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SuperCharged Recipe Guide

Dr. David Jockers

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SuperCharged Recipe Guide
Copyright©2015 by Dr. David Jockers
All rights reserved
International Standard Book:
No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced
without prior permission from the author.

ISBN: 978-0-9850810-4-1
Printed in USA

Copyrighted Material

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This book was designed to help my many clients and fans all around the world follow
the nutritional guidelines for optimal health. My biggest struggle as a clinician, is to
help my clients change their lifestyle habits and have fun embracing a new and healthier
nutrition plan.
There are so many to thank for this book, especially my fiancé at the time and future
wife Angel! Love you so much and so thankful for your smile and your continual

Thank you to my mother Barbara Jockers who got me interested in natural health and
taught me a lot in the kitchen back when I was a teenager. Mom, you were the first to
encourage me in health and nutrition and I am forever grateful! Love you!
This project would not have been accomplished without my awesome graphic designer
Stephen Johnson! I am forever grateful for your efforts and commitment to excellence
with this project.

Thank you to Jo Ann Josey for your dedication and support to helping me get this book
published. I also have to thank my team at including Reggie Black,
Taylor Morris, Stephen Sellers for all the help with the website and product support.

I want to thank all my co-authors listed at the back of the book and especially to Megan
Kelly and Kelcie Yeo who have the largest contribution of recipes for this book.

Thank you to my AWESOME team at Exodus Health Center. Dr Shannon Good, Dr

Andrew St Bernard, Dr Whitney Fernandez, Diane Walker, Renee Claire Gautron,
Sherron Barnhill, Alana Reisinger, Nicki Holt & Terri Connor. You guys have blessed
me with the freedom to be able to have a world-class health clinic that saves lives
locally every day while pursuing my passion of reaching a broader audience with my
writing. Thank you!

Much love to all of my health clients past, present and future who have trusted me and
followed my recommendations. It is through you that I have had the opportunity to
learn much in regards to leadership, healing, faith and life. It is still my greatest joy to
see people achieve new breakthroughs in their life and health. I have been so blessed by
so many of you who have had the discipline and focus to change your lives and achieve
extraordinary health.

Table of Contents
Chapter I Chapter VI
True Food Nutrition Recipe Guide
a. Shakes & Smoothies
b. Breakfast Foods
c. Alkalizing Drinks
Chapter II d. Soups & Stews
e. Salads
How Healthy People are f. Snacks
Destroying Their Digestive g. Side Dishes
Systems h. Condiments
i. Main Courses
j. Desserts

Chapter III
10 Food Categories to Chapter VII
Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter IV
Chapter VIII
The SuperCharged
Energy Diet Author Biographies

Chapter V
Chapter IX
Major Principles Behind
the SuperCharged Energy References

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Chapter 1

True Food Nutrition

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will

interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet
and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Thomas Edison

There are many lifestyle aspects that are important for good
health. Nutrition is one of the foundational components to
building health on a daily basis. The food you consume is
what makes up all the cells, tissues and organs in your body.
You truly “are what you eat,” or more accurately, “are what
you eat and your body is able to absorb and utilize.”

Our body has a remarkable ability to extract nutrition from

even the least nutritious food sources and use this for the
trillions of biological processes that go on in our body every
moment of every day. The human body is truly the most
remarkable feat of creation.

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Today’s Diet is Highly Toxic & Deficient:
In the beginning of time, man had all the nutritional value he needed for healthy
living in the natural foods planted in the earth. Over the years, this nutritional
value has been dramatically reduced. The main culprit in this disturbing nutri-
tional trend is soil depletion from over cropping and the use of pesticide and
herbicidal chemicals that damage the soil micro flora.

Modern intensive agricultural methods have stripped increasing amounts of

nutrients from the soil in which the food we eat grows. Sadly, each successive
generation of over cropped produce is truly less good for you than the one before.

A landmark study on the topic by Donald Davis and his team of researchers from
the University of Texas (UT) at Austin’s Department of Chemistry and Biochem-
istry was published in December 2004 in the Journal of the American College of
Nutrition. They studied U.S. Department of Agriculture nutritional data from both
1950 and 1999 for 43 different vegetables and fruits, finding “reliable declines”
in the amount of protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and
vitamin C over the past half century (1).

Davis and his colleagues chalk up this declining nutritional content to the prepon-
derance of agricultural practices designed to improve traits (size, growth rate,
pest resistance) other than nutrition. “Efforts to breed new varieties of crops that
provide greater yield, pest resistance and climate adaptability have allowed crops
to grow bigger and more rapidly,” reported Davis, “but their ability to manufacture
or uptake nutrients has not kept pace with their rapid growth (1).”

There have likely been declines in other nutrients, too, he said, such as
magnesium, zinc and vitamins B-6 and E, but they were not studied in 1950 and
more research is needed to find out how much less we are getting of these key
vitamins and minerals.

What Constitutes a Great Nutrition Plan?

The key to a great nutrition plan is to get maximal nutrients and minimal toxins.
The nutrients we eat should come from whole, real foods and not in a synthetic
form. Whole raw foods have a combination of trace minerals, anti-oxidants,
enzymes and probiotics in a natural form that our bodies have adapted too for
centuries. These real nutrients provide a synergetic effect that maximizes nutri-
tional bioavailability.

Additionally, the foods that we eat should ideally have a minimal amount of
toxins. These toxins include pesticides, herbicides, additives, preservatives and
heavy metals. We also want to choose food that is low in sugar, trans-fats and
omega 6 fatty acids. Additionally, fried and heavily cooked foods often contain
other toxic agents such as acrylamide, nitrates and heterocyclic amines. We want
to minimize our exposure to all of these.

Food Plan Should Be High In: Food Plan Should Be Low In:
Phytonutrients Pesticides & Herbicides
Anti-Oxidants Heavy Metals
Trace Minerals Sugar & Carbs
Essential Fats Trans Fats and Omega 6 Fats
Enzymes & Probiotics Additives & Preservatives
Amino Acids Heterocyclic Amines
Fiber Nitrates & Acrylamide

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Chapter 2

How Healthy People are Destroying Their

Digestive Systems

I was born in 1981 and grew up in a time when we were told by public health
authorities that fat was evil, and we did whatever we could to consume more
carbohydrates and less fat. My family, like most people in those days thought
that foods like orange juice, cheerios, pasta and potatoes were “health” foods.

My mom was very vigilant about keeping sugar and candy out of the house and
never really spoiled us with sweets. We were considered the “healthy” kids
and my mom was considered radical for restricting processed meats and sugary
foods from the family. The only animal products we regularly consumed were
fish, eggs and dairy with a little bit of poultry from time to time.

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This was my Typical Diet:

Breakfast: Bowl of corn flakes with low-fat milk and banana and glass of orange
Lunch: Peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole wheat bread, pretzels and an
Dinner: Pasta with tomato sauce, parmesan cheese and garlic bread or vegetarian
burritos with flour tortillas, refined beans, veggies and processed cheese.
As I developed, I became very interested in health and performance. I was an
athlete through high school and my mom taught me that nutrition played a big role
in my performance. I began to ask for kale, garlic, fruit, peanut butter and canned
tuna (for protein) and lots of pasta and bread (for carbs).

My Body Was Breaking Down on the Inside:

In my early 20’s, I was a personal trainer and extremely active and fit. However,
on the inside, I was struggling.
I would have periods of tremendous intestinal cramping that would leave me
lying on the ground squirming in pain. I struggled with constant bouts of diarrhea
and constipation that were unpredictable. But I thought this was normal and no
big deal. Especially, since I was living a much healthier lifestyle than just about
anyone that I knew.

I was a lacto-ovo vegetarian and never ate what I considered “junk food” like
candy, fast food or pastries. I exercised daily and looked great on the outside, so
I thought I was doing everything right…but I really had no knowledge of how to
truly care for my body.

By ignoring these smaller problems, I was allowing them to get worse and worse,
and eventually spiral out of control. That is when the “little things” completely
disrupted my life.
My Typical Diet Plan as a Personal Trainer:

Breakfast: Bowl of Quaker Oatmeal squares, berries, skim milk, dry roasted
peanuts, whey protein (processed – not the raw, undenatured that I currently
Lunch: Salad – spinach, cucumber, onion, tomato and processed soy burger or
tuna fish with olive oil and table salt and pepper.
Snack: Nuts, fruit or processed protein and energy bars.
Dinner: Farmed salmon with veggies and olive oil or soy burger with whole
wheat bun and salad with olive oil.
Before Bed: Protein Shake with skim milk, berries and whey protein.
You can see that this diet was better than my childhood diet – I was consuming
more vegetables and nutrients, but I still took in a lot of carbohydrates and
processed foods that were dressed up as “health foods.”
Both of these diets were highly inflammatory and, in my case, the lifestyle factors
I will describe going forward destroyed my digestive system. This led me to have
low energy, cramping, bloating and constipation. I was also sleepy all the time
with major brain fog.

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Here Were Some of the Issues:

Drinking Water:
I was drinking tons of water (which we all know is healthy) at least a gallon a day,
but unfortunately the water was not filtered very well and contained chlorine and
fluoride, which both have a detrimental effect on our gut microflora and intestinal

Artificial Sweeteners:
I knew better than to eat a bunch of sugar, but at the time I didn’t realize how bad
Splenda was. I never purchased Splenda directly but I used processed protein bars
and whey protein powders that contained this dangerous ingredient.

Pasteurized Dairy:
I would consume a lot of skim or low-fat milk, yogurts and cottage cheese.
Unfortunately, most of these products were not organic. Subsequently, I ended
up consuming extreme amounts of hormones and antibiotics, which created
dangerous chemicals that inflamed my body because of the high heat pasteuriza-
tion process. The grain-fed cows, which were forced to eat a industry produced-
meal with high levels of omega 6 fats also contributed to this inflammation.

Farm Caught Fish:

I would have salmon and tuna all the time because I thought they were healthy.
Unfortunately, like most people, I ate a low-quality farm-caught variety that I
would purchase because I didn’t know the difference between farmed and wild
caught. Farmed fish is fed genetically modified (GMO) grains that are laced with
pesticides and herbicides that damage the gut lining.

Gluten and Grains:

I would eat oatmeal or Quaker oatmeal squares every morning. I would use whole
wheat breads and pastas and lots of brown rice. I thought this was super healthy,
but grains in general are inflammatory and the lectin components can be extremely
hazardous to gut health and the overall nutritional status of the body.

Soy Products:
One of soy’s primary isoflavones, genistein, has been shown to inhibit the enzyme
tyrosine kinase in the brain. The highest amounts of tyrosine kinases are found in
the hippocampus, a brain region that is essential to learning & memory. High soy
consumption actually blocks this mechanism of memory formation. Processed
non-organic soy is also genetically modified (GMO) which makes it quite
hazardous for a number of reasons explained on page 27.
Processed Proteins:
I was a huge fan of processed protein bars, protein shakes, getting shakes at smoothie
places, etc. I remember that I would even drink Ensure – because I liked that it had
protein and vitamins/minerals in it.

Unfortunately, these products were all synthetically created and had tons of dangerous
additives, preservatives, artificial flavorings, etc. All of these chemicals add to our
toxic load and inflame the body and damage the gut lining and the microbial diversity
in the digestive system.


I suffered with headaches all throughout my childhood and would frequently take
Ibuprofen or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s). When I played
high school sports, I took more to control pain and help with injuries. Unfortunately,
NSAIDs place a lot of stress on the liver and kidneys and wear down the stomach and
intestinal lining.

My System Was So Overwhelmed:

By the time I got into graduate school, my system had been overwhelmed. I
dropped 30 lbs in a 6 month period of time (from 165 lbs to 135 lbs) and I looked
very thin. My parents and colleagues were concerned. My blood pressure was
extremely low and I would get dizzy every time I stood up too quickly.

I finally realized that I had leaky gut/irritable bowel syndrome and needed a
drastic change. So I went about removing all the possible toxins from my diet and
lifestyle. Within a year I had gained the muscle weight back and felt significantly

This is when I realized that digestive health is foundational to overall health.

The Digestive Dysfunction Epidemic:

I could go on and on about all the things well-intentioned people are doing every
day that damage and inflame their bodies. I should know, because I was one of
them for so many years!
Did you know that research indicates that 61% of the Unites States population
alone is dealing with at least one symptom of digestive dysfunction?
You name it — gas, bloating, heartburn, abdominal pain, candida, constipation,
diarrhea — the statistics say that YOU are more than likely experiencing one or
more of them, right now at this very moment.
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Digestive Problems and Chronic Inflammation
is the New Normal:
Living with digestive problems has become the new normal. Typically, they begin
as minor complaints — a little indigestion here and there, the occasional tummy
ache or bout of heartburn.
Over time, they get progressively worse and/or silently worse. So what do we do
about this?
THAT is the very question hundreds of millions of people worldwide are asking
about their digestive problems. The truth is that “modern day” medicine has fallen
as much as 17 years behind the latest research. In other words, almost two decades
will pass before your doctor recommends what actually works. Chances are, your
doc is unaware of the growing number of research studies demonstrating these
alarming findings:

– The toxicity of persistent constipation may cause common, everyday symptoms

like fatigue, attention deficit and brain fog.
– Autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis and
multiple sclerosis are almost always rooted in digestive dysfunction and chronic
– The inflammation from gut dysfunction can spread throughout the body, causing
inflammation in the brain, joints and other important organs.
Chronic inflammation is a characteristic of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and
neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and dementia.
By the way, inflammation in the gut may also shut down your body’s ability to
burn fat. Most doctors are either unaware of this information or don’t care to
know. Meanwhile, people like you are paying the price in unnecessary suffering
and medical bills.

What Is the Solution:

The solution is to make lifestyle changes that are in alignment with our body’s
natural genetic code. We were made to enjoy and assimilate nutrients from real
foods. Foods that have been consumed for thousands of years by people all over
the world are naturally bioavailable and easily assimilated by our bodies.

This ancestral approach to food consumption is rich in nutrients and low in envi-
ronmental toxins. It works in harmony with the body and frees up vital energy for
all of our basic functions. The food provides for our various cravings due to the
good fats that are smooth and creamy, the hearty proteins and the flavorful herbs.

This is the nutritional plan for optimal lifelong energy and vitality!

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Chapter 3

10 Food Categories to Avoid:

1. Genetically Modified (GM) Foods:

Genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) have had specific changes introduced into
their DNA by genetically engineering techniques. This technology is thought to
increase food yields and create super foods that grow larger and are more resilient to

Despite mounting evidence, the FDA and food industry continue to say GM foods
are safe, tested and necessary to feed a world dying of starvation (1). After many
years of research on risk/benefit of GM products, it is now quite obvious that they
pose an extremely significant hazard to human health (2, 3, 4, 5). There are critical
steps a consumer can take to avoid consuming GM foods.

Unlike many other countries, GM containing foods are still unlabeled here in
America. However, according to a recent survey, if they were labeled, 53% of partic-
ipants said they would not eat them (6). Currently 60-70% of our food in the US is
genetically modified. Children’s foods are the number one GM containing products

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Processed Foods Most Likely are GMO:
Many processed foods contain 90-100% GM ingredients. Most all non-organic
breads and other baked goods contain GM ingredients. Most non-organic
chocolate, sweets, candy, gum, etc. contain GM ingredients. Most non-organically
raised animal (meat, dairy, eggs) products contain GM ingredients. These animals
are typically fed a diet that is 90+% GMO. Most non-organic beverages (beer,
wine, soft drinks, juices) contain GM ingredients.

In May of 2009, The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM)

sent out a press release that called for an immediate moratorium on GM foods (8).
They asked physicians to educate their patients and provide educational material
about the health risks associated with GM foods. They proposed that physicians
consider the role of GM foods in their patients’ disease processes.

Extreme Health Risks Associated with GM Foods:

In their position paper, the AAEM sites several animal studies that indicate
extreme health risks associated with GM foods. Some of the health risks include
infertility, immune dysfunction, allergic reactions, accelerated aging, insulin
dysregulation, organ malfunction and digestive dysfunction (9).

The AAEM quoted in their paper, “There is more than a casual association
between GM foods and adverse health effects. There is causation, as defined by
recognized scientific criteria. The strength of association and consistency between
GM foods and disease is confirmed in several animal studies” (9).

How To Avoid Purchasing GMO Foods:

1. Buy organic as much as possible

2. Buy foods labeled “Non-GMO”
3. Avoid non-organic products containing corn, soy, canola, cottonseed, peanut,
alfalfa, safflower, tomatoes, zucchini, crookneck squash, sugar cane, beats,
peppers & papayas.
4. Avoid GMO offspring products such as high fructose corn syrup, maltodextrin,
soy lecithin, soy protein, etc.

5. Avoid non-organic dairy products and all other commercialized animal
6. Grow your own food products or purchase them from local farmers who do not
use GM seeds & products in their farms.
7. Use the Non-GMO shopping guide you can download for free at

2. Commercialized Meat and Dairy:

These animals are raised in commercial feed-lots where they are consuming toxin
laden GMO grains laced with anti-biotics and injected with hormones. These
animals become very sickly, but are used for meat and dairy production regardless.

It is estimated to take up to five to eight pounds of chemically sprayed grains to

produce one pound of meat and dairy. These potent biotoxins accumulate in the
animal tissue and dairy and are passed into the consumer. Eating commercialized
meat is the fastest way to create an overabundance of toxins that clog the liver and
hamper hormone production.

The meat and dairy is very high in inflammatory omega 6 fatty acids which are
extremely hazardous to our immune system. The meat and dairy also contains
tons of anti-biotic residues that insult our gut micro flora and allow for opportu-
nistic infectious microbes to grow stronger.

Investing into commercialized meat and dairy is a non-sustainable practice.

It promotes the usage of strong chemicals that further pollute our land and
waterways. It also promotes animal cruelty and inhumane practices. Choose to
avoid these products for your health and the health of the entire planet.

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3. Sugar
In the year 1700, the average individual consumed about 4 pounds of sugar each
year. In 1800, it was about 18 pounds of sugar per year. In 1900, the average
person ate 90 pounds of sugar per year. In 2009, the average individual consumes
150 pounds of sugar per year. Half of our society consumes ½ pound of sugar
per day. Most of this is in unnatural, man-made forms such as sucrose and high
fructose corn syrup.

Most forms of sugar (other than fructose based sources) metabolize quickly in the
body into a simple glucose form. This glucose is then funneled into cells by the
hormone insulin. This process is performed very well in our bodies when the cells
are kept sensitive to the circulating insulin.

Lifestyle behaviors that lead to chronically elevated blood sugar and insulin levels
cause a cellular resistance to insulin. These behaviors include excessive sugar
intake, processed foods and sedentary lifestyle. Elevated blood sugar and insulin
cause excessive free radical damage and inflammation throughout the body.

The Major Problems with Elevated Sugar & Insulin Include:

1. Mal-coordinates the immune system and reduces its functional ability.
2. Dehydrates the cells and depletes the body of critical electrolytes such as
potassium, magnesium, calcium, & sodium leading to cell death and chronic
muscle spasms.
3. Depletes the body of chromium, copper, & zinc and other trace minerals
that help sensitize cells to insulin. This further accelerates cell membrane
insulin resistance.
4. Induces cancer cell division and proliferation and inhibits mechanisms
that slow down tumor growth and inhibit cancer cell apoptosis (programed cell
5. Creates tissue damaging Advanced Glycolytic Enzymes (AGE’s).
6. Depletes the body of anti-oxidants such as glutathione, vitamin C & vitamin E.

7. Inhibits Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and elevates cortisol and other stress
hormones that don’t allow for proper tissue healing.

8. Inhibits cellular protein synthesis which results in dysfunctional bone,
muscle and joint chemistry. This accelerates the risk of osteoporosis,
osteoarthritis and chronic muscle and joint pain.
9. Promotes the growth of pathogenic bacteria and parasites such as Candida and
other yeast like organisms. This also depletes the body of good bacteria
and can lead to chronic infections in the gut, respiratory tissue and sinuses.
10. Leads to obesity, elevated triglycerides, abnormal LDL:HDL cholesterol
levels and elevated arterial inflammatory risk factors.
11. Opens up the blood brain barrier, depletes the brain of trace mineral stores and
allows toxins and other heavy metals to accumulate in brain tissue
12. Destroys nerves leading to chronic pain, neuropathies, vision disorders and
accelerated organ dysfunction.

4. Gluten Containing Foods

Gluten is the common protein found in wheat, barley, oats, kamut, spelt & rye.
Gluten is a sticky, storage protein that challenges the digestive tract. Gluten often
binds to the small intestinal wall where it can cause digestive and immune system

Full-blown gluten allergies create destruction of the small intestinal villi (pockets
that allow for nutrient absorption). This condition is called Celiac disease but is
not officially diagnosed until there is severe enough damage to the intestinal tissue
to qualify for the diagnostic criteria of Celiac.

Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) is an epidemic that is a major contrib-

uting factor with inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. It is estimated by some
researchers such as Dr Kenneth Fine, PhD, that up to 81% of the population has
some level of NCGS. For these individuals consuming gluten creates a chronic
stress response that hyper inflames different regions of the body.

NCGS is highly associated with inflammatory disorders of all kinds (1). It is also
a contributing factor in many autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis,
type I diabetes, neurological disorders, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, autoimmune
cardiomyopathy, lymphoma and dermatitis herpetiformis (skin disease) among
others (2,3,4,5). It is also linked as a contributing factor in asthma, allergies &
eczema (6,7).

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For those who suspect NCGS, they should look to avoid the most common gluten
cross-reactants such as corn, soy, pasteurized dairy, instant coffee and potato.
Other common cross-reactants can include gluten-free grains such as rice, quinoa,
millet and amaranth.

A food elimination diet that restricts these cross-reactants for a week and then
intentionally adds one in at a time with an awareness of any potential symptoms
is a great way to understand how the individual reacts with each particular food.
There is also advanced food reactivity lab testing that can be performed. You can
find out more information about specific lab testing on

5. High Fructose Consumption

Fructose is a monosaccharide that is naturally produced in fruits, honey and some
vegetables like corn. Historically, humans did not consume excessive amounts
of these foods but instead ate them occasionally. Today, man has found different
ways to manufacture and utilize fructose.

The government began to subsidize farmers to produce food products such as

corn and soy. Due to sugar tariffs and these governmental subsidies there was
great incentive to make sugar alternatives out of corn. High fructose corn syrup
(HFCS) burst onto the commercial scene in the late 1950’s and began to grow in
the 1970’s.

Food Processors Love Fructose:

Food processing companies love HFCS because of its extremely low cost and
its liquid nature. The fact that it comes as a liquid makes it easy to utilize in soft
drinks and other recipes. Regular HFCS is 55% fructose and 45% glucose and has
a similar sweetness as table sugar. Other forms of HFCS are significantly sweeter
than sugar.

HFCS is the preferred sweetener found in soft drinks, juices, teas, breakfast
cereals, baked goods, condiments and other processed foods. Other major sources
of fructose include processed fruit juices and agave nectar. Agave nectar is
roughly 80% fructose and although it is considered low glycemic, it is extremely
dangerous due to the fructose content.

Fructose Metabolism Increases Triglyceride Formation:
Fructose metabolism leads directly to triglyceride formation. Elevated triglyc-
erides leads to weight gain, obesity, type II diabetes & heart disease. In 2009,
Georgia State University researchers found that the elevated triglycerides formed
through fructose metabolism cause insulin resistance in the brain. This leads to
decreased learning and memory and accelerated brain tissue degeneration.

Fructose stimulates the body’s hormonal system much differently than glucose
and other forms of sugar. Fructose turns off the natural appetite-control system by
forming sugar molecules without stimulating insulin. Typically, as insulin rises in
the body it suppresses the hormone ghrelin (which initiates hunger) and stimulates
leptin (which signals satiety). Fructose disrupts this natural hormone messaging.
The result is that the individual eats more food and produces more triglycerides,
which damage cells and leads to insulin resistance.

Fructose Creates Uric Acid Toxicity:

Fructose is primarily metabolized by the liver and creates stress on the liver
detoxification system. Some researchers compare fructose metabolism to ethanol
alcohol metabolism due to the toxic effects they have on the liver. One of the
major toxic byproducts is uric acid.

When cells become damaged and are replaced their DNA/RNA degrade into
purine molecules which are then metabolized into uric acid. High fructose
consumption causes cells to burn up their energy stores and go into a state of
shock that leads to massive cellular death. This cellular die-off leads to excessive
increases in uric acid.

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Excessive Uric Acid Production is Deadly:

Uric acid is an inflammatory factor that increases free radical stress throughout
the body. It depletes nitric oxide levels which then creates chronic tension and
contraction in the arterial smooth muscle cells. This process leads to arterioscle-
rosis and elevated blood pressure.

These sorts of changes do not occur with normal starch or glucose consumption.
The average individual consumes over 40 grams of fructose daily with less than
13 grams coming from natural sources such as fruit and raw honey. Many health
experts believe that fructose is highly dangerous when consumed in excess of 25
grams per day.

Avoid fructose in processed foods, drinks, juices, etc. Avoid high fructose sweet-
eners such as agave nectar and corn based foods. Eat low-glycemic fruits such as
lemons, limes, berries, grapefruits, etc. Follow this Fructose Chart to know how
much fructose you are consuming daily and aim to stay below 25 grams daily.

6. Peanuts:
Peanuts are very high in omega 6 fatty acids and many contain dangerous mold
toxins. Aflatoxin is a carcinogenic mold that has been shown to cause liver cancer.
A study in China found that individuals who consumed the most aflatoxin in their
diets were significantly more likely to develop and die from liver cancer (1). The
three major dietary sources for aflatoxin are peanuts, peanut oil and corn.

The high omega 6 fatty acids in peanuts induce chronic inflammation. Most individuals
have plenty of omega 6 fatty acids already and do not need the inferior linoleic acid that is
in peanuts. Consuming peanuts and peanut oil only contributes to the inflammatory load
of the body.

Peanuts are also highly allergenic with over 3 million people in the US reporting to be
allergic to peanuts (2). Many others do not have a full-blown allergy but instead have
a sensitivity to peanuts that creates even more inflammatory processes than the peanut
would normally form without an immune sensitivity.

Peanuts also contain high amounts of anti-nutrients such as lectins and enzyme inhibi-
tors. These anti-nutrients deplete the body of critical enzymes and micronutrients that are
necessary for optimal health and immune support (3).

7. Soy Products
Soy products became the rave of health food enthusiasts years ago with very little
evidence of health benefits attributed to them. Today, we understand that soy is riddled
with anti-nutrients that compromise digestion and immune balance. Here is a list of the
detrimental compounds found within soy products.

1) Phytic Acids: These reduce micronutrient assimilation and are found in all legumes,
nuts and seeds. Soy is particularly high in phytic acids that bind to zinc, magnesium,
calcium, copper and iron in the digestive tract (1, 2, 3). High consumption leads to
nutrient deficiencies and chronic disease development.

2) Trypsin Inhibitors: These block protein absorption and enzyme production and
utilization with in the body (4, 5). The lack of enzymes creates more digestive stress that
leads to intestinal permeability. Intestinal permeability causes anti-body formation to
normal food stuffs and leads to chronic inflammation and auto-immune progression.

3) Goitrogens: These interfere with iodine metabolism and block the formation of
thyroid hormones and can lead to hypothyroidism (6). Soy formula consumption has
been linked with auto-immune thyroid disorders (7).

4) Phytoestrogens and Isoflavones: These are plant compounds that resemble human
produced estrogen and disrupt normal hormone production in the body. High amounts of
phytoestrogens are linked with infertility and certain cancers in both men and women (8).

27 27
5) Hemagglutinin: This is a complex protein in the family of lectins that affects
other proteins and causes them to stick together. Hemagglutinin has a particular
affinity for red blood cells and causes them to clump up which slows blood flow
and oxygen extraction into the cells.

These compounds are found in high amounts within processed soy products such
as soy milk, soy protein, soy based infant formulas, soy burgers and cheeses,
soy sauces and soybean oil. There are many additional issues than the five listed
above with processed soy that relate to all processed foods. Processed soy is also
most likely going to be genetically modified and loaded with toxic debris.

Many health enthusiasts have strongly recommended more natural forms of raw,
unprocessed soy such as tofu and edamame. These are certainly better than highly
processed soy but both contain all of these harmful compounds listed above.

The only tolerable soy is deeply fermented soy in the form of Tamari sauce, miso,
natto and tempeh. The deep fermentation process removes the anti-nutrients,
phytic acids and creates a breakdown in many of the harmful proteins and plant
compounds to a more tolerable form for the body.

