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Better Than He Can

by TicketToAnywhere

"Bullshit it's not Austin's fault. I know for a fact if I fucked you I would make you come."

"Shut up Lauren. No you couldn't"

The green eyed girl raised an eyebrow playfully. "Want a bet?"


Hiding the fact that she's been in love with her best friend for the past three years has been the
hardest thing Lauren has ever had to do, but when certain boundaries are crossed, it's about to
get a whole lot harder.

**This story is explicit and has been made private by wattpad, so you may need to be following
me to read it**
Part 1/2

A/N: A random little two shot I wrote, loosely based off of Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes.
Warning: Smut, a lot of smut.

"Sex is overrated." Camila mumbled through a mouthful of popcorn as she watched
the particularly steamy love scene of the movie playing on the TV in front of her.
Lauren's eyes shot open as she turned to look at her best friend. "You did not just
say that."
"What? It is." Camila replied rolling her eyes, although she knew she should have
seen this coming. Lauren loved sex, she always had. Camila knew this due to the fact her older
friend often made a point of telling her about all of her explicit encounters over the years. Gay
girls, straight girls, unsure girls, Lauren seemed to get them all.
Lauren reached over to grab the remote control sitting between them on the bed and
paused the movie. "How the hell is it overrated?" She pushed, not willing to let the subject go
Camila shrugged. "It's just not what people make it out to be. Female orgasms aren't
even real."
Lauren's face dropped as she stared back at her friend in complete disbelief. "You're
kidding right? You know you're talking shit?"
"No I'm not." The younger Latina shot back as she shoved more popcorn into her
mouth without shame.
"Uh, earth to Camila, I can tell you for a fact that female orgasms are real. Have you
even had sex?" Lauren replied mockingly.
"Shut up Jauregui, you know I have!" Camila snapped. "I lost my virginity to Austin
like six months ago."
"And how often do you have sex now?" The green eyed girl probed.
"I don't know." Camila shrugged. "It's hard sometimes with both our parents being
around. Maybe once a week."
Lauren's eyes widened once again. "Wait, so you're telling me that you've been
fucking that asshole at least once a week for six months and he's never made you come? Not
even once?"
"I don't know." The younger girl blushed. "Girls don't come the same as boys, it's
hard to tell."
"Camz that's such bullshit, if you came you would know about it. I can't fucking
believe you've never had an orgasm."
Camila sighed, she was regretting starting this conversation at all. "It's not that big a
deal. I talked to Dinah, Ally and Normani about it once, they said they don't always come either.
It's normal for girls."
"Normal for straight girls' maybe." Lauren scoffed. "But every girl I fuck comes at
least once."
Well then maybe there's just something wrong with me." The younger girl looked
down at her lap, fidgeting with her fingers awkwardly in a way that made Lauren suddenly feel a
pang of guilt in her stomach. This wasn't Camila's fault, she knew she really shouldn't be mocking
"Does he use foreplay?" The green eyed girl pried, her tone at least a little softer
"I'm not talking about this with you. You're just trying to make me feel dumb." Camila
replied, still refusing to meet her friend's eyes.
"No I'm not? Why would I want to do that? I'm trying to help."
"Sometimes." Camila sighed.
Lauren furrowed her brow in confusion. "What?"
"He uses foreplay sometimes." Camila clarified.
Ok, now we're getting somewhere, Lauren thought. "And how often is sometimes?
Like most times, or every once in a while?" She continued.

"He's done it a few times I guess. This is really none of your business Lauren."
"What does he do?" Lauren asked, ignoring the other girl's last statement. She knew
Camila was going to have to be pushed if she was going to talk about her sex life. Unlike Lauren,
the only time she'd ever discussed sex with her friend before was when she told her she'd lost her
virginity to Austin. Lauren had freaked out, and not in a good way. She told Camila that she was
too young and that she really should have waited, even though she was only a year older and had
lost her own virginity at fifteen. Camila called her a hypocrite and stormed out. They didn't speak
for two days after that, not until Lauren came crawling into Camila's bed for their usual Friday
movie night. "I'm sorry." She had whispered into her best friend's neck, as she wrapped her arms
around her waist. "I just think you deserve better." And the subject wasn't mentioned again.
Until now, that is.
"Just normal foreplay." Camila replied awkwardly.
Lauren stared back at her blankly, silently asking for her to elaborate on 'normal
"Like he'll like use his fingers."
"How long for?" Lauren pressed further. Talking about sex just wasn't something that
made her feel awkward, it was a natural thing.
"Does it matter?"
"Yeah actually, it does." The green eyed girl replied bluntly. "Just answer the damn
questions Camz, I'm trying to help!"
"I don't know. Just before he puts it in, maybe like thirty seconds I guess, I don't
"Ok, so basically no foreplay then. He just sticks his dick in you?" Lauren says
bluntly with a hint of disgust in her voice.
"I guess." Camila sighed. "But that's what sex is Lauren. You wouldn't know, you're a
lesbian, you've never had proper sex."
Lauren raised an eyebrow. "Proper sex?"
The smaller girl rolled her eyes. "Don't look at me like that, you know what I mean.
Sex with a boy, you haven't experienced that. You don't know how it's meant to be or feel so don't
act like you do."
"And thank God for that, you're not really selling it to me Camila, it sounds horrible."
"It's not bad." The younger girl defended even though she knew it was a lost cause
at this point.
"Yea but it's obviously not good either." Lauren shot back.
"Well he can't be that bad, he's had sex with girls before me."
"That makes it even worse." Lauren groaned. "Austin should know what he's doing.
Do you not even get sort of close to it when he eats you out?"
Camila didn't reply but Lauren could read the answer from the look on her face.
"Please tell me he's given you head at least once?"
The brown eyed girl shrugged in return. "He says it's gross."
"Oh my god. Camila, what the fuck are you doing?" Lauren cried out in exasperation.
"I literally can't believe what I'm hearing. And let me guess, he still expects you to suck his dick
any time he whips it out?"
Camila bowed her head looking embarrassed and Lauren immediately felt a wave of
sadness wash over her. Camila was an amazing person, the best, at least in Lauren's eyes. She
deserved to be with someone that treated her like the princess she was.
Lauren took hold of Camila's hand giving it a light squeeze causing her friend to look
up at her once more. "Does it even feel good when you have sex? Like are you enjoying it at all?"

"Sometimes. A little." Camila replied in a small sad voice. "I don't know Lauren, can we just drop
this now?"
"No we can't. Does Austin know that you never finish?" Lauren continued with her
tirade of questions.
"I guess he does. I faked it a few times at the start but I don't anymore."
That was all Lauren needed to hear. "You need to dump him." She announced.
"No I don't." Camila shot back defensively.
"Yes you do Camz! If it was only on rare occasion you weren't coming, then yeah,
maybe that would be normal. But your boyfriend has literally never made you orgasm. He's a
selfish asshole. If I had a girlfriend and I wasn't making her come I would feel like total shit, I would
be doing everything I could to make it happen, he's clearly not even trying."
"Maybe he is though." Camila said, raising her voice now. It was a good thing
Lauren's parents were out for the night with friends. "Maybe it's not Austin's fault and it's just me,
maybe I can't."
"Bullshit it's not Austin's fault. I know for a fact if I fucked you I would make you
"Shut up Lauren. No you couldn't"
The green eyed girl raised an eyebrow playfully. "Want a bet?"
"No! And it's not like it's even the same thing, it's a different kind of sex, it wouldn't be
a fair test."
Lauren shrugged. "It would if I used a strap on."
"Ok then," The younger Latina scoffed. "Fuck me with your strap on and prove me
wrong Lo."
"Fine." Lauren replied simply.
It was Camila's turn for her face to drop as the sudden realization of where this
conversation was going hit her. "Wait you were actually being serious?" She said uncertainly.
"You weren't?" Lauren gulped.
"Oh. Neither was I." The green eyed girl tried to backtrack, although it was useless
Awkward silence fell between the two friends.
"Lauren. You're my best friend, it would be weird." Camila finally said.
Lauren shook her head. She's already done the damage, she supposed there was
nothing to lose now. "That's why it wouldn't be weird, who do you trust more than me?"
Camila looked back at her for a moment, searching her eyes questioningly. "No
one." She finally replied, making Lauren's heart do a back flip.
"Exactly. I just want to show you that sex is meant to be good. It's meant be
amazing, it's meant to feel amazing." Lauren wasn't quite sure where this confidence had come
from but she was just going to roll with it.
Camila furrowed her brow. "And what's in it for you? If it's a bet, there's got to be
something in it for you right?"
I get to have sex with the girl I've been in love with since I was fifteen years old,
Lauren thought, but she would never let herself say it.
"If I can make you come then you dump Austin." She replied instead.
"And if you can't?"
"I'll never bug you about your relationship with him again. I'll even start being nice to
the asshole."
Camila let out a chuckle. "I honestly don't give shit if you're nice to Austin, I find your
bickering quite amusing actually."
"Fine. I'll pay for Paris." Lauren said bluntly.

