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CAMBRIDGE | “Discovery EDUCATION ao f0eW Ben Goldstein & Ceri Jones with David McKeegan i | STUDENT'S BOOK | | Ben Goldstein & Ceri Jones with David McKeegan i | | i aia CAMBRIDGE Discovery ae UNIVERSITY PRESS EDUCATION™: Starter Unit ere ‘pA the alphabet, numbers, time, pB classroom objects, 6 personal possessions and adjectives, p? days othe week, ‘mont and dates, pf countries, nationals and janguages er din I Family and frends (p12 An one are IB hove gor Explore adjectives © Robot fighters 2t Daly routines (p23 present simple = ‘Say Reright s/ fa! fad @ wisday (p34 A magazine ance (p35 can for ability and (p36 A podcast Explore nounsard verbs permission Sehoel subjects a ‘say it right! cavvean't @ King Fu school p43 Food pA. A magazine ate PAS countable and uncountable pl A conversation Explore expressions with ouns, alan, some and any Meals and courses have? (© Fishing in Japan 55 Anima pSeAqaZ =i present contruous Get right ireyular pals Explore acres of movement Say itright! 270 /ng! = sands © Stare stack 65 Pacesin a town 1 [B66 An information text 67 was/ wer, there waswere p6B A report Explore erteme acjectves Get it ight! ary Paces in atown2 {© ome: arcient and modern B77 Sport and aches 7B FAQs 179 past simple: yesna (p80 A conversation Get it right! piay or co Explore adverts Questions Clothes Say it right! sentence sess @ The Pako p87 Seasons and weather pBBA web page p89 be going to (p90 A conversation Explore colocstions Say it right! going to Landscapes © City of water ed Projects p123-125 Irregular verbs and phonemic script p126 p99 Grammar reference p107 Vocabulary bank p115 CLIL Maths — fractions @ The Land Down Under p18 © Real Talk: What's your _ phone number? What's your email address? _p100 Grammar reference p108 Vocabulary bank p116 CLIL Science — the Earth's movements © Mars p37 Object p38 © South African schoolgirl p40 © Real Talk: Can you use P41 An email p101 Grammar reference _ pronouns, (don’t) p39 A profile your mobile phone at school? ‘Useful language: =p 109 Vocabulary bank like, don’t mind, Explore adjectives Asking and giving permission informal language p117 CLIL Design and Technology - drawing tools © Da Vinci's Design , hate + ing p102 Grammar reference p110 Vocabulary bank p118 CLIL Geography — Climate and food | © Mountains of Rice © p50 © Real Talk: What do you usually have for lunch? Ordering food ae — p62 © Real Talk: Do yeu like continuous i p105 Grammar reference p113 Vocabulary bank _ p121 CLIL PE — outdoor sports and activities — © Extreme Fishing p82 © The bowler p84 © Real Talk: What's your p83 An article © favourite sport and why? Explore irregular plurals Expressing interest Get it right! American and British English words p106 Grammar reference p114 Vocabulary bank p122 CLIL Maths — frequency tables and bar charts © Holiday in Australia 1 Future with will/ p92 © Alaska : = p94 © Real Talk: Where do p93 An information brochure you like going on holiday? es adjectives — -= = Making suggestions Starter Unit Greetings 1 Complete the conversat below. What's your name? Hil Nice to meet you, 'm Jane: Mark: Hello, Jane: 2 Mark: I'm Mark. What's your name? Jane: 3, Jane. Mark: «Jane Jane: Nice to meet you, too! 2 QIN Listen, check, and repeat the conversation in pairs. The alphabet 3) QR Listen and repeat. ABCDErG HIJKLMN OPQRSTU VWXYZ 4& @® Work in small groups. Ask and answer the question and write the answers. How do you spell your name? Numbers SS Write the calculations as words. a one + eight = nine a) 14+8= d) 7-3 b) 446= e) 9x2= o 8-5= ) 10+5= wana (QED Listen and check. Put the numbers in order from low to high. (QED Listen and check. Work with a partner. Ask and answer How old are you? How old are you? I'm... How old are you? Time 10 Match the times with the clocks. 1 2 3 4 o Midnight 5. Five o'clock A quarter past five 6 Aquarter to seven Ten to three 7 Half past two Half past ten Gm 11 Ask and answer with your partner. 1 2 3 4 What time is it now? \What time is your English lesson? \What time is your first lesson in the morning? What time is your last lesson in the afternoon? Prepositions 1 Match the prepositions and phrases with the pictures. behind in_ in front of | _ between nextto on il 1 between Classroom objects 2 Find the words in the box in the picture. | bag board books bookshelf desk | | dictionary laptop notebook pen | pencil pencil sharpener rubber ruler Sa neem 3 Write questions and answers about the picture in Exercise 2. 