8. Pork and Pig Based Products:

The Hebrew people have avoided pork and pig products as a dietary principle
discussed in the bible. Leviticus clearly states that pigs, because they do not chew
their cud, are an unclean meat. Modern science has shown that pigs carry a very
high toxic load making them unsafe for human consumption.

“And the pig, though it has a divided hoof, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for
you.” Leviticus 11:7
The bible warns the Hebrews about unclean foods and the rationale for the
uncleanliness. Pigs are a dirty animal that ruthlessly scavenge anything they come
in contact with on the farm. They are known to not only consume food scraps,
insects and their own feces but they will also cannibalistically eat their own dead
carcasses. They have been known to kill and eat their young at times as well.

Due to their scavenger lifestyle they harbor enormous amounts of viruses and
parasites. Pigs are known to be primary carriers of the following pathogenic
organisms that can create very serious health problems.

Taenia solium tapeworm
PRRS (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome)
Nipah virus
Menangle virus
Hepatitis E virus (HEV)
Yersinia enterocolitica

A Consumer Reports investigation found that 69% of all raw pork samples tested
were contaminated with high amounts of volatile microorganisms such as Yersinia
enterocolitica. This bacterium causes fever and gastrointestinal stress and could
potentially cause a fatal infection.

Why is Pig Meat so Toxic:

Animals that “chew the cud” as it says in the bible are called ruminants. These
animals hardly chew their food when it is first swallowed. But they have four
stomachs that digest and regurgitate food through a special process that allows
complete digestion. The major ruminants are cows, sheep and goats.

The digestive system of a pig is unique in that it metabolizes food very quickly
through one stomach in a process that takes about four hours. A cow takes twenty
four hours to digest what’s eaten and it is able to get rid of excess toxins during the
digestive process. The pig’s digestive system doesn’t allow for this and the toxins
are carried into the fat cells and organs of the pig itself.

Pigs also do not have sweat glands. Perspiration is a key method the body uses to
for detoxification and the pig is not designed to perspire. When we consume pig
meat we get all of these pathogenic microorganisms and environmental toxins into
our system.

9. High Heat Grilling & Barbeque:

Personally, I love the taste of barbeque. Unfortunately, grilling out regularly is a
dangerous habit that radically increases one’s risk of heart disease and cancer.
There are 3 major chemical toxins that are present when meat gets heated at a high
temperature. One is caused by the smoke that is released when fat drips from meat
or fish onto a heat source. This potent carcinogen is called polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons or PAH’s for short.

29 29
The second set of molecules formed by cooking meat at high temperatures are
heterocyclic amines (HCA’s). HCA’s are formed through a chemical reaction
between naturally occurring amino acids and creatine in the meat.

Finally, grilling meat at high temperatures increases the amount of advanced

glycolytic enzymes (AGE’s) present in the meat. When you eat the meat, these
AGE’s get transferred to your body. AGE’s cause inflammation and oxidative
damage in the tissues of your body. These are the leading causes of degenerative
diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, etc.

Fortunately, there are certain steps we can take to enjoy our barbeque while mini-
mizing exposure to these toxic molecules. A report published in the Journal of
Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 2008 showed that marinating meat in anti-
oxidant rich substances can be effective (1).

The researchers found that an olive oil, lemon juice and garlic marinade cut HCA
levels in chicken by as much as 90%. Marinating in red wine for 6 hours before
grilling cut down HCA levels by up to 90% compared to unmarinated steak.

Healthy BBQ Tips:

1. Cook at Lower Temperatures: Lower temperatures cause more of a “roasting”
effect than grilling, but they significantly cut down on the amount of HCA’s
formed in the meat. Well-done meat has much higher levels of HCA’s than meat
cooked medium-rare.

2. Avoid Char-Grilling or Blackening Your Meat: This causes the largest

amount of HCA’s to form. Do your best not to char-grill your meat and avoid
eating any blackened regions.

3. Prevent Flaring: Flames from grill cause the formation of both HCAs and
PAHs. Keep an eye on your grill & turn meats frequently to minimize flaring.

4. Use Grass-Fed Meat Sources: Grilling grain-fed meat causes more AGE’s
to form due to higher sugar content within the meat. Grass-fed meat is lower in
carbohydrates and total fat than grain-fed meat. Cooking leaner meat reduces the
PAH formation. Grass-fed meat also contains a significantly higher amount of
healthy omega 3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid.

5. Marinate the Meat in Anti-Oxidant Rich sources: Not only is this tasty but
it reduces HCA levels by as much as 90%. Use lemon/lime, red wine, apple cider
vinegar & superfood herbs.

10. Drinking Tap Water:
Water is absolutely necessary for optimizing energy production and detoxification
abilities within the body. The ideal source of water is as pure and unadulterated
as possible from a natural spring. Unfortunately, our water supply is loaded with
toxic contaminants.

Municipal water is extraordinarily toxic to the body and destroys the immune
system. This water is loaded with environmental toxins such as chlorine, DBP’s,
arsenic, heavy metals and fluoride. Proper water filtration is essential to remove
these chemical agents.

The EPA has no regulating standards that are applied to bottled water facilities.
Studies reveal that 40% of bottled water is actually regular tap water with possibly
no additional filtering treatment (1). There are also no laws enacted to keep
bottled water facilities away from industrial plants or waste dumps.

A recent Environmental Working Group test found 38 contaminants in 10 brands

of bottled water. Findings included caffeine, toxic bacteria and carcinogenic
DBP’s, nitrates, arsenic, various industrial chemicals and harmaceutical agents (2).

High quality reverse osmosis systems are one of the very few water systems that
is able to effectively remove all chemical toxins including fluoride. Add back a
pinch of pink salt (1/4 teaspoon per gallon) to replace any lost minerals from the
reverse osmosis process.

Be sure to teach your children not to use municipal water fountains but instead to
carry bottled water in either glass or stainless steel bottles.

31 31
Chapter 4

The SuperCharged Energy Diet:

This nutritional program is a lifestyle based approach that focuses on the natural
God-given principles of health and healing. Nutritionally, we want to alkalize
& de-inflame the body to allow it to function at its potential. The result is more
energy, less pain, better organ function and optimal weight. Follow these essential
steps to dramatically improve your health.

The best foods to eat for optimal health are superfoods that fall. Personally, I
don’t waste my time with consuming mediocre or good foods. I want super-
charge with superfoods! Everything I eat must have 3 characteristics:

1) Must Be a Superfood or Combination of SuperFoods – a food that

has an incredible array of health benefits that go well beyond just their
nutritional value.
2) Must Taste Great – I put various superfoods together to make great
tasting combinations!
3) Must Have Minimal Sugar, Omega 6 Fatty Acids & Toxins –
Certain foods have a great nutritional profile but are high in sugar
(watermelon for example) while others have a lot of omega 6 fats
(almonds) still others may contain a lot of environmental toxins
(like non-organic cucumbers).

33 33
5 Categories for SuperFoods:
1) Good Fats: These include foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, Gamma Linoleic Acid
(GLA), Saturated Fats & Monounsaturated Fats.
Avocados Grass-Fed Butter/Ghee Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Coconut Oil & pure Coconut Products Hemp Oil & Flax Oil
Moderate amount of Nuts – Best is Macadamia Nuts & Pecans

2) Anti-Oxidants: From low sugar sources

Super Fruits & Vegetables:

Spinach Kale Collards Split Peas

Cauliflower Broccoli Brussel Sprouts Asparagus
Romaine Lettuce Berries Lemons/Limes Organic Fruit Extracts
Raw Cacao Garlic Onions Chives
Radishes Cabbage Parsley Cilantro
Spirulina Chlorella Dandelion
Minimally processed dark chocolate

Super Herbs:

Turmeric Rosemary Oregano Thyme Basil

Ashwagandha Rhodiola Maca Ginseng Gingko Biloba
Peppermint Echinacea Star Anise Valerian Kava Kava
Milk Thistle Mushrooms Chamomile Passionflower Sage
Holy Basil – Coriander Lemongrass Green CoffeeBean Extract

This is not an exhaustive list, but I hope you get the idea!

*I do not consider legumes and starchy veggies superfoods as many of these contain anti-
nutrient phytates(legumes) and they raise blood sugar when consumed.*

3) Clean Protein Sources: With minimal environmental toxins.

100% grass-fed Beef Bison Venison Antelope

Organic poultry (chicken, turkey & eggs) Duck
Wild caught fish - Salmon, Halibut, Herring, Sardines, Flounder and
100% grass-fed raw cheese and fermented dairy
Non-Denatured, Grass-fed Whey Protein
Hemp, Brown Rice & Pea protein
*Shell Fish and Cat Fish and Squids, etc. are bottom dwellers and bio-accumulate
environmental toxins – I don’t recommend eating them.*

4) Fiber Rich Foods: For healthy elimination and detoxification.

Vegetables we have already discussed along with healthy nuts like walnuts,
pecans, macadamia, almonds, hazelnuts and seeds such as chia, hemp, flax,
pumpkin, sunflower, sesame and black sesame seeds.
Organic Psyllium and I count activated charcoal, betonite clay and zeolites into
this category. All are very helpful for normal bowel movements and effective

5) Fermented Foods: To support the microbiome that makes up 70% of our

bodies immune response and plays a critical role in healthy detoxification. All of
the below should be natural, with no preservatives and using the highest quality

Sauerkraut Kimchi Fermented Assorted Veggies
Kombucha Fermented Whey Coconut Water or Coconut Milk Kefir
Amasai Beet Kvass Bragg’s ACV Drinks
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Grass-fed fermented dairy

35 35
My Ideal Strategy:
I try to make sure I get all 5 of these components into each meal that I eat. That
is a supercharged meal! At the minimum try to get 3 of these into each of your

For an Example – SuperCharged Chocolate Pudding

Avocado Coconut Oil Raw Cacao
Chocolate Non-Denatured Whey Protein
Organic Flax/Almond/Hemp or Coconut Milk or Amasai
Grass-fed ground beef with turmeric and garlic Raw Salad
Extra virgin olive oil, lemon, ACV and organic herbs on everything

Optional Side – Fermented veggies

Meal Timing is Key to Health & Energy:

To understand how to rev up our energy and live at our highest level we have
to look to the past. Our ancestors had a lifestyle that was built around survival
in a dangerous environment where food was scarce at times. This lifestyle was
complicated by certain features that included dietary and working habits.

Our ancestors were very active during daylight hours hunting and gathering.
During the evening hours they feasted when food was plentiful. The nervous
system has developed to keep kinetic energy systems high during daylight hours
while digestive and recovery systems are prioritized at night. Meal planning
should revolve around the natural congruency of the bodies neurological systems
for optimal physical energy, digestion and immunity.

Daytime vs Nighttime Energy Systems:

Daytime hours were very important for travel, building shelters and finding food
sources. The tribesman stayed at the camp during the nighttime hours for shelter
and safety from wild animals. The daytime hours saw high-energy expenditure
that is characterized by the human sympathetic nervous system.

The nighttime hours were a time of relaxation and feasting characterized by the
human parasympathetic nervous system. This system also enhances the desire to
reproduce and allows for restorative sleep, tissue healing and repair. Certain types

of foods work well with the sympathetic nervous system while others are congruent
with the parasympathetic nervous system.
The Ideal Daytime Nutrition:
Foods that work in harmony with the body during daylight hours include raw fruits
and vegetables as well as liquids and fast absorbing proteins. Raw fruits and non-
starchy vegetables consist primarily of simple carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals,
enzymes and phytonutrient anti-oxidants. These foods are very easy on the digestive
system and take very little digestive juices and enzymes.

Juiced veggies or liquid nutrition such as coconut, hemp and almond milk are very
easy on the digestive system as well. Coconut is the best source of fat during the
daytime hours because it is composed of primarily medium-chain saturated fats that
do not depend on bile production to metabolize effectively. The good fats in coconut
products take away hunger by naturally stimulating feelings of satiety.

Best Daytime Proteins:

The best daytime proteins are those that are fast absorbing and put minimal stress
on the body’s digestive system. This includes vegetable juices, sprouted seeds and
algae such as chlorella and spirulina. A hypoallergenic organic pea and brown rice
protein powder is an excellent choice as well.

The best animal proteins include fermented, undenatured dairy sources like amasai,
kefir, & yogurt from grass-fed animals. High quality, non-denatured whey protein
from grass-fed animals is a phenomenal whole-food supplement during the day due
to its fast absorption and amino acid bioavailability.

Best Nighttime Nutrition:

Foods that work in harmony with the body during nighttime hours are warmer,
thicker and hardier. The body is in no need for physical exertion and can shunt more
energy into the digestive processes. This is a great time for cruciferous veggies such
as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, etc. that digest more effectively
when they are lightly steamed or sautéed.

37 37
High quality proteins and thicker fats that depend on adequate bile to be metabolized
are eaten at night. This would include grass-fed beef, wild-game, organic eggs, free-
range poultry, & wild-fish. Raw cheese, organic eggs, nuts and seeds are great fat/
protein combinations that supply great long lasting amino acid release that keeps the
body in an anabolic phase of healing and repair through the nighttime hours. All of
these proteins depend on an abundance of stomach acid, bile (if they are fatty) and
proteolytic enzymes to metabolize effectively.

Enzyme Loading the Body:

The body works best when it can store these enzymes and acids for a 16-24 hour
period. Ideally, one large meal per day at night when the body has begun relaxing
and the parasympathetic nervous system is turned on works best on the digestive
system. Some raw, fermented veggies, coconut kefir and/or apple cider vinegar
should either be used before this large evening meal or during the meal to supply
extra enzymes and microorganisms that aid in digestion.

Starchy grains are acceptable in the evening in small quantities. The best starches
to use include sweet potato, squash, brown rice, quinoa or millet. This is especially
useful for athletes who are extremely active and practicing, training or competing
for over 90 minutes in a day. They may wipe out much of their stored glycogen and
therefore the extra carbohydrates would be useful to replenish their glycogen stores
and improve their endurance and overall performance.

Chapter 5

Major Principles Behind the

SuperCharged Energy Diet:
1. Choose Food By God (Natural) Rather Than Food
By Man (Processed)
Minimize all processed foods, artificial sweeteners, flavorings,
preservatives, pesticides, herbicides, hormones, & antibiotics that
man has produced with little regard to nature.

Choose natural, organic, whole foods – fresh from their source.

2. Use Fats That Heal and Avoid Fats That Kill

Reduce/eliminate toxic, inflammatory fat sources such as canola oil,
peanut oil, cottonseed oil, soybean oil and safflower oil. These are
high in omega 6 fatty acids and are refined oils that are inflammatory
in the body.
• Implement healthy fat sources as your chief calorie source to
radically improve fat burning potential, brain function & energy

39 39
3. Avoid Sugars
Decrease insulin levels by minimizing any sort of sugar intake.
Minimize grains.
Minimize most fruit.
Eat lots of vegetables and healthy fat.
With decreased insulin levels and an abundant source of healthy fat, your body
naturally switches over from a sugar burner/sugar craver to a highly productive fat

4. Change the Meat You Eat

Grain-fed animals become highly inflamed, sick & diseased. These animals suffer
from heart disease, cancer, chronic pain & obesity before dying a miserable death
only to pass on their detriments to those who eat of their flesh.

Grass-fed, free range animals enjoy life with tremendous health. They pass along
a healthy protein/fat source, loaded with brain-boosting omega 3’s and metabolism
spiking Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) among other things to improve the quality
of your life.

5. Alkalize For Optimal Health

Include a lot of alkaline foods such as raw vegetables, extra-virgin olive oil,
avocados, spirulina, chlorella, specific sea salts, apple cider vinegar, lemon, etc. in
your meals.

The more processed something is the more acid-forming it is in the body.

Meals should be 75% alkaline veggies & oils & 25% acidic (meats, starches & or
gluten-free grains). Use good salts and herbs on your meals as well.

Alkaline Water and Salts are Recommended. This can be done by adding
Himalayan sea salt to water, adding lemon to water or getting water from natural
springs and using water filtration machines that contain a “Jade mineral filter.”
Using greens powders in water is also a great alkalizing strategy.

6. Utilize Fermented Foods & Beverages Whenever Possible:

Fermented foods are rich in probiotics, enzymes and organic acids. These foods
provide the optimal environment for a healthy gut and immune system

Some individuals are able to tolerate raw, grass-fed dairy while others are not.
Grass-fed fermented dairy has extraordinary health benefits. Unfortunately, some
individuals have immune reactivity to dairy and consuming these foods causes major
inflammatory reactions.
Use fermented vegetables such as organic sauerkraut, fermented assorted veggies,
pickles, etc.
Use fermented beverages such as coconut water kefir, kombucha and beet kvass.
Use organic fermented tonics such as apple cider vinegar and fermented herbal botani-

Good Fats/Clean Proteins:
1. Vegetarian Sources:
Almonds, Avocados, Brazil Nuts, Coconut, Hemp Seed, Flax Seed, Macadamia
Nuts, Olives, Walnuts & Sunflower Seeds. In addition, the associated oils,
milks, flakes, & butters of these products are great.

*You can use these in abundance without worrying about gaining weight. Just
listen to your body and avoid gluttonously overeating.*
Coconut products – the medium chain saturated fats will boost your
metabolism, improve immunity, lubricate stiff joints & fight dry skin.

2. Animal Sources:
Milk, Butter, Amasai, Eggs, Fish, Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Bison, Lamb, Goat,
Deer, Elk, Grass-Fed Raw Cheese.

Animal sources must be organic, grass-fed in order to be truly health benefiting.

Milk and butter must also be raw – unpasturized and unhomogenized.

Fish must be wild-caught. If it is farmed it is dangerous. Look for things low on

the food chain to avoid heavy metal contamination. Sardines are probably the
best…wild Alaskan salmon is 2nd. Never eat Atlantic salmon – it is always
farmed regardless of what it says.

41 41
3. Fruits & Vegetables:
Staples: Anything dark green including asparagus, broccoli, spinach, dandelion greens,
collard greens, cabbage, cucumbers, turnip greens, kale, snap peas, celery, swiss chard,
cilantro, parsley, dill, etc.

Colors: Bell peppers (green, red, yellow, orange), red cabbage, red/white onions,
tomatoes & carrots.

You should be eating these in abundance

Lightly steam, stir-fry, or eat them raw.
Make your meals colorful for a full exploration of taste & nutrient potential.

Starchy Vegetables: All food by God, but high in carbohydrates. Better are those that
have the most nutrient density per gram of carbohydrate. Eat only in careful modera-
The Better: Sweet potatoes, squash, quinoa & beans of any kind.
The Worst: Regular potato, corn and any grain
Best Grains: Millet, Ezekiel sprouted grains & brown rice
Worst Grains: Wheat, barley, oat, and rye (all gluten containing)

Fruits: All food by God, but also contain a lot of sugar…the better are categorized
by the fruits that have the most nutrient density per gram of carbohydrate. Eat only in
careful moderation.
The Better: Strawberries, black berries, blueberries, raspberries, green apples,
The Worst: Dates, figs, apricots and raisins.
4. Sweeteners: Use in moderation so as to not create a dependency on sweet flavor.
The Best: Stevia – all natural – and actually enhances your body’s ability to utilize
insulin and balance blood sugar.
The Better: Honey, (raw and local is best), monk fruit extract coconut nectar,
grade b maple syrup, yacon syrup and organic sugar. These are all acceptable but
must be used in careful moderation to avoid sugar/insulin spikes.
The Worst: All artificial sweeteners, non-organic sugar and agave nectar. All are
highly toxic and inflammatory.

5. Herbs: Sprinkle on Foods or Drink Teas with these ingredients
Immune Boosters: Garlic, ginger, oregano, echinacea, turmeric, curry, basil & thyme
Balance Blood Sugar: Cinnamon, coriander, cayenne
Brain Boost: Ginko, rosemary, ginseng, rhodiola, cumin, sage
Detox: Dandelion, turmeric, cilantro, dill
Digestive Health: Ginger, fenugreek, peppermint, coriander, cayenne
Energy Booster: Rhodiola, ashwagandha, ginseng, holy basil, ginger
Mood Stabilizer: Kava Kava, lemon-grass, nutmeg, coriander
Stress Relief: Ginseng, ashwagandha, rhodiola, astragalus, holy basil, maca

1. Any processed food by man *Read labels*
All pasteurized dairy products
Processed meats, farmed fish, or conventional eggs
All hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats)
Artificial sweeteners (splenda, sucralose, aspartame, nutrisweet, equal, high
fructose corn syrup, etc)
Artificial preservatives, flavors, textures, or additives. (MSG, hydrolyzed
yeast, vegetable protein, etc)

2. Toxic vegetable oils

Corn, soy, safflower, cottonseed, sesame, canola, grapeseed and peanut are the
main culprits. Avoid cooking with any oil other than coconut, and use olive,
hemp and/or flax oil as a salad dressing.

3. Sugar of any kind

Fructose, sucrose, dextrin, maltodextrin, high fructose corn syrup, glucose, etc
Read labels!

4. Soy, corn, & peanut:

Highly GMO, pesticide ridden & challenging for our bodies to digest.
Soy contains phytic acids, enzyme inhibitors, goitrogens and certain isoflavins
that are anti-nutrients & block thyroid hormone production.
Peanuts have been known to contain afflotoxin that is highly carcinogenic.

43 43
5. Most Grains:
High in carbohydrates and unnecessary to health and vitality.
Particularly avoid wheat, barley, oats, and rye, which all contain gluten. Rice, spelt,
millet and sprouted grains are more beneficial but still not entirely healthy for the

The SuperCharged Healing Diet Essentials:

The body secretes insulin whenever carbohydrates (sugars/grains) or high levels of
protein are consumed. Insulin is known to increase inflammation & fat storage. The
typical American diet is full of carbohydrates causing rampant increases in insulin.
This process produces inflammation, fat storage and damage to the cellular insulin

The SuperCharged Healing Diet:

This is a nutrient dense ketogenic nutrition program. The goal is to dramatically
reduce insulin secretions, allowing the body to heal receptor sites, burn fat more
effectively and become more stable at the cellular level. This diet is essential for
anyone who wants to lose fat mass quickly and is trying to recover from:
Chronic Pain
High Blood Pressure
High Blood LDL/HDL ratios &/or Triglyceride/HDL ratios
Type I & II Diabetes
AutoImmune Diseases
BioToxic &/or Neurotoxic Disorders
Chronic Neurological Disorders
Cancer or any other Serious Disease
Certain body types (Metabolic Protein types)

1. Non-Starchy Vegetables: Eat these in abundance. Best varieties include broccoli,

cauliflower, artichoke, spinach, romaine lettuce, chard, collards, kale, arugula,
bok choy, celery, green/yellow/red peppers, cucumber, zucchini, red/green
cabbage, etc.

2. Good Fats: Extra-virgin coconut & olive oil, grass-fed cow butter/cheese, free-
range eggs, coconut milk & flakes, whole coconut, avocado, black olives, nuts
(walnuts, almonds, pecans, macadamia brazil nuts are best) & seeds (flax, hemp,
pumpkin & chia). These should be a strong part of each meal.

3. Moderate Protein: Grass-fed & free-range meats, wild game, organic poultry, non-
denatured grass-fed whey protein powder, wild-Alaskan salmon (1x/week)/sardines,
fermented soy (tempeh), nuts/seeds. No more than 15-25 g/per meal. 4-6 ounces
of steak is enough in a meal.

4. Minimize Fruit: Berries are acceptable in small quantities. Strawberries,

blueberries, raspberries, blackberries & cranberries. Great in a protein shake.

5. Avoid Grains & Starchy Carbs: Avoid all grains and starchy carbs like potatoes,
squash, quinoa, etc.

Good Fats: *The Cornerstone of Your Diet*

Good Fat Helps You Burn Fat, Balance Hormones, Boost Energy & Brain Function.
Anti-Oxidants: Low-glycemic fruits, non-starchy vegetables and organic herbs.
Anti-oxidants help put out the inflammatory fires in the body and protect our DNA.
Clean Protein: The building blocks for healthy physique.
Protein helps your body produce enzymes, recover from exercise and promote lean body
Fiber: Feeds your gut microflora and helps eliminate environmental toxins from your
digestive system.
Natural Sweeteners: Makes life fun and enjoyable.

45 45
Chapter 6

SuperCharged Recipes

Here is a list of great recipes to choose from. We put certain codes on each of the
recipes so you would know what these recipes contain and if they are appropriate for
you based on your unique health needs.

All the recipes are completely Grain and Gluten-Free. Most are low-carb and there
are absolutely no GMO ingredients and all use natural and nutrient rich ingredients.
These recipes all apply the SuperCharged Energy Diet principles explained above

Dr Jockers works with patients with all sort of unique health challenges and health
approaches. It is IMPOSSIBLE to make a one-size fits all program but we wanted to
make this book as applicable to every individual we consult with.

In order to make this possible, we have specific labels around each recipe so you can
identify what recipes are going to be best for you. For more information, Dr Jockers
personal comments on all the different recipes and complete food and shopping
guides for each of these nutrition plans go to

47 47
A: Auto-Immune Detox
Avoiding all nightshade veggies (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, bell
peppers and chile peppers), dairy, sugar of all types, grains & nuts.

H: Low-Histamine
Avoiding all high-histamine foods such as alcohol, bananas, chocolate,
dairy, fermented foods, nuts, papaya, pineapple, shellfish, strawber-
ries, tomatoes, green, mate & black tea.

L: Leaky Gut Protocol

Avoiding all nightshade veggies (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, bell
peppers andchile peppers), dairy, sugar of all types, grains & nuts.

K: Ketogenic – SuperCharged Healing Diet

Low carb diet that restricts sugar and starch from all sources.

S: Low-Sulfur
There are certain individuals who struggle with sulfur-rich foods and
have major inflammatory reactions when they consume these. These
people need to be on a low-sulfur diet for a period of time in order to
reduce inflammation and heal.
V: Vegan
No animal products at all!

Vt: Vegetarian
No meat or fish included but this does allow for dairy and eggs

49 49
SuperCharged Blueberry Shake
With Non-Denatured Whey Protein: K, Vt
With Brain SuperCharge: A, H, K, L, V, Vt
No Protein Powder: S


½ cup of frozen organic

Unsweetened Coconut and/
or Almond Milk
1-2 scoops of Non-Dena-
tured Whey Protein or
Other High Quality Protein
1 tbsp of Turmeric Powder
Big handful of Spinach
Extra liquid stevia to taste
Pinch of Pink Salt
Pinch of Black Pepper DIRECTIONS

Take all the ingredients and put them in the blender and blend until smooth and
creamy. I prefer to put the frozen berries in first and then the coconut milk,
powders, stevia, turmeric and finally the spinach.

Chocolate Strawberry Mousse
With Non-Denatured Whey Protein: K, Vt
With Brain SuperCharge: A, K, L, V, Vt


1 Avocado
1/3 bag of frozen organic
2 tbsps of coconut oil
1 cup of Toasted Coconut
Milk (combination of
almond milk and coconut
cream) – you can also
use organic unsweetened
coconut milk or almond milk
in a carton.
1 scoop Non-Denatured
Whey Protein Powder
DIRECTIONS 3 tbsps of Raw Cacao
Put everything into the blender and blend on high speed until whipped Powder
and creamy. Be sure to check the sides of the blender for protein powder Stevia to taste
or raw cacao powder. I use a spoon and scrape the sides so that all the
powder mixes into the mousse. Optional:
1 tsp of Turmeric
Pinch of Pink salt and black
Top with coconut flakes and
cacao nibs

51 51
Chocolate Raspberry Cream
With Non-Denatured Whey Protein: K, Vt
With Brain SuperCharge: A, K, L, V, Vt


4oz of frozen organic

1 Can of Organic coconut
creme (made with full-fat
coconut milk)
3 tbsps of Raw Cacao
1 Scoop of Non-Denatured
Whey Protein or Brain
SuperCharge protein powder
Stevia to Taste
1 tbsp of Turmeric


Turn the coconut milk can upside down and put in the refrigerator for 12
hours or so. This separates the cream from the water in the milk. When
you open the can (from the bottom – which is now the top, if that makes
sense) you will notice the water on the top. Pour the water in a glass cup
and keep as it is good for smoothies and shakes. Scoop out the creme as
that is what you will use for this recipe.

Put all the ingredients into blender and blend until smooth and creamy.
Add more or less stevia and pink salt until you get the desired taste you

Anti-Inflammatory Milk
A, H, K, L, V, Vt
S: Can be low-sulfur but watch how much turmeric you are adding


2 cups of full fat organic

coconut milk
1 tsp of turmeric
1 tsp of ginger
1 tsp of black pepper
Stevia to sweeten
Top with cinnamon

Servings: 1 cup


1. In a saucepan add all ingredients (except honey) and whisk to


2. Heat over medium heat until it starts to bubble, then turn heat down
to low and simmer for about 5 minutes so the flavors meld.