"The trip to Paris we talked about going on once you graduate in June? If I don't
make you come than I'll pay for us both to go when I'm home during winter break instead."
Alongside sex, the fact Lauren was getting ready to go to college in a few weeks
was another subject Camila didn't like to talk about. Her and Lauren had been best friends since
they met on the first day of Camila's Freshman year and they'd been inseparable ever since.
They'd been a constant for each other over the last three years, through the best and worst times
of each others lives, so the thought of being at the opposite ends of the country was something
that Camila would rather not think about until she had to.
"You know you'll lose right?" The younger girl said, startling herself at the fact the
words that had just come out of her mouth sounded like an agreement
"What makes you think that?"
"Well for one I'm not gay, so I'm probably not even going to be turned on, and two, if
it's not happening for me with a real dick I highly doubt a fake plastic one is going to do it for me."
"We'll see." Lauren smirked cockily.
"You're serious about this aren't you?"
The older girl shrugged which was followed by a silence between the two friends.
"If we were going to do it we would need to set some boundaries so it doesn't get
weird." Camila finally said.
"Like what?" Lauren tried to reply calmly, however on the inside she was freaking
out. She couldn't believe that Camila seemed to be actually considering having sex with her.
The younger girl thought about it for a moment. "Maybe we shouldn't kiss?"
"Camila..if you're going to come then you need to be as turned on as possible. I'm
going to be kissing you...everywhere." As the words left Lauren's mouth she swore she saw tint of
red coming to the younger girl's cheeks. Was she was blushing?
"Fine, we can kiss, but lights off, I don't want you to see me naked." Camila said
decisively, grabbing back Lauren's attention.
"Camila...I've seen you naked before...multiple times actually." Lauren chuckled. She
had to physically stop herself from mentally undressing her friend right there. Lauren was a huge
fan of Camila's body, she was slim but still curvy in all the right places. One place in particular
caught Lauren's attention more than others though.
"Yeah, but this is different." Camila argued. "And plus, if the lights are off then at
least I can imagine you're a boy."
Lauren felt a pang in her chest at Camila's words and suddenly it seemed like
maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. She'd been in love with Camila for three years. A
heart-breaking, one-sided love. Ok, that wasn't strictly true, Lauren knew Camila loved her too,
she told her all the time. She just didn't love her the way Lauren needed her to. The way Lauren
dreamed she did when she was sleeping at night. She'd never made a move though, she cared
about Camila's friendship too much, so she forced herself to switch it off. Which she usually
managed to a degree, but every so often some of those locked up feelings would find a way to slip
through the cracks. Like when Camila had one of her funny half hours where she couldn't stop
laughing at everything and cracking the dumbest jokes. Or when they spent duvet days cuddled
on the couch watching Friends re-runs. Or when Camila talked about something she was excited
or passionate about. Ok, Lauren's feelings for the younger girl slipped through quite a lot. But
worst of all was when Camila and Austin had a fight. Camila had a habit of showing up at Lauren's
door crying, and without question the older girl would take her into her bed and hold her until she
calmed, falling asleep curled in her arms. Sometimes, once Lauren knew her friend was sound
asleep, she would let herself kiss her forehead and run her hands through her hair. For just a
minute, she would let herself pretend Camila was hers.

As Lauren thought about those moments, she realized this was probably going to be the only
opportunity she was ever going to have to kiss or touch Camila the way she had wanted to for so
long. So even if she knew it was going to hurt like hell after, she couldn't pass this opportunity up.
She would regret it for the rest of her life.
"Fine. Lights off, but that's it" The older girl said bluntly, trying to hide the emotion
she was feeling right now from her voice.
"I don't know Lauren." Camila replied uncertainly. "I don't like that we're not setting
any boundaries, I don't know if I'm comfortable with you just being able to do whatever you want."
"Camila...I'm not going to do anything that you don't want. I don't know how sex with
Austin goes, but when I have sex I read the other person, what they like, what they don't like, what
they want, what they don't want. I don't need a list of guidelines...especially not with you."
"I guess." Camila replied after a few more silent moments. "You promise it's not
going to be weird between us after?"
"It's not going to be weird. You're not attracted to girl's right? So it's not like you're
going to catch feelings."
"What if you catch feeling for me?" Camila shot back playfully.
Damn if only she knew, Lauren thought with a smirk. "As if. I've seen you at your
worst Cabello, you're gross." She replied instead.
"That's true." Camila giggled. "Fine, let's just do this."
"You, you, want to do it now?" Lauren stuttered, she never stuttered.
"Well if we're going to do it we might as well get it over with."
"I guess you're right." Lauren swallowed. She couldn't believe this was really
happening. Trying to control her emotions, Lauren turned away and used the controller to turn off
the TV. The room suddenly felt very quiet.
"You know once we do this we can't ever take it back right? It's going to be engraved
in your mind forever." Camila joked to fill the silence, but her voice was filled with nerves.
"You can still change your mind Camila." Lauren turned to her friend and said softly
The younger girl shook her head. "And miss the chance to prove you wrong? No
way. Why? Are you starting to doubt your abilities Jauregui?"
"Never." Lauren smirked.
The two girl's eyes met and they shared long drawn out eye contact as they both
tried to read what the hell was going through the other girl's mind.
Camila was the first to look away. "Fuck it. Let's do this." She said.
"Ok. Wait there. I have a new strap-on we can use." Lauren replied, getting up from
her bed and walking over to the set of drawers across the room. She dug down deep to the bottom
pulling out a box, which she opened to retrieve her recent purchase.
When she turned around with the large sex toy in her hand Camila's eyes
immediately widen.
"What, a little bigger than Austin?" Lauren smirked.
"Maybe." The younger girl brushed, although there was no 'maybe' about it, she
knew that was nearly twice the size of Austin's.
"Do you have anything a little... uh, smaller." Camila said awkwardly.
"Yea, but I've used it on like, multiple girls, I wouldn't feel comfortable using it on
Camila nodded slowly, still eyeing up the long thick toy in Lauren's hand, it had to be
8 inches at least. "Will that one hurt?" Camila gulped.

"No. I know how to use it...unlike some people."

"Ok." Camila let out a deep breath.
This was it. Lauren stood at the end of the bed frozen to the spot.. She could hardly
comprehend that she was about to fuck the girl she had been dreaming of for years. No, not fuck,
she thought. She was going to make love to her. Lauren wanted to make this the best experience
of her life. Because even if she knew Camila could never love her the way she wanted, at least
she would be able to see how much better she deserves than Austin Mahone. She could leave
him and find a boyfriend that actually treated her right. It would still hurt, but Lauren figured it
would hurt a little less.
"So uh, do you like, want me to take your clothes off or would you rather we just
undress ourselves?" The green eye girl said nervously, this as possibly the strangest position she
had ever been in.
"Um, ourselves I guess." Camila replied.
Lauren nodded as she turned around to sit on the edge of the bed and began to pull
off her clothes. She would have loved to undress Camila, bit by by bit, admiring her beautiful body,
but she guessed she couldn't have everything.
"Can we put on some music or something?" Camila piped up out of nowhere. "It's
too quiet in here."
"Yeah, just grab my phone and put it on the speaker. There should be a playlist on
my Spotify called Sex"
Camila raised an eyebrow. "You have a sex playlist?"
"Yea, don't you?"
Lauren, who was now completely undressed turned around to look at a half-naked
Camila who was currently bending over in a thong, scrolling through Spotify. Lauren's mind drifted
as she imagined herself taking Camila from behind, slapping her round Cuban ass as she
pounded into her. Camila crying out as Lauren hit her sweet spot over and over. Fuck that would
be hot. She wondered what positions Camila would be down for. Maybe if she got the younger girl
to enjoy it enough she could do multiple. She squeezed her thighs together, shuffling awkwardly
on the spot as she tried to gain control of her dirty mind and the tingling in between her legs.
"Obviously not." Camila said playfully, standing up straight again, totally oblivious to
Lauren practically eye fucking her from behind.
"Well I can't really just put it on shuffle and have the lame Disney soundtrack you
forced me to download coming on whilst I'm trying to seduce a girl." Lauren teased.
"Hey, that's a good soundtrack!" Camila laughed as she walked back over to the bed
with L$D by A$AP Rocky beginning to play out from the speakers.
I know I dream about her all day
I think about her with her clothes off
I'm ridin' round with my system pumpin' LSD
Camila shifted her eyes to Lauren, noticing for the first time that her friend was
completely naked.
Lauren watched on as Camila's eyes scanned down her body, her tongue
subconsciously darting out, wetting her lips. The plump lips that Lauren was finally about to get to
kiss after all this time. This had to be some sort of dream.
"I'm just going to..." Lauren motioned to the strap-on in her hand, turning around to
beginning to put it on, allowing Camila some time to finish undressing. Once she had the toy in
place she turned back around to the younger Latina sitting on the bed, her clothes now completely
discarded. Fuck she was amazing, Lauren thought, although she noticed Camila's hands wrapped
around her waist. She looked so nervous and vulnerable.
"Lo, can you turn off the light?" Camila practically whispered.
Lauren nodded and moved to the other side of the room to flick off the switch, the
large dildo swinging between her legs as she walked. She could practically feel Camila's eyes
burning into her. When she turned back around her assumptions were proven to be right, as she
saw the younger girl's gaze quickly dart away from her. She wondered if Camila was staring
because she liked what she saw, or if she was just curious. She assumed it was sadly the latter.