1 Where's the notebook? It’s on the desk. 1 notebook 5 books 2 white rubber 6 laptop 3 red pencil 7 bag 4 board Gm 4 Work with a partner. Look round your classroom. Ask and answer questions about where classroom objects are. ( Where's the board? | ( It's behind the teacher. j this, that, these and those 5 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with this, that, these or those. _., are my books. _., are my blue shoes. my pencil. Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns era possessive co pronouns Sim fees 1 my mine your yours, he his his her bers 1 its = we our you yours their theirs Grammar reference « page 98 1 Complete the table with the correct words. 2 Circle the correct words. He Bis Lier He's APD be Its her /she laptop. She's It's new. Thats not youl your phone. my / mine They Their are we / our books. It isn’t him / his brother. It’s her / hers, thats they their ciionary. You're / Your my trend Personal possessions and adjectives 3. Match the pictures with the words in the box. anice car_anew skateboard a small bike a big bike arexpensive computer an old mobile phone 1. an expensive computer Possessive ‘5 Use a name or a noun + to show possession. ‘My brother's laptop © Grammar reference + page 98 4 Write sentences with the possessive ‘s. 1. Mysister’s bike is new. 1. My/sister / bike /is/ new. 2. Jake / computer /is / great! 3. My/mum/ car is /small 3 4 My/brother / skateboard /is/ old. 5. Kate / new / book / is ‘big. | be: affirmative, negative and questions | am He/She/It ... isn't ea _We/You/They are aren't | Yes, | am. No, I’m not. aren't. eee. -. Grammar reference * page 98 1 Complete the table with the correct forms of the verb be. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb be. ‘m |. Paul. She .... Sara. We ___ friends. You... Tim. They .... Pete and Suzie. He a teacher. You .... the students in my class. It....a dictionary. oo =~ au & WN wa 3 Make the sentences in Exercise 2 negative. 1 I'mnot Paul. 4 Write questions with be. Are you David? you / David? we / in English class? it/ cold today? the school / big? you / eleven? the teachers / children? (Your turn 5 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 4. a wi & Ww Ne = ena — | Are you David? No, I’m not. I’m John. yor : Is he/she/it 12? Yes, he/she/it/ is. No, he/she/it isn't. we/you/they Yes, we/you/ No, we/you/they Days of the week 6 Put the days of the week in the correct order. Friday Saturday moana Sunday Tuesday Thursday Wednesday 7 Ox Months and dates 8 Complete the months with the missing letters. “} Listen and check. 9 EE) Listen and repeat. 10 Match the dates. le 1 24/7 A January 24 2 1/5 B September 1 3 1/9 C July 24 4 24/1 D March 8 5 17/8 E May 1 6 17/12 F February 12 7 88 G December 17 8 12/2 H August 17 11 @m Listen and check. Gm 12 Ask and answer with your partner. 41 What month Is it? 2 When's your birthday? 3 What's your favourite month? 4 When are your parents’ birthdays? a Countries, nationalities @ and languages ‘1 Label the countries on the map. Australia Brazil Britain Ganede China Colombia France India Japan Mexico Russia Spain Turkey the USA 2 QD Listen, check and repeat. 3 Complete the table with the correct nationalities. Country Nationality Country Nationality ‘America | American | Russia 4 Australia Australian Britain British Brazil 1, Turkey Turkish Canada Canadian = Spain 5 Colombia 2 China| Chinese India 3 Japan 6 Mexico | Mexican France | French 4 QED Listen, check and repeat. 5 Write sentences about the people below. 1. Yuki’s from Japan. She's Japanese, 2. Michel and Nicole are from France. They're French, Yuki... Japan Michel and Nicole ... France Sarah ... Australia LiPing ... China Vlad and Oksana ... Russia Raj and Sanjeet ... India Harry ... America Leticia and Pedro ... Mexico 6 @® Where are you from? Ask and answer your partner. 2 What country is this from? 3 What are the two official languages of Canada? 4 Where is this city? 5 What language is this? 6 Whereis Beling? 