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An Approach With Less Risk?

Playing It Safe With Cryptos

Cryptocurrency trading carries various kinds of risks. AN OVERVIEW OF CRYPTO RISK
Here, we’ll compare several trading methods to nd There has been a lot written about cryptocurrencies, so
out which could have less risk when approaching the I won’t belabor it here. The biggest issue is counterparty
cryptocurrency markets. risk, that is, are your trades guaranteed? If you trade bit-
coin (BTC) on the CME (formerly known as the Chicago
by Perry J. Kaufman Mercantile Exchange), all your trades are backed by the
clearing house. That is some comfort.

say that cryptocurrencies are “popu- But what happens if something goes wrong with a

lar” nowadays would be an under- trade in bitcoin or Dogecoin? What if you get a bad ll,
statement, and the 6,700 cryptocur- or worse, your account is hacked and money disappears?
rencies currently available make it As far as we know, you are out of luck. There are no
clear that just about everyone is in guarantees.
the game. Even though Ethereum (ETH) and Coinbase (COIN)
There are two key areas to focus are listed on exchanges, it does not guarantee that those
on when thinking about trading cryptos: First, which companies will survive. When Enron collapsed in the late
are safest, and second, how do you trade them without 1990s, investors lost everything. The NYSE and CME
exposing yourself to extreme risk? guarantee that the trades are accounted for correctly, but
18 • August 2021 • Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES

FIGURE 1: EURUSD (CASH) VOLATILITY. The volatility of the euro versus

the US dollar based on a 20-day annualized volatility calculation clusters
mostly in the range of +/-1%.

they do not guarantee the company’s existence.

That is an example counterparty risk. So be sure to do
your homework. Caveat emptor.

The next important feature of cryptos is their volatility.
Cryptos put themselves forward as a pseudo-currency.
But a sovereign currency is backed by a combination of FIGURE 2: BITCOIN VOLATILITY (TOP), DOGECOIN VOLATILITY (BOT-
the country’s treasury and gross national product, that TOM). Cryptocurrency prices can vary wildly. BTC is erratic but clusters
is, the products that the country produces and trades between about +7% and -7%. In DOGE, you can see spikes to 50% and
with other countries. higher. Compare this to the volatility seen in Figure 1 of EURUSD.
When Germany wants to buy wheat from the US, it
rst converts the cost of the purchase from euros into US is a 16% chance of a drawdown of more than 9.53% and
dollars. That strengthens the dollar. When the US imports a 2.5% chance of losing more than 19%.
goods from China, it buys yuan, which strengthens the Compare that with bitcoin since it started trading in
Chinese currency and weakens the US dollar. 2014. Its average 20-day volatility is 61.5%. That means
None of that exists in cryptocurrencies. Their value there is a 16% chance of losing 61.5% and a 2.5% chance
depends only on supply and demand. It has no intrinsic of losing 123%. That is high risk, but not compared to
value. In all fairness, gold has many similarities, although DOGE. The annualized volatility of DOGE is 145%!
it has a history of thousands of years. If you want to trade bitcoin safely, you need to reduce
Without an intrinsic value, crypto prices can vary your exposure to that of the euro (9.53/61.5 = 0.15).
wildly. For example, Figure 1 shows the volatility of Then you should be trading only 15% of your normal
the euro (versus the US dollar) based on a 20-day an- exposure. For DOGE we get 9.53/145 = 0.065 or 6.5%
nualized volatility calculation. It clusters mostly in the of your normal risk. That way it matches the risk of the
range of +/-1%. rest of your portfolio.
Now look at a chart of cryptocurrencies bitcoin (BTC-
USD) and Dogecoin (DOGE-USD) (Figure 2). BTC is
erratic but clusters between about +7% and -7%. DOGE
is more dif cult to read, but what is clear are the spikes
to 50% around 2017 and higher recently. Volatility is The 6,700 cryptocurrencies
risk. It’s nice when it goes your way but disastrous when currently available make
it goes the wrong way.
it clear that just about
In order to begin a relatively safe trade, we need to bring
down the volatility to a reasonable level. If we annualize
everyone is in the game.
the volatility of the euro from 1999 to now, we get a value
of 9.53% with an average of near zero. That means there
August 2021 • Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES • 19
Now let’s look at the ways we can trade cryptos. Do we
go for the long-term position or choose fast trading? A
long-term position in a market that is volatile means
holding a trade through severe ups and downs. Figure 3
shows the results of a moving average optimization of
Ethereum (ETH) using the following rules:

