lbs) Flow rate On/Off % Moist Flow rate On/Off % Moist
(ft3) (Gal/sec) Time Increase (Gal/sec) Time Increase
(sec) (sec)
10 1400 0.6 1 0.36 0.1 1 0.06
20 2800 1.2 1 0.36 0.25 1 0.07
40 5500 2.4 1 0.36 0.5 1 0.07
60 8300 3.6 1 0.36 0.75 1 0.07
80 11000 4.5 1 0.34 0.9 1 0.07

86 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.0
Chapter 7 Specifications

Supply Voltage
24V DC 11W nominal power for Hydro-Control V and sensor
Recommended supply 24 V DC, 1A minimum (24W).

Important: If using 24V DC for inputs/outputs (valves etc), use a separate 24V DC supply to
that powering the Hydro-Control V.

NOTE: The power cable must be screened and the screen connected at the earth stud on the
Operator Terminal only.
Sheet keyboard with polyester overlay.

Graphical Display
120 mm x 90 mm (4.75” x 3.55”) ¼ VGA display with backlight

Open access for operators. Critical operations protected by two levels of pass codes
(supervisor & engineer level).

Sensor cable
Two pairs twisted (4 cores total) screened (shielded) cable with 22 AWG, 0.35mm2

Screen (shield): Braid with 65%minimum coverage plus aluminium/polyester foil

Recommended cable types: Belden 8302, Alpha 6373

Maximum cable run: 100m, separate to any heavy equipment power cables.

Interface Modules
Six output modules and four input modules are provided as standard.
For voltage options refer to Installation.

At least the FINE WATER output must be connected. All other connections are optional and
can be connected as appropriate for each configuration.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 87

HD0193 Issue 2.4.0
For connection to batch computer, remote recipe module or remote operator terminal to
permit the remote selection of recipes. System Software can also be upgraded by
connecting a PC to the RS232 port.
For communicating with the Hydronix moisture sensor, including changing operating
parameters and sensor diagnostics. Simulator program also uses RS485 communications.

Operating Temperature Range

0 – 50 oC (32 oF – 122 oF)

Electromagnetic Compatibility
Meets the requirements of Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336/EEC

Fascia: 190 mm (H) x 246 mm (W); (7.48” (H) x 9.69” (W))
Panel Cut out: 178 mm (H) x 232 mm (W); (7.00” (H) x 9.14” (W))
Max Panel Thickness: 12 mm
Depth: 84 mm (3.54”)
Depth behind Fascia: 78 mm (3.31”)
Weight: 2.15 Kg (4.75 lb)

Protection: Front panel protected to IP65

88 Hydro-Control V User Guide

HD0193 Issue 2.4.0
Appendix A Advanced Control Parameters

Figure 44 – Edit Advanced Control Parameters Screen

The Advanced Control Parameters are only used by the Auto mode mix cycle control.

To access the Advanced Control Parameters the ‘Hydronix’ password must be entered at the
System Setup menu (see section Setup System). Enter the edit system control parameters menu by
pressing <Control> (F3) and move the cursor (<) down to ‘More…’ at the bottom of the menu.

Hydro-Control V User Guide 89

HD0193 Issue 2.4.0
Advanced Control Parameters
Parameter Units Default Range
System Mode None Normal Normal, Test
Coarse/upper thr. None 0.8 0.0 – 1.0
Derivative/gain None 1.0 0.0 – 10.0
Cycle/on-off None 3.0 0.0 – 10.0
RS232 Mode None Plant Plant, Screen
Samples Seconds 0.1 0.1 – 9.9
Cycle Loops None 0 0-99
Address None 0 0-16

System Mode: This can be set to one of two modes:

• Normal – displays normal operating information only.