The room was dark now, but not dark enough that she couldn't see where she was going. Lauren
walked back over to the bed and took a seat. What now? She felt like Camila was about to put a
stop to this at any moment, she didn't really want to go through with this did she? What if she was
regretting her decision but was too scared to say anything? Camila wasn't always the most
outspoken girl, she often relied on Lauren to do the talking for both of them when they were out in
public or meeting new people. It always made Lauren worry about what would happen when she
wasn't around to speak up for her friend. Camila was the type of person that could easily be taken
advantage of, she was too sweet and trusting.
"Camila?" Lauren said softly.
"If you do, you know...change your mind, tell me and I'll stop. It doesn't matter how
far we get."
Camila was silent for a moment "Ok." She croaked out.
"Come here." Lauren finally motioned the younger girl towards her and she felt the
bed dip as Camila scooted closer.
"Close your eyes." The older Latina instructed in a whisper. "I'm going to kiss you
Camila nodded silently. The tension in the air between them right now was
completely undeniable. It was a sexual tension on Lauren's side, but she guessed it was a nervous
tension radiating from the other.
With that, Lauren finally bit the bullet and leaned in. Her heart was pounding so loud
in her chest she wouldn't be surprised if Camila could hear it. She lifted her hand, gently resting it
on the other girl's cheek, their lips brushing in a feather light touch. This was it. Lauren made the
final move connecting their lips, sending an electric shock through her entire body. She brought
her other hand up and rested it gently on Camila's thigh, cautious that this needed to be taken
slow so that she wouldn't overwhelm her. Their lips started to move together, a little stiff and
awkward on Camila's part but she was gradually easing into it. Lauren let her tongue graze over
the younger girls bottom lip, eager to deepen the kiss. Camila obliged, but as Lauren's tongue
slipped into the brown eyed girl's mouth, Camila let out a little laugh, stopping her in her tracks.
"I'm Sorry, I'm sorry." Camila giggled as she pulled back slightly.
"What's so funny?" Lauren gulped, wondering if she'd done something wrong and
messed this up already.
Camila bit her lip and Lauren's stomach squirmed. "I was just imagining Dinah, Ally
and Normani's faces if they knew what we were doing right now."
Lauren let out a relived chuckle. "Fuck, they'd be freaking out."
"Totally." The younger girl laughed back awkwardly. The room went silent once
After a few moments Camila let out a deep breath, trying to focus herself. "You
wanna try that again?"
Lauren was the one silently nodding this time, feeling a little shocked that Camila
was the one trying to move this forward now.
Lauren moved in once again and this time Camila met her half way bringing their lips
back together. They slowly began to kiss, gently sucking on each other's lips, exploring this totally
alien part of their relationship. For Lauren it was perfect, but she couldn't help but notice Camila's
hands awkwardly placed at either side of her thighs, seemingly too afraid to touch her. Lauren
delicately took both of Camila's wrists in her hands and lifted her arms to loosely wrap them
around her shoulders. Lauren then brought her own hand up, sliding it into Camila's long messy
hair, the other resting softly on her waist. She let her fingers trace up and down her bare skin
"Relax, Lauren mumbled into the kiss, giving her friend's hip a light supportive
squeeze. Lauren's reassurance must have done the trick as she finally felt Camila relax against
her and her mouth opened slightly, granting Lauren access with her tongue.

As the kiss deepened, Lauren slowly pushed Camila back so that her head was rested on a pillow.
Lauren was now in between Camila's bent legs, using her arms to support herself over her. She
was cautious that she didn't want her chest to press against Camila's and put her off, but as she
felt her nipples graze against the smaller girls chest, she knew it was going to be unavoidable,
maybe she should have kept a sports bra on. She had even less control over the strap-on, which
was hanging between Camilla's legs, knocking into her center every time Lauren rocked slightly
forward, although she assumed that wouldn't freak Camila out the way her breasts pressing
against her would.
Lauren flicked her eyes up to the younger girl. She was remaining quiet, but the way
she was biting her lip and the concentration her face told the green eyed girl that keeping this
silent was taking a lot of effort. Seeing that as a challenge, Lauren moved her wet kisses down to
Camila's breasts, flicking her tongue over Camila's nipple a few times before taking it fully into a
mouth. The younger girl's resolve seemed to be slipping, as a noise finally sounded from her
throat. It wasn't a moan per say, it was more of a hum, but it only spurred Lauren on. She was
going to have her screaming by the time they were done.
After giving Camila's other breast the same treatment, she continued kissing, licking
and sucking her way down the young Cuban's perfect body, worshiping every inch of it with her
hot mouth. She continued down until she was leaving lust filled kisses across Camila's hips, down
her groin and finally settling in between her legs, nipping her teeth and sucking the skin on the
inside of Camila's thighs.
Camila stiffened slightly as she realized Lauren's face was moving towards her
center. "What are you doing? This wasn't part of the agreement." She mumbled, grabbing Lauren
roughly by the hair. The aggression of it, made Lauren feel a gush between her own legs.
"This, Camila, this is real foreplay. Lie back and enjoy it." Lauren smirked/
Camila sighed and gave in, lying back and letting Lauren do what she had to do.
Honestly she'd wanted Austin to give her head for ages so she was glad she was finally going to
experience it.
Lauren let her flat tongue swipe up over Camila's folds, brushing over her clit once
she reached the top. The younger girl's hips bucked slightly below her, a low groan sounding from
inside her throat. Lauren smiled and kissed her center lightly before repeating the motion a few
more times, pushing her tongue a little deeper into Camila's slit with each lick. She then moved her
attention solely to the Latina's clit, pushing the hood back delicately with her fingers as she let her
tongue begin to flick gently over the sensitive nub. Lauren pulled back slightly, spitting some saliva
onto the younger girl, lubricating her bundle of nerves so that her tongue could glide smoothly
around it. After a minute or so Lauren's entire mouth was suctioned around Camila's clit her
tongue moving expertly against it inside her mouth. Camila was now squirming beneath her,
uncontrollably panting.
"Shit, this feels so good." Camila groaned and Lauren felt pride seer though her as
the younger girl brought her hand around to the back on Lauren's head, gripping her hair once
again. She was holding Lauren against her now, rather than pulling her back like before.
Lauren glanced up to her friend and saw Camila's back arched off the bed, her head
tilted back as she continued to try and hold in her moans of pleasure. She knew Camila wasn't
going to be able to continue holding back much longer, so she let her continue to try.
Lauren let her fingers take over, working Camila's clit whilst she brought her tongue
down to tease Camila's entrance once more. The younger girl bucked up against her violently now
and Lauren continued to push her tongue deeper into her center. Lauren let out a groan of her
own at the taste of Camila's juices and the vibration of the older girls mouth seemed to push
Camila over the edge.

"I need...I need you now."

This took Lauren by surprise, she immediately stopped what she was doing,
removing her tongue from inside Camila. "What." She gawped, shocked by Camila's bluntness.
"I need you to fuck me right now Lo." Camila repeated, her voice sounding urgent.
Lauren swallowed, that was probably the hottest thing she had ever heard. Usually
this was the point where Lauren would tease a little more but she could tell how heated Camila
was and she didn't want her to come just yet, not whilst she was still fucking her with her tongue,
because then it would be over before she even got started. Lauren obliged the younger girls
wishes and began kissing her way up Camila's body.
Caught up in the moment Lauren brought her lips to Camila's ear. "Do you want my
cock inside you?" She said lowly. This could go either way. Either Camila was going to be
incredibly tuned on or she'd totally freaked out. Lauren was pretty sure that like oral, dirty talk
wasn't part of the original agreement, but look how much Camila had ended up enjoying that.
There was low lust-filled groan from Camila's throat that told Lauren all she needed
to know. It seemed like Camila was possibly kinkier than Lauren had previously imagined, and god
she's imagined this more times than one.
"Ask me to fuck you, I want to hear you say it again." Lauren repeated, making the
most out of the fact that Camila seemed to love this.
Camila groaned again. "Please just fuck me. I need you inside."
"I can do that." Lauren husked. "I'm going to make you come so hard you forget
Austin's name."
Lauren let her hand slide down Camila's stomach and in-between her legs, circling
her swollen nub a few times before sliding her fingers into her wet folds. Camila couldn't control
her whimpers as her friend plunged her fingers in and out of her, stretching her walls. When
Lauren felt like she was ready, she inserted a third finger, trying to make sure she was prepared
for what was to come. Camila was tight around her fingers but she was wet enough to handle it.
Lauren began kissing and sucking on Camila's neck again, helping her relax as she moved her
digits inside her. Once she knew she was definitely ready she pulled out her fingers which were
coated with Camila's sticky juices. Lauren palmed the large dildo between her legs and started
lining up.
Camila's eyes shot open a little. "Are you not using any lube?" She asked, looking a
little startled.
"You don't need it Camz, you're so wet right now. You're literally dripping."
Camila didn't look quite convinced.
"Give me your hand." Lauren ordered as she took Camila's hand with her own. She
pulled it down between the smaller girl's legs, manipulating her fingers though her own soaking
folds. Camila let out a deep moan.
"See how wet you are?" Lauren mumbled lustfully as she pushed two of the girl's
fingers deeper into herself with her own. "This, is how Austin is supposed make you feel."
With both of their finger still inside the younger girl Lauren bent down and began
kissing her, letting her tongue slide into the Camila's mouth. The more experienced Latina could
tell Camila was kissing her differently now, she was enjoying this, there was no doubt about it.
Lauren wondered who she was picturing, but quickly pushed the thought to the back of her mind.
She pulled both their hands from Camila's center now, putting the head of the toy at
the Camila's entrance and beginning to rub it up and down the girl's soaking folds bumping into
her clit as she collected the wetness and spread it over the length of the dildo with her hand.
Camila let out a needy whimper.