8 Compare your answers with your partner. Speaking Asking for clarification AC] ML emma eM atcleceele Mele mice ey ~— @EB Watch the teenagers in the . video. Complete the chart on the right. = Listen to the conversation. When is Janek’s birthday? Useful language [RE So, your name Is (Janek), Sorry, is that right? Yes, that’s right. How do you spell that? 4 Look at the Useful language box and complete the conversation. | repeat right course Sorry spell Til a a Teacher: So, your first name is Janek and your surname is Czerwinski, is that! ? _dJanek: Yes, that’s right. Teacher: How do you2__ that? | Janek: It'sCZERWINSKI. | Teacher: OK, thanks. And where are you from? Can you repeat that please? Of course. Name Nationality Rachel British Binnie | British Steven Emily Courtney Freddie 5 @ | Parents’ nationality British - British oe co _Dad: Israeli ines hemalonn oti Dad: .... Mum: |. Dad: Mum: .... Dad: English | Listen, check and practise the conversation with your partner. 6 WB Change the words in bold in the conversation in Exercise 4. Use the information on the cards. Practise the conversation. | Janek: Katowice, in Poland. ThatsKATOWICE. _ Teacher: And what's your date of birth? Janek: = 12" April 2000. Teacher: *...,canyou*._ that please? Janek: Yes, of ©... It’s 12 April 2000. | Teacher: Thanks. And what's your address here in Bristol? Janek: 24 Walton Street. Card BRUNO NEUMANN from: Munich, Germany dob: 23° May 1999 address in Bristol: 10 Clifton Street TOON Lele 1a es Sect es coer rey a think the Taal ia ees enor) peers Vocabulary Family and friends My tnd friends Fi Richard Helen 1 oe 5 * S a fl - Paul Kee Mel by Sarah Wood, Year 7 fam ‘1. Look at the family tree. Where is Sarah? 2 QED complete the text with the words in the box. Then listen, check and repeat. uncle brother aunt teammates wife dad cousin sister classmates grandma grandad mum est friend parents grandparents Here's a picture of my family and triends. At the top are my * grandparents My 2,5 name is David and his ,.. is Betty. She's my ,,.. My, 5 name is Helen and my is Richard. They are my’... Paul ismy and Kate is my’... Jessie my"... Our. 's name is Tony, I've got one '2.— his name is Charlie. At the bottom of the picture is my "..”, Jade, my (we play netball for our schol), and my "8. ~ just call them ‘the guys't 3 Look at the family tree again and complete the sentences with the words in the box. son daughter grandson granddaughter 1. Sarah is David and Betty's deughter. 1. Sarah is David and Betty's 3. Kate is Richard and Helen's 2 Charlie is Jessie and Tony’ 4. Paul is David and Betty's 4 Copy and complete the circles with the words in Exercise 2. Gi 5 Draw your family tee. Tell our partner who the people are. These are my gr andparents. Theit names are Manuel and Caria That’ my ©} Vocabulary bank* page 10711 12 BiG Have you got a brother or a sister? How many have you got? One? Two? Maybe more? a FACT! The average number of childre Australian families s 1.9. Look at the photo and the title of this article. What is special about this family? (QED Read the article. Is it a happy family? Read the text again. Are the sentences true (7) or false (F)? Correct the false ones. 1. Damien is not a baby. F-Damien is a baby. There are fifteen boys in the family Three of his brothers and sisters aren't children Damien's house is very quiet. The children aren't very good friends. Damien Baxter is very lucky. He's got fourteen brothers and sisters! ‘The family lives in a big house in Western Australia ‘The house has got seven bedrooms, and lots of beds, It isn't a quiet house. It's a very noisy house with lots of children init Three of Damien's brothers and sisters are adults. ‘They've got children too, Damien is a baby, but he's an uncle to those children! The Baxter family is very busy. There's lots of work to do in the Baxter house. When a child is eight years ‘ld, they helo with the work. Damien is only three months old, so he hasn't got jobs to do yet. They haven't got a car. Damien's dad's got a bus! It's got sixteen seats. ‘The Baxters are a very happy family, and the kids are all good friends. Find the opposites of these adjectives in the text. 1 unlucky lucky 3. quiet 5 bad 2. small 4 unhappy Write notes about your family and Damien's family My family small big Damien's family Tell your partner about how your family is different from Damien's family, Look at the pictures of James and Alice. ‘Write questions and answers. 