• Test – setting this mode will display the internal control variables on the screen. These are:
- Average unscaled reading during dry mix averaging time
- Unscaled deviation (max-min readings) during the dry mix averaging time
- Average unscaled reading during wet mix
- Unscaled deviation (max-min readings) during the wet mix averaging time
- Number of water pulses received
- Sensors unscaled reading

Figure 45 – Test mode screen

Coarse/upper threshold ratio - together with the Upper control threshold, this ratio defines the
point at what the coarse valve is no longer used. A lower value will keep the COARSE WATER output
on for longer, switching the FINE WATER output on closer to the Moisture target.

Derivative/gain - together with the Gain, this ratio defines the Derivative gain: This value attempts to
compensate for how fast the moisture content is rising, and slows the water addition if the moisture
content is rising rapidly.

Cycle/on-off – together with the Valve on/off time this ratio defines the Valve cycle time: This
determines how often the valves are switched on and off. It should not be less than twice the On/Off
time. A shorter time will be faster and give more precise control (if your mixer is fast enough to take
advantage of it) but will cycle the valves more often, which could lead to wear.

90 Hydro-Control V User Guide

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RS232 mode: Determines how the serial port may be used:
• Plant – RS232 communications with plant control.
• Screen – allows screen dump of display bitmap.

Samples: The number of seconds over which the readings from the sensor will be averaged to
provide the moisture reading. The Hydro-Control V reads the moisture from the sensor 5 times per
second during mix cycles.

Cycle Loops: Sets the number of times the Hydro-Control V will loop through the final-wet and final
mix phases of the mix cycle. This is useful when performing linearity tests, where the same amount of
water needs to be added in steps. As an example, if a linearity test is to be performed and the water is
added in 5 stages, then the complete cycle would be (with no prewet):

Cycle Loops = 5

First Mix > Final Wet 1> Final Mix 1> Final Wet 2> Final Mix 2> Final Wet 3> Final Mix 3>
Final Wet 4> Final Mix 4> Final Wet 5> Final Mix 5

Address: Allows sensor selection when more than one sensor is connected via RS485. Setting this to
zero enables the Hydro-Control V to communicate with all address numbers (1-16) whereas a non-
zero number will make the Hydro-Control V only communicate with that specific sensor.

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Appendix B Background to Control Methods

Auto mode
The Auto mode control algorithm the Hydro-Control V used in the final wet phase of the mix cycle is
a modified Proportional/Differential (PD) algorithm. In these types of algorithm, the system first
calculates the difference between the current value of moisture and the target value. This difference is
used in two stages to define an output level, which can be considered as the percentage of time the
water valves are open.

First, the difference is multiplied by the proportional gain. In this way as the current moisture value
approaches the Moisture target, the output drops and the likelihood of over-shooting the target is
reduced. A value of 20-40 is typical for moderate to good mixers. Slower acting mixers should use
lower values.

Secondly the rate of increase or decrease of the difference is calculated. This is multiplied by the
derivative gain and subtracted from the output level. This parameter makes a correction for how
quickly the moisture level is rising, again in an attempt to prevent overshooting the target.

The overall output level is calculated and constrained to be a number between 0 and 100, with large
numbers representing the valve(s) being on for a greater percentage of time and zero meaning the
valve is off. In systems with both a coarse and a fine valve, if the output level is greater than a certain
value (determined by Coarse/upper thr. in the Advanced Control Parameters) then water is added
using both the coarse and the fine valves. If the output level is below this level only the fine valve is

Calc mode
Calc mode calculates the amount of water required to achieve a moisture target. In this way the user
still achieves an accurate Moisture target but the water required is added in ‘one shot’ to the mixer.