• Buy when the price crosses above the moving

• Sell short when the price crosses below the mov-
UM, FROM 2015. The best result in the test used a 120-day moving average,
gaining over $8 million on a $10,000 investment beginning in 2015. The total pro ts of both long and short positions are
shown in Figure 3. The shorts
are dif cult to see, leaving us
with the conclusion that we
only want to take long trades.
And those trades are very
pro table. The best result used
a 120-day moving average,
gaining over $8 million on a
$10,000 investment beginning
in 2015. A remarkable return.
Figure 4 is a chart of ETH.
Using the 120-day moving av-
erage, the last trade was entered
in mid-April 2020 at 172.12
and held until mid-May 2021,
exiting at 3282.40 for a gain of

1,807%. Not bad.

FIGURE 4: ETHEREUM TRADES USING A 120-DAY MOVING AVERAGE. Using the 120-day moving aver-
But the other side of this
age, the last trade in the test was entered in mid-April 2020 at 172.12 and held until mid-May 2021, exiting at pro t is the risk. In order to
3282.40 for a gain of 1,807%. Clearly, the profit potential in a volatile market such as this can be huge, but hold ETH for more than a year,
holding a long-term position in a volatile market means holding a trade through severe ups and downs. you need to steel yourself to
the drawdown. In February the
price fell from about 2,000 to 1,400, a loss of 30%. Had
you been trading from 2014 that would be nothing, but
if you entered at 1,000 or higher, it would have taken
away most of your gains.
Figure 5 shows the maximum intraday drawdown for
each calculation period. While the largest drawdown
occurred in March 2020, it was $40,000, four times
larger than our investment of $10,000. If you had not
accumulated large pro ts by then, your trading activ-
ity would be forced into retirement. No matter which
calculation period you choose, a trend system posted a
AVERAGE. Here you can see the maximum intraday drawdown for each
Even Elon Musk has shown he is not willing to hold a
calculation period of the tested moving averages. The largest drawdown
occurred in March 2020 and was four times larger than the initial invest- crypto trade for very long. You might think of a crypto
ment of $10,000 in the test. trade as more of a trading event than an investment.
20 • August 2021 • Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES
FIXED RESET OF A 30% DECLINE IN VOLATILITY. The best result in BTC. Ideally, a volatility exit factor will capture more than one trade. While
the test was an exit when the volatility was at 440%, but that value would using an 80-day moving average and a reset of 30%, the results of two
have made you miss a large upward move. If we fix the reset as a decline extreme volatility exits, 4.4 and 2.5, can be compared.
of at least 30% in volatility, we get the results seen here.

