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Student name: Huzaifa Sajid


Teacher Name: Sir Salman Yahya

Subject: Fundamentals of Marketing



The main problem in our society is pollution. Garbage is waste material discarded by humans, usually
due to perceived lack of utility, which cause many diseases.

So many products are produced and thrown out every day that’s why garbage is turning into a major
ecological nightmare.

Government should make strict laws regarding this issue and implement on the public strictly. Concept
of reduce, recycle and reuse should pe introduced to the people. We can reduce pollution on the land
by the reuse of a lot of things for example the reuse of clothes and the reuse of plastic bags etc. By the
process of recycling, we can reduce the amount of solid refuse going to the landfills. And by this way we
can also make contributions in saving the natural resources.

The biggest problem in the whole world is corruption. Corruption weakens democracy and hampers
economic development. Corruption is the misuse of entrusted power for private gain.

We need to do every billing, fee or some other chargers through banking system or online with fix
amount and everyone knows about that. Take strict and legal action against corrupted person. Through
this system the rate of corruption will reduce.


In our society, parking is the major problem which causes road blockage and it becomes time consuming
for everyone. Shortage of parking space is one of the main reason that is causing parking issues.

First of all, we have to reduce number of vehicles on road to avoid parking and road issues. A good
public transport system can play a crucial role in reducing the total count of the vehicles on the road.
Government has to provide best transport facility to the public. And all institutes must provide a proper
place to the people for parking vehicles.

Cat's eyes are used to improve road line visibility and also used as speed breakers at most of the places
that are damaging the automobiles.

The road infrastructure has been improved because of revolutionary changes in automobile industry,
but in our society, unfortunately cat’s eyes are still considered an essential to mark lanes and to slow
down the vehicles speed by using them as speed breakers and cement concrete speed breakers are also
used at many places. Slowing down is not an option sometimes and car can hit the speed bump and the
wrong angle may also cause damage to the car.

Speed breakers must be replaced by rubber speed bumps, they are environment friendly and also
improve visibility to the drivers as compared to cement concrete speed breakers. These rubber speed
bumps do not damage the cars.

An overhead power line is a structure that is used in electric power distribution and transmission, to
transmit electricity across the large distances. It consists of many electrical cables suspended by poles
and towers.

These lines have bad visual impact and pollute the areas where they are installed. Sometimes these lines
come in the way of low flying aircrafts or drone that can prove really harmful. These lines also come in
the way of flying birds. There is a great risk of being hit by lightning in overhead transmission system.
Storms may also damage the system and also are not safe for living lives.

Overhead transmission system must be replaced by underground transmission system. Underground
systems usually lasts much longer than overhead wiring system. It requires less maintenance and there
are low chances of developing faults and it also reduces the chances of fire fighting hazards. They have
reduced the visual bad impact because the electrical cables are below the ground. That’s why overhead
transmission system must be replaced by underground transmission system.


Noise pollution is the excessive and unwanted sound that have bad effects on wildlife, human and on
their health and also on environment.

Noise pollution is increasing day by day in our society. Loud sound exposure can cause heart diseases,
high blood pressure, stress and sleep disturbance that affect people of every age. It also has a really bad
and negative impact on wildlife species.

We can reduce noise pollution by playing our role individually, by turning off appliances when not in use,
by using earplugs, by lowering the volume, by regular maintenance of vehicles and machines, by
planting more trees etc. By controlling noise pollution, we can control negative impact on health that
noise pollution has on everyone.


Poverty is one of the major issues that most of the people are facing even in this era. Poverty is a
condition or state in which a person or even a community lacks the financial resources for a minimum
standard of living in this world.

Poverty is linked with negative conditions such as substandard housing, homelessness, inadequate
nutrition and food insecurity, inadequate child care, lack of access to health care, unsafe neighborhoods,
and under-resourced schools which adversely impact our nation's children.
The best way to reduce poverty is a well-paying job. Rapid and sustained economic growth policies and
programs should be developed and sustained in the areas such as education, health, nutrition and
foremost thing is that allowing the poor to contribute to the growth. According to a survey, 10 percent
increase in a country's average income reduces the poverty by 20-30 percent.


Illiteracy is lack of knowledge and we can also say that the inability to write and read. When a person is
not able to read even simple books, simple letters and is not able to write anything more than his own
name is an example of illiteracy.

Illiteracy is the serious threat for any society. The illiterate dies young. There is more chance that an
illiterate earns less money than an educated one. The society with greater rate of illiteracy experience
more crimes, poverty, intolerance, social unrest and upheaval. The illiterate person cannot become a
good citizen.

Government can reduce the rate of illiteracy in our society by paying attention towards the government
schools. People should be given awareness for the need of education. Parents must know the
importance of knowledge. Funds should be provided to the poor students for purchasing books, uniform
and other school materials.

Transport facilities should be provided to the students, government should provide free transport to the
students. And the most important thing is that qualified teachers should be appointed to teach the
students in every educational institute.

Nepotism can be said a form of favoritism which is given to the relatives and friends in various fields,
including entertainment, business, fitness, politics, sports, and in many other institutes and

Nepotism can also become a cause of losing proficient and well deserving employees for the company,
which can affect the organizations goods, services and products. It can also become a cause of fraud in
the institute or any organization. Furthermore, member of the family may bring the family conflict into
their workplaces.

To stop nepotism every institute every organization should announce properly their objectives and goals
they want to achieve. They must treat all employees fairly and equally.

The companies make sure that the job is given to the one who deserve it. They should rely exclusively on
employee referrals. Government should make strict rules regarding nepotism.

Unemployment is a serious issue for any economy. The unemployment can result in severe financial
hardship and poverty, homelessness, debt, stress, family tensions, boredom, increased social isolation,
crime, shame and stigma, lack of confidence and self-esteem, the atrophying of work skills and also ill-

The first thing to do to reduce unemployment from our society is the proper planning by the
government. The education system of our society should be well managed and equal. Government
should establish training and technical institutions where skills programs are offered. To reduce
unemployment from the society, government should introduce new jobs for the young youth.

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