Each recipe must first be calibrated (see Section Calc Mode). During a calibration mix cycle a fixed
amount of water (the Calib. water for that recipe) is added to a mix during the Final wet phase. The
system uses the Dry weight of the mix and the ‘dry’ and ‘wet’ values of moisture (the moisture at the
end of the First mix and Final mix respectively) to calculate a calibration slope for that recipe (relating
the change in moisture of the mix to the amount of water added). It is important to note that if additives
are to be added to the mix these must be added after the calibration slope has been calculated. (To
facilitate this water can be added to a calibration run in two stages - see Section Calc Mode). At the
end of the mix two moisture targets are automatically defined for the recipe – the Calc % and
Moisture target. The Calc % target is defined by the final moisture level generated by the water
addition only and not by the effects of any mix additives. The Calc % target is used to calculate the
amount of water to be added to each subsequent Calc mode mix cycle. The Moisture target is the
final value of moisture reached at the end of the calibration run taking into account the moisture level
generated by the water addition and any modifications to the moisture level generated by the addition
of mix additives.

At the end of a calibration run the user will be prompted to enter a ‘final target’ value. This value will
allow the displayed final target moisture to be defined. For example, after a calibration run the final
target moisture reading might be 6.3%. If the user would prefer the final reading to be 8.0% then 8.0
should be entered when prompted. The calculated and final target moisture targets for that recipe
will then be automatically amended without altering the calibration.

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94 Hydro-Control V User Guide

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Appendix C System and Control Parameters Record

System parameters
This section should be used to record the System setup parameters.

Parameter Value
Water mode
Meter flow/pulse
Meter timeout
Busy Mode
Max. recipes

Control parameters
This section should be used to record the System Control setup parameters.

Standard Advanced

Parameter Value Parameter Value

Gain System Mode
Upper Control Threshold Coarse/upper thr.
Lower Control Threshold Derivative/gain
Valve on/off Time Cycle/on-off
Fine delivery RS232 Mode
In flight Samples
Averaging Time Cycle Loops
Mix Extension Address
Access mode
Valve – Pre-wet
Valve – Final-wet

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Appendix D Passwords

Operator password
Operators do not need a password.

Operators can:

• Start, stop, pause & abort the system

• Create, select & edit recipes

Supervisor password
Supervisors can:

• Do everything operators can do

• Access the top page of the system menu (water meter settings, timeouts, supervisor password
• Access the system diagnostics

Advanced and Hydronix passwords

The advanced and Hydronix passwords, which permit access to the Hydro-Control V control and
advanced control parameters respectively, are programmed into the Hydro-Control V firmware and
cannot be changed. If the passwords become known to unauthorised people, those people will have
access to the system control parameters, which if incorrectly set could make the system unstable.
Therefore these passwords should not be released.

The passwords are printed separately on the next page and can be removed to protect system

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Intentionally Blank

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Advanced password
The advanced password (used to access the control parameters and valve test function) is 3737.

Hydronix password
The Hydronix password (used to access the advanced control parameters) is 0336.

NOTE: You may wish to remove this page from the book to prevent unauthorised use of these

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Intentionally Blank

100 Hydro-Control V User Guide

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Appendix E Improving the performance of your mixer

Reduce your mix cycle time …

By optimising the performance of your mixer.

The speed with which any water control system can work is very much dependent on the time taken to
obtain a meaningful reading. The moisture reading from the sensor indicates what is happening in the
mixer. The speed of reading, or the time taken to reach a steady reading when the materials are
homogenous reflects the effectiveness of the mixer. By taking some simple precautions, the overall
performance can be considerably improved and the cycle time reduced with consequent financial

1. Adjustment of the blades

Ensure the mixer blades are regularly adjusted to comply with the manufacturers
recommendations (normally 2mm clear of the floor), with the consequent benefits:

• All the residual mix is discharged when emptying the mix

• Mixing action close to the floor of the mixer is improved, thereby improving the reading
of the sensor.

• Will reduce wear on mixer floor plates.

2. Plastic blades over sensor face

It is recommended that the blade or blades sweeping across the sensor face should be of
the plastic synthetic type as this helps to keep the sensor clean and can sweep closer to
the sensor with less risk of damage.