"You ready babe." Camila looked up at Lauren with hooded eyes and nodded. They both new that
she'd already lost the bet, Camila was barely going to last a minute once the older Latina started
fucking her, but Lauren wanted to draw this out as long as possible.
Camila watched as Lauren began to slowly slide the toy into her, she couldn't stop
her eyes from rolling back into her head. Lauren felt so good. No, Lauren's strap-on felt so good,
Camila mentally corrected herself.
Once Lauren was half way in she stilled for a moment letting Camila adjust before
she slowly began to pump inside of her with short shallow thrusts, inching a little bit further into her
sex with every stroke until she was all the way in. She stilled once again letting Camila get used to
the sensation. "You ok?" Lauren whispered.
"Holy shit." Camila moaned with pleasure in a way that gave Lauren all the answers
she needed. She spread Camila's legs wider and bent them up, lifting her feet off the bed to wrap
her legs around her waist.
Lauren began to move inside the smaller girl, with slow, deep stokes, pulling almost
all of the way out before sliding the dildo back in. The sensation of being filled so deeply caused
Camila to let out another low moan, which she immediately tried to stifle.
"No more holding back now babe, that's cheating. Do you know what happens to
bad girls who cheat?" Lauren said menacingly as she pulled the dildo out of Camila's hot core
once again. The younger girl groaned at the loss but Lauren didn't give in, holding herself at
Camila's entrance, hovering there teasingly for a moment. Then, without warning, Lauren plunged
the strap-on back into the smaller girl, beginning to move in her once again, deep and hard,
probably reaching places she'd never been hit before.
"Fuckkk. Oh my god, fuck." Camila panted as Lauren pounded quickly into her over
and over again. "Like that, just like that. Shit."
It was quickly becoming apparent to Lauren that the other girl liked it a little rough.
She sat up onto her knee's grabbing Camila's hips, lifting them off the bed, the new position
allowing her to pick up the pace and strength of her thrusts into the petite Latina. The sound of
Camila's moans and Lauren's skin slapping against her ass and the back of her thighs was
enough for the older girl to feel her own heat starting to grow between her legs. This only spurred
her on as she began to rock into Camila even harder and faster, causing the harness of the sex
toy to repeatedly rub against her own clit. It felt amazing, but it was times like this Lauren really
wished she had an actual penis, she would love nothing more to feel Camila's hot tight sex around
her shaft, swallowing every inch of her.
Moan after moan was now falling out of Camila's mouth and her entire body was
tensing up. Lauren knew she was just moments away from coming undone. She brought her
thumb down to Camila's clit, circling her hard swollen nub as she slowly pulled out once again.
Camila was about to groan in frustration but Lauren didn't give her the chance. She thrust the 8
inch dido back into Camila's hot center causing her to let out a pleasurable scream. With a few
more pumps of Lauren's hips, Camila fell apart beneath her older more experienced friend, but
Lauren didn't stop there. She kept going with the movements of her hips, drawing out Camila's first
orgasm into a second, this one even more intense than before. Finally she pulled out, giving the
shaking girl below her a moment to come down from her first ever orgasm, or orgasms I guess she
should say. Lauren stayed sitting between the younger girls legs stroking her hands soothingly up
and down her thighs.
Lauren watched Camila below her, her chest heaving, skin glistening with sweat and
she craved her with every inch of her body and mind. Camila was like the strongest of drugs and
now she'd had a little taste, she needed another fix.
"Turn over." Lauren panted assertively. Her legs were burning but she definitely had
at least another round left in her.
She half expected the other girl to deny her. It was over now, Camila had lost and
Lauren was sure the younger girl would see no reason for them to continue. But she was wrong.
Surprisingly Camila immediately flipped over without complaint and Lauren's heart practically
stopped, she couldn't believe what was happening.

"On your knee's baby." Lauren instructed and Camila instantly obeyed, getting up onto all fours in
front her. Not wasting any time, Lauren gabbed the younger girl by the waist with one hand, pulling
her ass back, whilst she pressed her other hand down on her back moving her into the position
she wanted. She pushed her chest back onto the bed so that just her ass was in the air
submissively. Lauren looked down at Camila's wet pink entrance, just waiting for her to slip back
Slowly Lauren sank the dildo back into her friend's slit, knowing that she was still
probably feeling a little sensitive. Camila groaned, it was clear from her voice how badly she
wanted this. Lauren placed both her hands on Camila's hips beginning to gradually build up her
pace once again.
Within minutes Camila was beginning to fall apart once more. "Lauren, oh my god
Lauren. Fuck." She moaned loudly.
The sound of her screaming her name made Lauren feel light headed. Suddenly
something hit her, if Camila was screaming her name, that meant she definitely wasn't picturing
some random guy or hot male crush was fucking her. She was picturing Lauren, obviously fucking
her mentally and not just physically. In the shock of the moment Lauren's movement into Camila
slowed and the younger girl quickly became frustrated that she wasn't being given what she
"Laur, can I get on top." Camila asked, taking control of the situation. Still in shock
Lauren nodded silently, quickly changing up their positions once again. She didn't usually bottom,
but if that's what Camila wanted then she would happily bottom for the rest of her life.
Camila straddled Lauren's hips and quickly sank back onto the dildo, not wanting to
loss the heat of the moment. She began grinding and riding on top of her friend at her own pace,
her eyes rolling back into her head. Lauren stared up at the girl bouncing on top of her, taking in
her flushed cheeks, her swollen lips, the pleasure on her face, the darkening hickeys forming her
neck and chest, her skin glistening with sweat. Lauren couldn't believe that another human could
be so beautiful, so perfect.
Camila leaned forward so that her body was hovering over the older girls. Her
forearms were positioned at either side of Lauren's head, which brought them close enough that
chests were knocking against each other's with every movement, Camila's hard nipples repeatedly
brushing against Lauren's breast. The younger girl seemed to have no problem with that part of
Lauren's very female anatomy, on the contrary, she seemed to like it. Lauren now took slight
control back, trusting her hips up into Camila's center from below her, hitting the girl in just the
right spot. Camila was practically screaming in pleasure now, she already knew she had lost so
she wasn't even trying to hold back.
Caught up in the moment Lauren captured Camila's lips in hers, kissing her deeply
before moving down to suck on her pulse point. "You're so beautiful," Lauren said between
kisses. Camila's eyes opened, taking in the girl below her. The two girls stared directly into each
other's eyes as they both quickened their movements. They were moving so effortlessly against
each other now it was almost like they were just one person.
"Camila, shit Camila." Lauren moaned, the sight the girl she'd been madly in love
with for three years riding above her, coupled with the friction of the strap-on still rubbing against
her with every grind of Camila's hips, was tipping her over the edge.
It hit Lauren all at once and suddenly a white heat was searing through her entire
body and she was seeing stars. She came hard, her back arching up, pushing the large toy further
into Camila who immediately came apart on top of her, letting out several gushes wetness,
soaking Lauren's hips and thighs in the process. Camila's body giving up on her and she collapsed
on top of Lauren panting.
Lauren shifted her hips slightly, pulling the dripping dildo out of the smaller girl. She
then brought her hands up to Camila's back, stroking up and down the bare skin soothingly.
"Did you just come?" Camila asked innocently after a few silent minutes whilst they
both caught their breath.
"So fucking hard." Lauren admitted.Suddenly the realization came over her that that
must have seemed quite odd to Camila, because as far as the less experienced girl was aware
she was the only person getting pleasure from this.
"The strap on presses up against me, that's all." Lauren explained, although it was
partly a lie, she could have come just watching Camila ride her.
Camila excepted the explanation and finally got enough energy to roll off Lauren's
body, much to the older girl's dismay.
"Holy shit Lo, that was amazing. I guess you won." Camila sighed, glancing over at
Lauren who was still staring up at the ceiling in a blissful daze.
"Yeah...I won three times." Lauren chuckled.
"I'll speak to Austin tomorrow." Camila replied, reminding Lauren of the bet that had
brought them to do this.
"You don't have to dump him if don't want to." As much as Lauren hated the guy, she
knew it wasn't fair to expect Camila to do that, bet or no bet.
Silence fell between the two girls.
"I want to." Camila finally said.
Silence again. Lauren's mind was running at 100 miles per hour. Did this mean
anything, could it mean anything? She didn't want to get her hopes up, but honestly, right now they
were up, way up.
"I really tried not know." Camila giggled. "I wanted to go to Paris so bad. I
guess I'll get there some day, eventually."
"Camz..." Lauren said uncertainly.
"I uh...I booked Paris for both of us two months ago with the money my family gave
me for my graduation. We're going the week before Christmas, I already ok'd it with your mom."
Camila turned to stare at Lauren searchingly, her eyes trying to work out if this was
some sort of joke. She could see by the look on Lauren's face that it wasn't. "Are you fucking
serious?" She squealed. Pouncing on top of her friend, totally disregarding the fact that they were
both still very naked. "I love you so much, oh my god." The younger girl gushed, kissing Lauren
square on the mouth. Lauren's heart soared as butterflies seemed to take over not just her
stomach, but her entire body.
All of a sudden Camila seemed to realize what she was doing. She froze and then
pulled back abruptly, taking her place once more at Lauren's side, the happiest grin still present on
her face.
"Why couldn't you just be a guy Lauren, you'd make the best boyfriend ever. You're
going to make some girl really fucking happy someday." Camila sighed.
Lauren smiled back at her friend "I hope so." She said, as her heart shattered,
realizing that even now, that girl would probably never be Camila.
A/N: So uh...nice weather we're having.....
If anyone know's how to get around this part being on private, let me know.
Also, if anyone wanted to make a cover for this I would love them forever.
Part 2/2

