2017 Marshfield Conservation Seaweed Email

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Tae: Mike Fay Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 5:18 PM ‘To: “michaelwtay QIN , "Falabella, onion Ome” Eee. "Calvin, Robert” “Town Moderator , Joseph Kelleher Michael, | have been tasked with reply to you about the options for cleaning the red seaweed off the Ocean Bluff Beach. {In general, we have to review each section of beach independently. The primary criteria to be evaluated include feasibility (access and available resources) and ecological impacts {adverse impacts to the interests under the Wetlands Protection Act and Regulations and the Town Wetlands Bylaw and Regulations). DPW needs to evaluate the feasibility criteria and Conservation needs to evaluate the ecological impacts. If both criteria are favorable for seaweed management, then we need to get a determination from the Board Of Health regarding the potential for adverse impacts to Public Health. If all three criteria are met, then we can engage in either short-term or long-term permitting and management activities. In the case of the Ocean Bluff Beach, we are looking at a beach dominated by “rocky shore environments that are habitats for macroalgae and marine invertebrates and provide protection to and food for, larger marine organisms such as crabs, lobsters, and such fish species as winter flounder, as well as a number of birds. Most marine plants and animals found in rocky shore environments are uniquely adapted to survive there and cannot survive elsewhere. From a conservation perspective, any work in this area would create adverse impacts. From a feasibility perspective, the Superintendent of DPW has informed me that the area is not accessible for them to conduct any beach management activities” (310 CMR 10.34), As Ocean Bluff Beach does not meet the two primary criteria, the Board of Health would not typically issue a statement that a potential for adverse impacts to Public Health exists. The Board of Health reserves this for directed purposes pertaining to direct Human Health or potential Human Health impacts. Therefore, we collectively do NOT visualize taking any measures to address the red seaweed at Ocean Bluff Beach. However, we are not adverse to individuals utilizing hand tools taking corrective action as this would not have adverse impacts to rocky shore environments that dominate Ocean Bluff Beach. In addition, the seaweed will naturally attenuate as it has for millennia, Thank you again for bringing you concern to the Town. Respectfully, Bill Grafton Town of Marshfield Conservation Administrator a atom: 870 Moraine Street Marshfield, MA 02050 bgrafton@townofmarshfield.org Phone: (781) 834-5573 Fax: (781) 837-7163 From: Mike Fay [mailto:michaelwfaye ‘Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 4:01 PM To: Burtner, Jason (EEA) ‘Subject: Red Seaweed At Marshfield Beach Mr. Burtner, My name is Michael Fay, of Marshfield, MA. | spoke to Dr. Kathryn Ford of Marine Fisheries about a Red Seaweed problem at a beach in Marshfield, Ocean Bluff, and was suggested | contact you about the seaweed. t've documented over the last 14 months the seaweed on the beach and have attached the pictures to this email. I'm hoping to have this health and swimming hazard removed so the residents can enjoy the beach again. ''m looking forward to speaking with you. Sincerely, Michael Fay 3 attachments +B) RedSeaweed7-10-17.pdf +m8K Mike Fay

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