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Venomancer is one of the greatest supports in Dota 2. He can be nuker, pusher, support
and initiator, который готов направить ядовитые жала прямо в лицо врагу.



Guide for Venomancer - Lesale Deathbringer in Dota 2
v 6.84c

 1

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 22

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 25

Venomous Gale

This spell gives nice damage and slowdown. Thanks for it; Venomancer has big gank potential and
ability to initiate.

This is interesting

 Venomous Gale does not work on invisible enemies.

 Effect can’t be canceled with  Diffusal Blade.

Poison Sting

The only passive ability that Venomancer has, and it helps us to farm.

This is interesting

 Slow down strikes trough  Black King Bar.

 Damage from Poison Sting doesn't interrupt healing effects and  Blink Dagger
Plague Ward

It can serve for different goals: a) control the map, b) destroy buildings, c) farm woods and lane,
d)stop push.

This is interesting

 Enemy’s creeps will attack Plague Ward only after there is no one else left.
 Vision radius = 1200 dotameters.
 With Plague Ward we can kill Roshan on 6 minute of the game if we played solo mid.
 If Venomancer and Plague ward are attacking the same target it will receive extra damage.
 Plague Wards has half of the Poison Sting damage.

Poison Nova

Our AoE nuke with great DPS. Poison Nova is actual during all the game stages that allows us use
it on cool down.

This is interesting

 It doesn’t work for invisible heroes.

 You can’t kill with Poison nova (the effect stops when you enemy has 1 HP) but it lets our
carry to finish all the enemies under this spell.

Early game for Venomancer(up to 15 minute)


What I should do?

Without too much thinking we should go on easy lane and support our carry as much as we

All new players think of one thing: what items to get? Here is the answer:  Gauntlets of
Strength, 3x  Iron Branch,  Healing Salve, 2x  Clarity. Thus Venomancer will have
enough HP that will be great for his level, and will increase damage a bit.

Then we should get  Boots of Speed and  Bracer that will increase our survivability.
Then we need  Ring of Aquila and upgrade our  Iron Branch to  Magic Wand. When
Venomancer got 6th level, we can go and help our team or try to kill our lane rivals. But if we
can farm without problems we better do that.

Our goal is to upgrade  Boots of Speed to  Power Treadsand turn on Strength, because
we have low HP, and we will be focused first in fights.

Middle game for Venomancer(from 15 till 35 minute)

What I should do?

On this stage we need to choose the first item.

Blink Dagger should be bought if we are the only initiator in team. With  Blink
Dagger Venomancer will be more aggressive. Our goal is to blink into crowd of enemies to
start the fight with Poison Nova and Venomous Gale.  Shadow Bladecould be alternative
to  Blink Dagger. With this item we can not only initiate fights but also chasing foes down
and retreat.

Aghanim's Scepter if we have great initiator, and we play role of AoE nuker.

Mekansm – if our main role is support, then it’s our choice.

Though Venomancer is strong AoE nuker, we should not forget that we have not a lot of HP,
and heroes like Lina can kill us from procast, that’s why we will play carefully, control the map,
because sooner or later enemy will think of Venomancer who is farming all the game, and will
come for their bodies.

Late game for Venomancer(from 35 minute)

What I should do?

In late we still play AoE nuker role. Next items to buy are  Orchid Malevolence and  Eul's
Scepter of Divinity that will make us great disabler.

We should be very careful now because if we will be killed before we make our procast enemy
will have good advantage.
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