Everything had changed.

Whether that was because Lauren was now at college one thousand, two hundred
and seventy-six miles away from Camila or part of the aftermath of the night they spent together
before she left, Lauren wasn't sure. All the green eyed girl knew, regardless of the reason, was
that everything felt different now. And not the good kind of different.
It didn't happen straight away, things seemed fine right after. Actually, they seemed
more than fine. Different yes, but it was the kind of different that the older girl had been craving for
the past three years of their friendship. Lauren couldn't help but notice that Camila constantly
seemed to be touching her now. Not in a sexual way exactly, it was more kisses on cheeks for no
apparent reason, hands on thighs whilst they were watching TV, fingers stroking arms just to give
them an excuse to touch. It wasn't a lot, but it was something.
And then it was nothing.
After one week of gentle touches and lingering glances, it all stopped, Camila went
off the radar. Not completely, the younger girl would still reply to Lauren's texts but they were
always blunt one word answers, several hours after she'd originally text her, and that was as good
as it got. No matter what Lauren said or did, Camila couldn't make time to see her, she was
always busy. Busy with what, Lauren wasn't quite sure. The older Latina guessed she couldn't
complain thought, they had been living in each other's pockets recently and maybe Camila just
needed a breather. All the same, she thought it would have been nice to spend her last week
before she left for college with her best friend.
The days flew in. Lauren felt like she blinked and suddenly it was time for her to
leave for New York. The green eyed girl had been dreading this day, she knew it was going to be
hard to leave each and every one of her friends but the thought of saying farewell to Camila made
her feel physically sick, it was going to be the hardest goodbye of them all. Or at least it might
have been if Camila had actually turned up to say goodbye. Lauren waited and waited. She waited
so long at her house that she missed the original taxi she'd booked to take her to the airport and
then she waited so long at the airport she almost missed her flight. But eventually, after over a
hundred missed calls and unread texts, Lauren had to leave Miami without saying goodbye to the
girl that her world had basically revolved around for the last three years.
And that was when Lauren knew everything had changed.
Camila did call her the next day to apologize. Apparently "I got caught up, you have
no idea how crazy everything was yesterday" was a good enough excuse in the younger girls
eyes. It wasn't, but the "You know I love you Lo, I'll make it up to you I promise" that followed after
made Lauren's heart flutter and suddenly she no longer had it in her to be mad at Camila. She'd
never been very good at that.
In Lauren's mind all she could think was, at least she's calling me again, right?
Wrong. As the older girl settled into the new school year, gradually, their calls got
shorter and less frequent. From once a day, to once a week, to whenever Camila could find the
time. And apparently 'the time' was only when she wanted to talk about a new guy she was dating.
Lauren thought the term 'dating' was a very generous way to describe what her
friend from back home was doing.
"Lauren you'll never believe who I had sex with last night. Guess, just guess. You
are going to literally die" the younger girl gushed down the phone after two weeks of no contact at
all. She went on to tell her how amazing it was and how amazing he was and how amazing life
was, and Camila was right, it made Lauren feel like she could 'literally die'. The older girl gradually
started to realize that deep down, part of her had secretly hoped that maybe she was special,
maybe she was the only one who could make Camila feel something. But that clearly wasn't the

The months that followed were much of the same. Lauren tried to distract herself with classes that
were interesting but she could never fully focus on, and parties that were good, but she was never
quite in the mood for, and people that were nice but just weren't Camila. And suddenly her mind
was back on the brown eyed girl and Lauren realized her distractions weren't really that distracting
at all.
To make matters worse, if things could possibly be any worse, since her night with
Camila, Lauren's own sexual relations had gone drastically downhill to the point of nonexistence.
She'd tried, by God she tried, but no matter how hot or experienced the girl was, or how in the
mood for sex Lauren felt, it was never enough to take her all the way, she didn't even get close. If
you asked Lauren, the whole thing seemed incredibly ironic.
Before the green eyed girl knew it, it was winter and her trip to Paris with Camila was
coming up fast. When she'd booked it in June, things had been very different and far less
complicated. Back then, Lauren had thought this might have been the only chance she'd ever get
to win Camila's heart and therefore everything she had booked for them to do screamed 'romantic
getaway for two'. But now, just days away from the trip, Lauren had no idea what she had been
thinking. A romantic vacation was with someone who clearly had no feelings for her was a terrible
idea, what they needed to focus on somehow fixing their rapidly disintegrating friendship. Lauren
quickly realized that she was going to have to spend their week in Paris trying to make all the
coupley activates she'd booked for their itinerary seem as unromantic as one of the
most romantic cities in the world. Fantastic, Lauren thought to herself, fucking fantastic.
Meeting Camila in Miami Airport to catch their flight to Charles De Gaulle was
probably the weirdest experience of Lauren's life. It was weird, because it wasn't weird at all.
Camila sprinted across the airport throwing herself into her best friend's embrace.
Arms wrapped around her neck and legs around her waist, like they hadn't been struggling to have
more than a two minute conversation for the last three months. Camila gushed about how much
she'd missed her and how much there was catch up on and all the fun they we're going to have
that week, before taking her stunned friend by the hand and dragging her towards the check-in
desk. It was like no time had passed at all and the only distance between them recently had been
in geographical miles. It was weird, Lauren thought, but it was only about to get weirder.
The two best friend's sat in the airplane, thousands of meters above the ground,
everyone around them either sleeping or watching one of the in-flight movies. Everyone but
Lauren and Camila anyway. The older girl had thought she'd contained her fear of heights and
flying pretty well up until the point where they had hit some unexpected turbulence. Half an hour
after if finished, she was still gripping the armrests of her seat like they could actually help her if
the plane really fell from the sky like she was convinced it was going to. Camila had been at her
side the entire time, soothing her with her words and those same gentle touches Lauren thought
had ended for good the day Camila didn't say goodbye. It really wasn't making her plans to spend
the week focusing on fixing their friendship easy, but Lauren knew that that was more important
than the butterflies she was feeling in her stomach right now.
"What can I do to make to you feel better?" Camila hummed purposefully into
Lauren's ear. The words could have been considered innocent enough, if it wasn't for the look in
her eyes or the hand that had suddenly slid down to the inside of Lauren's thigh, giving it a subtle
The air caught in Lauren's throat and suddenly she couldn't breathe or move or even
think and none of this made any sense, because Camila had barely spoken to her for months, and
because Lauren still had a pain in her chest that hadn't really left since the night they slept
together, and because everything felt weird even though they had promised it wouldn't, and
because they were supposed to be fixing their friendship that seemed almost unfixable, and
because Camila had made it clear she liked boys.