1 Has James got a book about sport? | Yes, he has. James / a book about sport? Alice / a computer? | James / black trainers? Alice /a skateboard? James / blue headphones? Alice /a CD? James /a hat ? Complete the examples from the text on page 12. They... fiteen The house has got chiecen seven bedrooms They havent got aca Damian... jobs to E 2 , Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions from Exercise 3, te brother Has he got a house? ~ Have you ora sister? [ESI Yes, have Yes, he has. (No, thaven't No, he Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about what you have got. © Grammar reference * page 99 Complete the chart and add your own ideas. You Your partner Complete the text about Nicole’s family. Use the correct form of have got. abrather asister acat 2 computer 2 skateboard Have you got a brother? Yes, | have. Pee te ce Ra Cu "How many robots has the Suni family got? Bees eed This is me and my family... two brothers. 1 (not) a sister. Those are my parents. We *...a big garden. My dad +. one brother, my Uncle Matt. oe My uncle § three boys. That's their dog, Lady. t loves our big garden. We ®..(not) a dog. And my cousins ” (not) a big gerden. “Discovery EDUCATION Cesc 2B 4 eee Look at the avatars got? (QIEAD Listen to the conversation between Connor and Suzi. Which is Connor's avatar? jure, What things have the (@IEBD Listen again. Correct the sentences. 1 The game is called ‘My 3D house’ 2. Connor is on level 15. 3 Connor has got ten stars 4 SuziS avatar has got a blue skateboard. (Q@IEAD choose the correct words from the box. Then listen, check and repeat. funny brown intelligent short blue straight good-looking old 1 straight spiky tong | fair dark tall Invent an avatar. Write a description, Read it to the class. Myavatar is tall. She's got spiky hair © Vocabulary bank + page 107 It’s green. She's got brown eyes. Language focus 2 Comparative adjectives 1. Complete the examples from the listening on page 14, tong longer i your hair tall taller You're me. > Grammar reference * page 99 £ One-syllable adjectives ending in a single consonant: double the consonant. big- bigger red-redder 2. Complete the table with the correct form of the adjective. 1 shor 2 cuter 3 dark 4 better 5 beautiful 6 young 7 clder 8 ‘more intelligent 9 pretty 3 Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the adjective in brackets. 1. My hairs... curly) your hair My dads... (old) my mum You are... (intelligent) your brather. His story i... (funny) my story. Ae you... (all me? Her hairs... straight) your hai. Si Han! (QIN Listen and repeat the sentences. ‘My hairs shorter than your hai My mum is older than my daa, Ae you taller than me? Fred is more nteligent than Josh 4 Look at the picture. Write sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives below. big small straight pretty long noisy quiet f> 1. Patch is bigger than Libby. Gm 5 Work with a partner. Write sentences comparing yourself to him/her. Use these adjectives and other adjectives you can think of. young old funny tall short intelligent {I'm younger than Silvia. Look at the map and the pictures. Where's Siberia?) Fi meanings of the other words. Which of the things in Exercise 1 do you think are in the video? (EE watch the video without sound and check your answers to Exercise 1. Gene cut EE watch the video up to 0.58 with sound. qd the video. Fun in Siberia EE Wateh the video from 1.18 to the end. ‘Compare Boris’ town, shops and family with Put the events in order. yours. Complete the table. a) They ride on a sleigh with reindeer Tae Gee See ee b) They travel on a snowmobile. Me two sisters ©) They dance around a fire Boris cold small 1 one brother EE watch the video again. Are the sentences true (7) or false (F)? 1 SIA ind six of these things in the photos. Check the bear boat dancing fire forest Khanti people reindeer singing sleigh snow snowmobile sunshine €Discovery © Porrarery Pca ard ‘hoose the best summary for the first part of, A small town in Siberia Siberian weather and wildlife Work with a partner. Talk about your answers Boris’ grandparents’ house is smaller than Boris’ house. ‘5 Eeereiaa 7 They've got about 500 reindeer The town has one shop and two roads. My family is Bigger than Bott. Boris’ father and sister visit his grandparents. We got hao Sisters The trp takes three he ‘ It's hard work and fun at his grandparents’ houses The film finishes with a sleigh ride

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