3. Add honey and stir, top with cinnamon and coconut whip cream and

4. To make coconut whip cream, place a can of coconut milk in the

fridge over-night and scrape the top off in the morning for topping
this milk recipe tea or fruit.

53 53
Beautiful Berry Chia Smoothie
With Non-Denatured Whey Protein: K, Vt
With Brain SuperCharge: A, H, K, L, V, Vt
No Protein Powder: S


1 can of full-fat organic

coconut milk
6 tbsp of chia seeds
1 scoop of Vanilla Non-
Denatured Whey Protein
1 cup of organic raspber-
ries or blueberries (fresh or
Liquid stevia to taste

Servings: 2


• Blend the coconut milk, protein powder, vanilla, and berries (blue
berries or raspberries, whichever you choose) together.

• Pour the coconut berry mixture into a mason jar or other container
and add the chia seeds. May need multiple jars.

• Slightly stir the chia seeds in the coconut milk until the chia seeds
are evenly distributed in the mixture.

• Place mixture in fridge for 2 hours or overnight.

• Layer chia pudding in another glass with more berries or simply top
with fruit and nuts, enjoy!

Coconut Milk Coffee
A, K, L, S, V


Organic dark-roast coffee

½ cup of hot filtered water
½ cup of organic coconut
Liquid stevia to taste

Pinch of pink salt

Servings: 1


Heat your water and add in organic coffee and coconut milk. Add in
stevia to the taste you like and a pinch of pink salt. The best type of
coffee I have ever found is BulletProof Coffee.

55 55
Coconut Dandelion Coffee
A, K, L, S, V


1 packet of Dandy Blend

instant herbal beverage
¼ cup of organic coconut
Few drops of stevia

Pink salt

Servings: 1-2 cups of


Warm filtered water until it is hot and add it to packet of Dandy Blend
until the cup is ¾ full. Then add in ¼ cup of coconut milk

SuperCharged Chocolate Pudding
With Non-Denatured Whey Protein: K, Vt
With Brain SuperCharge: A, H, K, L, V, Vt


1 Avocado
1 Tbsp of Extra Virgin
Coconut Oil
2-4 tablespoons of Raw
Cacao powder (depending
upon how chocolaty you
want it)
1-2 cups of organic unsweet-
ened almond or coconut
milk in carton
1 large scoop of chocolate
non-denatured whey protein

DIRECTIONS Servings: 2
Put all ingredients together into a blender and spin it until whipped up.
Be sure you have enough almond/coconut milk in it to make it blend
smoothly. May need to scrape protein and cacao powders off of the side
to ensure they don’t clump into the side of the blender. Great to serve
this with berries or in a grain-free pie crust.

Additional Tips: This recipe can also be used with a grain-free almond
flour or coconut flour based pie crust for a raw chocolate pudding cake.

57 57
Super Cinnamon Roll Smoothie
With Non-Denatured Whey Protein: Vt
With Brain SuperCharge: V, Vt
No Protein Powder: S


1 cup of full-fat coconut

milk (organic in the can)
1 frozen banana (well-
½ organic red apple
½ tsp cinnamon
½ tsp raw honey or grade B
maple syrup
¼ tsp of vanilla
2 tbsp of almond butter or
1 handful of walnuts and/or
1 scoop of Non-Denatured
Whey Protein
Servings: 1 large smoothie Blend all ingredients and top with cinnamon! Enjoy!
or 2 small

SuperCharged Key Lime Pie Smoothie
H, S, V, Vt


2 cups of full-fat organic

coconut milk
½ cup soaked cashews

2 tablespoons of raw honey

½ avocado

1 large handful of spinach

Juice of one lime

1 frozen banana

¼ tsp of vanilla

DIRECTIONS Servings: 1 Smoothie

Put all ingredients in blender and blend. Vitamix is really nice if you
have one! Soak cashews in clean water for 6-12 hours and rinse after

59 59
Brain Boosting Blueberry Pudding
K, Vt
No Dairy: H, V
No Dairy or Protein Powder: S


1 cup coconut milk

1 cup plain Amasai (or an

additional cup of coconut
milk or a cup of grass-fed

3 avocados

1 cup of wild blueberries

4 tbsp. ground chia seed

1 scoop non denatured,

grass-fed whey protein
1/2 tsp. real salt DIRECTIONS

1 tbsp. of vanilla Blend all ingredients together in a vita mix or blender.

5 drops of organic stevia Refrigerate for 12 hours.

(only if needed)
Your pudding is ready!
Servings: 4

Sweet Almond Milk
S, V, Vt
No Dates: K


2 cups raw almonds (ideally

1 cup pitted dates (you can
do less or none if you don’t
like it sweet)
1 tbsp. vanilla extract

1 cup water

1 1/2 cup raw coconut water

(whole foods has the RAW
coconut water)

Servings: 3-4

Blend all ingredients in a vita mix or blender until thick and creamy.
Line fine strainer with a “nut milk” bag and strain. This recipe is very
high in potassium and can be used in recipes such as “The Almond Milk
Hot Chocolate”, on page 60.

This has a slightly sweet flavor due to the coconut water that is used.
Coconut water is full of potassium and other major electrolytes and is
super hydrating for the body. If you want it more sweet you can choose
to add in the dates. Personally, I would rather not have the fructose in
the dates and don’t need a whole lot of sweetness.

61 61
Almond Milk Hot Chocolate
V, Vt
No Dates: K


2 cups raw homemade

almond milk
2 tbsp. coconut milk (canned
and full fat)
1/3 cup raw cacao

1/3 cup coconut nectar

10 drops vanilla cream

1 tsp. organic vanilla extract

1 drop peppermint essential

oil (optional)

Servings: 3 Simmer homemade nut milk over stove on low heat with coconut milk.
Mix together coconut nectar, stevia, vanilla and cacao powder to make a
chocolate syrup. Whisk in chocolate syrup until rich and creamy. Serve
with coconut whipped cream on top and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Super Berry Smoothie
V, Vt,
No Spinach: S
No Strawberries: H


1 cup of organic coconut

½ cup of coconut water

1 cup of organic frozen

berries (blueberries/raspber-
1 cup of fresh berries
(organic if avail – blueber-
2 cups of organic spinach

20 drops of stevia extract

DIRECTIONS Servings: 4

Blend all ingredients together until smooth and serve cold.

63 63
SuperCharged Hot Chocolate
A, K, L, V, Vt


1 can of organic coconut

milk (regular or full-fat)
2-3 tbsp of organic raw
1 tsp of liquid stevia (or to
Pinch of pink salt

Servings: 2


Pour coconut milk into a stainless steel pot and heat up. When the
coconut oil starts to simmer and bubble turn the heat off and let it relax
for 3 minutes or so. When it is at the right temperature that you want it
(not scolding but hot), add in the raw cacao powder, stevia, salt and mix
real good.

You could use a little electric hand blender to help mix it up faster or just
mix with a spoon for a few minutes until you get the chocolate mixed
into the coconut milk as best as possible.

65 65
SuperCharged Turkey Sausage
A, H, K, L
Small Amounts can be low-sulfur


2 pounds pasture-raised
ground turkey
3/4 cup coconut oil (melted)

2 tsps Himalayan salt

2 tsps of ground turmeric

1 clove garlic diced up

¼ red onion diced up

1 1/2 tsps freshly ground

black pepper
2 tsps finely chopped fresh DIRECTIONS
sage leaves
Combine ground turkey with all other ingredients and chill for 1 hour.
2 tsps finely chopped fresh Using the fine blade of a grinder, grind the turkey. Form into long round
thyme leaves sausage using parchment paper. Refrigerate and use within 1 week
or freeze for up to 3 months. For immediate use, saute patties over
1/2 tsp finely chopped fresh medium-low heat.
rosemary leaves
Servings : 6-8
1 tbsp stevia Ready in : 1 hr.

1/2 tsp fresh grated nutmeg Dr Jockers Comments:

Optional Ingredients: I modified this recipe to add in garlic, red onion and turmeric (which I
love) and make the chili pepper and red pepper optional (because I don’t
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper like them…haha!). This is a really tasty, nutrient dense sausage that is
sure to be a favorite.
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
Be sure to get organic turkey or ideally, pasture-raised turkey. Pasture-
Special Equipment: Hands raised turkey is the most nutrient dense because the turkey’s were able to
and parchment paper consume grass, bugs, etc. in a natural environment. They are also able
to detoxify better because they are getting fresh air and moving their
bodies rather than staying in a confined area.

Crunchy Nut & Seed Granola
K, V, Vt


1/2 cup pumpkin seeds

1/2 cup organic coconut

1/4 cup sesame seed

1/4 cup sunflower seeds

1/2 cup chopped walnuts

1/2 cup slivered almonds

1/4 cup flax seeds

1 tbsp of raw cacao nibs

1 tbsp. chia seeds
Preheat oven to 325 degrees and cover a baking sheet with parchment
paper. Mix together all ingredients and spread on the baking sheet. Bake 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
for 15 mins (this brings oils and nutrients out). Take out of oven and
Servings: About 10-12 (like
put in airtight container (It will last 1 month on your counter top or 9
months in the freezer). a box of cereal)
Optional Ingredients:
Ready in : 20 minutes
Dried berries (goji berries,
cranberries, blueberries)

Fresh Berries

67 67
SuperCharged Crepes
A, H, K, L, Vt
No Eggs: S


2 pasture-raised eggs

1 tbsp. coconut oil

1 tbsp. pasture-fed butter

2 tbsp. coconut flour

1/3 cup coconut milk

1/8 tsp. pink salt

Servings: 2 Crepes

Optional Ingredients:

1/2 cup of coconut nectar,

raw honey or grade B maple DIRECTIONS

syrup In a mixing bowl, mix together the eggs, oil, salt and sweetener (if
Low carb – Use 1-2 tbsp of making sweet variation) or spices (for plain or savory), then blend in
liquid stevia the coconut flour and finally the coconut milk. In a small crepe pan,
stainless steel or iron skillet, add 1/4 of the batter and cook for a few
minutes, until the crepe is bubbly and cooked around the edges. Flip the
crepe over and finish cooking.

SuperCharged Grain-Free Oatmeal
H, K, Vt


1 c. *Riced Cauliflower,
1/3 c. Canned Organic
Coconut Milk
2/3 c. Filtered Water

2 Large Organic Pasture-

Raised Eggs
2 Tbsp. Ground Flax or Chia
DIRECTIONS 2-3 tsp. Cinnamon

*First things first, you need to “rice” your cauliflower. If you have a box Choice of Mix-Ins (raisins,
grater, simply grate the cauliflower down to the stem. raw honey, banana, fresh
To a medium saucepan, add riced cauliflower, eggs, coconut milk and blueberries, etc)
water. Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 12 minutes
Over medium heat, bring to low boil and cook until cauliflower is
Serves: 1-2
tender, about 10 minutes or so.

Remove from heat and whisk in eggs, flax, cinnamon and raisins (or
other mix-ins).

Dr Jockers Comments:
We were always told to believe that oatmeal is healthy but the grains
are highly inflammatory and cause blood sugar insensitivities. This is a
low-carb, anti-inflammatory version that tastes great!
This is loaded with healthy fats from the coconut milk and the pasture-
raised eggs. The good fats along with the fiber from the flax/chia
seeds and the cinnamon help to maintain healthy blood sugar signaling
patterns and reduce inflammation.
You and the family will love this superfood oatmeal and won’t want to
go back to the traditional! Enjoy!
69 69
Brain Building Omelet
K, Vt


3 organic range eggs

3 tbsp. grass-fed butter/ghee/

coconut oil
1/2 cup chopped red onions

8 organic chopped green

1 cup chopped organic
yellow pepper
6 clove of minced garlic

1 tbsp. organic thyme

1 tbsp. organic oregano
Saute onions, green onions and garlic in pan on a low heat for 10
1 tbsp. organic basil minutes.

2 tbsp. turmeric Add in eggs, (cheese if choosing this option) and herbs.

Servings: 1-2 Cook for 10 minutes and add in turmeric. You will Love This!


2 oz of grass-fed raw cheese

SuperCharged Turkey Fritata


1 tbsp. virgin coconut oil

1/2 red onion, chopped

1/2 organic green bell

pepper, chopped
1 cup shredded cauliflower

1/2 cup leftover cooked

chopped organic turkey
6 pastured eggs, lightly
1/4 cup organic coconut
Preheat the broiler. Heat oil in a large stainless steel or clay skillet over Pink Salt and black pepper
medium high heat. Add onion and bell pepper and cook for 3 minutes.
Stir in shredded cauliflower and cook until golden brown. Add cooked 2 tbsp. chopped parsley,
leftover meat and toss to coat. basil or cilantro
1/2 cup grass-fed grated raw
In a mixing bowl beat together the eggs and milk and season with salt cheddar
and pepper. Pour egg mixture into skillet and stir in chopped herbs. Top
with grated cheese and brown under broiler for about 2 to 3 minutes Servings : 4
until the frittata puffs. You can also put into a well oiled whoopee pan Ready in : 15 min.
for individual servings.

Dr Jockers Comments:
This is a fantastic recipe that is loaded with powerful nutrition and
amazing taste. The best kind of eggs to use are pasture-raised eggs from
chickens who were raised on grass, eating insects and weeds. These
eggs have far superior nutrition than any other eggs and are much less
likely to create a food sensitivity.

71 71
SuperCharged Pumpkin Pancakes


2 1/2 cups Pumpkin Puree

1 Dozen Pasture-raised Eggs

1/4 cup Coconut Flour

1 tbsp. Baking Powder

1 cup Coconut Milk

2 tbsp. Arrowroot Powder

1 tbsp. Cinnamon

3/4 tsp. Ground Cloves

1/2 tsp. Ground Ginger DIRECTIONS

1/2 tsp. Ground Nutmeg 1. Beat eggs. Whisk the spices and the salt into the flour, then add to the
pumpkin puree. Stir well, then add eggs, syrup, and vanilla, stirring after
1 tsp. Pink Salt each addition.

1/4 cup Grade B Maple 2. Heat a griddle or other heavy bottomed pan over medium heat until
syrup thoroughly heated, 4-5 minutes. Reduce heat slightly and generously
grease the pan with coconut oil.
2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
3. Ladle the batter onto the griddle and cook until the edges are very dry.
4 tbsp of coconut oil Turn with a spatula and finish cooking. (Add more flour to the remaining
batter if the pancakes are crumbly or fall apart on the griddle- these
Servings : 6-8 ones are still yummy though, so just set them aside.) Reserve finished
Ready in : 25 min. pancakes in a 150° oven until serving time. These can also be made as

SuperCharged Quinoa Pancakes
H, S, V, Vt


1 cup of soaked quinoa

1 tbsp of raw honey

2 tbsps of coconut oil

¼ tsp of cinnamon

½ tsp of baking powder

Pinch of pink salt

Servings: 2


Blend soaked quinoa in food processor or blender until a wet batter is

formed, 3-5 minutes.

Add wet ingredients and process until blended.

Mix dry ingredients together in a separate bowl. Add dry mix to batter
and mix well.

Heat greased, cast iron skillet to low/medium heat.

Using 1/4 a cup at a time, pour batter onto skillet.

Cook for about two minutes or until the pancake is golden. You should
see bubbles form and then pop around the edges. Flip pancake and cook
for a minute or two. Top with maple syrup, honey and/or almond butter!

73 73
Blueberry Brain Muffins
H, Vt


3 organic eggs

1/2 cup melted coconut oil

1/4 cup coconut water

2 tbsp. honey

15 drops vanilla cream

1/2 tsp. pink salt

1/2 cup organic blueberries

1/2 cup coconut flour

3/4 tsp. aluminum-free

baking powder
Servings: About 4-6
muffins Combine, eggs, oil, coconut water, honey, stevia and pink salt together.

Add flour and baking powder and let it thicken for 5 minutes.

Add blueberries and bake at 325 for 15-20 minutes.

Coconut Blueberry Muffins
H, Vt


This recipe should make

about 6-12 small-medium
sized muffins
6 free range eggs

1/2 cup melted coconut oil

1/2 cup grade B maple syrup

1 tbsp. vanilla extract

1/2 cup coconut flour

1 tsp. aluminum-free baking
Whisk together eggs, melted coconut oil, maple syrup and vanilla. powder
Whisk in coconut flour. 1 cup organic blueberries

Let it sit for 10 minutes (to thicken).

Add in blueberries and baking powder.

Spoon into greased muffin tin.

Bake at 350 for 10 minutes.

Dr Jockers Comments:
I LOVE blueberry muffins! When I gave up grains I thought I would
never eat muffins again (as depressing as that sounds). However, as I
experienced the great health benefits of going grain-free I forgot about
the incredible flavor and texture of muffins. This is the best of both
worlds – grain-free and easy on blood sugar levels while loaded with
high quality nutrition and packed full of flavor!

Personally, I prefer to use stevia as my major sweetener but for an

occasional treat grade B maple syrup is fantastic. It is lower glycemic
and contains a lot of B vitamins that help the body deal with glucose
metabolism more effectively. Blueberries are loaded with anti-oxidants
and coconut and pasture raised eggs are full of healthy fats. Enjoy!

75 75
SuperCharged Spinach Pancakes
K, Vt


4 organic (pasture-raised)
1/4 cup full-fat coconut milk
or Beyond Organic plain
1/2 tsp. pink salt

2/3 cup frozen organic

2 cloves of garlic

1/2 cup onion chopped

1/3 cup coconut flour

1/2 tsp. baking powder DIRECTIONS

black pepper to taste Blend, eggs, coconut milk or amasai, salt, spinach, garlic and onion
together in a blender or vita mix.
1 tbsp. extra-virgin coconut
oil Add coconut flour and baking powder and blend.

Servings: About 3 Melt a tbsp. of coconut oil on medium to low stove.

Drop batter in by heaping tbsp. at a time.

Sprinkle with black pepper.

Dr Jockers Comments:
Who doesn’t like pancakes? These are completely grain-free, low-carb
and loaded with good fats, anti-oxidants and clean proteins. You can
now eat your pancakes guilt free as these will help your body burn fat,
build muscle and reduce inflammation. There is lots of powerful sulfur
containing amino acids that enhance detoxification with the onions
and garlic. Clean protein with organic eggs and tons of good fats with
coconut oil and flour.

Tangerine and Spinach Omelet


2 Clementine oranges,
peeled & sectioned
4 oz. whole organic
1/2 bag (5 oz) fresh spinach

4 organic eggs

2 T. extra virgin coconut oil

2 jalapeños (optional)

DIRECTIONS ~ 2-3 oz. lite coconut

milk (for whipping eggs-
Turn your skillet to medium high and add the coconut oil to melt. Add
optional, can use water
a tablespoon of water (or lite coconut or other “milk” or olive oil) and
whisk the eggs in a medium bowl. Wash and pat dry the spinach and
fresh rosemary. Peel and section the oranges and set aside. Seasonings:
garlic powder
Add the mushrooms, orange segments and seasonings to the skillet and
saute for about 2 minutes until the mushrooms are a bit brown. Add rosemary (fresh)
the spinach, balsamic vinegar and olive oil and reduce the heat to low,
covering and steaming for another 1-2 minutes or until the spinach is curry powder
just barely limp or soft and bright green. Uncover and remove every-
1 T. balsamic vinegar
thing from the pan and set aside. You may want to add more coconut or
olive oil to the pan so the eggs do not stick. 2-4 T. extra virgin olive oil

Whip the eggs one last time and add the fresh rosemary, pink salt and pink salt and pepper
pepper. Pour the eggs into the pan and cover. Cook at low to medium
Servings: 2 Omelets
low for a few (~2-3) minutes until the eggs are set and no longer runny
(they even steam and “poof” a bit when they cook covered).

Once the eggs are finished, add the previously sauteed veggies to half
the egg. Use your spatula to gently lift the sides of the egg to ensure
no egg stuck to the pan. Finally, use the spatula as a lever and flip the
uncovered half of the egg over the filling and serve garnished with a
sprinkle of fresh pepper and rosemary sprigs.
77 77
Cranberry Orange Muffins


8 pasture-raised eggs

1 cup of melted virgin

coconut oil
½ cup melted grass-fed
10 drops organic essential
oil of orange
1 tbsp vanilla

15 drops of vanilla cream

2/3 cup raw local honey

1 cup blanched almond flour DIRECTIONS

½ cup coconut flour In a food processor blend together eggs, melted coconut oil, melted
grass-fed butter, essential oils, stevia, vanilla and honey until it is
1 ½ cups organic cranberry creamy.
Add in flours, cranberry sauce, baking powder and salt
1 tsp aluminum free baking
powder Mix well

1 tsp pink salt Pour into large bowl and let it sit for 20 minutes to thicken

Servings: Makes 6-8 Spoon out batter into lined muffin tin
Bake at 350 for 10 minutes

79 79
Super Detoxifying Green Drink
A, H, K, L, V, Vt


1 Lemon

1 cucumber

½ bunch of dandelion

½ bunch of cilantro

1/2 bunch of celery

1 granny smith apple

2 (1 inch) Ginger root

1 bunch Lacinato kale

Serving Size: This makes

about 8oz of juice

Cut everything up into small pieces as this will be easier on your juicer.
Add things together in small proportion. So I might cut the lemon and
apple into 8 chunks and add in 2 chunks of lemon, 2 chunks of apple,
some cilantro, some cucumber, etc. With this recipe – I like to do about
4 loads. So I proportion everything to get as even an amount as possible
of each thing into 4 loads.

Add everything in slowly and let the juicer do its job. I personally use
a simple Jack Lalane juicer and have good success with it. It is around
$100 and the knock on it is that it doesn’t have great lasting power.
If you are juicing daily, it should last you about a year. I like the Jack
Lalane because it is stainless steel and not plastic. This minimizes toxic
chemicals like phthalates and BPA.

To reduce sugar, take out the apple and add a second cucumber and/or
1/2 bunch of celery.

Super Oxygenator
A, H, K, L, V, Vt


1 Lemon

½ bunch of dill

1 cucumber

½ bunch of parsley

1/2 bunch of celery

1 granny smith apple

4 (1/2 inch) Ginger root

DIRECTIONS 2 bowls of spinach

Serving Size: Makes about
Cut everything up into small pieces as this will be easier on your juicer. 8oz of juice
Add things together in small proportion. So I might cut the lemon and
apple into 8 chunks and add in 2 chunks of lemon, 2 chunks of apple,
some parsley, some cucumber, etc. With this recipe – I like to do about
4 loads. So I proportion everything to get as even an amount as possible
of each thing into 4 loads.

Add everything in slowly and let the juicer do its job. I personally use
a simple Jack Lalane juicer and have good success with it. It is around
$100 and the knock on it is that it doesn’t have great lasting power.
If you are juicing daily, it should last you about a year. I like the Jack
Lalane because it is stainless steel and not plastic. This minimizes toxic
chemicals like phthalates and BPA.

To reduce sugar, take out the apple and add a second cucumber and/or
1/2 bunch of celery.

81 81
Super Detox Drink
A, H, K, L, V, Vt


1 small organic granny smith

3 stalks of bok choy

½ bunch of cilantro

½ bunch of parsley

1 lemon

½ cucumber

3 stalks of celery

2 (1/2 inch) slices of

ginger root
Servings: This makes DIRECTIONS
about 8 oz of green drink
Chop everything to where it is in small bite size pieces. This makes it
easier on your juicer. Large chunks are much tougher to juice and put
more stress on the juicer and more fiberous chunks are left over

SuperCharged Green Ginger Lime Juice
A, H, K, L, V, Vt


6 stalks of chard (full green

heads) ripped up into smaller
pieces to fit into juicer

2 limes diced into fourths

1 organic granny smith apple

2 inches of ginger root

Servings: Makes about 8

oz of juice


Get all ingredients together and cut them into pieces that will fit well
into the blender. I typically put the greens in and then apple/lime/ginger
and then more greens and then more lime. Let it juice-up!

83 83
SuperCharged Lemon Mint
Vitamin Water
A, H, K, L, S, V, Vt


Fresh juice from 1 organic

Organic mint leaves

12 drops of berry (or flavor

of your choice) stevia
1 drop citrus fresh essential
Organic lemons, limes and
raspberries (optional)
8 oz of purified water

Servings: 1-2

Get the water and mix all ingredients together. Squeeze lemon and lime
in water and add raspberries if you like. You can stir them in with a
spoon. You may want fresh chilled water or ice in your water. Add mint
leaves on top at the end.

De-Inflaming Lemonade
A, H, K, L, V, Vt


1 cup of fresh squeezed

lemon juice: (4 -6 lemons)
4-6 cups of clean water (to
1 tsp of ground turmeric

1 tsp of cinnamon

Pinch of pink salt

(Redmond’s or Himilayan
½ tsp of liquid stevia (or to
Servings: 4-6
Get all ingredients together and cut them into pieces that will fit well
into the blender. I typically put the greens in and then apple/lime/ginger Optional: 1 tsp ground/
and then more greens and then more lime. Let it juice-up! fresh ginger

85 85
87 87
SuperCharged Chicken Broth
A, H, K, L, Vt, V
No Garlic: S


1 whole pasture-raised
1-2 onions, quartered

1-2 carrots, roughly chopped

2-4 stalks organic celery,

roughly chopped
4-6 cloves garlic

Pink Salt, to taste

Filtered Water to cover

Servings: 1 1/2 gallons DIRECTIONS

Take the chicken and wash well. Deeply pierce the skin all over with
a long serving fork (this is to let the juices deep down in the tissues
to release over time), and place in a very large stock pot. Add a little
salt then add water till it covers the chicken. Heat on the lowest setting
possible and let it sit for at least 18 hours. The water should never boil
but should just sort of bubble a little.

Once the chicken has given up all it’s juices, take it out (it will fall apart
so you will need to use a tool that can scoop it up) and set aside in a big
bowl to cool off. Next add the veggies and let that simmer or bubble for
another couple of hours or so. Turn off the heat then remove and discard
the veggies.

Cool for a few hours and then pour through a cheese cloth-lined strainer
to catch any tidbits still left in the pot. Put thoroughly cooled broth into
containers in the fridge. After a day you can take them out and skim off
the fat which can be saved in the freezer.

Another helpful tip, you can also buy ice cube trays and freeze indi-
vidual stock ice cubes, which is really handy if you find yourself
needing to make soup for one, but only have containers of stock for 6.

Ready In : Overnight

SuperCharged Avocado Cashew Soup
K, V, Vt


1 avocado

1 organic cucumber

2 green onions, chopped

Juice of 1 lime

1 tsp of pink salt

1 cup of cashew cream

Servings: 2


To Make Cashew Cream: 1 cup cashews 1 cup water

Soak 1 cup cashews in cold water for two hours.

Drain cashews and rinse.

Place in blender with 1 cup water.

Blend on high for several minutes until creamy.

To Make Soup:

1. For the soup, chop cucumber, avocado, and green onions and combine
with 1 cup cashew cream in a blender or food processor.

2. Add lime juice, salt, and pepper and blend until smooth. Garnish with
fresh tomatoes, cilantro, or avocado slices.

89 89
SuperCharged Raw Creamy
Cucumber Avocado Soup
A, H, K, L, V, Vt
No Garlic: S

1 organic cucumber

1 ripe avocado

¼ cup raw lemon juice

(freshly squeezed)
2 cloves of garlic

½ cup chopped cilantro

½ cup of filtered water

1 tsp pink salt

Servings: 2
Blend all ingredients together in a VitaMix or blender.

Serve Chilled

Chilled Cerebellum Cucumber Soup
A, H, L, K, V


1/2 cucumber peeled and

1 avocado pitted

6-7 green onion

3 large cloves of garlic

1/2 cup lemon juice

1/2 cup Filtered water

1/2 tsp pink salt

1/2 tsp black pepper

Servings: 2
Throw all ingredients in Vita Mix or powerful food processor for 1-2
minutes or until creamy. Put into container and chill in the refrigerator Prep Time: 5-10 mins
for 20-30 minutes. Serve with minced chives salt and pepper sprinkled
on top.

Dr Jockers Comments:

The Cerebellum is a key area of the brain that is involved with balance,
coordination and linking higher level thoughts. A healthy cerebellum
depends upon a good array of healthy fats and anti-oxidants. This recipe
brings the critical nutrients we need to have a healthy cerebellum.

