Secretary Mayorkas Letter 10-1-21

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Ornce oF te ATTonney Genera, Manx Braves oF Te Arron ¢ stobor 1, 2021 The Honorable Aljandko Mayorkas Secretary US. Department of Homeland Security Washington, D.C. 20528 Deer Secretary Mayorkas, Earle this year, you were quoted as saying, “ifour borders are dhe fist line of defense, we're going to love and thi sustainable.” In light of those comments, Lam extemely concerned that U.S. Border Patrol Chief Redney Seott vas recently forced to retire or be reassigned from his high-ranking position. Chief Scott had nobly served our country for almost 30 years. In the midst of this historic surge in migration, our most experienced Inv enforcement agents should not be held hostage to leadership changes for simply providing the American people with the truth, Chief Scot's removal closely follows another concerning reassignment within your department ‘With court-ordered discovery in my lnwstit against the Department of Homeland Security (DIS), we uncovered that Enrique Lucero, the former acting executive associate director for Enforcement and ‘Removal Operations at ICE was reassigned shorly after he estimated that DH's interim guidance for 3 “emporary” pause in deportations would lad toa 50 percent reduction in ICE areas Ata time when we need them most, DHS seems to be purging qualified leaders who have tempted to uphold the rile of law. These actions only’ lead to more clos and further empower the ‘ates who now contol both sides ofthe border. Avizona law enforcement officials trusted Chie Seot. We would lke to know more about your corganization and his replacement. | am therefore asking your Department fora listing of all officials andl agents within DHS wo have been give the options of eirement or reassignment since January 20,2021, I would ike response by Friday, October 15,2021 ‘Thank you for your promt attention to this request. Respetfly, ode ~ — Mark Brnovich Arizona Atorney General 2005 Non Como Avo Po ANEOUA BEDDA » Pen 602.542.4005 « Fx 602.542.4086 «wn s20.007

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