3. Cement addition

Mixing the fine cement particles in with the relatively coarse particular size of the sand and
aggregates is a tough job. When possible, the cement addition should commence within
a few seconds after the commencement of the addition of the sand and aggregates.
Folding in the materials together in this way will greatly assist the mixing process.

4. Water addition

To facilitate the mixing action, the water should be sprayed in over as wide an area as
possible, rather than discharged at one point. Remember excessively rapid water addition
will increase the wet mix time required to reach homogeneity. Hence there is an optimum
rate of water addition for achieving minimum mix cycle time.

Commencement of water addition should only start after the cement has been
substantially mixed in with the aggregates.*

*Cement powder lying on the surface of the aggregates will absorb the water turning into a wet paste, which will
be more difficult to disperse uniformly throughout the mix.

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Appendix F Diagnostics Record

Log of Diagnostics for Customer Support

A diagnostics utility is available from This utility uses the RS232
port to interrogate the Hydro-Control V (see section Connecting to a PC/Laptop) and saves
diagnostic information that can be emailed to our Customer Support Staff.

If for any reason the Diagnostics utility cannot be used, please record the parameters and
other details as indicated below. It is important that you have this information ready to fax
when you are speaking to our Customer Support Staff.

UNIT SERIAL NUMBER (as found on the back plate of the Hydro-Control V)


Mixer type i.e. Ribbon/Twin-shaft/Turbo/Planetary

Mixer Manufacturer
Mixer size
Normal Load
Minimum load
Normal dry moisture


Pre-wet water
First Mix Time
Final Moisture %
Final Mix Time


Water mode
Meter flow/pulse
Meter timeout
Setup password
Busy Mode
Max. recipes

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(Standard and Advanced parameters)

Upper Control Threshold
Lower Control Threshold
Valve on/off Time
Fine delivery
Averaging Time
Mix Extension
Access mode
Valve – Pre-wet
Valve – Final-wet
System Mode
Coarse/upper thr.
RS232 Mode
Cycle Loops

104 Hydro-Control V User Guide

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Address ................................................. 90 Diagnostics Menu ...................... 50, 52, 53

Alarm ................................... 33, 34, 37, 46 Displayed Moisture Value ...................... 34
Auto Mode ......... 12, 14, 29, 32, 33, 38, 40 Dry Mix (First Mix) Cycle........................ 71
Calibration.......................................... 17 Dry Weight ............................................. 34
Control Algorithm ............................... 93 Edit
Autocal............................................. 51, 54 Recipe................................................ 31
Ave/Hold Delay...................................... 55 System ............................................... 46
Averaging Time ..................................... 49 Filtering Time ......................................... 55
Batch Counter........................................ 34 Fine Delivery.......................................... 49
Busy Mode....................................... 46, 74 Fine Water ............................................. 74
Calc % ............................................. 60, 61 First Mix ..................................See Dry Mix
Calc Mode ....................................... 12, 33 First Mix Time ........................................ 33
Calibration.................................... 22, 93 Gain ................................................. 20, 49
Calculation....................................... 38, 40 Hardware Menu ..................................... 51
Calib Mode Hydronix Password................................ 99
Pre-Set............................................... 33 I/P 1 ....................................................... 55
Start Menu ......................................... 29 I/P 2 ....................................................... 55
Calibration ....................................... 41, 46 Input Module.......................................... 69
2 Stage......................................... 24, 34 Inputs..................................................... 74
Auto Mode.......................................... 17 Interface Modules .................................. 87
Calc Mode.................................... 22, 93 Language............................................... 46
Hardware Menu ................................. 51 Lightning Strikes .................................... 68
Mix Control Modes ............................. 14 Lower Control Threshold ... 20, 49, 95, 104
Mix Log .............................................. 43 Meter
Mix Times........................................... 13 Flow / Pulse ....................................... 46
Recipe................................................ 22 Timeout .............................................. 46
Sensor Configuration ......................... 54 Minus Tolerance .................................... 34
Temperature Compensation .............. 26 Mix Complete................................... 73, 74
Trim and Update ................................ 38 Mix Cycle ............................................... 73
Water ................................................. 34 Control Method .................................. 36
Water Information .............................. 41 Resume.............................................. 18
With Admix......................................... 24 Mix Extension .......................... 49, 95, 104
Without Admix.................................... 23 Mix Log ...................................... 34, 39, 40
Calibration Type .................................... 34 Calibration .......................................... 43
Cement Call........................................... 73 Downloading ...................................... 58
Cement In ........................................ 73, 74 Mix Sequence Diagrams ....................... 70
Cement Timeout .................................... 37 Mix Times .............................................. 13
Coarse %............................................... 90 Mixer Status Commands ....................... 63
Coarse Water ........................................ 74 Moisture Offset and Gain....................... 34
Connecting Ancillary Equipment............ 69 Moisture Target ..................................... 33
Control Algorithm................................... 93 Monitor Menu......................................... 53
Control Method .................... 28, 36, 40, 48 Output
Cut Out .................................................. 68 Module ............................................... 69
Cycle Loops........................................... 90 Type ................................................... 55
Deadband .............................................. 32 Variable.............................................. 55
Default Recipe Parameters ................... 46 Outputs .................................................. 74
Derivative Gain ...................................... 90 Panel Cut-Out........................................ 80