This recipe is so refreshing and energizing. Cucumbers are loaded

with silica and potassium and are extremely alkalizing. The avocado
makes this creamy and taste amazing and adds fat-soluble carotenoid
anti-oxidants. Garlic and green onions provide immune boosting sulfur
compounds and lemon provides tons of organic acids and vitamin C.

This soup will alkalize your body and help you de-inflame and fight off
chronic disease. You will also feel light, refreshed and full of energy.
One of my favorite foods and I know you and your family will love this
91 91
SuperCharged Turmeric Zucchini Soup
A, H, K, L
Veggie Broth: V


2 pounds organic zucchini,

trimmed and chopped
3 1/2 cups organic animal
(beef, chicken or veggie)
1/2 cup organic coconut
1 cup chopped yellow
1 tsp. minced garlic

1 tbsp.coconut oil
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
In a medium pot, heat the oil over medium-high heat. Add the onions
2 tsp. curry or turmeric and garlic and cook, stirring, until soft, about 3 minutes. Add the curry
powder or turmeric powder, salt, and cayenne, stir, and cook until fragrant, about
30 seconds. Add the zucchini, reduce to medium heat, and cook, stirring
1/2 teaspoon pink salt occasionally, until soft, 5 to 6 minutes. Add the stock and bring to a boil.
Reduce the heat and simmer until the zucchini is very tender, about 20
Pinch of black pepper
Pinch cayenne
Remove from the heat. With a hand-held immersion blender, or in
Chopped cilantro, garnish batches in a food processor, puree the soup. Return to medium heat and
stir in the coconut milk. Simmer for 3 minutes. Adjust the seasoning, to
Servings: 4-6 taste. Serve garnished with the cilantro.

This soup can also be served cold. If desired, simply refrigerate for 4-6
hours, until well chilled.

SuperCharged Chicken Veggie Soup
A, H, L, K
No Sulfur-rich veggies: S


32 oz. homemade bone broth

5 cups chopped veggies

(mushroom, celery, broccoli,
carrot, onion)
6 oz. free range chicken (cut
with kitchen scissors)
3 cloves garlic

1 tsp. pink salt

1/2 tsp. black pepper

1 tbsp. basil
1 cup shredded grass-fed
Simmer all ingredients in large pot (except cheese). Add cheese after raw cheese (optional)
soup is done.
Servings: 6-8
Dr Jockers Comments:
We love bone broth as it is a powerful form of nutrition that benefits
your joints, your skin, your gut and your immune system. Adding in
lots of healthy veggies and good herbs like garlic makes this even more

Bone broth has incredible health benefits that support the gut membrane,
the joints, the immune system, hair and skin. The key nutrients in
the broth are not easy to get from other food sources and they include
collagen, gelatin, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, glycosamino
glycans, proline, glycine, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and
potassium. These nutrients are considered beauty foods because they
help the body with proper structural alignment and beautiful skin and

Bone broth provides the nutritional synergy to calm an overactive

immune system while supplying the body with raw materials to rebuild
stronger and healthier cells. This is why it is such a great healing food
to have when the body is encountering stress from bacterial or viral
93as well as digestive disorders and leaky gut syndrome. 93
SuperCharged Beef Bone Stew
A, H, L, K


2 quarts of clean water

Grass-fed Stock bones –

could be knuckle bones or
long bones
(You can get stock bones of
all types here)
A couple of heads of
broccoli or bag of frozen
Bag of frozen peas

Several carrots diced up

1 large red onion
Take the beef stock bones and boil for 4 hours or so and then peel off
1 full clove of garlic any remaining ligaments and make sure all the bone marrow has come
out of the stock bones…so they are nothing but bone. All soft-tissue
Pink salt to taste is completely removed from the bone. Then take the bones out of the
water and add in vegetables, coconut oil and ground beef and boil it up.
Minced Sea Vegetable (Kelp After an hour of boiling these the soup is ready to go.
or Dulse)
Dr Jockers Comments:
1 lb of grass-fed ground beef
I live on some version of this recipe throughout the winter time. I crave
4 tablespoons of coconut oil the beneficial nutrients in the broth and the warmth is good for the spirit
and immune system during the cold weather months. The good fats in
Servings: 6 this recipe along with the gelatin from the bone marrow and ligaments
and the glycine from the marrow are extraordinary for anti-aging. You
Optional Ingredients: will notice that your skin and hair feel soft, clean and smooth. These
nutrients also support your joints and help relieve arthritic pain and
Dark green leafy’s such as
improve mobility. Your immune system will get stronger and make your
kale, collards and chard. more resistant to colds, fevers and flu’s.
Diced celery, sweet potato,
yams, squash, etc. There could not be a better winter staple than a healthy grass-fed beef
stew. It is the most nutrient dense of all soups and stews and tastes
extraordinary. If you get some organ meats like liver and kidney you
can add those to the stew to provide even more nutrient density.

SuperCharged Chicken Wonder Soup
No Tomatoes: A, H, L, K


2 quarts organic, free-range chicken

1/2 of the chicken used to make the
stock, chopped
3 tbsp. coconut oil

2 organic tomatoes diced up

1/2 cup celery, diced

1/2 cup carrots, diced

1/2 cup onions, diced

DIRECTIONS 1 cup fresh shiitake mushrooms, sliced

In a very large pot (I use a stock pot) sauté the celery, carrots, broccoli, 1 cup bok choy, diced
onions, and mushrooms in the coconut oil. Once the veggies are limp
and translucent, pour in the chicken stock. Add the tomatoes, bok choy, 1 cup kale, shredded
kale and spinach and cook for a few mins. Stir in the chicken, then the
1 cup fresh baby spinach, chopped
spices and let that simmer for about 20 mins. Salt and pepper to taste.
1-2 stalks of broccoli cut up – use the
Dr Jockers Comments: whole stalk
I love using bone broths. They are extremely nutritious and soothing 1/4 cup chopped parsley (or cilantro or
for the body. They support the digestive system, the joints, the immune Italian parsley if you like a little more
system and promote healthy skin & hair. In the winter time, I make spice)
broths and soups and use them all the time.
1 tsp. rubbed sage (or 2 tbsp. fresh sage)
This has tons of anti-oxidant rich vegetables such as kale, bok choy, 1 tsp. of ground coriander
parsley, spinach and super herbs like sage, thyme and oregano. These
veggies and herbs give an incredible aroma that fills the whole house 1 tsp. dried thyme (1 tbsp. of fresh
with warm goodness! This taste great and is super healthy for the whole thyme)
1 tsp oregano

Pink salt and black pepper, to taste

Servings: 6

95 95
Pumpkin Spinach Curry Chowder


1/2 of a cup organic plain

(unsweetened) pumpkin
4 cups raw spinach (add near
end to reduce nutrient loss
from heat)
3 softboiled pasture-raised
eggs, divided
1 tbsp Virgin coconut oil

1 cup of organic chicken

broth/stock (I use homemade
or gluten free versions like DIRECTIONS
Kitchen Basics aseptic broth)
1. Simmer the broth, pumpkin, spices, tomatoes and bell peppers until
1 small (each) red and yellow the peppers are soft.
bell pepper
2. Add the softboiled eggs to the broth (you could save yolk and add it
1/4 of a cup whole tomatoes, in last to preserve more of the nutrients)
3. Add in the perch and spinach and turn the heat to high.
1 small perch fillet (about 1-2
oz., its what I had on hand and 4. Let the soup come to a rolling boil for about 3-5 minutes until the
fish is finished.
cooks quickly)
curry powder, cayenne, fresh 5. Pour the soup in the bowl and add olive oil (and yolk if you were
pepper and pink salt to taste (I saving it)
like a lot) 6. Top with guacamole and fresh pepper
guacamole (topping)

Servings: 4

SuperCharged Chicken
Chili Pepper Soup
No Tomatoes: H, K

6 cups organic, pastured

chicken broth
2 cups organic, pastured
chicken, cooked and
2 medium organic tomatoes

1/2 red onion

2 cloves garlic

3 chili peppers

2 tbsp coconut oil

Pink Salt and black pepper,
In an oven warmed to 350 degrees, roast the tomatoes, onion and garlic to taste
in a shallow roasting pan for about 20-30 minutes, turning the tomatoes
once during the roast. Remove from the oven when the tomatoes’ skin Garnishes: Grass-fed cheese,
has cracked open and loosened itself from the tomato pulp. Set aside to avocado strips & cilantro
cool, and once cool enough to handle, strip the skin from the tomatoes Servings: 4-6
and blend with the onion and garlic into a smooth sauce using a blender.
Ready In: 50 mins
A food processor can work if you want a chunkier sauce.

In a large saucepan atop the stove, cook the sauce in the oil until it
reduces slightly, about 4-5 minutes, then add the chicken stock. Bring to
a boil, then reduce the heat back down to a simmer. Add the chicken and
the salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for 5-10 minutes to let the flavors

While the soup is simmering, fry the chile peppers in a touch of coconut
oil atop an iron skillet until they puff up and begin to crisp. Watch your
heat during this stage; the smoke that can come off the chilies is not
fun to breath in. Turn on your stove’s overhead fan if you start getting
smoke. When the chilies are crisp, remove from the skillet, let cool, and
crumble them into a bowl. Serve the soup with the numerous garnishes-
crumbled chilies, avocado, cheese and cilantro.

97 97
SuperCharged Egg Drop Soup
H, K


½ diced onion

1 stalk of organic celery

1 tbsp of grass-fed butter/

ghee or coconut oil
1 tsp of coconut aminos

4 cups of pasture-raised
chicken broth
4 pasture-raised eggs (lightly
1 tsp organic sesame oil
(could also use EV olive oil) DIRECTIONS

1 tsp of pink salt 1. Add coconut oil to a medium-sized pot and warm over low/med heat.
Add onions and celery and saute until soft.
½ tsp of ground black
pepper 2. Add the chicken broth, coconut aminos, pink salt, black pepper and
sesame/olive oil. Bring to a boil.
2 tbsp of chopped green
onions 3. Very slowly pour in the beaten eggs in a steady stream. To make thin
streams or ribbons, gently stir the eggs in a clockwise direction until
1 handful of organic spinach they form.

Servings: 2 4. Add in spinach and continue to stir until eggs are cooked and spinach
is soft.

5. Garnish with green onions and serve.

Dr Jockers Comments:
I always loved egg drop soup growing up. Unfortunately, most of the
egg drop soups you would get at an Asian restaurant are full of MSG
and other chemical additives and poor quality ingredients. This is
loaded with superfoods and is extremely nourishing for the body.
Bone broth is loaded with powerful nutrition that is amazing for the gut,
skin, joints and immune system. It is truly a beauty food that is rich in
the anti-aging nutrient collagen.
99 99
Colorful Beef Salad
H, K


1 lb of 100% grass-fed beef

1-2 tbsp of extra virgin

coconut oil
1 yellow bell pepper

1 orange bell pepper

1 red bell pepper

1 organic cucumber

1/2 red onion

2 very large handfuls of

organic spinach DIRECTIONS

Handful of green onions Get a stainless steel pan and put 1-2 tbsp of coconut oil and heat. When
(scallions) ready (coconut oil is melted) add in grass-fed ground beef. Cook until
the beef is brown (no longer red). Be sure not to burn or overcook.
1 fresh squeezed lemon When beef is overcooked it produces heterocyclic amines and polycy-
clic aromatic hydrocarbons which are highly carcinogenic. So go for
2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil medium – rare.
Italian herbs to season
Take handful of spinach and put it in salad bowl. Dice up cucumbers,
Garlic powder to season bell peppers and red onions and put them in the salad. Then add the
finished ground beef and apply fresh squeezed lemon and olive oil. Add
Pink salt to season herbs, garlic powder and pink salt. Mix together and serve. Enjoy!

Servings: 2 big salads or

4 small salads
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 10 mins

SuperGreen Berry Salad
H, K, S, V


2 large organic lacinato kale

Big handful of organic baby
Small handful of organic
Small handful of organic
1/4 red, yellow & orange
bell peppers diced
Servings: 1 big salad

Rip up the kale leaves into small, bite sized pieces. Put all ingredients
into a big salad bowl. Apply the Creamy Avocado Dressing recipe as
seen in this photo below! ☻

101 101
Supercharged Sushi Bowl
A, H, V, Vt
No Honey: K


1 head small cauliflower

1 Ahi Tuna Steak or Wild-

Alaskan Sockeye Salmon
Green onions for topping

1 Cucumber

1 Carrot for grating

1 Avocado diced

1 Sheet of Nori torn into pieces

Dulse flakes
Clover sprouts for topping
SuperCharged Sushi Bowl Instructions:
For The Dressing:
To Make Cauliflower Rice:
2 tbsps of Coconut Aminos
1. Roughly chop cauliflower and place in a blender/food processor and
1 tbsp of sesame oil (or olive pulse until formed into the form of rice grains.
2. Steam or boil the ‘rice’ until just tender, not too soft. It only takes a
1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar few minutes, then drain and allow to cool.

1 tsp of raw honey For the Sushi Bowl:

½ tsp of pink salt 1. Chop and prepare all vegetables .

Servings: 2 2. Make the dressing by simply mixing all ingredients in one bowl.

3. Heat a pan over high heat with two tablespoons coconut oil. Add tuna
steak to the hot cooking surface and sear tuna for 1 minute on each side.
Remove tuna from heat.

4. Mix the rice, nori sheets, vegetables and dressing.

5. Top bowl with ahi tuna, avocado, green onions and more dressing.

Supercharged Broccoli Cheesy Salad
K, Vt


One bag or organic, frozen

2 tbsps of Coconut oil

4 ounces of raw grass fed

cheddar cheese
1 Organic Red Bell Pepper

1 Organic Cucumber

1 Avocado

Pink salt & pepper


Melt two tablespoons of coconut oil over a stovetop. Fresh Squeezed Lemon

Slowly pour in one bag of organic frozen broccoli. Servings: 2

Sauté the broccoli, stirring as needed.

Once the broccoli is mostly cooked, add a few ounces of raw grass fed
cheddar cheese and mix with broccoli until it’s melted.

Dice up the cucumber, red bell pepper and avocado in chunks and add to
cheesy broccoli mix.
Add fresh squeezed lemon, a bit of olive oil and pink salt & pepper for

103 103
Super Spring Strawberry Salad
K, Vt


6 cups organic spring mix or

spinach (or combo of both)
6 large organic strawberries,
1 cup grass-fed chedder or goat
Handful of sliced almonds

1/8 red onion diced

½ cup organic red wine vinai-

1-2 tsp of extra virgin olive oil DIRECTIONS

Fresh or dried dill and parsley Toss the greens and strawberries with the vinaigrette and then plate.
sprinkled over the top Garnish with the cheese, almonds, olive oil and fresh herbs. Serve and
Servings : 4
Ready in : 5 minutes Dr Jockers Comments:
In the winter time, I consume more cooked foods in the form of soups,
stews and steamed veggies. In the spring and summer, I love to have
fresh raw veggies and green juices. This is a fantastic lunch-time
favorite that is loaded with anti-oxidant rich raw leafy greens and
Be sure to get your leafy greens and your strawberries organic. These
both have a thin skin and they will be heavily sprayed with chemical
herbicides and pesticides unless you get the organic variety.

The only dairy I consume and recommend is from 100% grass-fed cows.
This form of cheese is an absolute superfood with loads of probiotics,
enzymes, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids and CLA. The cheese also
has highly bioavailable protein and key branched chain amino acids.
Enjoy this cool and tasty spring time favorite and let us know how you
like it in the comments box below!

SuperCharged Chicken Salad
A, H, L, S


10 oz free range chicken

½ cup coconut oil mayon-
1 apple chopped

½ cup raisins

½ cup chopped celery

Sprinkle of nutmeg and

Servings: 5
Optional Ingredients:
Mix all ingredients until smooth and creamy.
Italian herbs – basil,
Serve on organic romaine lettuce. oregano, thyme
Diced Cucumber

Diced bell pepper

105 105
Raw, Sprouting Ideas Salad


1 red onion sliced

2 organic cucumbers, washed

and sliced
2 cups of organic clover, alfalfa
and broccoli spouts
1 organic red bell pepper, sliced

1 organic yellow bell pepper

4 heads of organic romaine,
16 oz. free range chicken, DIRECTIONS
precooked and chopped up
Take all ingredients and mix together and add a healthy dressing.
2 cups raw grass-fed cheese
4 avocados sliced

Servings: 8

SuperBrain Egg Salad
H, K


5 hard boiled organic eggs

1/2 cup coconut oil mayon-

naise (page 150)
1/4 cup celery

1/4 cup pecans

1/4 cup raisins

Pink salt and pepper

Italian herbs – oregano,

basil, thyme, rosemary
DIRECTIONS Servings: 3
Prep Time: About 5 mins
Chop eggs, celery and and pecans.

Combine all ingredients together.

Serve chilled.

Dr Jockers Comments:
Organic eggs are incredibly good for the brain and body. The best
eggs are from pasture fed chickens because these birds consume a wide
variety of chlorophyll rich grasses and natural wildlife. Their eggs
are much more rich in omega 3 fatty acids and anti-oxidants that birds
who are primarily fed a grain-meal. These eggs are particularly rich in
brain boosting nutrients like vitamin B12, choline, saturated fat, retinal,
vitamin E, lutein, zeaxanthin and omega 3 fatty acids.

Italian herbs are rich in anti-oxidants and they smell wonderful. Adding
them boosts the anti-oxidant potential and improves the flavor and
aroma of this wonderful dish. Enjoy!

107 107
SuperBrain Salmon Salad
H, S, K
No Bell Peppers: A, L


2 to 2 ½ lb. wild caught

Alaskan Salmon filets
2 Tbsps. of organic coconut oil

1 avocado, diced

1 cup of fresh English peas

2 stalks celery, diced

2 sweet red bell pepper cut into

large pieces
1 lemon/lime, freshly squeezed

Cracked Pepper and pink salt DIRECTIONS

to taste
Place your salmon filets in parchment paper. Season the filet well
Dried oregano, fresh parsley or remembering to add the coconut oil on top of salmon. Wrap them up
lots of fresh cilantro (one whole like a Christmas package. You could even tie them with cooking string.
bunch, chopped with stems Not necessary though. Poach Filets for 9 to 12 minutes in boiling water.
Remove Salmon wraps from the water and let sit for an additional 5
included) minutes.
Servings: 4
You could also cook them on a stainless steel pan with lots of coconut
oil down (2 tbsps) at a low-medium heat until cooked through – usually
10 mins. Be careful not to burn or overcook.

Have all of the ingredients of your veggie salad ready on the side. To
assemble your Super brain salad place a generous amount of the vege-
tables on each plate. Now you will top it with the warm, unwrapped
salmon. You could add additional freshly squeezed lemon juice to your
Salmon Salad. You can NEVER get enough lemon juice.

SuperCharged Energy Salad
K, Vt


4 cups of organic baby

2 large organic cucumber

Organic bell peppers of

color (1 of each)- Red,
orange, green & yellow

8 oz of Grass-fed Cheese cut

in chunks

4 Tbsp of dried oregano

Pinch of pink salt
Put spinach in a big bowl. Dice up cucumber, bell peppers & cheese and
toss with spinach. Squeeze fresh lemon, put apple cider vinegar, olive Dressing: 1 fresh squeezed
oil, salt & oregano on salad. lemon, 1 tsp of apple cider
vinegar & 4 Tbsp of extra
Dr Jockers Comments: virgin olive oil mixed
I love a colorful salad that is full of life. It is best to get all of these
ingredients in the organic variety. Spinach, bell peppers & cucumbers Servings: 4
all contain a thin skin are highly sprayed with toxic pesticides that are Prep Time: 5 mins
highly carcinogenic unless they are organic. If organic is not an option
be sure to spray these with white vinegar or a natural veggie wash and
scrub real well to get as many chemicals off as possible.

The cheese must be organic and grass-fed. Non-organic cheese contains

massive loads of environmental toxins while typical organic is from
grain-fed cows and contains high levels of omega 6 fats. Grass-fed raw
cheese is clean of all environmental toxins and is loaded with omega-3
fatty acids, CLA, magnesium and vitamin k2. The protein is of excep-
tional quality containing all the essential amino acids and branched
chain amino acids including leucine which is especially important for
healthy muscular system and metabolism.

109 109
Rainbow Salad
H, K, V


Handful of baby spinach

1-2 cucumbers halved

1/2 red bell pepper diced

1/2 yellow bell pepper diced

1/2 orange bell pepper diced

Handful of red cabbage

Handful of lacinato kale

Handful of fresh parsley

1/4 red onion diced DIRECTIONS

1/2 fresh squeezed lemon Wash and prepare all veggies appropriately and then put them all in a
dish and toss together until evenly mixed. You could also put them in
1-2 tsp of extra-virgin olive oil order. I put bulky leaves in first and then less bulky leaves. Third put
onions and cucumbers. Then I add bell peppers and parsley. Finally,
1-2 tsp of Italian herbs (oregano, squeeze fresh lemon and put olive oil on everything and add herbs and
thyme, basil) salt. This is a fantastic lunch or side salad with a healthy protein source.
Pinch of pink salt

Optional Ingredients:

Berries (blueberries, raspberries,

strawberries, blackberries, etc.)

Collard greens



Vidalia Onions

Servings: 2 big salads

The SuperCharged Salad
K, Vt


½ Small bunch of kale

1-2 Handfuls of baby

¼ Red onion diced

2-4 Stalks of celery diced up

½ Red and Yellow bell

pepper diced up
1 Avocado cut into chunks

6 oz of grass-fed cheese cut

into chunks
½ Lemon squeezed on top
Put all the ingredients into a salad and toss it around to give it a great
appearance. Then squeeze lemon, apply herbs and olive oil to the top. 2 oz of olive oil over the
Enjoy!. salad
Ground or shredded ginger
on top
Mediterranean herbs such as
oregano, basil & thyme for
aroma and taste

Servings: 2
Prep Time: 5 mins

111 111
SuperCharged Apple Salad
H, S, V


1-2 cored organic apples

1 avocado

4 stalks of organic celery

1/2 organic cucumber

Juice from 1 lemon

2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar

Sprinkle of pink salt

Dash of black pepper

Servings: 2 DIRECTIONS

Chop up ingredients.

Mix in a bowl and squeeze lemon on top.

Add salt, pepper and vinegar.

Dr Jockers Comments:
This is a great spring/summer time salad that is full of life and micronu-
trients. Be sure to get thin skinned fruit and vegetables organic as these
are typically highly sprayed with toxic herbicides and pesticides if you
get them conventionally.

Some of the best life giving foods include lemons, cucumbers and
celery. These are rich in silica, potassium and anti-oxidants that all
help improve energy and detoxification. The lemon and apple cider
vinegar give this a fantastic tang that tastes great! These are both rich in
enzymes and organic acids that improve digestive function.

The avocado gives this some good fat to keep your body satiated and
keeps your blood sugar stabilized. I will often add in some Italian herbs
to my salads to add in a really nice aroma and taste while ramping up the
anti-oxidants even more. Enjoy!

SuperCharged Blackberry Mango Salad
A, S, V
No Pecans: H


1 head organic romaine

1/2 cup sliced mango

1/2 cup organic blackberries

1/2 cup raw pecans

1 avocado

Juice from 1 lemon

2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar

4 tbsp. cold pressed

DIRECTIONS extra-virgin olive oil
Cut up lettuce and dice the avocado and toss together into a salad with Servings: 2
other ingredients. Squeeze lemon, apple cider vinegar and put olive oil
on salad.

113 113
SuperCharged Celery Tomato Salad
S, V


Best to get everything organic –

especially the tomato, cucumber
and celery
6 stalks of celery

1 large tomato

1 cucumber

6 chopped green onions

Juice from 1 lemon

2 tbsp raw apple cider vinegar

4 tbsp cold pressed olive oil

1 tsp pink salt
Chop up ingredients.
1 tsp black pepper
Mix in a bowl and squeeze lemon on top.
1 tsp of Italian herbs (basil,
oregano, thyme, rosemary, etc) Add salt, pepper and vinegar.

Servings: 2 Salads Dr Jockers Comments:

This is a wonderful summer-time snack that provides tons of fluids,
organic acids, trace minerals, anti-oxidants and profound flavor! Super
refreshing and light on your system this is sure to give you a great jump
in energy.
All the ingredients are extremely hydrating (expect salt) and alkalizing
and they enhance your ability to produce energy, improve circulation
and detoxify effectively.

Be sure to get organic cucumber, celery and tomato as these are often
sprayed with heavy pesticide in conventional farms. This is one of
my favorite summer-time recipes and have it several times a week
throughout the summer.
I get my herbs in bulk from Mountain Rose Herbs who has a great
selection of organic herbal teas. My favorites are turmeric, ginger,
Italian or Mediterranean herbs and sea vegetable like dulse, kelp or nori.
115 115
Grainless Kale Flat-Bread
H, K, Vt


2 cups of packed kale

½ large onion

1 cup of sunflower seeds

1 cup of walnuts

1 tsp pink salt

2 pasture-raised eggs

2 tbsps of grass-fed butter/

ghee or coconut oil
½ tsp of lemon juice
Servings: 6
1. Measure out ingredients and combine in blender or food processor.

2. Blend until a smooth dough like consistency is formed and all chunks
are blended. This could take several minutes, and it is good to stop and
keep scraping the sides down to make sure it is all blended.

3. Spread the mixture out onto a well-greased pan or stone with coconut
oil or butter. Spread the mixture using a spatula to create an even spread
on the pan. You want to get it pretty thin and as even as you can.

4. Bake for 50-65 minutes at 300 depending on how thin/thick you

made it.

SuperCharged Deviled Eggs
H, Vt


6 organic, free range eggs,

hard boiled
2 teaspoons organic prepared
mustard / Dijon Mustard
2 teaspoons raw honey
(could also use a bit of
2 teaspoons organic vegan
2 teaspoons organic, extra
DIRECTIONS virgin olive oil
1. Slice eggs in half and scoop yolks into bowl. 1 tbsp of virgin coconut oil

2. Combine with mustard, honey/stevia, herbs, coconut oil, vegan mayo 1 tsp of ground turmeric
and olive oil.
Pinch of black pepper
3. Mix with hand mixer.

3. Scoop mixture inside eggs.

4. Chill for 1 hour, if you can wait that long!

Dr Jockers Comments:

I have always loved deviled eggs and these ones use several superfoods
to enhance the nutritional benefits. Organic and ideally pasture-raised
eggs are one of the healthiest foods someone can consume. Pasture
raised chickens consume grass, weeds, herbs, worms and other insects.
This sort of diet maximizes omega 3 content and anti-oxidants in the

Most deviled eggs use all kinds of toxic dressings that are loaded with
highly refined vegetable oils that are loaded with pro-inflammatory
omega 6 fats. They also have chemical additives and preservatives that
we want to avoid.

117 117
Protein Popping Power Balls
K, Vt
With Brain SuperCharge: A, V, L
No Protein Powder: S

1 cup coconut butter

1 tsp. organic vanilla extract

1 scoop non denatured,

grass-fed whey protein
½ cup raw coconut flakes

½ cup of raw chia seed

1 tsp. pink salt

Servings: Makes 8 small


Mix all the ingredients together and roll into a ball.

Almond Berry Celery
K, S, V, Vt


6 Organic celery stalks

18-20 Organic blueberries

18-20 Organic raspberries

6 tbsps of Almond Butter

Cinnamon sprinkled over

Servings: 3 (1 rasp & 1
blueberry stalk per person)


Separate and wash the celery stalks. You can chop them down in size
if you would like or keep them full length. Spread almond butter onto
the celery. Try to get it into the groove as much as possible. Large
stalks are easier to fit the almond butter into the groove. This makes
it a cleaner finger food. If the almond butter gets outside the groove it
makes it a little more messy. Something to consider if you are giving
this to children. Place berries on top of the celery stalks and almond
butter. Sprinkle cinnamon over the top. Enjoy!

119 119
SuperCharged Nutella
V, Vt


1 cup soaked hazelnuts

½ cup raw soaked almonds

1 tbsp coconut oil

6 pitted dates

¼ cup raw cacao powder

1 tbsp vanilla extract

1 tsp pink salt

Servings: 4
Take soaked hazelnuts and roast in the oven at 350 degrees for 10-15

Let hazelnuts cool

Place hazelnuts, raw soaked almonds, coconut oil, dates, cacao powder,
vanilla and salt in food processor and blend together for 5-10 minutes
until smooth.

Place in fridge for 1 hour

Dr Jockers Comments:
Most of us have enjoyed some Nutella before as you cannot get better
than a peanut butter and chocolate combo. However, there are many
toxic ingredients in the Nutella that we want to avoid including refined
GMO based vegetable oils, mold-ridden peanuts and massive quantities
of sugar.