The hand on her thigh right now really just made no sense at all.
"I...I....I need to go to the bathroom." Lauren stuttered as she quickly stood up from
her seat.
Camila raised an eyebrow playfully. "Want me to come with you?" She added in a
hushed voice.
Lauren mouth dropped open. "Oh, uhh." She replied awkwardly, taking a few steps
backwards down the aisle. In that moment, the older girl wanted nothing more to take Camila to
bathroom fuck her senseless, but she also knew if she did, it would be something their friendship
would probably never recover from, not to mention her heart. Both were already too fragile.
"Thank you no, I mean, no thank you, I'm good." She replied instead, falling over her
words, then turning to walk towards the bathroom as quickly as she could without falling over her
feet too.
When she had finally composed herself enough to return to her seat, Lauren found
the younger Latina watching a movie, legs curled up to her chest, her arms wrapped around her
knees. Something about Camila in that moment reminded Lauren of the fourteen year old girl she
had met all those years ago and her heart melted a little. Noticing her presence, Camila smiled up
at Lauren with a familiar friendly grin before holding out one of her earphone for her to take.
Everything seemed completely normal, Camila seemed completely normal, it was like the last ten
minutes never even happened.
As they sat side by side, now watching a movie that Lauren was paying zero
attention to, she came to the conclusion that maybe she'd just imagined it all and her mind was
just making the situation into something that it wasn't, something she wanted it to be. Whether that
was the case or not, out of all the scenarios in Lauren's head, that was the only one she felt
equipped to deal with right now.
"Lauren, look what they set up for us, this is so cute!" Camila gushed with
excitement when they got into their hotel room, right in the heart of Paris.
Lauren blushed red as she glanced around the room, taking in the rose petals
scattered artistically over the large bed in the centre of the room, the bath towels that had been
expertly crafted into the shape of a heart with a bow and arrow going through it and the bottle of
champagne sitting proudly on the bedside table.
"They must have thought we were a couple or something." Camila added obliviously.
"Yeah, they must have." Lauren awkwardly chuckled. She'd completely forgotten
that she'd asked for all of this when she made the reservation six months ago. She wondered what
the hell she had she been thinking.
Camila beamed as she picked up the alcohol bottle, examining it carefully. "Damn,
this is the good stuff too, we really hit it lucky."
"Yea, lucky" Lauren sighed, thinking her current credit card bill most definitely wasn't
lucky. "Want to get ready to head out?" She added, quickly changing the subject.
"Yeah. I want to have a shower before we do anything though." The younger girl
replied. Lauren nodded and threw herself onto the double bed, scattering the pointless petals to
the floor.
She watched as Camila walked towards the bathroom, her eyes shooting open when
the younger girl began to pull off her shirt before reaching the door. It seemed Camila had deemed
a bra unnecessary with today's outfit choice. Lauren sat on the bed like a rabbit in headlights as
the brown eyed girl disappeared into their en-suite bathroom, a familiar tension that felt a lot like
desire growing at the pit of her stomach. This shouldn't be a big deal, Lauren thought, Camila has
undressed in front of you loads if times before, pull it together Jauregui.
And she did almost mange to pull it together, almost, but not quite.
"Holy shit this bathroom is amazing." Camila called out, pulling Lauren from her
current lust filled daze just in time to see her friend pop the upper part of her body out of the
bathroom door. Her very naked upper body. "You should see the size of the shower Laur, I swear
you could fit like...multiple people in there."

Lauren stared back at her younger friend blankly trying to comprehend what she had just said.
Which was difficult considering she was finding it hard not focus on anything other Camila's
breasts. The younger Latina bit her bottom lip, not helping matters in the slightest. Lauren gulped.
Don't make it something it isn't, she told herself.
"Awesome." She managed to choke out. "I'm going to have a nap." And with that
Lauren rolled over onto her front, burying her head into her pillow. She wished it was as easy to
bury her feelings.
The next few days went by in a blur of sight-seeing, art museums, fancy restaurants,
and Christmas shopping, just like two friends had planned. But what they hadn't planned for was
the tension between them which had been growing with each passing day, simmering away, ready
to explode at any moment. As Camila continued with her advances. Lauren's hopes had started to
grow again, only slightly, but they were there, nagging at the back of her head every time Camila's
hand so much as brushed hers as they walked. But as the week went on, this new found hope
began to fade as Lauren became more and more convinced that her younger friend was fucking
with her on purpose, which was as good as confirmed to her on the third day of the trip.
The two friends were visiting Notre Dame when Camila stopped at a caricature artist
on the steps leading down from the cathedral.
"Lo, can we get him to do a picture of us, please?" The younger girl had pleaded,
fluttering her eyelashes in a way she knew Lauren couldn't refuse, she didn't even stand a chance.
"Are you, a uh, a couple?" The artist asked in slightly broken English once the two
girls finally approached him.
Lauren was about to open her mouth to correct him, when the younger girl jumped in
"Yes." Camila beamed. A very confused Lauren whipped her head in the younger
girl's direction just in time to see her subtly shifting her arms behind her back. "We just got
engaged." The younger girl added a few seconds later as she lifted up her left hand, wiggling her
fingers for the artist to see the pearl ring Lauren had given her for Christmas the year before, now
placed proudly on her wedding finger.
Lauren's heart stopped.
A grin took over the man's face. "Congratulation's. You make a beautiful couple. "
"Merci beaucoup." Camila replied, thanking him. Lauren couldn't breathe, out of all
the strange things Camila had done over the past few days, this had to be the strangest.
"What the hell are you doing?" The green eyed girl hissed once the artist was deep
in concentration working on their drawing.
Camila rolled her eyes in return. "I'm just having a bit of fun, chill the fuck out would
That shut Lauren up. She wasn't sure if she could have spoken even if she wanted
to, she was too busy trying to wrap her head around yet another thing that Camila had done this
week that made no fucking sense. This wasn't a sexual advance like the others though, it was a
romantic one, which seemed to hit the older girl harder and as much as Lauren tried to tell herself
it was nothing, she couldn't stop her heart from the somersaults it was currently doing in her chest.
Only a few minutes later the two girls were being handed their finished picture.
"Wow, this is so great. Look baby, isn't it good." Camila gushed before leaning over
to pace a soft kiss on her friend's cheek. Lauren could have sworn all the blood in her body had
run to her face she was blushing so hard.
"Yeah, great." She just about managed to stutter out.
"How much Monsieur?" Camila asked chirpily, looking back up at the artist, her arm
still draped possessively around Lauren's waist.

The man considered his answer for a moment before speaking. "For the happy couple, today I do
it for free." He finally replied.
"That's so kind of you. Thank you Monsieur." Camila beamed. "Have a nice day."
The two girls walked in silence for a minute, Lauren occasionally glancing over in the
younger Latina's direction as she tried to work out what the hell was going on in her brain.
"What was all that about Camila, why did you...why did you say we were engaged?"
She finally plucked up the courage to ask.
Camila stayed silent for a moment then shrugged. "If you say you just got engaged
or are on your honeymoon you get loads of shit for free, everyone knows that." And with that
Camila sped off towards a stall selling tacky Notre Dame keychains.
Lauren wasn't sure what answer she had been hoping for, but it definitely wasn't
that. She was immediately reminded her of those TV game shows where the contestant has just
lost miserably and the host tells them what they could have won. That's what this felt like. Camila
was literally dangling everything Lauren ever wanted right in front of her before snatching it away
again, taking another little piece of her heart with her. But this wasn't a TV show and Lauren was
done fighting for the prize.
By the final day in Paris the tension was as boiling point. The two girls had been as
each other's throats for the last two days, ever since Lauren had decided she was done with
playing Camila's silly little games.
shouted, just inches away from Lauren's face. They had been getting ready to go out for their final
evening in Paris when everything had kicked off. Over what, neither of them could exactly
"Moody? Are you fucking serious right now? I brought you to PARIS Camila, you're
so fucking ungrateful." Lauren stepped in closer, refusing to back down from the brown eyed girl
that usually had her wrapped around her little finger. "Plus, you're the one who's been acting
weird this entire trip!" She added, voice filled with venom.
"How have I been acting weird? Please enlighten me." Camila spat back. They were
so close now that Lauren could feel the younger Latina's heated breath tickling her lips, it was
making her head spin and she wasn't sure if she wanted to slap her or kiss her. Ok that was a lie,
Lauren knew she wanted kiss the life out of the small brunette right now, and the fact that Camila
still had the ability to do that to her, even when she was this mad, somehow made her even
HAS MESSED WITH YOUR BRAIN CELLS." Lauren shouted before she even had a chance to
fully consider what she was saying.
Camila's face dropped "What, what did you just say?" She said in a tiny voice.
Lauren sighed. "I didn't mean that Camila. I'm just frustrated." She added, trying to
"Well that makes two of us." Camila stepped away from the older girl putting some
space between them, her eyes were filled with hurt. It took all of Lauren's strength not to pull her
back in. "This isn't how I thought this week would be. I thought we would..." Tears began to fall
from Camila's eyes cutting her off from her sentence.
"Hey, hey stop. It's ok. Come here. I'm sorry". Lauren hushed, pulling the younger
girl in to embrace her.
"I'm not ungrateful Laur, I promise you I'm not. I've just missed you like crazy and I
want to enjoy my time with you without fighting every damn second of the day. We never used to
fight." The younger girl sniffed, wiping her tears on her friend's shoulder.