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Password ............................................... 97 Setup Menu
Pause/Reset .......................................... 74 Diagnostics ......................................... 50
Plus Tolerance ....................................... 33 Hardware ............................................ 51
Precautions ............................................ 67 Monitor ............................................... 53
Preset............................. 32, 33, 34, 60, 61 Resonator ........................................... 52
Final.................................................... 33 Sizing Valves ......................................... 86
Mode ............................................ 12, 33 Slew Rate
Pre-Wet.................................................. 73 + & -.................................................... 55
Done................................................... 74 Stand By ................................................ 73
Mix Cycle............................................ 70 Start Menu ............................................. 28
Water.................................................. 33 Auto Mode .......................................... 28
Proportional Gain ..................... 49, 95, 104 Calc Mode .......................................... 28
Recipe Start/Resume ......................................... 74
Default Parameters ...................... 46, 61 Status ................................................. 9, 63
Edit ..................................................... 31 System
Gain.................................................... 33 Control Parameters ............................ 90
Parameters......................................... 32 Edit ..................................................... 46
Reading Parameters .............. 60, 61, 63 Setup .................................................. 45
Remote Selection ............................... 81 Temperature
Selecting....................................... 30, 58 Compensation ........................ 26, 32, 34
Setting Parameters....................... 59, 61 Start Menu .......................................... 28
Remote Commands ............................... 57 Test ........................................................ 45
Remote Recipe Selection ...................... 81 Unpacking .............................................. 67
Resonator Menu .................................... 52 Update ............... 16, 18, 19, 23, 24, 36, 38
RS232 .................................................... 88 Upgrading Software ............................... 65
Connections ....................................... 57 Upper Control Threshold.... 20, 49, 95, 104
Port Settings....................................... 57 Valve .... 20, 45, 49, 62, 76, 86, 90, 95, 104
RS485 .................................................... 88 Cycle Time ......................................... 90
Samples ................................................. 90 On / Off Time .................. 20, 49, 95, 104
Selecting Recipe .............................. 30, 58 Selection............................................. 49
Sensor Configuration ............................ 51 Ventilation .............................................. 67
Sensor Cable ......................................... 68 Water
Sensor Calibration Limit .................................................... 34
Configuration ...................................... 54 Mode .................................................. 46
Hardware Menu.................................. 51 Trim .................................................... 34
Sensor Configuration ....................... 50, 54 Wet Mix .................................................. 73
Parameters......................................... 55 Wet Mix Time ......................................... 33
Setup Wiring Connections ................................ 68
System ............................................... 45

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