This recipe is loaded with healthy fats in coconut oil and cacao. The
hazelnuts and almonds should be soaked for about 12 hours (overnight)
and then drain the water they were soaked in. You could let them air-dry
or put them in the oven at the lowest setting and lightly bake them if you

SuperCharged Raw Chocolate Truffles
V, Vt


2/3 cup of raw cacao powder

2/3 cup of coconut oil

1/3 cup of raw honey or

grade B maple syrup
2 tbsps of maca

Pinch of pink salt

Servings: 4 Bites


1. Combine coconut oil, honey, cacao, and maca – stir until well
combined. If your coconut oil needs to be melted, toss all
ingredients in a sauce pan and lightly heat and stir until all mixed into
melted chocolate.
2. Pour mixture into an ice tray to make individual chocolate pieces.

3. Allow to freeze until solid.

4. Pop out of tray, and enjoy! I usually keep the chocolate in the tray
and freezer because it will melt depending on the temperature of your
Side Notes: To avoid sugar completely, you may omit the honey or use
a tablespoon of stevia.

121 121
Cinnamon Almond Butter Fudge Bars
S, V, Vt


1 ½ cups of almond butter

¼ cup of coconut oil

1 tsp of cinnamon

1 large tbsp. raw honey

Pinch of pink salt

2 tbsp of chia seeds

Servings: 4


1. Simply mix all the ingredients together in a bowl, until smooth and
creamy. (note: It helps if everything is at room temperature, to keep
the coconut oil soft!

2. Transfer the mixture to a square baking dish, lined with plastic wrap,
then smooth with a spatula, and freeze until solid, about an hour

3. Remove the fudge by lifting the plastic wrap out of the pan, then cut
into squares.

4. Return the fudge squares to a sealed container, and store in the freezer
until ready to eat

High Fiber Chocolate Fudge Balls
Vt, V
No Honey: A, L, K


1 cup coconut butter

1/2 cup coconut oil

1/2 cup raw cacao powder

2/3 cup ground chia seeds

1 tbsp. raw honey (if you

like it sweeter)
Sprinkle of real salt

Optional Ingredients:

Liquid stevia to your desired

Mix all ingredients together!
Servings: About 8 balls
Form into balls.

TIP: You might have to warm the jar of coconut butter under warm
water to melt it a bit.

123 123
Arugula, Spinach and Kale Chips
A, H, K, L, V


2 cups of spinach and/or

1 tbsp of coconut oil

¼ tsp seasoning of choice

2 bunches of kale

1 tbsp of coconut oil

¼ tsp seasoning of choice

Servings: 3-4


Spinach and Arugula: Kale Chips

1. Preheat oven to 325 1. Make sure the kale leaves are SUPER DRY.

2. Place spinach in a large bowl 2. Preheat oven to 350°F.

3. Add coconut oil and mix with your hands until each 3. Place kale in a large bowl
leaf is lightly coated in oil. Be careful not to use too
much oil or the spinach will not crisp up in the oven. 4. Add coconut oil and mix with your hands until
each leaf is lightly coated in oil.
4. Sprinkle the spinach with seasonings and salt.
5. Sprinkle the kale with seasonings and salt.
5. Arrange the spinach in a single layer (don’t let them
overlap) on a bakingsheet lined with parchment paper 6. Arrange the kale in a single layer on a baking-
or lightly oiled. sheet lined with parchment paper or lightly oiled.

6. Bake for 8-10 minutes. 7. Bake for 12 minutes.

Tasty Autumn Trail-Mix
No Dried Fruit - K


½ cup of pumpkin seeds

½ cup of raisins

¼ cup of dates

½ cup of dehydrated apples

½ cup of almonds

¼ cup of pecans

½ cup of coconut flakes

1 tsp cinnamon
Mix all ingredients together in a bowl
Servings: 6-8
Dr Jockers Comments:
This is an anti-oxidant rich snack that taste great and is highly ener-
gizing. It definitely has more sugar and fructose from all the dried fruit
than I normally recommend. This is great for kids and for a nice holiday
or special event party dish.

Pumpkin seeds are one of nature’s richest sources of zinc, magnesium

and B vitamins that help with the methylation process that protects our
DNA and detoxifies bad hormonal metabolites. Pumpkin seeds also
contain small chain omega 3 fatty acids and are alkaline forming in the

Coconut flakes are an excellent source of medium chain saturated fats

that enhance immunity, gut health and brain function. Pecans are rich
in anti-oxidant compounds and the dried fruit has various polyphenolic
compounds that benefit our health.

Cinnamon not only gives this a really nice autumn flavor but it also
helps to improve blood sugar sensitivity. This is really key for main-
taining healthy blood sugar levels and keeping inflammation under

125 125
127 127
Grain-Free Bread


2 Plantains

2 pasture-raised eggs

1 tbsp of grass-fed butter or



Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Peel plantain.

3. Place in blender or food processor.

4. Add in eggs and butter and Blend until smooth and creamy.

5. Grease pan and pour in mixture: I used a circle pan: but you can
experiment with the size/shape you want depending on how thin/thick
you want your bread.
6. Bake bread for 15-18 minutes.

Italian Broccoli Flat Bread
Vt, K


1 head broccoli

2 pasture-raised eggs

Large pinch of salt

1 tsp of oregano

½ tsp of basil

1 tbsp of grass-fed butter or

1/2 cup of filtered water

Raw grass-fed cheese,

Pre-heat oven to 375° F.

1. Remove the some of the broccoli stem. Begin to chop the broccoli
into chunks; depending on size broccoli head – you should hopefully
get around 4 cups.
2. Add the chopped broccoli to a food processor or high powered
blender (I use blend tech) and pulse until the texture is similar to
rice. Add spices and butter and Pulse till combined.
4. In a bowl place pulsed broccoli mixture with your eggs and water.
Mix until the dough forms.

5. Spread dough out evenly over baking sheet– can make as thick or
thin as you like. The thinner, the more cracker like it will come out.
Bake for about 30-35 minutes or until the crust is golden, crispy on
the edges and cooked through the middle.
6. Remove the crust from the oven. And enjoy.

129 129
Roasted Buttery Brussel Sprouts
A, K, S, Vt


6 cups sliced brussel sprouts

1/4 cup coconut oil/grass-fed

1 tsp. pink salt

1 clove garlic (minced)

Black pepper to taste



Toss all ingredients together in large bowl. Place on a cookie sheet and
bake for 15-20 minutes at 450 degrees. Eat ALL of them like me!

Dr Jockers Comments:
Brussel sprouts are a fantastic food for our bodies. They are loaded
with powerful anti-cancer nutrients such as phenyl isothiocyanates,
sulfuraphane and indole-3-carbonyl. They are also rich in various trace
minerals and anti-oxidants.
Brussel sprouts, like most cruciferous veggies have a very hard outer
fiber that digests best when it is lightly steamed or roasted. This process
breaks down these outer fibers and makes the nutrients more bioavail-
Adding in the grass-fed butter or ghee is a fantastic way to make this
taste incredible and it has tons of good fats in it. Grass-fed butter/ghee
is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, CLA and vitamin A & E. It is also a great
source of the anti-inflammatory compound butyric acid.
This is a great companion with a good protein source like grass-fed beef,
pastured poultry, wild game or wild-caught salmon. Your family will
love this one!

SuperCharged Bacon Brussel Sprouts
A, K, L
No Butter: H


1 pound brussel sprouts,

washed and ends trimmed
off and halved
1 pound shredded cabbage

1/2 cup minced red onion

4 cloves minced garlic

4 slices organic (ideally

pastured) turkey, beef or
deer bacon
3 tbsp. grass-fed butter

DIRECTIONS 3 tbsp. coconut oil

1. On medium heat, fry bacon in 1-2 tsp of coconut oil. Remove bacon 1 cup chicken stock
once crispy from pan and set aside. Add butter and more coconut oil
to pan. Briefly sauté onion, cabbage and brussel sprouts. Add garlic Pink salt and black pepper
and continue for 1 minute. to taste
Servings: 4-6
2. Add chicken stock, cover and reduce heat to simmer for 10 to 15
mins. This will steam the brussel sprouts and cabbage. Check Optional Ingredients:
for tenderness. You can add more stock and continue to cook for a
few more minutes if more tenderness is desired. Just before serving, Grass-fed hot dogs or
crumble bacon over dish and toss to combine. Summer sausage instead of
3. This is ready in about 30 mins and makes about 4-6 servings. You could also mix in red
cabbage, celery, kale, etc. for
more veggies and color.

131 131
SuperCharged No Bean Hummus
H, K, V
No Tahini: A, L


1 steamed head of
3 cloves of raw garlic

3 tbsp. organic tahini

1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

¼ tsp of pink salt

Optional Ingredients:

2-3 tbsp of turmeric

Pinch of black pepper

1 lemon squeezed
Place all ingredients in food processor.
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
Blend until creamy.
¼ – ½ can of coconut
milk – this will change the Dr Jockers Comments:
recipe and you will need This is a fantastic legume-free hummus. Legumes contain phytic acids
another head of cauliflower and lectins that are anti-nutrients in that they take nutrients from the
but it will make it nice and body. Phytic acids, in particular, leach the body of major minerals such
creamy! as zinc, copper, calcium and magnesium. Soaking and sprouting these
legumes is helpful but the starchy carbohydrates in the legumes can still
Fresh or dried dill weed be challenging on our blood sugar and gut microflora.
Servings: 4
Personally, I function best without legumes while others do well with
a small to moderate amount. I really don’t miss the beans much except
for a good hummus! This recipe allows me to enjoy the great taste of
a quality hummus without the legumes. I love to add in the optional
ingredients listed in order to make this tangy and creamy and use it as a
vehicle to get more turmeric into my system!

This recipe is ideal for the Maximized Living advanced plan, ketogenic
diet, paleo diet and anti-inflammatory nutrition plan. Enjoy!

SuperCharged Slider Buns
H, K, Vt


4 pasture-raised organic eggs

1/2 cup full-fat organic

coconut milk (in can)
Big pinch of pink salt

3 tbsp. pasture-raised butter

2 tbsp. coconut oil (melted)

2 tbsp. coconut flour

3 tbsp. arrowroot powder

DIRECTIONS Coconut pan spray

Add all ingredients to a blender and run until it gets frothy (probably Servings: 6 buns
about 45 secs or so). Pour into a whoppie pie pan (about half full) and Prep Time: 15 mins
bake for 10 mins at 400 degrees. The sides of the buns will rise to make
a perfect cup for the sliders. Let cool on rack.

Two cups put together will make the bun. You could also flavor the buns
by adding onion, sesame or rosemary to the batter!

Dr Jockers Comments:
Many people miss the warm, comforting flavor of buns and breads
when they begin an anti-inflammatory grain-free diet. This provides the
warm, satisfying flavor and texture without the inflammatory

This is loaded with good fats and fiber that help satisfy your appetite
while keeping your blood sugar stable. This is great with coconut
crème, butter from grass-fed cows or blueberry coconut butter smeared
all over it! Enjoy!

133 133
SuperCharged Zucchini Fries
H, K, Vt
No Egg: A, L


3 zucchini (1 lb.)

1 cup coconut flour

2 tbsps of EV coconut oil

1 pasture-raised egg

2 tbsp. Himalayan Pink Salt

2 teaspoons dried oregano

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

2 teaspoons turmeric powder

Pinch of black pepper
Heat oven to 450ºF. Trim the zucchini by cutting crosswise in half,
1 teaspoon dry mustard then cutting each piece into 1/4-inch sticks. Add flour, coconut oil and
powder spices into a large ziplock bag; shake gently to combine. Whisk egg in
medium bowl and add zucchini; toss to coat. Using tongs, place 1/4 of
1/4 teaspoon onion powder the zucchini in bag; close bag and shake to evenly coat. Spread onto
a baking sheet that has been smothered with extra coconut oil. Repeat
1/8 teaspoon dried dill weed
with remaining zucchini.
1/2 teaspoon celery salt or
Bake for 12 to 13 min. or until golden brown, turning the baking tray
pulverized celery seed 180 degrees after 7 min to facilitate even baking. Remove the baked
Servings: 8 fries from the oven, and serve them with your favorite dipping sauce.
Prep Time: 20 mins

SuperCharged Green Beans
K, S
No Butter: A, H, L


1 pound of green beans

3 tbsp. of pastured butter

3 tbsp. virgin coconut oil

2 tbsp. organic Italian herbs

1 tbsp of organic kelp

½ tbsp. pink salt

2 cups chicken stock, plus

more if needed
Servings: 4-6
DIRECTIONS Prep Time: 20 mins
Throw all ingredients into a large sauce pan and cook over medium heat.
Add stock/water as need to keep the beans moist until they are tender.
Dr Jockers Comments:
This is a great ketogenic recipe for an individual that wants some great
tasting veggies and stay in ketosis. These green beans are loaded with
good fats in the pastured butter and the virgin coconut oil. The Italian
herbs provide great flavor, aroma and anti-oxidants.

We added kelp which is a sea vegetable that provides more blood

cleansing chlorophyll and thyroid supporting iodine. Kelp also has
a nice salty style flavor and therefore you need a bit less salt. I get
my organic herbs in bulk through Mountain Rose Herbs which is a
wonderful company that provides fully pure herbs at a great price

Getting organic stock, particularly when you make your own from the
stock bones, is like a super multi-vitamin. Organic, pastured chicken
stock or grass-fed beef stock provide tons of glycine, magnesium,
gelatin and collagen to support the gut, skin and joint health.

I believe that your family will absolutely LOVE this recipe!

135 135
Creamy Lemon SuperFood Guacamole
A, H, L, K, S, V
No Bell Peppers: A, L


3 Ripe Avocados peel and

1 Organic Lemon squeezed

2 Tbsp of Organic apple

cider vinegar
1/2 cup of Organic Coconut
Milk mixed into guac
Fresh or ground Dill &/or
Cilantro mixed into guac
(Oregano is great as well

Pink Salt (Himalayan or DIRECTIONS

Redmond’s Real Salt) for Combine mashed avocado, lemon, apple cider vinegar & coconut milk
flavor and mix. Add in herbs and salt. Mix everything together until it appears
homogenized. Serve with cucumbers, red cabbage, celery, bell peppers
Serve with Cucumbers, Red or other veggies or sprouted seed crackers.
Cabbage, celery, etc.
Servings: 6

Coconut Fried Chicken
A, H, K, L


24 organic chicken drum-

2 large organic eggs

1 cup of coconut flour

1 cup of coconut oil

1 tsp of pink salt

1 tsp of garlic powder

1 tsp of dried thyme

1 tsp of paprika (more or

DIRECTIONS less if you like it hot or not)
1. Preheat oven to 400 F Servings: 24 chicken
2. Heat coconut oil in a deep stainless steel frying pan until it starts to
bubble and snaps if you sprinkle water on it.

3. Mix eggs up in a medium sized bowl

4. Combine all the herbs and coconut flour in a large bowl and mix very

5. Dip the drumsticks in the whisked eggs and then coat the chicken
with the dry mixture and place in hot oil on pan. Allow both sides to
brown nicely but not burn.
6. Place finished chicken drumsticks on a sheet pan and put them in the
oven for 10-15 minutes to bake.

137 137
Indian Chicken Skewers
A, H, K, L


2 lbs organic, boneless,

skinless chicken breasts or
tenders (tenders work best)
8-10 bamboo skewers

pink salt and pepper


cayenne pepper


garlic powder

Spiced Dipping Sauce: DIRECTIONS

1 tbsp hot curry powder Impale raw chicken breasts (sliced into strips) or tenders on skewers and
sprinkle or rub dry spices onto chicken. Spray grill with nonstick spray
1 tbsp cumin and grill chicken 5-7 minutes or until juices run clear. Mix curry, olive
oil, and cumin until a paste is formed; add a few drops of water to adjust
1 tbsp fresh ground pepper the consistency if needed until the paste is “saucelike.”
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Servings: 8-10

Nori Wraps
H, K


2 organic bell peppers (I

used one orange one yellow)
6 shredded organic carrots

2 tbsp. organic ghee

1/4 cup coconut aminos

1 tsp. organic basil

1 tsp. organic oregano

3 cloves of minced garlic

2/3 cup grass-fed cheese

Pink Salt & pepper
Sauté everything (except nori) and then wrap the veggies in the nori.
4 Organic Nori sheets
Dr Jockers Comments:
Servings: 4 wraps
This is an amazing recipe that is loaded with superfood nutrition for the
brain, thyroid and body. Nori is extraordinarily rich in chlorophyll and
iodine. It is best to get Nori from the Coast of Maine to avoid nuclear
radiation that has contaminated much of the Pacific. The grass-fed
raw cheese is loaded with healthy fats and clean protein and the herbs
provide a mega-dose of high powered anti-oxidants.

139 139
Kale Chips
A, H, L, K, S, V


1 big bunch of kale

2 tbsp coconut oil, melted;

1 tbsp lemon juice or some

fresh squeezed lemon
Pink salt and freshly ground
black pepper to taste;
Optional Ingredients:

Italian Herbs or any other

herbs/spices you like.
Servings: 4

1. Preheat your oven to 300 F.

2. Wash the kale thoroughly under lukewarm water, drain and pat it dry.

3. Cut the stems off of the kale leaves and cut the leaves to obtain chips
of similar size.

4. Place the kale in a bowl and massage the melted coconut oil into

5. Season to taste with pink salt and freshly ground black pepper. Add
the lemon juice and combine well.

6. Place the kale in a single layer on a baking sheet and place in the
preheated oven for about 35 minutes, until crispy. Check on the
chips about every 12 minutes and toss them to make sure none of
them overcook. Some parts will still be soft and this is desired.
7. Sprinkle with extra pink salt and any other herbs you wish and enjoy.

SuperCharged Chocolate
Coconut Cream
A, L, K, V, Vt


1 can of organic coconut

3 tbsp of raw cacao powder

1 tbsp of turmeric

½ tbsp. of cinnamon

Pinch of black pepper

Stevia to taste

Raspberries for topping

Optional Ingredients:
Coconut milk kefir
Turn the coconut milk can upside down and put in the refrigerator for 12
hours or so. This seperates the cream from the water in the milk. When Instead of stevia you may
you open the can (from the bottom – which is now the top, if that makes want to use another natural
sense) you will notice the water on the top. Pour the water in a glass cup sweetener such as Coconut
and keep as it is good for smoothies and shakes. Nectar, Grade B maple
Syrup, Luo Han Extract
Take the cream out of the can and put it in a bowl. Add turmeric, cacao,
(Monk Fruit), Raw Honey,
stevia (or natural sweetener of your choice), cinnamon and black pepper.
You may want to use an electric mixer to help mix this up. You could Yacon Syrup.
also use a spoon but it takes a bit.
Servings: 2
If you want to add in some coconut milk kefir this is a good time and
will make it a bit easier to stir. I added some in mine (3 tbsp) and then
let it sit out for 24 hrs to ferment a bit. This added more probiotics and
enzymes to my cream.

Once the chocolate coconut cream is mixed up and smooth add the
raspberries on the top.

141 141
SuperRaw Living Pesto Pasta
K, Vt


SuperRaw Living Pasta

4 organic zucchinis, spiril-
1 tbsp. pink salt

SuperRaw Living Pesto

1 avocado

3 oz. grass-fed raw cheddar

Juice from one lemon DIRECTIONS

2 cloves of garlic Blend ingredients in vita mix until creamy and smooth.

8 large fresh basil leaves Place spirilized zucchini in large bowl with salt.

Servings: 2 Let noodles sit for 20-30 minutes.

Drain water and add pesto.

Dr Jockers Comments:
My family always loved the American Italian food cuisine of spaghetti,
lasagna, pizza, pesto’s, etc. Going grain-free eliminates these foods
unless you learn how to be creative and innovative. With recipes like
this, I don’t miss those inflammatory foods at all and it sure feels much
better eating clean like this!
This pesto is incredible and rich in good fats, anti-oxidants, electrolytes
and key minerals. Eating this in the raw form provides more enzymes
and the raw fermented cheese has probiotics too.

This is an ideal lunch as it is low-carb, raw and full of life giving

enzymes and anti-oxidants and has enough good fats and moderate
protein to keep you satisfied till dinner. This sort of combination will
keep your blood sugar stable, is easy on the digestive system and will
keep you high energy and productive all afternoon.
SuperCharged Zucchini Noodles
K, S, Vt
No Butter: A, H, L, V


Zucchini (As much as you

need. I’ve found that 2
medium zucchini makes
enough for one dinner
Pink salt and pepper, to taste

Coconut Oil and/or Pastured

Butter– as much as you want
to use
Special equipment:
mandoline or julienne peeler,
Using the mandoline or peeler (or just a knife if that’s all you have),
slice the zucchini into noodles. Using paper towels, squeeze a good deal
of moisture out of the noodles and then transfer them to the colander.
Salt them and let stand for 15 minutes.

Preheat the oil in a skillet on high heat. Once again, take paper towels
and squeeze the excess moisture out of the noodles, then add the noodles
to the pan. Toss with the coconut or pastured butter and quickly fry for
1-2 minutes. Plate and serve with your favorite sauce or ragout!

Use a julienne peeler or spiral slicer to turn zucchini into delicious

noodles, ready for any traditional topping!

This recipe takes about 20 minutes to prep and 5 minutes to cook.

143 143
SuperCharged Fried Green Tomatoes
K, Vt


4 organic, unripened green

tomatoes, sliced ¼- inch

3/4 cup arrowroot powder

(more if your tomatoes are
particularly juicy)

2 large organic (ideally

pasture-raised) eggs, beaten
with 3 tbsp. coconut milk
and 1 tbsp water DIRECTIONS

Almond Meal (Paleo) Slice the tomatoes, then salt and pepper each side. Then prepare your
breading station. In one bowl, add the arrowroot powder. In another, mix
1 tsp. garlic powder the spices into the flour mixture. Finally, prepare the egg mixture in the
final bowl.
1 tsp. paprika
Heat an 1/8-inch layer of coconut oil in a skillet over a medium-high
1 tsp. turmeric heat, then send the tomatoes down the line. Dredge first in the arrowroot
powder, then the egg mixture, then the flour mixture. Fry in the oil until
Dash of pink salt and black lightly browned, then flip. When done, remove the tomatoes from frying
pepper pan and set on a rack or Pyramid Pan. Keep warm in a low-temp oven
until all slices are fried.
Coconut oil mixture for
frying. Dr Jockers Comments:
Servings: 4 If you like fried green tomatoes than you will definitely love this recipe.
Be sure to always buy your tomatoes organically grown. This is because
they have a thick skin and are often highly sprayed with pesticides and
may also be genetically modified in the conventional variety.

This is low-carb as the flours that are used are arrowroot and almond
meal. The more turmeric you can get into your body, the better your
health will be! This recipe is a bit light on turmeric and if you can
handle more and still enjoy the flavor than I would highly recommend
it. Black pepper and coconut oil help to improve the absorption of the
curcuminoid anti-oxidants in the turmeric.

SuperCharged Green Bean Casserole
K, V


1 1/2 lb. green beans

1 1/2 cups Coconut Milk

3/4 of a cup of almond meal

(optional for topping)
8 oz mushrooms chopped

1 red onion diced

1 tsp Pink Salt

1 tsp. garlic powder

DIRECTIONS 1 tsp. turmeric

Clean and steam green beans, put in cold water to stop cooking once Fresh pepper
al dente.
3 cloves garlic
Place the cooked green beans in medium size baking dish.
1 Tbsp Virgin Coconut Oil
In sauté pan, cook the onions, mushrooms and garlic until soft in the
ghee or grass fed butter. Add to the green beans and arrange evenly. 1 Tbsp Organic Coconut
In a medium bowl, mix together the Coconut milk, garlic powder,
turmeric, and coconut flour. Pour the mixture over green beans, which Servings: 6-8
should cover them about halfway. Add salt and pepper over whole dish.
Bake on 350 for 30 minutes. Add almond meal to top and place under
the boiler for 5-10 minutes. Allow the casserole to cook for 5-10
minutes prior to serving.

145 145
Mashed No-Tatos
K, Vt


1 head of cauliflower

Pink salt and black pepper

to taste
2 tablespoons of grass-fed
1-2 cloves of garlic optional.

(You can subsitute garlic for

fresh dill!)
Servings: 3

Optional Ingredients:
Turmeric – orange spice that
makes the dish look yellow/ Steam cauliflower unil soft (boil is not recommended b/c most nutrients
are lost).
Italian Herbs such as Chop cauliflower and put in food processor or blender with butter, sat,
oregano, thyme, basil, etc. pepper and garlic (or dill) if desired.

Coconut Oil Blend to desired consistency. Garnish with parsley!

Raw grass-fed Cheese Dr Jockers Comments:

This is a low-carb, anti-oxidant enriched version of mashed potatoes.
Unfortunately, mashed potatoes are not healthy as the starch causes
blood sugar imbalances and potatoes are relatively low in nutrients.

Cauliflower makes a great alternative as it is extremely high in anti-

oxidants and cancer killing nutrients while being very low carb. I like
to use turmeric to add more anti-oxidants and I always use amasai and
coconut oil in replacement of the butter. Adding in more herbs and
parsley adds more chlorophyll and anti-oxidants making this a superfood

Cranial Cauliflower Rice
H, K


4 heads of organic cauliflower

1 tsp. pink salt

1/2 cup coconut aminos

Servings: 6-8.


With a cheese grater, grate cauliflower.

Mix in salt and coconut aminos and put in a large glass bowl and bake at
350 for 20-30 minutes.

Dr Jockers Comments:
Most of us enjoy the taste of rice, however, rice is an inflammatory food
because it metabolizes into glucose and elevates our blood sugar. The
result of elevated blood sugar is increased insulin output, advanced
glycolytic enzyme (AGE) formation and inflammatory processes. The
SuperCharged Healing Diet recommends going grain and sugar free and
this Cranial Cauliflower Rice recipe fits right into this premise. It tastes
amazing and is loaded with anti-oxidants and fiber.

I enjoy using different super herbs on this such as garlic, dill, turmeric
and oregano. These provide more anti-oxidants, sulfur containing amino
acids and beneficial phyonutrients. I also enjoy putting Grass-fed raw
cheese for protein and essential fats on the rice and it tastes
ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! You will love this!

147 147
SuperCharged Sweet Potatoes
H, V


Add ingredients according to

personal taste
3-4 large sweet potatoes

1 Granny Smith Apple

1-2 Tablespoons organic

butter or coconut oil


Pink Salt

Servings: 4 DIRECTIONS

Peel and cut sweet potatoes into chuncks. Boil until tender. Meanwhile,
melt butter or coconut oil (1-2 tablesoons) in a skillet and cut apple.
Saute apple in butter until soft. Add cinnamon, stevia, and salt to taste.
Add apple mixture to sweet potatoes and mash with potato masher or
electric mixer.
Dr Jockers Comments:
Sweet potatoes have up to three times the amount of anti-oxidants as
regular potatoes. Granny smith apples are a quality, low-glycemic
sweetener. Cinnamon helps our body to stabilize blood sugar by
de-inflaming the cell membranes and enhancing insulin receptor activity.

I like to use coconut oil as it is loaded with medium-chain triglycerides

that boost immunity, brain function and metabolism. Stevia is 100 times
sweeter than sugar and has absolutely no effect on blood sugar control.
Pink salt is pure and unprocessed and it contains up to 84 trace minerals.
For an active, healthy individual this is a great food choice.

149 149
Coconut Oil Mayonnaise
H, K, Vt


3 Organic egg yolks and 2

egg whites at room tempera-
1 tsp. Of Mustard

2 tsp. Fresh Lemon Juice

3/4 cup Of Coconut Oil

(make sure its melted all the
Pinch of Pink Salt and Black
1-2 tbsp of Turmeric
In food processor or blender (I used my vita mix) blend all ingredi-
2 tsp of liquid whey and use ents except oil at VERY low power. SLOWLY drizzle in oil. Let that
just 1 tsp of lemon juice combine for at least a minute! Scoop into container and screw the lid
on very tightly. Leave mayo out for seven hours before refrigerating.
Servings: 10-12 Mayonnaise will keep in fridge for several months.

If you are unable to get liquid whey then you can use 2 egg whites and
2 tsp of lemon juice (rather than 1 tsp). I think it is better with the whey
because it adds more probiotics and enzymes to this dish to make it
more bioavailable and nutrient dense.

This tastes AMAZING! There is a hint of coconut but it really doesn’t

bother me! I would try it to see if you like it! I put it in my salmon
salad which I had for dinner last night and it was amazing!