Lauren knew she was right, the entire trip had practically been ruined due to their petty arguments,
and most of which had been caused by the fact Lauren just couldn't handle her emotions around
her once best friend, everything was far too confusing. "Listen Camz, we still have one more night
left in Paris. Let's just try and put everything behind us for tonight and make it perfect, ok? We can
have fun like old times."
Camila looked up at her with a sad smile. "That's all I want." She replied.
Forgetting everything that had happened recently turned out to be easier than either
girl thought it would be and they very quickly slipped back into their old rhythms as they tried to
salvage what was left of the trip. They were both on their best behaviour, acting like the friends
they once were, rather than a dysfunctional couple that were close to breaking point.
The two girls spent the evening eating an exquisite three course meal on a boat as
drifted down the Seine River, the twinkling lights of Paris floating by them. It hadn't gone unnoticed
by the younger girl how much her friend must have spent on all of this, Lauren really had planned
the most beautiful trip for them. This made Camila even more annoyed by the fact she felt like she
was constantly messing things up and agitating the older girl in some way. It was a far cry from the
hopes she had had for their time away together. She wished things between them hadn't
changed, but she also knew it was her fault they had.
As they sailed passed the illuminated Eiffel Tower, the younger girl wanted nothing
more than to reach out and take Lauren's hand, she inched it closer. Things like that used to be ok
for them, but to Camila it seemed like any contact she made with Lauren these days made the
girl's skin crawl. She retracted her hand again, placing it on her own lap so she could make sure it
wouldn't subconsciously wonder, it seemed to have a habit of doing that recently.
Camila's hesitation didn't go unnoticed by Lauren, she'd been watching out of the
corner of her eye as the girl reached out to her, only to retract her hand again moments later. She
hated that her reactions to her friend this week had made her too nervous to even touch her. They
used to hold hands without even a second thought about it. Fuck it, Lauren thought, this doesn't
have to be a big deal, suck it up and hold her damn hand. And with that she reached over to
Camila's lap and entwined the girl's fingers with hers.
"I know this week hasn't gone so smoothly." Lauren said in a hushed voice. "But
there's still no one I'd rather be here with."
Camila turned her head slightly to look at Lauren, biting her lip to stifle a small smile.
"Same." She replied simply.
"What do you want to do now? We might never be in this beautiful city again, so we
might as well make the most of our last night here, I don't want to sleep for a minute of it." Camila
said excitedly as they walked hand in hand like they used to. They hadn't really let go since they
were on the boat and that was almost an hour ago. It was difficult for Lauren at first, but the heart
palpitations in her chest were finally calming down and the whole 'having physical contact with
Camila without being debilitated by it' thing was actually starting to seem possible.
"We could go to a club? There's one near our hotel that looks pretty good." The
older girl suggested.
Camila's eyes lit up at this idea. "Do you think I'll get in?"
Lauren shrugged. "I've heard they're not as strict about ID in Europe, especially
when it concerns beautiful girls, so I'm pretty sure you'll get in no problem."
Lauren almost regretted her words until she saw the very obvious blush finding its
way onto Camila's cheeks. It definitely wasn't the first time she had complimented her friend that
way, so Lauren wasn't sure why it brought this kind reaction out of the younger Latina now. She
decided better than to overthink it though, things were going too well this evening to allow herself
to get caught up on something which most likely meant nothing. After all, it was ice cold and
everyone's cheeks were a little rosy, right?

Lauren squeezed the flustered girl's hand. "I hope you're ready to dance." She grinned.
After a short taxi ride and zero difficulty at the door, just as Lauren expected, the two
girls were walking into a nightclub with a name that neither of them could quite work out the
pronunciation of.
Once inside, Camila stood rooted to the spot, glancing around nervously as Lauren
handed in their coats and scarves to be hung up. The younger girl had never been a big partier
when they were in high school together and it suddenly hit Lauren this was definitely her first time
inside a club too.
"You're good Camz, I'm not going to leave you." Lauren reassured her, lips pressed
right up against Camila's ear so the younger girl could hear her over the blaring music. She was
almost sure she felt Camila shudder slightly.
"I know you won't, I trust you." Camila husked back into Lauren's ear and the older
girl felt herself shudder this time. The vibrations of Camila's voice made her spine tingle and
Lauren couldn't help but wonder if that was what her friend had felt too. "But if you want me to
dance, I'm definitely going to need a few shots first though." Camila added, playfully.
Alcohol was such a bad idea right now and Lauren knew it.
"Coming right up" She beamed anyway, pulling Camila into the crowd towards the
bar, leaving the majority of her willpower at the door alongside their coats.
It was a terrible idea, an absolutely fantastic but completely terrible idea. Two shots
and a vodka coke each later, both girls were in the middle of the crowded sweaty club, dancing
together, or as 'together' as Lauren could allow herself without getting the urge to reach out and
grab Camila. The younger girl looked phenomenal right now as she moved her body perfectly to
the beat of the music. It was hard to imagine this was the same shy, clumsy fourteen year old girl
Lauren had first met all those years ago. Ok, maybe she was still clumsy as hell, but she was also
unbelievably sexy and her confidence with her body was very obvious to everyone around them -
Lauren definitely wasn't the only person watching Camila in awe. The older Latina ensured to
ignore her desires and keep her distance though, tonight had gone too well for her to fuck it up
now. Their friendship seemed to finally be getting back on track, she just needed to last one more
night, which Lauren thought was doable as long as she didn't touch Camila right now. She knew
the moment she did that it was game over.
Unfortunately, in a club as packed as this one, that was easier said than done.
Drunk people continued to knock into them, pushing the girls closer and closer. Each time Lauren
would subtly step back a little trying to put the some distance between them again, the older girl
was actually quite impressed with how well she was handling this situation.
Twenty minutes in, they were dancing to a particular sexy sounding RnB song, and
Lauren was shamelessly staring at Camila's ass as she danced in front of her with her back
turned. Suddenly, a tall drunk girl came into Lauren's peripheral vision out of nowhere. She
knocked into Camila on her way passed her, throwing the smaller girl backwards, her back
colliding with Lauren's front. Instinctively, Lauren's hands immediately grabbed Camila's hips to
steady her.
"You ok?" She asked protectively against her ear.
Camila nodded slightly, but it seemed to be more of an acknowledgment of Lauren's
voice rather than an answer to her question. Then, instead of moving back to her original space,
like Lauren had expected her to, Camila's began to move to the music again like nothing had even
happened. Lauren's entire body froze as the younger Latina began to grind her backside into her
hips in time to the deep base vibrating thought the club and all at once the last remaining bit of
willpower Lauren had was gone. If Camila wanted to dance with her like this, Lauren was more
than ready to dance. She let one of her arms loop around her waist, pulling her in closer against
her as she began to roll her own body expertly against her friends.

"You're so fucking sexy." Lauren husked into Camila's ear. She would have liked to claim it was
the alcohol talking, but she knew her tolerance and she hadn't consumed anywhere near enough
to pass this off as anything but her own desires.
Her words only seemed to spur Camila on as the younger girl placed one hand over
Lauren's on her waist, the other reaching up behind her to grip the back of her neck as she began
to ramp up her movements against her friend's body. Meanwhile, Lauren was getting more turned
on just dancing like this with Camila than she had been with every girl she'd attempted to sleep
with at college combined. The green eyed girl's hands began to roam over the smaller girl's body
with a mind of their own, pushing their way under Camila's top, her nails scratching gently over her
stomach. Feeling the sensation, Camila tightly yanked the hair at the base of Lauren neck, eliciting
a needy groan from the other girl's throat as she tilted her head back onto Lauren shoulder.
She turned her face in to look at the older girl, biting her bottom lip in a way that
drove Lauren the right kind of crazy. Without warning, the hand Camila had behind Lauren's neck
suddenly pulled her head forward and before the girl could even comprehend what was
happening, Camila had attached her lips to the side of her neck. For Lauren, everything stopped.
The music, the lights, the people around them, everything but the feeling of Camila's tongue
grazing her neck as she began to give her wet opened mouth kisses, her teeth occasionally
nipping at her exposed skin.
"Fuck." Lauren groaned. She didn't even know how much she had wanted this until it
was actually happening. No wonder she'd been so cranky with Camila all week, seeing at she was
obviously this sexually frustrated.
Camila's body quivered and Lauren suddenly realised that her hand was
absentmindedly playing with the waistband of the girl's very tight fitting black skinny jeans,
desperate to release the button and inch its way in. In an attempt to stop herself, Lauren spun the
smaller Latina around in her arms.
Camila's lips might have separated from Lauren's neck, but their chests were now
heaving together and their faces were so close that their lips were almost touching and everything
was suddenly a thousand times more intense. If it wasn't for the other people in the room Lauren
would have been tempted to lie Camila down on the floor and fuck her right there. She suddenly
realised she had been fooling herself tonight when she thought that they were getting back on
track, because the fact of the matter was, Lauren knew what every inch of Camila's body tasted
like now and the friendship they once shared would never be the same, it couldn't be.
Lauren was about to give in and connect their lips properly when suddenly Camila's
entire body lurched violently into her.
"WHAT THE HELL." Camila yelled as she span around. It took Lauren a few
moments to bring herself back to reality, but the second she did, she noticed the entire back of the
younger girls top was soaked through and Camila was now glaring at a guy with an empty beer
glass in his hand.
The guy held his hands up defensively. "Accident, sorry." He mouthed, but the slight
smirk on his lips made it very obvious there was nothing accidental about it.
"You think you're fucking funny huh?" Lauren stepped around Camila squaring up
with the man, who must have been nearly been a foot taller than her.
"I thought you needed a cooling down, this isn't a gay bar." The guy said smugly in
an accent that neither of the girls quite recognised.
"What? You jealous that your ugly ass could never get with a girl like that." Lauren
motioned back to Camila who was standing behind her.
The guy looked at Camila and then back to Lauren "I wouldn't be interested in
getting with a dy...." He began to say but he was cut off as Lauren lunged toward him.