TRADING A FASTER METHOD levels will decline, but that time has not yet come.
A strategy that can be successful in more volatile markets I tested BTC-USD rst for the best moving average and
is buying a pullback in an uptrend. You may miss a part of found it was 80 days, typical of a macrotrend system. I
the big move, but you have a better chance of controlling then tested an extreme volatility exit and reset. The best
the risk. We could also use a moving average crossover, was an exit when the volatility was at 440%. As you can
where we trade in the direction of the slow trend but only imagine, that value picked off the top of an upwards
when the fast trend con rms that direction. For a long- move. If we x the reset as a decline of at least 30% in
only system, both trends would need to be up, or the fast volatility, we get the results in Figure 6.
trend would need to be above the slow trend. As you can see, there is a pro t spike at volatility
I tested ETH using the crossover method, trying to factor 4.4. I think that is unrealistic. There is not much
capture smaller upward moves and avoid the drawdowns. history for cryptos, and we would like a volatility exit
An optimization showed that the best combination was factor that captures more than one trade. With that in
a 100-day slow moving average and a 4-day fast mov- mind, I tested a 2.5 pro t factor, the center of a at area
ing average. Returns were excellent but there was a 70% in Figure 6. Results of the 4.4 and 2.5 factors are shown
drawdown. That did not seem acceptable. in Figure 7.
When we look at the chart of bitcoin (BTC-USD), it is While we all want to get as much pro t as possible,
clear that the gains are made in the big moves up. Short missing an extreme volatility exit could result in a large
sales are unlikely to work, and waiting for a pullback will drawdown. Figure 7 shows that the pro ts ofbothvolatility
miss most of the pro ts. What other choice is there? factors have been the same since October 2017. The table
in Figure 8 compares the pro le of the two methods.
EXITING ON EXTREME VOLATILITY Although the exit factor of 2.5 reduces returns by 28%,
High volatility means high risk, and high volatility is it reduces the drawdown by the same percentage. The
dif cult to sustain. One of the few rules that works for 2.5 factor is likely to trigger more exits, so that is going
long-term trends is to exit when volatility gets extreme. to be a better choice than capturing a single extreme
You can wait for a new trading signal or reset the position move—one that may never happen again.
when volatility drops by some preset amount. A drop in
volatility usually means a return to normal.
We’ll measure volatility in the normal way, that is,
the standard deviation of the returns of the past 20 days One of the few rules that
multiplied by the square root of 252. works for long-term trends
For most stocks, extreme volatility is around 90% to is to exit when volatility
100%, based on this 20-day annualized volatility measure. gets extreme.
But cryptos are much more volatile—as we saw earlier, 7
to 10 times as volatile. Perhaps, as cryptos mature, those
August 2021 • Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES • 21
Extreme Volatility Exit 4.4 Extreme Volatility Exit 2.5
All Trades Long Trades Short Trades All Trades Long Trades Short Trades
Total Net Profit $160,333 $155,210 $5,123 $115,114 $109,991 $5,123
Profit Factor 16.03 28.43 2.02 9.84 14.72 2.02

Total Number of Trades 59 31 28 61 33 28

Percent Profitable 55.93% 70.97% 39.29% 55.74% 69.70% 39.29%
Winning Trades 33 22 11 34 23 11
Losing Trades 26 9 17 27 10 17

Even Trades 0 0 0 0 0 0
Avg. Trade Net Profit $2,718 $5,007 $183 $1,887 $3,333 $183
Max. Consecutive Winning Trades 6 5 3 6 5 3
Max. Consecutive Losing Trades 3 3 7 3 3 7

Avg. Bars in Total Trades 24.37 32.42 15.46 22.64 28.73 15.46
Annual Rate of Return 16.98% 13.59%
Max Drawdown ($16,009) ($16,009) ($4,923) ($11,397) ($11,397) ($4,923)
Date 7/17/2017 1/11/2021

as % of Initial Capital 16.01% 16.01% 4.92% 11.40% 11.40% 4.92%

FIGURE 8: COMPARING TWO DIFFERENT VOLATILITY EXIT FACTORS, BTC. This table compares the two methods from Figure 7, which are
based on the two volatility exit factors described.

CHOOSING SAFETY trying to over t pro t-taking levels, trailing stops, and
This has been a quick look at some possible ways to trade various patterns. But volatility will change over time, so
cryptocurrencies. The main concern with these markets keep monitoring it.
is volatility. A moving average generates large pro ts
but at great risk. By taking off trades that are at extreme Perry J. Kaufman is a trader and nancial engineer. He is
volatility levels, you can capture pro ts and reduce your the author of many books on trading and market analysis,
exposure at a critical time. Waiting for a small drop in including the sixth edition (2020) of Trading Systems
volatility before reentering gives you a chance to add and Methods (with the rst edition published in 1978 as
more pro ts without the extreme risk. a seminal book in the eld of technical analysis), and
The cryptocurrency markets tend to have strong trends, the most recent, Kaufman Constructs Trading Systems
and trading in the direction of the trend is always the (2020). For questions or comments, please go to www.
safer approach. The 80-day moving average is typical
of a macrotrend system, which in my experience has
proved reliable for many years. Limiting the rules to the FURTHER READING
trend and volatility exit is a simple solution, better than Kaufman, Perry J. [2020]. Kaufman Constructs Trading
Systems (print and ebook editions), Amazon.
[2020]. Trading Systems and Methods, 6th Edi-
tion, Wiley.
[1995]. Smarter Trading, McGraw-Hill.
These markets have a
strong trend and trading in
the direction of the trend
is the safer approach.

22 • August 2021 • Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES

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