Dr Jockers Comments:
Mayonnaise seems to be a love or hate thing for most people. As for
myself, I used to hate typical process mayonnaise even before I cared
about good health. However, I absolutely love this healthy coconut
oil mayo! This is loaded with good fats whereas typical mayo is full
of toxic processed vegetable oils that are high in the inflammatory
provoking omega 6 fatty acids.

Herbal Infused Butter
K, S, Vt
Use Ghee instead of Butter: A, L


1/4 cup of grass-fed butter or

3/4 cup of organic extra-virgin
coconut oil
1/2 bunch of fresh rosemary

1/2 bunch fresh thyme

1/2 bunch of sage

Pink Salt

Yield: 1 cup of Herb Butter


1. Have all ingredients at room temperature.

2. Finely chop all herbs.

3. Combine softened butter and coconut oil with herbs.

4. Add pink salt to taste.

5. Can be made ahead of time and stored in refrigerator or freezer.

Dr. Jockers Comments

This recipe goes along with our Thanksgiving turkey. We have featured
the fantastic Lemon Herb Turkey with Pan Gravy. This is loaded with
short and medium chain saturated fats that are heart healthy and benefi-
cial for helping the body to burn fat and balance hormones. Ideally, you
would use organic, grass-fed butter. Never conventional butter. These
aromatic herbs mix with the good fats to provide anti-oxidant protection
and a great taste and smell.

Ghee is clarified butter and is completely free of lactose, casein and

whey. I advise people with dairy sensitivities and auto-ummune
diseases to use pasture-raised ghee instead of butter.

151 151
Blueberry Coconut Butter
A, H, K, L, S, Vt, V


4 -8 oz of organic
4-7 oz of organic coconut
4-6 tablespoons of coconut
1/4 cup of thin coconut milk

Servings: 4-6


Put this in a blender and blend up. It should come out pretty thick.
If not, add more coconut butter or put less liquid in it.

SuperCharged Sauerkraut
A, K, L, Vt, V

5 lbs of Red Cabbage

6-12 oz of Apple Cider Vinegar

Can also use Lemons

Fennel Seeds

3 Tbsp Pink Salts

Servings: 4 large (32oz) mason


1. Chop or Grate Cabbage, finely or coarsely, with or without 7. Check the Kraut every day or 2. The volume reduces as the
hearts. Place cabbage in a large bowl as you chop it. You fermentation proceeds. Sometimes mold appears on the surface.
can also stick in the blender and blend it down or use a food This is called “scum.” Skim what you can off of the surface; it
processor or grinder on it. will break up and you will probably not be able to remove all
2. Sprinkle salt on the cabbage as you go. The salt pulls water of it. Don’t worry about this. It’s just a surface phenomenon,
out of the cabbage through osmosis. This creates the brine a result of contact with the air. The kraut itself is under the
in which the cabbage can ferment and sour without rotting. anaerobic protection of the brine.
The salt also keeps the cabbage crunchy by inhibiting certain
Rinse the lid off and taste the kraut. Generally, it starts to be
organisms and enzymes that soften it. I never measure the salt,
tangy after a few days, and the taste gets stronger as time passes.
I just shake some on after chopping through and stuffing the
5-7 days should be sufficient for the fermentation process.
container with cabbage. 3 Tbsp of pink salt is good for 5 lbs of
cabbage. 8. Once you are ready to eat the kraut, put it in the refrigerator.
The coolness of the refrigerator will slow down the fermentation
3. You can add other veggies. Carrots, onions, garlic, seawee, process.
greens, brussel sprouts, turnips, beets, etc. You can also add
fruit (apples work well), herbs, seeds, & other spices. 9. Enjoy your saurkraut. It is great to have alone or combined
with other foods. The enzymes and good bacteria help with the
4. Mix all ingredients together and pack into glass container. digestion and nutrient assimilation process. The sauerkraut juice
Pack the kraut down hard to help force water out of the (brine) is a rare delicacy and has phenomenal health benefits so
cabbage. make sure you drink this and DO NOT LEAVE IT ON YOUR
5. Cover the glass jar of kraut and put some sort of weight PLATE OR BOWL!
on the cover. The weight adds pressure which will help force
water out of the cabbage and produce more brine. 10. Develop a rhythm. Start a new batch before the previous
bath runs out. You can remove the remaining kraut from the jar,
6. Leave the jug to ferment in an unobtrusive corner of the
repack it with fresh cabbage, then pour the old kraut and its juices
kitchen where you won’t forget about it and it won’t be in the
over the new kraut. This gives the new batch a boost with an
active culture starter.

153 153
Avocado Pesto
A, H, K, L, Vt, V
No Garlic: S


1 ripe avocado

3 cups organic baby kale

2 cups organic FRESH basil

1 cup organic FRESH thyme

6 garlic cloves

1 cup water

1/4 cup raw lemon juice

1 tsp. real salt

1/2 tsp. black pepper DIRECTIONS

Servings: 4 Blend in a blender.

Serve over raw zucchini noodles or on a raw salad.

Dr Jockers Comments:
This is a superfood based pesto recipe that tastes amazing and is rich
in anti-aging phytonutrients. Kale is extraordinarily rich in Indole-3
Carbonyl and Indole-3 Acetate which bind to help neutralize bad
estrogens. It is also loaded with chlorophyll which cleanses the blood
stream. Garlic is full of sulfur containing amino acids and anti-micro-
bial agents.

Avocados are rich in good fats and they enhance the absorption of
fat-soluble nutrients from the rest of this great dish. Italian herbs are
an amazing source of anti-oxidants and raw lemon provides vitamin C
and citrus bioflavinoids and organic acids which enhance the digestion
process and nutrient bioavailability of this dish.

This is superfood synergy in action – where multiple superfoods are

combined and they bring out the best in each other to fully nourish our
bodies. It’s a beautiful thing.

Creamy Avocado Dressing
K, Vt
No Dairy: A, H, L, S, V


1/2 can of full-fat organic coconut

2 ripe avocados

1 fresh squeezed lemon

3 stalks of organic celery

2 tsp of fresh or dried dill weed

1/2 tsp of pink salt

Optional Ingredients: Red

DIRECTIONS onion, garlic, or onion/garlic
Put all ingredients into blender. Blend and serve with a salad, party powders. Can also use cilantro &
platter or the Coconut Fried Chicken recipe parsley.

Creamy Avocado Dressing: Servings: 4

The Creamy Avocado Dressing is fantastic on salads or as a dip for a

veggie platter. This recipe fits our criteria of having good fats, anti-
oxidants and clean proteins. The avocado and Amasai provide the good
fats. The avocado, lemon and dill provide the anti-oxidants. The plain
Amasai provides very high quality proteins.

For a vegan alternative you can use coconut milk in replacement of the
Amasai in equivalent proportions. These pictures demonstrate the
Creamy Avocado Dressing on the SuperGreen Berry Salad.

Dr Jockers Comments:

Avocados dramatically benefit the nutrient absorption of the anti-

oxidants in vegetables. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition in
March 2005 showed that adding avocados to salad or guacamole with
veggies increases the absorption of alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and
lutein 7.2, 15.3, and 5.1 times higher, respectively, than the average
amount of these carotenoids absorbed when avocado-free salad was
155 155
Raw Cream Cheese & Whey
K, Vt


1 bottle of plain green-fed

Amasai from Beyond
Organic or Grass-Fed Dairy
Milk Kefir

You Could Also Make

Coconut Cream Cheese and
Coconut Whey with Coconut
Milk Kefir


Pour amasai or kefir into a fine strainer lined with an unbleached cheese

Place strainer over glass bowl.

Leave over night for 8-12 hours.

The cream and whey will seperate. You will have plain cream cheese
and liquid whey. The cream cheese has all the healthy fats and proteins.
The whey has tons of enzymes, organic acids and probiotics. Both the
cream cheese and the whey are superfoods!
Raw Cream Cheese and Whey Variations:
Use raspberry amasai and make raspberry cream cheese!

Homemade Fermented Veggies
K, V


1 head of cabbage

3 bell peppers

1 clove of garlic

½ red onion

2 tbsp of pink salt

16 oz cultured whey (or 4 oz of

apple cider vinegar)
16 oz spring (or filtered water)

Servings: About a gallon of

DIRECTIONS fermented veggies
Chop bell peppers and onions, shred cabbage and mince garlic. Rub
your salt into the vegetables and let them sit in a large bowl for 6 hours
to help draw out the juices.

Pack the vegetables and their juices into mason jar and pour cultured
whey over the top. If the vegetables are not completely submerged add
water. Screw on a plastic lid and let it sit for 24 hours on the counter.
Every 12 hours “burp” your jar for one week. After the first week, let
it sit for another 2-3 weeks always making sure liquid is covering your

If you are using apple cider vinegar. Make up the remaining fluid with
water. So 4 oz of apple cider vinegar and 24oz of water would be the

157 157
SuperCharged Coconut Flour Gravy
A, K, L


¼ cup grass-fed butter

1 quart organic chicken or

beef stock
4 medium to large onions

1 garlic clove, minced

1 tablespoon coconut flour

1 sprig of thyme

1 teaspoon turmeric

1 teaspoon pink salt

Freshly ground black pepper
to taste Melt butter in a medium size saucepan. Add onions and cook until they
soften and brown. Add garlic and mix to combine. Sprinkle with salt.
Servings: 1 1/2 quarts Stir in coconut flour and continue stirring until it thickens and slightly
browns. Add stock, turmeric and thyme. Simmer gently until sauce
begins to thicken, 10 – 20 minutes. Remove from heat. Blend carefully
in a blender until smooth or use an immersion blender. Add freshly
ground pepper to taste.

Dr Jockers Comments:
I have always loved gravy growing up and was really disappointed that
the majority of gravies on the market contain gluten, MSG and other
additives and preservatives. This gravy tastes amazing and is loaded
with super foods like grass-fed butter, organic stock and superherbs like
turmeric and thyme. You and the family will love it!

Chunky Tomato Salsa


3 organic, garden fresh tomatoes,

2/3 cup fresh cilantro

1 diced jalapeno pepper

1/4 cup diced red onion

Juice from two fresh limes

Juice from half an orange

Pink salt and pepper to taste

DIRECTIONS Servings: 3

Mix all ingredients together

Serve with fresh guacamole and chicken
Dr Jockers Comments:
The temporal lobe is region of our brain that houses and controls most of
the communication and memory consolidation in the brain. This region
depends upon lots of anti-oxidants to function at its peak capacity.
This tomato salsa is loaded with anti-oxidants in the pepper, red onion,
tomatoes, orange, limes and cilantro. The cilantro also helps pull envi-
ronmental toxins out of the system and protect the brain from the free
radical damage that toxins create.

This recipe is best when mixed with good fats such as extra virgin olive
oil or avocado. The lemon, creamy, superfood guacamole is a perfect
mix with this salsa. The healthy fats enhance nutrient absorption from
the superfoods in the salsa. Add in a healthy protein like organic, free
range chicken or grass-fed beef and you have healthy Mexican food.
Keep the chips, tortillas and beans out as they are loaded with carbohy-
drates and will throw off healthy blood sugar signaling.

159 159
Sweet Turmeric Cream
A, K, L


12 oz of Organic full-fat
Coconut Milk (found in a
2-4 tablespoons of Turmeric

1 tsp of Cinnamon

1-2 Full Droppers of Liquid

Servings: 4


Pour the coconut milk into a mixing bowl and add turmeric, cinnamon
and liquid stevia. Feel free to use different flavors of stevia such as
chocolate, vanilla, raspberry, cinnamon, etc. Mix these ingredients well
until the turmeric and cinnamon are completely mixed into the cream.
You could also add non-denatured grass-fed whey protein for added
protein, flavor and anti-oxidants.

Serve this with your favorite crackers, grain-free cookies and berries for
a very enjoyable treat! Enjoy

161 161
Naked Kale Burger Saute
H, K
No Bell Peppers: A, L


1 lb of grass-fed ground beef

2 stalks of Curly Kale

Bell Peppers – Any color

1 carrot grated

Ginger root grated to taste

1-2 cloves of garlic – crushed

2 Avocados sliced

½ stalk of parsley cut into small

4 Tbsps of Coconut oil
2-4 Tbsps of Extra Virgin Olive
Oil Beat grass-fed beef into 4 quarter pound patties.

2 full lemons cut in half Using a stainless steel pan, heat 2 tbsps of coconut oil until melted and
place beef on pan and cook until it is finished the way you like it.
Pink salt and black pepper to taste
In a separate pan, put down 2 tbsps of coconut oil and saute the curly
Servings: 4 kale and carrot. Once finished put the diced peppers, ginger root and
crushed garlic.
Place burger on the saute and add avocado slices, raw cheese chunks (if
Grass-fed raw cheese (if you do you do dairy), squeeze a half lemon and add olive oil on top. Add pink
dairy this is awesome) cut up into salt and pepper. Top with parsley.
small chunks You can add optional herbs as you wish.

Mediterranean herbs such as

oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary,
etc. You can use Bragg’s season-
ings which have a great combina-
tion of organic herbs. Season to

SuperCharged Glazed Salmon
No Honey: K
No Butter or Honey: A, H, L


1/3 cup of balsalmic vinegar

2 tbsp of grass-fed butter or ghee

2 tbsp of coconut oil

1 tbsp of raw, local honey

2 cloves of garlic

1 lb of salmon

Lemon slices

Sprinkle of pink salt and black

DIRECTIONS Servings: 2

1. Combine butter, honey, garlic, coconut oil and balsamic in a small

saucepan. Mix all ingredients and simmer for 3-5 minutes.

2. Place salmon skin side down on a greased baking pan. Sprinkle with
salt and pepper. Spoon glaze over salmon; top with lemon slices. You
can also squeeze lemon juice over them if you want an extra kick!
3. Bake, uncovered, at 400° for 12-15 minutes or until fish flakes easily
with a fork.

163 163
SuperCharged Scottish Eggs
H, K


6 hard-boiled pasture-raised
1 lbs. grass-fed ground beef –
1 egg white beaten with 1
tsp. water
Almond or coconut meal for
Italian Herbs such as
oregano, basil, thyme
Optional Ingredients:

Diced onion and garlic – put DIRECTIONS

into the ground beef.
Beat grass-fed beef into 4 quarter pound patties.
Can also use onion/garlic
powder Using a stainless steel pan, heat 2 tbsps of coconut oil until melted and
place beef on pan and cook until it is finished the way you like it.
Servings: 6
In a separate pan, put down 2 tbsps of coconut oil and saute the curly
kale and carrot. Once finished put the diced peppers, ginger root and
crushed garlic.

Place burger on the saute and add avocado slices, raw cheese chunks (if
you do dairy), squeeze a half lemon and add olive oil on top. Add pink
salt and pepper. Top with parsley.

You can add optional herbs as you wish.

SuperCharged Chicken Fajitas
H, K
No Bell Peppers: A, L


4 boneless pasture-raised chicken

breasts, sliced
6 tbsp. chili powder

6 tbsp. cumin

2 tsp. garlic powder

1/2 cup. arrowroot

4 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil

8 tbsp. virgin coconut oil

6 tbsp. organic tamari sauce or

coconut aminos
2 red bell pepper sliced
In a bowl, mix chili powder, cumin, garlic powder and arrowroot, and
also cut the chicken into strips. Coat chicken in olive oil and roll in the 2 green bell pepper sliced
chili powder mixture. Marinate the chicken for 30 minutes in fridge.
2 yellow onion sliced
Heat the coconut oils in an iron skillet over a medium heat, and sauté
bell peppers and onions, adding tamari or coconut aminos about midway Pink salt and pepper to taste
through the fry. Remove from pan but do not clean pan. Add a little
1 cup each cauliflower rice
more oil and sauté chicken until done, adding a touch more tamari
midway through the fry. Servings: 4
Ready In: 45 mins
Top the chicken with the veggies and serve with cauliflower rice.

165 165
SuperCharged Thai Coconut Turkey
H, K
No Bell Peppers: A, L


4 cups organic coconut milk

(2 cans)
1 cup organic chicken stock

1 pound pasture-raised
turkey breast cut into strips
3 stalks lemongrass

10 thin slices fresh ginger

1 minced fresh chile

1 cup sliced mushrooms

(crimini or baby portabella)
1/2 cup scallions (green DIRECTIONS
onions), sliced into 1 inch
Combine coconut milk and stock and bring to a boil, add smashed
pieces lemongrass, ginger and chiles to milk/stock and simmer for 15 minutes.
1/2 cup red pepper, diced Remove these 3 last ingredients and add turkey to milk/stock.

2 tbsp. Organic Tamari In a medium skillet saute mushrooms, scallions and diced red pepper in
(fermented soy) or Coconut 1 tablespoon olive oil until barely tender, about 3-4 minutes. Add to the
milk and turkey mixture. Add lime juice and simmer for 10 minutes.
3 tbsp. fresh lime juice Season with pink salt and pepper, adjust taste with more lime or fish
sauce and spoon into bowls. Garnish with fresh cilantro.
Pink salt and pepper
Serve with cauliflower rice
Chopped cilantro to garnish
Dr Jockers Comments:
Servings: 4
Ready In: 35 mins Traditional thai food has a lot of great health benefits. This culture
liberally uses good fats like coconut and anti-oxidant rich herbs such as
lemongrass, ginger, chile and scallions. These have profound nutritional
benefits including reducing inflammation, anti-microbial effects and
improving liver detoxification.

SuperCharged Beef or
Chicken Enchilladas
No Tomatoes: H, K

3 tablespoons coconut oil

1 1/2 pounds pasture-raised organic,

skinless, boneless chicken breast or
100% grass-fed ground beef
Pink salt and black pepper to taste

2 teaspoons cumin

2 teaspoons garlic powder

1 tablespoon chili powder

1/4 teaspoon onion powder

1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
Coat large saute pan with oil, and season chicken with salt and pepper.
Brown chicken or beef over medium heat, 7 minutes on each side or 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
until no longer pink, or until beef is done. Sprinkle chicken/beef with
1/2 teaspoon paprika
cumin, garlic powder and spices before turning. Remove chicken/beef to
a plate or bowl and allow to cool. 1 Tbsp. Himalayan pink salt

Saute onion and garlic in chicken/beef drippings until tender. Add 1 teaspoon black pepper
tomatoes, saute 1 minute.
1 red onion, chopped
Stir well to combine. When cooled, pull chicken breasts apart by
2 cloves garlic, minced
hand into shredded strips, or make sure beef is crumbly. Add shredded
chicken/beef back to saute pan, combine with vegetables. Dust the 1/2 cup black olives
mixture with flour to help set.
3 medium organic tomatoes – diced
Make savory crepes and stack while covering them with wax paper to
keep moist and pliable. Coat the bottom of 2 (13 by 9-inch) pans with 1/2 teaspoon coconut flour
a ladle of enchilada sauce. Spoon 1/4 cup chicken/beef mixture in each
16 savory crepes (page 68)
tortilla. Fold over filling, place 8 enchiladas in each pan with seam side
down. Top with remaining enchilada sauce and cheese. Bake for 15 1 cup shredded raw grass-fed cheese
minutes in a preheated 350 degree oven until cheese melts.
Garnish: chopped cilantro leaves,
Garnish with cilantro, scallions, guacamole, coconut crème and chopped chopped scallions, coconut creme,
tomatoes before serving. chopped tomatoes
167 167
SuperCharged Swedish Meatballs
No Eggs or Dairy: A, H, L


SuperCharged Swedish Gravy, Ingredients

Meatballs Ingredients: Follow
1/4 cup coconut flour 2 cups low sodium
organic grass-fed beef
2 pasture-raised eggs
1/4 cup coconut milk 2 tbsp. coconut flour
3/4 lb. ground grass fed beef 1/4 cup organic coconut
crème or Amasai cream In a small bowl, soak the coconut flour and
3/4 lb. ground pasture-raised chia seeds in the coconut milk. In a large bowl,
lamb or turkey combine all the meatball ingredients except the
1/4 tsp. onion powder butter and oil, and add the coconut milk mixture.
1 small red onion, grated or Mix thoroughly until smooth. Using your hands or
very finely chopped 1/4 tsp. garlic powder, a scoop, shape into small, golf-ball size meatballs.
1/8 tsp. ground allspice Heat butter and oil in a large sauté pan over
1 tbsp. dried parsley medium-high heat. Add the meatballs giving them
1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg room in the skillet and gently brown on all sides,
1/4 tsp. pink salt about 10 minutes. Shake the skillet now and then
1/8 tsp. ground ginger so meatballs stay round and brown evenly. Place
1/4 tsp. freshly ground them on a heated baking pan in a low oven to
1/4 tsp. onion powder black pepper keep warm.
1/4 tsp. garlic powder, 1/4 cup fresh parsley To make the gravy, deglaze the skillet with 1 cup
granulated of the stock, letting it simmer for 5 minutes while
Servings: 6 scraping the bottom of the skillet with a spatula.
1 tbsp. parsley, dried Ready In: 30 mins Strain the gravy into a clean saucepan and add the
remaining 1 cup of stock.
1/4 tsp. pink salt
In a small bowl, mix the flour with 1/4 cup of
1/4 tsp. freshly ground black cold water until smooth. Whisk flour mixture into
pepper warm gravy, and let simmer, whisking constantly
to prevent lumps, until thickened slightly, about
2 tbsp. coconut oil 3-5 minutes. Add the sour cream and season with
the spices, salt and pepper.
2 tbsp. grass-fed butter or
ghee Keep meatballs in baking dish and top with gravy.
1-2 tsp of ground chia seeds You can cover and keep in the warm oven or a
chafing dish until serving.
SuperCharged Liver Burger
H, K
No Egg: A, L


1 lb grass-fed beef

4 oz of grass-fed beef liver

(chicken liver is fine too)
1 pastured egg

2 tablespoons of coconut oil

2 tsp of turmeric

2 tsp of Italian herbs (oregano,

basil, thyme)
Pink salt to taste

Pinch of black pepper


Take the ground beef and chopped liver and combine the two in a
mixing bowl with your hands and throw the pastured egg in there. The
lecithin in the egg will help bind the ground beef and the liver together.
You really don’t need the yolk for that, so if you wanted to use the yolk
for something else you are welcome to separate the yolk and the white
for this recipe.

Add in turmeric, black pepper and Italian herbs and mix these in as well
as possible before cooking the burger.

In a stainless steel or clay frying pan add in 2 tbsp of coconut oil and
turn on stove and let it heat and melt. Add the combo burger and cook
medium-rare. Serve with a salad or steamed/sautéed veggies.

Time to Prepare: 15-20 minutes

Servings: 4

169 169
Beef Spaghetti Pesto
No Dairy: A, H
No Dairy/Garlic: S


1 lb of grass-fed beef

1 spaghetti squash

2 cups of packed fresh basil

1 garlic clove, minced

¼ cup of pine nuts

½ cup of extra virgin olive

Pink salt to taste

½ cup of finely grated

grass-fed cheese
½ lemon, juiced
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Bake spaghetti squash for 60 minutes, or
Servings: 4 until a paring knife pierces easily through skin with little resistance. Let
cool for 10 minutes.

Cut the squash in half, lengthwise and remove seeds.

Use a fork to scrape the squash to get long, spaghetti-like strands.

Make pesto by blending the basil, garlic, pine nuts, olive oil, lemon, and
cheese together.

Cook meat in butter or coconut oil and season with salt and pepper.

Toss meat, squash, and pesto, top with more cheese

THEN (optional)

You can combine all in a baking pan and top with more cheese and bake
for 20 minutes to make more of a cheesy casserole.

SuperCharged Salmon Leek Quiche


1 large Wild-caught Alaskan

Salmon filet, cooked and flaked
3 tablespoons coconut oil

1 tablespoon pastured butter

1/2 cup sautéed leeks

1/2 cup organic zucchini,

Coconut flour to soak up liquid
during cooking
4 organic pasture-raised eggs

DIRECTIONS 2 organic pasture-raised egg yolks

Preheat oven to 350. Saute leeks and zucchini in butter and oil for a 1/2 cup coconut milk (organic,
couple of minutes, then add the flour, stirring constantly for a couple full fat in can)
more minutes. In a separate bowl whisk eggs and yolks with coconut
Pink salt and black pepper, to
milk. Add nutmeg.
Layer salmon with leeks and zucchini in the prepared crust. Pour egg
mixture over top and do not over-fill. Put on baking sheet and bake in Pinch of nutmeg
oven for 45 to 50 mins. Insert knife in center to make sure that the egg is
Pecan Crust
at least set and doesn’t come out wet. Take out of oven and let cool for
10-15 mins. Serve. Servings: 6
Prep Time: 15 mins
This takes about 75 mins to prepare from start to finish
Cook Time: 60 mins

171 171
SuperSmart Stir Fry
No Dairy: A, H
No Dairy/Garlic: S


1 lb. organic 100% grass-fed

ground beef
2 cups chopped organic
2 cups chopped organic baby
1 cup organic peas

1 cup organic pea pods

1/2 cup Coconut Aminos

(soy sauce replacement)
1-2 tbsp. ginger
1 tsp. pink salt
Throw all ingredients into a frying pan and cook!
2 tbsp. coconut oil

Servings: 4
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 10 mins

Anti-Depressant Meatballs
H, K
No Egg: A, L


1 lb. grass-fed ground beef

1 organic egg

2 tbsp. coconut flour

1 tbsp. basil

1 tbsp. oregano

1 tsp. pink salt

Super Serotonin Sauce

1 can organic tomato paste

1 tbsp. basil
1 tbsp. oregano
Mix all ingredients together
1 tsp. pink salt
Form into meatballs
1/2 cup water
Cook in coconut oil until done
1 glove of garlic minced
Add sauce and cover to keep warm (optional)
Servings: About 8 large and 12 medium meatballs

Super Serotonin Sauce Instructions:

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl

Pour over meatballs

Top with Grass-fed Raw Cheddar Cheese

173 173
Tenacious Taco Lettuce Wraps
H, K
No Dairy: A, L


2 lb. grass fed ground beef

2 tbsp. organic seasoning

1/4 cup coconut aminos

1 cup grass-fed raw cheese

1 cup organic salsa

1 cup chopped red onions

1 cup guacamole

2 heads of organic butterleaf

Servings: About 8 lettuce DIRECTIONS
Cook ground beef in coconut oil and add seasoning and coconut aminos.
Optional Ingredients:
Once ground beef is done cooking put some in a piece of lettuce and
1 cup of Amasai cream tops with remaining ingredients.
cheese or Coconut Milk kefir
as a sour cream alternative

SuperBrain Salmon Burgers
H, K
No Eggs: A, L


2 large Wild-Alaskan salmon

1/2 cup red onion, chopped finely

1/2 cup fresh organic cilantro,

1/2 cup fresh organic parsley,
4 garlic cloves, minced

2 organic eggs

4 tbsp. Chia Seeds

DIRECTIONS Servings: 4
Prep Time: 10 mins
Peel off the scales of the salmon.
Cook Time: 10 mins
Ground up the fillets in a large bowl and add remaining ingredients.

Form into patties and cook in coconut oil.

Serve with raw veggies

175 175
Chicken Stir Fry
A, H, L, K


4 cups shredded organic

4 cups organic broccoli

2 cups of organic peas

8 oz. of free range organic

chicken (precooked)
1 cup coconut aminos

2 tbsp. organic ginger

3 drops of orange essential

2 tbsp. extra-virgin coconut DIRECTIONS
Melt coconut oil in a large skillet on low heat.
Servings: 2
Prep Time: 10 mins Place all ingredients in except the orange essential oil and chicken.
Cook Time: 30 mins Cook for 30 minutes on low heat.

Add orange oil and chicken and cook for 5 to 10 more minutes.

Dr Jockers Comments:
If you like Asian stir-fry than you will love this chicken stir fry. The
best type of chicken to get is organic and pasture-fed if possible. If you
know of a farmer who breeds chickens and feeds them lots of grass,
weeds and has them roam the fields that is the best. If you get it from
the store it is important to look for organic chicken. Organic chicken
will not be fed any GMO containing grains. This is very important for
good health but doesn’t necessarily mean the chickens are eating grass.
The more greens the chickens eat the more anti-oxidants are in their

Rosemary Chicken and
Garlic Mushrooms
A, H, L, K


2 skinless, boneless organic

chicken breasts
4 tablespoons of coconut oil

1-2 lbs of your favorite

2 cloves of garlic – diced

3 tsp of Italian herbs

Fresh or dried rosemary

1/2 tsp of pink salt

1/2 tsp of black pepper

Parsley to garnish
Heat 2 tablespoons of coconut oil on stainless steel pan. Put chicken
breasts on and cook medium-rare to make it taste great but to preserve as 1/2 lemon
much of the proteins and other nutrients as possible. Too much heat will
2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
denature the proteins and damage other vital nutrients. Once chicken
is finished – put it on a plate in the oven to keep it warm. Use the same Optional Ingredients: Turmeric
pan and add a bit more coconut oil (1-2 tsp) and put mushrooms in and
garlic in together. Sautee for about 3-5 minutes at a low-medium heat. Servings: 2
Mushrooms should be slightly browned and tender. Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 10 mins
Put everything on the same plate and squeeze lemon over it all and add
olive oil. Then add rosemary, salt, pepper and Italian herbs. Turmeric
can be mixed in as well for added anti-oxidants and superfood nutrients.
This recipe is great with a side salad such as the SuperGreen Berry
Salad. Enjoy!

177 177
Brain Boosting Burger
H, K


2 pounds of grass-fed beef

2 organic eggs

1/2 cup ground chia seed

1 tbsp. thyme, oregano and

2 garlic cloves minced

8 green onions chopped

1 tsp. pink salt

Servings: 6-8
Prep Time: 5 mins DIRECTIONS

Cook Time: 10-15 mins Mix all ingredients together.

Form into patties and cook in a stainless steel pan with coconut oil.

Basil Almond Crusted Salmon


2 Wild-caught Salmon Fillets

¼ cup of almonds

1 clove garlic

¼ cup of grass-fed cheese (grated

– optional)
¼ cup of fresh basil

2 -4 tbsps of coconut oil

1 tsp of lemon juice

Servings: 2
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 15 mins
1. Pulse almonds, basil, garlic, coconut oil, lemon juice in mini food
processor or blender.
2. Add more coconut oil/lemon juice to get the thickness of the ‘paste’
you are looking for.

3. Spread the mixture on top of the salmon fillets, sprinkle with cheese.

4. Bake at 400 degrees until done, about 15 minutes.

179 179
Turmero Onion Burgers
H, K


1 lb of grass-fed ground beef

2 tbsp of ground turmeric

¼ small red onion diced up

Pink salt and black pepper to

1 pasture-raised egg

Italian herbs (Oregano, basil,

thyme) to taste
2 tbsps of coconut oil

Servings: 2-4
Prep Time: 5 mins DIRECTIONS

Cook Time: 10-15 mins Take ground beef, diced onion and egg and mix them all together. The
egg helps provide a gooey substance to stick the onion with the beef

Once mixed, form into 4 circular (1/4 pound) burgers. Heat 2 tbsps of
coconut oil on your stainless steel pan until melted. Put burgers onto pan
and cook at a low-medium heat until burger is done the way you like.
Some of the fat will come out of the burger and be liquid on the pan.

After the burger is cooked add turmeric and flip burger around in left
over fat on the pan until it is moist around the burger. Add salt, pepper
and Italian herbs to taste and serve with a salad or steamed veggies.

Salmon Coconut Mousseline


1 1/2 lb of Pacific Sockeye or

King (Coho) Salmon (those have
the best flavor)
3 organic, pastured eggs

1 cup coconut milk

3 cups organic chicken stock

Juice of 1 lemon

1/4 cup chopped dill

2 tbsp. pastured butter

1 tbsp. coconut oil

3/4 lb. sliced mushrooms
1. Pulse almonds, basil, garlic, coconut oil, lemon juice in mini food
processor or blender. 1/4 cup coconut flour

2. Add more coconut oil/lemon juice to get the thickness of the ‘paste’ pinch of pink salt and black
you are looking for. pepper
3. Spread the mixture on top of the salmon fillets, sprinkle with cheese. Pecan Crust

4. Bake at 400 degrees until done, about 15 minutes.

Servings: 6
Prep Time: 10-15 mins
Cook Time: 45 mins

181 181
SuperCharged Salmon Croquettes


2 fillets of Wild-Alaskan
salmon, cooked & flaked
1/2 cup vegenaise or Paleo-
friendly mayo (or coconut
2 organic pastured eggs
1/2 tsp. garlic

2 tablespoons minced green

2 tablespoons minced red DIRECTIONS
Pre-heat oven to 350. Combine all ingredients and form pyramids of
2 tablespoons minced salmon cakes. Fry in oil until just browned. Place in oven baking dish
shallots or yellow onions and bake in oven for another 12 mins.

2 tablespoons coconut flour Dr Jockers Comments:

2 tablespoons of organic If you like breaded fish or “fish sticks” than this is the recipe for you
coconut milk This is low-carb and loaded with healthy anti-inflammatory fatty acids
that are powerfully nutritious for the body.
2-4 tablespoon virgin
coconut oil for frying. Be sure to get Wild-caught Alaskan salmon as it is rich in omega-3 fatty
acids and the anti-oxidant astaxanthin. Farmed salmon is fed grains
Servings: 4-6
and has lower omega-3 content and toxins. Be sure to stay away from
Prep Time: 5 minutes farmed salmon and any Atlantic salmon (as that is farmed even if it says
Cook Time: 20 minutes wild-caught).

This recipe also had coconut fats and rich carotenoid anti-oxidants from
the pastured eggs. These are some of the best whole foods for healthy
brain function and hormonal control. You will notice major changes by
incorporating more of these and using recipes such as this one. Serve
this with avocado pesto.

Spaghetti Squash Lasagna


1 large spaghetti squash

Onion powder to taste

Pink Salt & fresh-ground pepper

to taste
1 lb. organic grass-fed beef

1 tsp. dried oregano

1 tsp. dried Italian seasoning

1 clove garlic, minced

16 oz. organic whole milk Ricotta

DIRECTIONS 1 cup grated organic parmesan,

Preheat oven to 350. Lightly grease a glass 9×13 pan with coconut oil.
¼ medium size yellow onion,
Wash skin of spaghetti squash, and cut in half length-wise. Scrape out diced
the seeds with a large spoon. Place skin side down on a cookie sheet
lined with foil. Season with salt, pepper and onion powder. Bake for one 1 – 25 oz. jar organic spaghetti
hour. sauce
2 cups organic whole milk
While your squash is cooking, brown the beef, adding the 1 tsp. oregano,
mozzarella, grated
1 tsp. Italian seasoning, and salt and fresh-ground pepper to taste. When
mostly cooked through, scrape the meat to the side and make sure there
is some fat in the bottom of the pan where you can add and cook the Servings: 12
garlic for 1-2 minutes. Mix all together with the meat and continue
cooking until nice and browned. Add entire jar of spaghetti sauce, mix
and let simmer until the squash is done baking.

183 183
SuperCharged Cauliflower Crust
Mini Pizza
No Tomatoes: K

Serving size is approximately

4 mini pizzas
1 cup fresh cauliflower,
steamed and riced
1 large pastured egg

1 cup grass-fed cheddar

1/2 tsp. toasted and ground
1 tsp. ground oregano

2 tsp. dried parsley

Servings: About
4 mini pizzas For the mini pizza crusts, steam the cauliflower, then rice or finely chop
it (You can do this in a food processor a few pieces at a time).
Prep Time: 5 mins
Cook Time: 30 mins In a bowl, beat the egg then add the cauliflower and shredded cheese.
Mix, then press down large spoonfuls onto a parchment paper covered
cookie sheet. Sprinkle with the spices and bake at 450 degrees for 8 to
10 minutes. Keep the oven on.
To complete the pizza, add desired pizza sauce (or a slice of fresh
tomato) then add toppings like buffalo, Italian turkey sausage, chopped
mushrooms, etc. Just put back in oven til cheese is melted for completed
mini pizzas!
Total Preparation time is approx. 5 minutes and cook time is 30 minutes

Cheesy Portabella Pizza


2 Portabella Mushrooms

1 cup of raw, grass-fed cheese of

your choice
Chopped Green Onions

2 tbsps lemon juice

2 tbsps extra virgin olive oil

1 clove of crushed garlic

½ cup of diced tomatoes

¼ tsp of pink salt

DIRECTIONS ¼ tsp of black pepper

1. With a spoon, scrape the gills out of the mushrooms until the 1 tsp of freshly chopped basil
underside is mostly clean. Place them on a foil lined rimmed baking
sheet. Servings: 2

2. Whisk together the olive oil, lemon juice, garlic. Brush mushroom
caps inside and out with the olive oil mixture. Sprinkle evenly with
salt and pepper.
3. Pre-heat the broiler. Broil the mushrooms for 3-5 minutes until they
are hot and the edges are starting to brown. They will start to release
moisture and get juicy. Remove from the oven.
4. Pre-heat the oven to 375. Fill the caps with the tomatoes, cheese, and
onion. Sprinkle with the fresh basil.

5. Bake for 12 minutes or until hot and the cheese has softened.

185 185
SuperCharged Coconut Curry
No Bell Peppers: A


1 can full fat coconut milk

1 ½ cup of organic chicken

2 cups of stir-fry veggies:
broccoli, carrots and cauli-
1 cup of diced up bell
1 cup of diced up red onions

½ tsp of pink salt & taste of

black pepper DIRECTIONS

2 ½ tbsp. of red curry paste Start by cooking the meat of your choice.

4-5 cloves of minced garlic Remove the cooked meat and set a side in a bowl.

Juice of one lime Add the coconut milk and chicken stock to a large pot along with the
curry paste, butter, turmeric, lime, garlic. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring
3 tbsps of grass-fed butter, occasionally.
ghee or coconut oil
Then add the frozen or fresh veggie mixes to the pot, stir, and cover
1 tsp of turmeric while cooking for 5 minutes. If you added sweet potato, cook until soft.

1 cup of kale or spinach Remove the lid and stir in the chicken, beef, or beans. Cover and cook
for the last 5 minutes.
2 cups of shredded organic
chicken or grass-fed beef Serve over a bowl of cauliflower rice or by itself.

1 head of cauliflower to To Make Cauliflower Rice:

make cauliflower rice
Place head of cauliflower in blender and pulse until it turns into the
Servings: 3-4 consistency of rice.

Either saute on low heat in coconut oil until soft, or steam until it
becomes the softness you wish (does not take long)

Garlic Basil Squash Spaghetti
K, Vt
No Dairy: A, H, L


1 Medium spaghetti squash

2 Cloves of garlic, minced

1 small tomato, sliced

1 handful basil, finely chopped

3 tbsps of grass-fed butter/ghee or

extra virgin olive oil
Grated grass-fed cheese (optional)

Pink salt and black pepper

Servings: 3

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Bake spaghetti squash for 60 minutes,

or until a paring knife pierces easily through skin with little
resistance. Let cool for 10 minutes.
2. Cut the squash in half, lengthwise and remove seeds.

3. Use a fork to scrape the squash to get long, spaghetti-like strands.

4. Heat pan with the butter and saute garlic and tomato over medium-
low heat for about 2 minutes.

5. Toss basil, salt, pepper, and spaghetti squash, into garlic tomato mix.

6. Sprinkle with cheese to taste. Add more butter to taste. I am not shy
with the butter;)

187 187
189 189
Blueberry Coconut Flake Cookies
A,H, L, V
No Honey: K


2 cups of shredded coconut

½ cup of virgin coconut oil

1 cup of organic blueberries

3 tbsps of raw honey

½ tsp of vanilla

Pinch of pink salt

Optional Ingredients:

Liquid stevia to taste instead

of honey
Servings: 7
Place all ingredients into blender or a food processor.

Process the ingredients for 2-3 minutes until the shredded coconut
beings to break down.

Drop the batter, about 2-3 teaspoons worth onto a lined cookie sheet. I
used my small cookie scoop.

Place in the fridge or freezer to harden for 10-20 minutes.

Store in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer.

Chocolate Pumpkin Spice Fudge


1 can or 8 oz of pumpkin puree

½ cup of coconut butter

3 tbsps of grade B maple syrup

1 tsp of pumpkin spice

½ tsp of cinnamon

Servings: 4


1. Place all ingredients into a vita-mix or blender. For the coconut

butter, soften it first under heat before measuring out 1/2 cup. Blend
till smooth and creamy. This works best of all ingredients are at
room temperature.
2. Pour into a 6 inch pan lined with parcherage paper.

3. Set in freezer till firm to touch 2-3ish hours.

4. Remove and pour chocolate sauce over pumpkin, set back into
freezer until hard.

5. Removed, cut into pieces and enjoy!

191 191
Sugar-Free Berry Cheesecake
K, Vt
No Dairy: S, V


Sugar-Free Berry Sugar-Free Berry

Cheesecake Ingredients: Cheesecake Crust:
2 cups raw cream cheese 3 cups chia seeds
(page 156)
1 tsp. pink salt
2 cups cashews
½ cup coconut oil
1 tbsp. organic vanilla
extract 1/8 cup of almond butter

1 cup wild blueberries 1/8 cup of coconut butter

20 drops organic stevia 1-2 extra squirts of stevia

1 tsp. organic vanilla extract
Makes 12 cupcakes

For the Cheesecake, begin by blending cashews with ½ cup of water until
completely smooth.

Add in blueberries and blend well.

Mix cream cheese, vanilla and stevia with cashew mixture

For the crust begin by mixing chia seeds, coconut oil, salt, vanilla, almond
butter, stevia and coconut butter.

Press into a pie pan and place into the freezer.

Spoon the filling into crust and add extra berries on top. We used strawber-
ries for these.

Freeze for 20 minutes.


Instead of making a pie, place the prepared recipe inside of non-bleached

muffin holders & freeze within a muffin baking pan. Try topping this healthy
treat with strawberries, also!
SuperCharged Goji Chocolate Bark
A, K, L, Vt, V


2 cups of 75% organic raw dark

1/4 cup organic raw coconut oil

1/2 cup raw organic goji berries

1/2 cup raw (ideally sprouted)

nuts of your choice
Sprinkle of coarse pink
Himalayan salt
Servings: About 8-10


Melt chocolate and coconut oil together in small pot over low heat until
completely melted down. Spread parchment paper over cookie sheet.
Pour chocolaté onto parchment. Sprinkle nuts, berries and salt over.
Freeze for 30 minutes. Break into pieces and eat.

Dr Jockers Comments:
What a great superfood combination! The synergy between dark
chocolate, coconut oil and goji berries is extraordinary. This recipe
helps boost dopamine and improve mental clarity and performance.

When nuts are sprouted, it removes the anti-nutrients and phytic acids
and makes it more bioavailable. This recipe provides key polysaccha-
rides within the goji berries that help feed and coordinate the immune
system, good fats from the coconut oil to stabilize blood sugar and
provide great fuel for the body, protein from the nuts and anti-oxidants
in the chocolate and goji’s.

People often like to have this as a treat after dinner but I would
recommend having it during the day as it is stimulating. The benefits
of stimulating foods are they improve mental clarity and drive better
performance. The downside is that they can keep you from sleeping if
you have them too late in the day!
193 193
SuperCharged Chocolate
Fudge Brownies
Vt, V


1 cup coconut oil

1 cup coconut butter

2/3 cup RAW coconut water

2/3 cup raw cacao

1 tsp. vanilla extract

2 tbsp. raw honey or 15

drops vanilla cream stevia
Sprinkle of pink salt DIRECTIONS

Servings: Makes about Mix coconut water and coconut butter together in a bowl. Coconut
8-12 brownies butter will absorb the water, become smooth and will be easier to stir.
Add coconut oil, raw cacao, honey/stevia and vanilla. Line muffin tin
with muffin liners. Spoon fudge mixture into muffin liners. Sprinkle
with salt and freeze for 30 minutes in the freezer. EAT THE WHOLE

SuperCharged Chocolate Fudge
Vt, V
No Honey: A, K, L


1 cup softened raw coconut butter

1/2 cup softened coconut oil

1/2 cup raw cacao powder

1/2 tsp. pink salt

Optional Ingredients:

2 tbsp. raw honey

1 tsp. organic vanilla extract

5 drops stevia extract


Mix all ingredients together.

Scoop into candy molds and freeze for two hours.

Dr Jockers Comments:
I am crazy about raw chocolate – especially when made into a fudge!
This uses coconut oil and coconut butter which are incredible super-
foods that are loaded with healthy MCT’s that stimulate your thyroid,
boost immunity and improve your brain function. For people that want
this real sweet or those who do not like stevia, try raw honey.

I personally prefer the stevia as my body reacts much better to stevia

than honey. This is performance enhancement fuel as raw chocolate
is loaded with magnesium, anti-oxidants and theobromine that boosts
mood, memory and cognitive acceleration. Have this before a test or big
presentation for an extra boost.

195 195
SuperGreen Fudge Cups
Vt, V
No Honey: K


1 cup coconut oil (soft, not

2/3 cup coconut butter

2/3 cup raw almond butter

1/4 cup raw honey

1/4 cup super-greens powder

– MaxGreens is what we use
1/2 cup raw cacao powder

25 drops vanilla cream

1 tbsp. organic vanilla
extract Mix all ingredients together. Spoon into muffin tin lined with muffin
cups. Sprinkle salt on top and freeze in freezer for 30 minutes.
1/2 cup coconut flakes
Dr Jockers Comments:
1/2 cup slivered almonds
If you like chocolate and coconut like I do you will go crazy for this
Sprinkle of real salt (for on recipe. I use chocolate as a performance enhancement tool as it helps
top) to boost dopamine which enhances focus and concentration. Coconut is
full of small and medium chain fats that provide a great fuel source for
Servings: About 8-12 the brain and body.
fudge cups
Adding in your favorite super greens powder provides blood purifying
chlorophyll, tons of energy producing B vitamins and powerful anti-
oxidants for tissue repair and anti-aging.

This is a perfect mid-day treat to enjoy that will give you energy and
drive and enhance your productivity later in the day.

SuperCharged Toffee


1 block of Grass-fed Butter/Ghee

1 cup of Coconut Sugar or

Coconut Nectar
15 drops of English Toffee Stevia

1 tbsp of Vanilla Extract

1/2 cup of Dark Chocolate Chips

1/4 cup of Raw Pecans

Servings: 8-10 toffee pieces


Heat the skillet to low-medium heat and melt the butter. Once the butter
is melted down turn off heat and add the sugar, vanilla and stevia. Stir
in all the ingredients for 10-15 minutes until smooth and well combined.
Pour the mixture into a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Add
chocolate chips and nuts on the top and freeze for one hour.

197 197
SuperCharged Banana Bread


3 ripe bananas

3 tbsps of almond butter

Juice of ½ lemon

½ cup of coconut flour

4 pasture-raised eggs

1 tsp of baking soda

2 tbsps of grass-fed butter,

ghee or coconut oil (melted)
1 tbsp of raw honey or grade
B maple syrup DIRECTIONS

Can also try liquid stevia for 1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Grease and line your loaf tin.
a lower carb version
2. Combine and mix coconut flour, baking soda and salt in one bowl.
1 tsp of vanilla
3. In another bowl, combine bananas, almond butter, lemon, eggs, butter,
Pinch of pink salt honey and vanilla and blend until smooth.

Servings: 4-5 4. Add wet ingredients to the dry and mix until well combined.

5. Pour mixture into the prepared tin. Bake for 45 minutes or until an
inserted skewer comes out cleanly. Enjoy!

SuperCharged Coconut Cookie Balls
H, S, V


2 cups of shredded coconut flakes

Additional 2 cups of shredded

coconut flakes
¾ cup of raw honey or grade B
maple syrup
1 tsp of vanilla extract

½ tsp of pink salt

Servings: 5


1. Preheat the oven to 300F and grease a baking pan.

2. In a food processor or high speed blender (I used my blend tech),

process the first 2 cups of shredded coconut until coconut butter
forms. You will have to keep scraping down the sides of the bowl. It
can still be a little flaky if you are short on time. You could also use 1
cup of store bought coconut butter instead.
3. Once you have made the coconut butter, throw the rest of the
ingredients in and pulse till blended. Do not overblend, just enough
so the ingredients are mixed together. Can also do this by hand.
4. Scoop about 1-2 tbsp of dough onto a baking sheet and form into a

5. Bake for 22-27 minutes at 300F. The bottom and top of the cookies
will turn golden in colour.

6. Allow the macaroons to sit for 25 minutes so they can firm up. If you
move them too soon, they could crumble.

199 199
Grain-Free Apple Pie Filling
S, Vt
No Butter: V


2 organic apples

1 ½ tsp of coconut oil or

grass-fed butter
½ tsp of vanilla

Pinch of cinnamon

1 tbsp of raw honey

1 tbsp of almond butter

Handful of walnuts

Servings: 2

Cut apples into slices. Melt butter or coconut oil in pan and throw the
apple slices in. Saute on medium to low heat for a couple minutes until

Add the rest of the ingredients and mix to combine. Heat until the apples
are as soft as you like and ingredients are fully mixed together.

Super Fat Burning Fudge
No Honey: A, K, L


1 cup coconut oil

1 cup softened coconut butter

½ cup raw cacao powder

1 tsp. organic vanilla

1 tsp pink salt

1 tbsp raw honey

10 drops vanilla stevia

1 cup of goji berries

DIRECTIONS Servings: 8-12 fudge molds

Mix together all ingredients

Spoon into candy molds or muffin tin lined with cupcake liners

Sprinkle goji berries on top and freeze

Dr Jockers Comments:
Who wouldn’t like a tasty fudge that is packed full of anti-oxidants and
good fats. Coconut oil and coconut butter are full of medium-chain
fatty acids that are extraordinarily healthy for the body. These fats help
improve thyroid function, reduce inflammation, speed up metabolism
and improve fat burning. They are also great for brain function and have
been shown to improve memory and cognitive acceleration.

Goji berries are rich in anti-oxidants and key Lycium barbarum poly-
saccharides that strengthen the immune system. Raw cacao is rich in
polyphenol anti-oxidants and theobromine that enhances blood flow and
brain function. I only consume chocolate or cacao during the day as it
is stimulating and can effect your ability to rest well. During the day it
enhances cognitive acceleration and helps you accomplish more.

201 201
SuperCharged Pound Cake
with Berry Sauce
S, Vt


6 Pasture raised eggs

1 cup of melted
pasture-raised butter or ghee
½ cup coconut nectar/grade
B maple syrup
1 tbsp vanilla extract

20 drops vanilla cream

1 tsp pink salt

2/3 cup of coconut flour DIRECTIONS

1 tsp of aluminum-free SuperCharged Pound Cake with Berry

baking powder Sauce Instructions:
Servings: 6-8 Whisk eggs, melted butter, coconut nectar, vanilla and stevia

Berry Sauce Ingredients: Whisk in remaining ingredients and let it sit for 10 minutes to thicken.

1 cup fresh/frozen Pour into a loaf pan and bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes
2 cups sliced fresh/frozen Berry Sauce Instructions:
Pour berries in a pot and stir around on low heat until they become soft
¼ cup of xylitol and juice. Add xylitol and stir around for 20 minutes.

Raw, Grainless Key Lime Pie
H, S, V


Raw Grain-Less Key Lime Pie

Crust Ingredients:
1/2 cup raw sprouted sunflower

1/2 cup raw sprouted pumpkin

2 pitted raw dates

4 tbsp. raw organic coconut oil

1 tsp. pink salt

DIRECTIONS Raw Grain-Less Key Lime Pie

Filling Ingredients:
Raw Grain-Less Key Lime Pie Crust Instructions:
Pulse all ingredients in a food possessor until it reaches a dough like
consistency. 1 avocado

Line muffin tin with unbleached muffin tin liner. 1 young coconut

Form dough into a cup. 1/2 cup raw young coconut water

Pour filling into cup. 10 drops organic stevia extract

Freeze for 1 hour. Juice and zest from two limes

Raw Grain-Less Key Lime Pie Filling Instructions: Optional Ingredients:

Blend all ingredients in high powered blender or vita mix until creamy. Instead of young coconut and
coconut water you could use 1
Pour into your crust.
can of organic coconut milk

Servings: 8-10

203 203
SuperCharged Chocolate
Hazelnut Frozen Pie


1 cup hazelnuts

1 can coconut milk (full fat)

1 cup + 3 tbsp pure grade B maple

1 tsp bourbon vanilla extract

1/4 cup organic cacao

3 tbsp organic, extra virgin coconut
oil 1. Start with the crust for this recipe!
Add almond flour and coconut oil (at room temperature)
sprinkle of sea salt to small/medium bowl. Mix with electric mixer.

30 drops of Stevia (or can just add 2. Add liquid Stevia. Mix again.
to taste)
3. Spread onto bottom of a 10 inch glass pie dish.
You can stretch it up the sides a half inch or so.
1 cup almond flour
if you can do so without thinning it too much.
4 tbsp organic, extra virgin coconut
oil 4. Place pie dish in freezer.

7 drops liquid Stevia 5. Time for the filling!

Starting with the coconut milk, add all ingredients into blender and blend.
Note: Again, you can start with less Stevia if you don’t think you’ll want that
1 can coconut milk, full fat much or aren’t a fan of Stevia. It worked great for us to keep us from using
anymore maple syrup than what we already did. Good balance!
liquid stevia
6. Pour into pie dish and return to freezer.
vanilla extract
7. For the topping, open a can of coconut milk and scoop cream off the top.
Servings: 8
8. Add stevia & vanilla to taste, mixing with electric blender.

Store in the refrigerator until pie is frozen and ready to serve!

Grain-Free Cashew Cookies


½ cup of cashews

½ cup of sunflower seeds

1 tbsp of virgin coconut oil

2 tbsps of local honey

½ tsp of vanilla

¼ tsp of cinnamon

Filtered water as needed

Servings: 5

1. Pulse nuts in a blender until they are broken down in to a flour like

2. Place coconut oil, honey, vanilla and cinnamon in a small pot and
heat over low heat until fully melted and mixed.

3. Mix the liquid with the nut flour and hand mix until batter forms. You
may need to add one teaspoon of water at a time to make all of
the flour wet and look like below. It should not be runny or thin but
rather more like a paste. sure
4. Either roll in balls and freeze OR place those balls on a baking sheet,
flatten them down into a cookie shape, and Bake in the over at 350
for 12-15 minutes. Let cool before eating to keep from falling apart.

You can add cacao/cocoa if you want to make a chocolate version.

You can also take the dough, roll it into balls and freeze them for a
raw cookie dough version that also tastes amazing! Try both out when
making the batter!

205 205
Chocolate Coconut Cookies with
Almond Butter
K, Vt
No Eggs: V

1/4 cup of almond flour

1/4 cup of organic coconut


1 tsp of aluminum free

baking powder (Bob’s

3 Tbsps. almond butter (for

filling cookies)
1 handful of organic
Mix all dry ingredients together and stir in beaten egg and water. Mix
chocolate chips, cacao nibs until smooth and add chocolate chips. Form batter into little drop
or carob chips cookies and place on well greased cookie sheet. Dab almond butter on
a flattened cookie and cover almond butter with more batter; squish
1 pasture-raised egg cookie sandwich into a round shape.
(optional, the coconut flour
has enough fiber to keep the Bake at 400 degrees for 10-12 minutes or until light brown and no
cookies together) longer mushy. Let cool (if you can)! My cookies were of a more
cake-like texture but could be more chewy by adding less water and
2/3 cup of filtered water cooking a few minutes longer. These are delicious and perfect low carb
and low glycemic index treats. No additional sweetener is needed-
1 dash pink salt the almond and coconut flours are sweet enough on their own (not to
mention the chocolate!)
2 T. cinnamon
Dr Jockers Comments:
Servings: About 8 small
“stuffed” cookies or We are big fans of coconut flour, almond products- nuts, butter, flour and
chocolate! These are all superfoods that nourish the body well. This
15″unstuffed” cookies
has no added sugar or sweetener and utilizes good fats and blood sugar
stabilizing agents such as cinnamon. Perfect advanced healing diet
approved cookie! Try it and enjoy!

Cran-Blueberry Coconut Muffins
H, S, Vt
No Honey: A, K


1/2 c. organic coconut flour

1/4 tsp (dash) xanthan gum

1/2 tsp non-aluminum baking

Dash of pink salt

4 packets (single serving) Stevia

1 tsp of Cinnamon
3 pasture-raised eggs at room
Spray muffin tins with nonstick spray and preheat the oven to 350 temperature
degrees. In a large bowl combine all dry ingredients. In a seperate bowl
add the eggs and whisk well. Add the vanilla and coconut oil (or melted 1 tbsp organic vanilla
and cooled butter) to the eggs and beat together. Pour the egg mix into
2 tbsp organic virgin coconut oil
the dry ingredients while stirring so the coconut flour does not clump up.
(melted or liquid form)
Add the Stevia, honey, and cinnamon and continue to stir.
1/4 cup frozen raw cranberries
Stir in the water one tbsp at a time and mix until the batter is not thick
and sticky. Coconut flour’s high fiber content will quickly soak up the 1/4 cup frozen raw organic
moisture, so go quickly and use your judgment as to extra amounts of blueberries
water. I would err on the side of more wet (but not runny) batter since 1 tbsp raw honey (optional for
the dough thickens as it sits and cooks. You don’t want hockey puck
15 Tbsp filtered water, added one
Add the berries and stir. Spoon the batter into the muffin tins and bake Tbsp. at a time to adjust
at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes. You may need to cook them longer consistency
if you had runnier batter; the muffins are done when the tops are brown
and slightly firm to the touch, not mushy.
Servings: 6 muffins

207 207
Grain-Free Strawberry
Shortcake Cupcakes


1/2 cup coconut flour

1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon pink salt
5 organic, pastured eggs
1/2 cup raw honey, coconut
nectar or maple syrup Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

1/2 cup coconut oil Place 12 cupcake liners in a muffin pan. I use these unbleached ones: Beyond Gourmet
2-1/2-Inch Unbleached Baking Cups, 48 cups
1/4 cup shredded or flaked
organic coconut Sift dry ingredients together into a bowl. Add the flaked coconut separately.

1 teaspoon lemon juice Separate 2 of the eggs. Set the egg whites aside.

1 teaspoon vanilla extract Combine 3 eggs, two egg yolks, coconut oil, honey, vanilla and lemon juice using a hand
mixer. Be careful that you don’t over mix.
12 whole medium organic
strawberries, hulled Turn the mixer to low and alternate adding the wet and dry mixture. Mix just until lumps
2 cups whipped organic
heavy cream Beat the egg whites until thick, soft peaks form. Now fold the egg whites gently into the
2 tablespoons coconut sugar
Pour or spoon batter evenly into the 12 cupcake liners.
Servings: 12 cupcakes
Bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. Check if your cupcakes are done by putting a
toothpick in the center of one. If it comes out clean, the cupcakes are finished. Allow to
cool for 5-10 minutes, then carefully remove cupcakes from the pan. Cool completely.

When the cupcakes are cool, cut a small circle off the top and scoop out enough of the
cupcake to fit one whole strawberry.

Use your whipped cream as frosting. (I sweeten my whipped cream with the 2 table-
spoons of coconut sugar). When you cut the cupcake in half, you see the pretty red
strawberry-It looks just like a miniature strawberry shortcake!

You can chill the cupcakes before you put the strawberries in and frost them. Top each
cupcake with a slice of strawberry.

SuperCharged Coconut Butter Cookies


1 cup (2 sticks) grass-fed/pasture-

raised butter or ghee, browned*,
cooled and solid
2 tablespoons pure water

1 ¼ cup Organic Coconut Palm

1 large organic, pasture-raised
½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper or a
non-stick baking mat. 1 ¾ cups Almond Flour/Almond
Scrape the chilled brown butter into a mixing bowl and add the coconut
sugar. Beat until fluffy, scraping down the sides if needed. 1 teaspoon baking soda

Slightly heaped 1/2 teaspoon pink

Add the egg, scraping down the sides and then add the vanilla.
Whisk almond flour, baking soda and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour half of the flour mixture into the butter mixture and mix until 4 cups dried, unsweetened Flaked
combined, then add remaining flour and mix again, scraping down bowl Coconut Unsweetened
if needed. Add coconut flakes in two parts as well.
Servings: 12 cookies
Scoop dough into 1 or 2 tablespoon balls and arrange a few with a lot
of room for spreading on first baking sheet; use the back of a spoon or
your fingers to flatten the dough slightly. I recommend no more than six
cookies per baking sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes.
Remove the cookies from the oven when they’re deeply golden all over.

If cookies have not spread as much as you would like, stir 2 teaspoons
more water into cookie dough, mixing thoroughly, before baking off
another tray. This should do the trick, but if it does not, add 2 more
teaspoons water with your next batch. Once you’ve confirmed that you
have the water level correct, bake remaining cookies.

Cool cookies on baking sheet for 1 to 2 minutes before transferring to

a cooling rack. Cookies keep for up to one week at room temperature.
Extra dough can be stored in the fridge for several days or in the freezer
for a month or more.
209 209
SuperCharged Snow Balls
No Honey: A, K


4 tbsp. chia seeds (ground in

coffee bean grinder)
2 tbsp. coconut flour

1/4 cup raw cacao powder

1 tbsp. raw honey

1/3-1/2 cup coconut oil

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1/2 cup raw coconut shreds

1/2 tsp. pink salt DIRECTIONS

Servings: 8-10 Snowballs Mix ground chia, raw cacao and coconut flour together.

Add honey, coconut oil, vanilla and salt.

Form into balls and roll in coconut shreds.

Freeze or place in the fridge for an hour.

Dr Jockers Comments:
If you like superfood based deserts you will love this. Chia seeds are
loaded with healthy fiber, anti-oxidants, clean protein and omega 3 fatty
acids. Coconut is loaded with small and medium chain saturated fats
that boost fat burning and enhance brain function. Raw cacao is loaded
with powerful anti-oxidants. This is energy fuel that the whole family
will enjoy!

SuperCharged Fudge Cups
V, Vt
No Honey: K


1 cup coconut oil (soft, not

2/3 cup raw almond butter

1/4 cup raw honey

1/4 cup raw cacao powder

1 tbsp. organic vanilla extract

Ground chia seed

Sprinkle of pink salt (for on top)

DIRECTIONS Servings: About 10-12 fudge

Mix coconut oil, almond butter, raw honey, raw cacao and vanilla.

Spoon into muffin tin lined with muffin cups.

Sprinkle pink salt and chia seeds on top and freeze.

Dr Jockers Comments on
SuperCharged Fudge Cups:
This recipe is loaded with good fats, anti-oxidants and clean protein
for an amazingly healthy dessert. It tastes and smells incredible and
the whole family will enjoy this one. It is like a Reece’s Peanut Butter
cup. I prefer to use almond butter or macadamia nut butter which are
probably the healthiest nut butters. Raw cacao is a great energy booster
that enhances circulation and provides a mega dose of anti-oxidants.

Ground chia seed gives us highly bioavailable protein, essential fats, key
anti-oxidants and fiber.

211 211
Super Cocoa Chia Pudding


1 Cup Coconut Milk

2 tablespoons Organic Chia

1 tablespoon Organic Pure
Maple Syrup
1 tablespoon Organic Cocoa

1/4 teaspoon Bourbon

Vanilla Extract
10 Drops Liquid Stevia

1/2-1 teaspoon Coconut DIRECTIONS

1. Soak chia seeds in coconut milk for 15-20 minutes.
Servings: 4
2. Add cocoa, maple syrup, and vanilla. Blend with hand mixer.

3. Add liquid Stevia to taste. You may not need the full 10 drops. Blend.

4. Add coconut flour until desired consistency is reached.

Start with 1/2 tsp, blend, and go from there.

5. You can enjoy it right away or let it cool more in the fridge!

If your coconut milk was not already cold it will thicken a bit more in
the fridge.

Dr Jockers Comments:
The combination of coconut and chocolate is one of my personal
favorites and it is exceptional for the brain and hormones. Coconut is
loaded with healthy hormone building saturated fats and chocolate is
rich in anti-oxidants and dopamine boosting PEA’s.
Chia adds omega 3 fatty acids and tons of fiber that helps pull toxins out
of the system. I prefer this with little to no added sugar (maple syrup)
and if you have been off of sugar for a while you will be surprised at
how sweet the 1 tsp of liquid stevia makes this dish.
SuperCharged Raw Cookie Dough Balls


1 cup of walnuts or cashews

¾ cup of shredded coconut flakes

1 cup of dates

1 tbsp of coconut oil

Pinch of pink salt

1 tsp of vanilla extract

3 tbsps of raw chocolate chips or

cacao nibs
DIRECTIONS Servings: 4

1. Put the cashews or walnuts into a high-speed blender or food

processor and blend until they are very small pieces.

2. Then add in the dates and blend to combine. You may need to stop
the blender to stir the mixture to make sure all pieces are breaking
3. Take the mixture and place in a bowl. Use your hands to fold in the
chocolate chips so they spread evenly.

4. Take a tablespoon of the cookie dough and roll around in your palms,
forming a ball.

5. Store balls in freezer or fridge.

Dr Jockers Comments:
If you want to make a healthy holiday or special occasion based dessert
than you have it here. Coconut flakes and coconut oil provide healthy
fats that help your body to heal and burn fat more effectively. Raw
cacao nibs are a great source of anti-oxidants and compounds like
magnesium, theobromine and PEA’s that improve blood flow into the
brain and boost dopamine levels and make you feel great.

213 213
Chocolate Maca Bites
Stevia as Sweetener: K


2/3 cup of raw cacao powder

2/3 cup of coconut oil

1/3 cup of raw honey or

grade B maple syrup
2 tbsps of maca

Pinch of pink salt

Servings: 4 Bites


1. Combine coconut oil, honey, cacao and maca – stir until well
combined. If your coconut oil needs to be melted, toss all ingredi
ents in a sauce pan and lightly heat and stir until all mixed into
melted chocolate.
2. Pour mixture into an ice tray to make individual chocolate pieces.

3. Allow to freeze until solid.

4. Pop out of tray, and enjoy! I usually keep the chocolate in the tray
and freezer because it will melt depending on the temperature of your

Side Notes: To avoid sugar completely, you may omit the honey or use

Dairy-Free Pumpkin Ice Cream


1 can of pumpkin puree

1 large banana

¾ cup full fat organic coconut

2 tbsp grade B maple syrup or
raw honey or a few drops of
½ tsp vanilla (optional)

½ tsp cinnamon

DIRECTIONS Servings: 3

1. Fill an ice cube tray evenly with the pumpkin puree and cover tightly
with plastic wrap

2. Place banana in a ziploc bag and place the banana and the ice cube
tray in the freezer overnight.

3. Remove the cubes and banana from freezer and let sit for 5 minutes.

4. Remove from ice tray and plastic bag and place everything in high
power blender or food possessor and blend until smooth.

5. Enjoy right away or place in freezer for a couple hours to create a

harder ice cream.

215 215
Chocolate Coconut Ice Cream
Stevia as Sweetener: K


1 large ripe avocado (peeled

and chopped)
½ cup canned coconut milk

¼ cup of raw honey or grade

B maple syrup or stevia to
3 tbsps of raw cacao powder

½ tsp of vanilla

Pinch of pink salt

3 tbsps of mini cacao chips
1. Place avocado and all ingredients in a blender or food processor.
Servings: 2
2. Blend together until it becomes super smooth and creamy. Stir in
chocolate chips.

Enjoy now as a pudding


3. Once blended, pour into a covered container and freeze until frozen
solid, usually 4-6 hours

4. Once frozen, remove from freezer and let ice cream soften, scoop it,

Chocolate Coconut Bars


1 cup of shredded coconut flakes

¼ cup of raw honey

2 tbsps of coconut oil

½ tsp of pure vanilla

Pinch of pink salt

For the Chocolate Drizzle:

¼ cup of coconut oil

2 tbsps of honey
¼ cup of raw cacao powder
1. Blend all of the coconut bar ingredients and squish into any small
container and freeze for 15 minutes. ¼ tsp vanilla extract

2. In small saucepan, melt coconut oil and honey over low heat. Pinch of pink salt
Remove from heat and stir in remaining ingredients.
Servings: 3
3. Pour over chilled bottom layer and return to the freezer for about 15
minutes, or until the chocolate layer is hardened.

217 217
Raw Chocolate Brownies


2 ½ cups of walnuts

2 ½ cups of dates – pitted

1 cup of raw cacao

Handful of chopped
almonds, sliced
Handful of shredded coconut
flakes,for topping
1 tsp of raw honey (optional)
1 tbsp of almond butter
(optional) 1. Place walnuts in food processor and blend on high until the nuts are
finely ground.

2. Add the cacao and pulse to combine.

3. Add the dates and honey and blend until a cake crumb like dough
forms, add more dates if it needs to stick together more.

4. Press dough into a lined cake pan or mold. Top with almond and
coconut shreds.

5. Place in freezer or fridge until ready to serve.

Grainless Graham Crackers
K – if use stevia instead of honey and coconut sugar


1 cup of shredded coconut flakes

1 cup of sunflower seeds

3 tbsps of raw honey

1 tbsp of filtered water

1 tbsp of coconut oil

Coconut sugar for topping

Optional Ingredients:

Liquid Stevia (2 tsp or to taste) in

DIRECTIONS replace of the honey
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Blend sunflower seeds in a food processor until the seeds resemble a

dense flour (about 2-3 minutes)

3. Add the coconut shreds and honey. Pulse to mix.

4. Begin adding in the water – 1 tablespoon at a time -until the seeds all
clump together in a ball.

5. Between lightly oiled parchment paper, roll out the dough as thinly
as you can. Remove the top piece of parchment paper and slide the
remaining parchment paper with dough onto a cookie sheet.
6. Dust crackers with cinnamon or coconut sugar.

Dr Jockers Comments:
Graham crackers were always a favorite of mine growing up. These
ones are loaded with healthy fiber and good fats that help to nourish
your intestinal lining and provide the proper fuel for a healthy micro-

219 219
Vanilla Cashew Pudding
K – if use stevia instead of honey


1 ½ cup of cashews

½ cup of organic full-fat

coconut milk (in can)
1 tsp of vanilla

1 small banana

1 tsp of honey

Pinch of pink salt

Cinnamon to top

1. Soak Cashews for 1-2 hours (optional)

2. Add all of the ingredients into a food processor or high powered

blender and Process until you have a smooth and creamy consistency.

3. Place the pudding in the refrigerator and chill for about 30 minutes or
so. Add a dash of cinnamon and Enjoy!

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions when putting this nutrition
plan together.

There Are So Many Choices, How Do I Meal Plan?

This really depends upon your personality and how you enjoy food. For some, they like
a simple plan to follow while others want creative freedom and love variety.

If you crave simplicity, I would suggest choosing 3-4 breakfasts, 3-4 lunches, 3-4
snacks and 3-4 dinners and rotate them and master them. If you want variety, try choos-
ing 7-14 different dishes for each main meal and snack and rotate them through a week
or 2 week plan.

I have found that making a consistent meal on each day of the week is easier as there is
less thinking and planning. So this would mean that every Monday night you have the
SuperCharged Beef Enchiladas. The planning and shopping becomes automatic as you
are used to doing it.

Routines are crucial to long-term success so try to put together a workable routine
based on your desire for simplicity or variety. Good thing is that we have 160 recipes
to choose from!

Is Fresh Better Than Frozen?

There is very little difference between fresh produce and frozen because the pro-
duce is frozen at the peak of ripeness. Often the frozen is better because it
allows us to use produce that is out of season and still get ideal ripeness.

221 221
Canned Foods:
We want to avoid most canned foods as the can itself contains aluminum, BPA and
other environmental toxins. Here are the few canned foods that are acceptable with
this nutrition plan

Organic coconut milk Sardines in water Wild-caught Sockeye Salmon

Black Olives Hearts of Palm Artichoke Hearts

*Be sure to get these without oils and preservatives*

The nutritional benefits of these foods outweigh the risks associated with consum-
ing environmental toxins coming from the can. It is still much better to find these
products in glass containers if at all possible.

Nuts & Seeds:

Best to get either fresh raw nuts/seeds or ground into flours. Be sure to avoid nuts
and seeds that are roasted in oils and have added salts and other preservatives and

Organic vs Non-Organic:
It is always advisable to get organic food products and this is especially true if you
are already battling a chronic disease. The general rule is that thin skinned produce
should always be organic whereas produce with rinds or thicker skin is cleaner and
you can get it conventional.
The Environmental Working Group produces a list of the Cleanest 15 produce prod-
ucts with the least amount of chemicals and the Dirty Dozen which have the most
chemicals. Be sure to avoid the conventional Dirty Dozen and purchase these
products in an organic version.

How to Eat Healthy When You are on the Road:
For health conscious individuals, eating out at restaurants has always
been tricky. Today, more and more places are beginning to provide or-
ganic and nutrient dense options. One of the biggest challenges people
have as they begin to lead a healthier lifestyle has to do with social out-
ings and restaurants.

When you are trying to live a gluten-free, organic lifestyle there are some
social repercussions. You can get around these challenges by doing your
research and planning beforehand, asking the right questions and choos-
ing wisely. Here are some tips to get the most out of your meals away
from home.

223 223
Planning Ahead is Crucial:
Planning ahead is really critical for eating healthy while traveling. This
means researching restaurants and grocery stores in the area you are trav-
eling through. You can do a google search using keywords like “gluten-
free,” “organic food,” “grass-fed,” “raw food,” etc.

You can also go to websites like to search for the healthi-
est places in the area you are traveling too. It is also a great idea to look
at online reviews of different restaurants you may be going too. You can
find helpful reviews on sites like Yelp, Chowhound, TripAdvisor and Ur-

This will give you a view of other people’s dining experience at the place
you are looking into. Whether you are meeting up with friends, going on a
date or at a family outing it is always a good idea to eat something before-
hand so you aren’t starving when you show up.

When we are really hungry we make poor nutritional decisions and become
much more susceptible. So be prepared by either eating something before
going out or even bringing some of your own healthy food with you.

Ask a Lot of Questions:

When you go out to eat it is okay to ask the waiter the questions you need
to know. You may want to make sure the food you are eating is organic,
GMO-free, gluten-free and/or dairy-free. You can tell the waiter or restau-
rant manager that you may have a real dangerous reaction if you come into
contact with a certain food item.

That statement will immediately get their attention and they will be sure
to cater to your needs. It is always advisable to know exactly what you are
eating. So ask questions, avoid things like sauces, soups and dressings that
are typically not made from scratch.

These condiments and sides are usually processed mixtures with multiple
toxic ingredients such as industrial seed oils, GMO’s, artificial sweeteners
and preservatives. The server may not know or understand this so don’t
make it too complicated on them. It is best to go with clean organic meat if
available, good fat sources like avocado slices or guacamole, olive oil and
lots of fresh vegetables.

You can always ask for extra veggies or extra avocado, etc. so you will be
satisfied after the meal. Be sure to let the server know you are going to
tip really well and they will come through for you. Of course, you need to
step-up and follow through with your end of the bargain and take care of
the server.

Choose Wisely:
There may be times where you are at a family member’s home or a place
where you just cannot find anything that typically fits into your nutrition
plan. If you know this beforehand, you can obviously eat before going
and bring some digestive enzymes with you to help neutralize the damage.

You could also opt to drink lots of water with lemon if available which
will help curb hunger and provide anti-oxidants for your system. When it
comes to starches, it is much better to choose potatoes, rice or quinoa over
breads and pasta.

Try to take as many of the vegetables as are available and load up on the
good fats such as any sort of avocado dish that is available, a hummus dip,
olive oil or coconut oil products. If the meat isn’t organic or wild-caught,
I would look to avoid this or eat just a real small amount to avoid the con-
centrated environmental toxins that are in the commercialized meat.

What Does Dr. Jockers Do?

I always research the restaurant I am going too beforehand so I know what
choices they have on the menu. I usually only go to places that have some
sort of clean meat like organic chicken, bison, grass-fed beef, organic eggs
or Wild-caught Salmon. I may also go to a raw organic vegetarian restau-

I also look for different fat sources such as avocado, pastured butter, olive
oil, coconut products, etc. If I am not able to pick the restaurant, I always
eat something beforehand and choose a vegetable based dish like a salad
with no dressing and I squeeze lemon on the veggies.

225 225
If I am going over someone’s house and I am unsure about the quality of
what they may serve I will either bring a dish I can enjoy or I will eat be-
forehand. When I am at a restaurant, I hardly ever order a recipe straight
off the menu. Typically, I am maneuvering foods around to get the right
amount of good fats, clean protein and anti-oxidants that I want.

For example, out here, one of the “healthier” places is Ted’s Montana
Grill. When I am there, I will get a naked bison burger with diced avocado
(I always ask the waiter to give me a lot of avocado) and some sort of veg-
gies like broccoli or asparagus.
When I go out of town, I always bring food. If I am taking a road trip I
bring a cooler in my car with raw cheese, amasai, coconut flakes, nuts/
seeds, low-sugar chocolate whey protein bars, grass-fed beef jerky, flax
crackers, fresh veggies, coconut oil, etc.

When I fly out of town, I will pack the flax crackers, some celery/carrots/
cucumber, coconut oil, coconut flakes and beef jerky among other things.
If it is a trip that will take several days, I will find the closest health food
store to stock up on more healing foods.

Choosing Supplements:
There are many great options when it comes to supplements. I
personally use many supplements as I enjoy peak performance and
supplemental nutrients help me perform at my highest level. I only choose
pure supplements without dangerous filling agents.

As a clinician, I have unique supplement recommendations for individual

clients that depend upon their particular health challenges, lab results, life-
style stressors and genetic polymorphisms. This is far beyond the scope
of this book but you can find all my recommended supplements on DrJock-

Here are some great general supplement recommendations to follow:

1. Super Detox Greens:
Nearly every major health organization recommends eating five to nine
servings of fruits and vegetables per day to maintain health. Yet,
according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, less than nine
percent of American adults consume the recommended number of

This provides all the recommended servings of organic vegetables,

sprouted legumes, single-cell algae, & natural living enzymes. This
provides tons of blood purifying chlorophyll, magnesium, anti-oxidants
and trace minerals to support detoxification, healing and optimal
energy production.

2. Whole Food Multi-Vitamin or Enriched Protein Powder:

Whole raw foods have a combination of trace minerals, anti-oxidants,
enzymes and probiotics in a natural form that are body has adapted
too for centuries. These real nutrients provide a synergetic effect that
maximizes nutritional bioavailability.

The proper multi-vitamin has naturally occurring vitamins and

minerals contained in whole foods that are accompanied by essential
co-factors that enable the absorption and utilization of such
vitamin or mineral in the body. Cooking, treating and adulterating
food robs it of many of those co-factors.

3. Probiotics:
Living organisms that enhance the digestion and nutrient absorption
process, probiotics also play a very important role in immune
function. In my opinion, this is the most critical supplement you can
take. It is important to get as pure a source as possible, ideally, with
out titanium dioxide and other filling agents.

Incorporating high quality fermented foods like red cabbage

sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, amasai, & coconut kefir is another great
way to get the highest quality probiotics into your diet on a
daily basis.
227 227
4. High Quality Omega 3:
Essential fats play a critical role in fighting inflammation and
supporting a healthy brain & nervous system. Critical fats include
EPA & DHA, which should be consumed in a 3:2 ratio from a purified,
3rd-party tested source.

I recommend Nordic Naturals for fish oil, highest reputation on the

market and loaded with EPA/DHA. Another essential fat, GLA, can be
found in hemp seed/oil that is easily consumed as part of a healthy diet.

5. Vitamin D3:
Plays a critical role in brain development, immune coordination and
calcium metabolism. Over 90% of our society is deficient in
D3 due to inadequate sun exposure. According to Vitamin D
expert Michael Holick, “We estimate that vitamin D deficiency is the
most common medical condition in the world (2).”

It is clear that most people are not getting enough healthy

sun exposure.

I recommend 5,000 – 10,000 IU daily depending upon daily sun

exposure, skin color, geographical region, body weight and
pre-existing levels. Optimal levels should be between 60-90 ng/ml.

The SuperCharged Lifestyle:
Great job finishing this book and discovering the best recipes to Super-
Charge Your Life! If you begin following and applying the principles
outlined in this book, I guarantee you will notice significant improve-
ments in your energy levels, physique and brain function

The first step is to get healthy and continue to work on growing and
maturing in these strategies. You should never think that you will have
it all figured out but instead that you are pressing forward and work-
ing to improve your lifestyle each day. Overtime, you will see that you
have come a long way.

The next step is to share this message with others. Not just those who
are already sick and diseased but those who are closest to you. Social
support is a huge part of success in healthy lifestyle pursuits. If your
spouse and family are not in agreement or if they are left in the dark
about this, it will make the lifestyle changes ten times harder. Do ev-
erything you can to get them on board with you.

Keep a copy of this book for you to continually resource but share other
copies with those closest to you and those you know who are looking
to elevate their life. You never know how far reaching something you
think, say or do today will impact the world days, weeks, years and de-
cades from now. God bless you for being a world changer!

To a SuperCharged Life,

Dr. David Jockers

229 229
Author Biographies:

About Dr David Jockers DC, MS, CSCS

Dr. David Jockers is functional medicine practitioner,
chiropractor, nutritionist, exercise physiologist and
certified strength & conditioning specialist.
He currently owns and operates Exodus Health Center in
Kennesaw, Georgia and runs one of the hottest natural
health websites in

His experience working with thousands of individuals

has given him a level of expertise in the field. He has
had the privilege of traveling to London with the
Maximized Living wellness advisory council to help the
USA athletes win the gold in 2012.

He is a leading writer for “NaturalNews,” “Natural-

Health 365,” “Organic Lifestyle Magazine” and “Primal-
Docs” which are four of the top online health publica-
tions in the world. He is also on the expert panel for the
popular “South African Journal of Natural Medicine.”
He has well over 1200 professionally published natural
health articles all over the internet and in-print

Dr Jockers is the author of “SuperCharge Your Brain:

The Complete Guide to Radically Improve Your Mood,
Memory and Mindset.” He is also a sought after speaker
around the country on such topics as weight loss, brain
health, functional medicine, natural detoxification and
disease prevention.
Dr Jockers also does local and long-distance consulta-
tions to help customize specific lifestyle plans to
improve performance and beat chronic disease.

Contributing Authors:

Megan Kelly:
Megan is a Licensed Esthetician specializing in holistic nutrition,
woman’s hormones, and spiritual health. Her mission is empow-
ering people to live a life of bliss through nourishing their mind,
body, and spirit.

Megan blogs at where she explores the in-

credible healing power of real food, a balanced lifestyle, and how
to get our bodies working exactly how our Creator intended them
to. It is Megan’s goal to see people restored and experience true
health and joy like never before.

In her spare time, Megan loves hiking, wake boarding, cooking,

and spending time in the beautiful mountains of Colorado.

Kimberly Fuller, NASM CPT, CES is best described as a

‘Nutrition Nerd’ and teaches Total Transformation and Nutrition
Bootcamps in churches and the corporate world. She is
passionate about teaching and equipping the body of Christ to
regard physical health as a spiritual discipline (1 Cor. 6: 12-20).
Kimberly believes that by regaining or maintaining optimal health
and wellness, the body of Christ will be in the best position to
accomplish the assignments God has called His people to.

Her website is

231 231
Kelcie Yeo:
Kelcie is a born-again Christian, certified health coach who
resides in the Chicago, Illinois area. She loves the Lord, her
family and her country with all of her heart. She teaches
others how to eat and prepare healthy foods that taste like the
food she thought she could never have. You can find more info
on her blog at

Miss Dot:
Miss Dot became an advocate of the Maximized Living (ML) diet
in 2010 when diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Under the guid-
ance of her ML doctors she reversed the Diabetes within a month
with the added benefit of losing a large amount of weight. Once
she looked at the recipes on the healing diet she decided that to
stay on that program she would have to come up with recipes that
appealed to her tastes.

Because of her venture into nutrition she has over 100 recipes
converted to acceptable ML ingredients that anyone can prepare
that are delicious, nutritious and most of all healing. She loves
cooking and experimenting with food that matters.

She adds her training in classical cooking along with the avant
guard new trends always adhering to the ingredients that helped
bring her back to health. She also loves blogging about the local
food market and the history of food, farmers, events and family
in her area, the Southeast. And most of all she loves to hear from
her readers.

Find her blog at /

Cassie Bradley:
Through her own battles with autoimmune disease, arthritis,
allergies and more, Cassie learned that eliminating certain
foods from her diet made a drastic difference in her quality of
life. In 2013, she launched
to help others learn how they can open the door to a healthy
future of their own. Cassie’s blog provides healthy recipes,
factually based health articles and even inspirational posts
that address the spiritual components of health and wellness.

You can read her blog at where she has
fantastic recipes and powerful spiritual messages.

Cindy Jockers:
Dr Jockers sister-in law has battled through celiac disease and
created a passion for cooking and food preparation. She is
a nature enthusiast who loves to do anything outside (lawn
care, landscaping, sustainable organic farming, free range
chickens, pets, hiking, kayaking, forest bathing) and to listen
to and assist others in their pursuit of health and oneness.

You can visit her blog at:

Kate Battistelli:
Kate’s a writer and author who loves to cook and create
healthy recipes using whole foods and organic ingredients.
She’s the author of Growing Great Kids-Partner with God to
Cultivate His Purpose in Your Child’s Life, published by
Charisma House and she blogs about food and faith at

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Chapter Seven
FAQ (Choosing Supplements)
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