Without missing a beat Camila threw herself in-between the pair "He's not worth it Lauren." She
said, frantically trying to diffuse the situation, but the older was looking right through her, she
seemed to be barely even hear her voice.
"Lauren, look at me." Camila pleaded, grabbing the girl's chin, not giving her much
choice in the matter. As their eyes connected, Camila saw Lauren's green orbs immediately
soften. "Can we just get out of here please?" the younger girl asked gently.
Lauren nodded, as she took Camila by the hand. "Fucking watch yourself." She
added menacingly as she knocked her shoulder against the boy on their way passed him. Without
looking back to see his reaction, she lead Camila through the crowd to get their coats, gripping
onto her extra tightly.
The minute they stepped out of the club, Lauren felt the cold night air hit her like a
slap in the face, immediately bringing her back to her senses. Maybe it was a good thing that
asshole had interrupted them, she needed a minute to get her head together before what was
inevitably about to happen, happened.
"So uh, are you seeing anyone back home?" Lauren asked as they began walking in
the direction of their hotel. She knew that if Camila wasn't, there was a high chance they were
going back to their room to have sex right now. She wouldn't instigate it, but if Camila did, she
knew she wouldn't have it in her to say no, regardless of how stupid that decision would be. She'd
come to the conclusion now that their friendship was fucked either way at this point, so she might
as well make the most of it.
"No. I've casually dated a few guys, but nothing serious. I'm kind of just enjoying
having fun right now, you know?" Camila answered, raising her eyebrows playfully.
Lauren did know once upon a time, but her days for meaningless hook-ups just for
fun were long gone the moment Camila and her had made that stupid bet.
"Great." She replied, feeling a little sick to her stomach. Lauren couldn't think of
anything worse than someone else touching Camila, kissing her lips or getting the pleasure of
having their name roll from the tongue that she wished was only reserved for her.
"What about you, anyone special at college?" The younger girl asked chirpily, totally
ignoring the bluntness in Lauren's voice, not making it obvious if she heard It or not.
"Uh no, no one." Lauren replied awkwardly, as she thought of all her embarrassingly
feeble recent attempts to be with anyone that wasn't Camila
"But I'm sure you've been getting a lot of action though huh?" Camila probed. "All
those confused girls wanting their lesbian college experience."
"No not really, I haven't really had the time."
Camila raised her eyebrows like she didn't quite believe her. "Where's the real
Lauren Jauregui and what have you done with her? That girl can always find time for sex." Camila
Lauren shrugged. "I guess I just haven't been feeling it, you know?"
The other girl shook her head looking confused. "Why?"
"It's no big deal really. I've uh, just been having some...issues." Lauren cringed at
her words, was she really about to tell Camila about her problems in bed that were directly caused
by the fact they'd slept together.
"What kind of issues?" Camila continued.
Lauren sighed. She knew the younger girl was just as stubborn as her and she was
not going to stop until she got a direct answer. "I just, I can't...let's just say it's something similar to
what you were experiencing with Austin." Lauren finally admitted, she watched Camila's face drop.
"Wait, you haven't been able to get off?" The younger girl replied sounding shocked.
"Since when?"
Since you, Lauren thought.
"Just recently." She lied.
"That sucks, I know from experience" Camila added with an awkward giggle. "It's not
like you can't though, we both know you definitely can...have you thought of going to a doctor
maybe?" Lauren's breath hitched in her throat, this was literally the first time Camila had even sort-
of acknowledged the fact that they had had sex since the night it happened.
"I really don't think that would be much help Camz." Lauren sighed as she looked up,
her eyes finally connecting with the only person that could actually help.
As Lauren watched Camila take her bottom lip between her teeth, she prayed that
they were thinking the same thing.
Lauren's back hit against something hard.
Something or someone up there must have been listening to her prayers, because
right now Camila had her pushed up against the outside of their hotel room door as the two girls
kissed frantically.
"Are you sure about this?" Lauren asked between heated kisses.
"You helped me before. Maybe it's time I..." Camila groaned as Lauren connected
her lips to her neck, sucking on the skin harshly. "...Time I replayed the favour." She finished
The word favour should have stopped Lauren in her tracks. It meant Camila wasn't
having sex with her for the right reasons. The word was a one way ticket to having her heart
broken again once it was all over and Camila still wasn't hers. That terrified her, but the memory of
how amazing Camila's naked body felt against hers somehow convinced her to continue.
She hated herself for not having the strength to push the younger girl away. She
hated fact she wanted her with every fibre of her body. But beyond everything else, she hated that
she was still completely and utterly in love with her best friend and that would probably never
Lauren ran her hands up through Camila's tangled hair. "I'm not sure...this is a
good...idea." Lauren panted as she moved her kisses up her neck and along her jaw to her ear,
finally taking the younger girls lobe in her mouth, sucking on it gently, before tugging on it with her
Camila let out a small whimper. "Well I didn't think having sex with you would help
me either...and we know how that ended." She husked in a low voice, it sounded like it was taking
all of the concentration she could muster just to string those words together. "Let me make you
feel good Lauren." She added, her hands drifting up the older girls shirt. Ice cold fingers caressed
her skin, sending shockwaves through her entire body.
That was all the convincing Lauren needed. She brought her lips back to Camila's as
she fumbled behind her to unlock their room. When the door finally clicked, Camila reached
passed her, opening it quickly and walking Lauren backwards into the bedroom. The door hadn't
even had a chance to close shut, when the younger Latina began tugging at the hem of Lauren's
shirt. The older girl lifted her arms and Camila disconnected from her just long enough to pull the
item of clothing up over her head and throw it to the floor. The door finally slammed shut behind
them but neither girl even heard it.
Lauren gripped Camila's collar and pushed her up against the wall behind her, rolling
her tongue into her mouth as her hands began to roam her body. She purposefully pressed her
thigh into the younger girl's clothed centre, winning the first moan of the night. Not wanting to be
outdone, Camila pushed Lauren away from her roughly, before shoving her back into the coffee
table that was against the wall behind them. Packets coffee and sugar scattered onto the floor.
The brown eyed girl then slipped her hands around Lauren's backside, palming her ass, before
dropping her hands to the back of her thighs, lifting her slightly to sit her on the table. As they
continued to kiss, Camila lifted her arms for Lauren to remove her top, followed by her bra, which
was swiftly unclasped, pulled down her arms and dropping onto the floor. The older girl then
brought her hands around to Camila's full ass, pulling the younger girl into her as she worked at
removing her bra. Once their top halves were both fully undressed, Camila wrapped her arms
around Lauren's back, pulling her body flush against hers, allowing their naked chests to press
together as they continued to attack each others mouths.

"Fuck." Lauren groaned into Camila's mouth, before pulling back slightly. "Camz. I uh, I don't have
a strap-on with me." She panted, nervous that the admission could put an immediate stop to what
they were doing.
Camila quirked an eyebrow slightly. "There doesn't need to be a strap-on for two
girls to have sex Lo, surely you should know that?" She chuckled. "This is about you anyway, I
want make you feel good, but I'm gonna need you to tell me what you want...I want to make you
come." Lauren's face dropped, she couldn't quite believe the words that were coming out of the
younger girl's mouth, this had to be a dream.
"What do you want?" Camila asked again, as she began to plant a trail on wet kisses
down Lauren's neck once more.
The older girl knew exactly what she wanted, but she doubted Camila would be
willing to do it. Fuck it, Lauren thought, if you don't ask, you don't get.
"I...I want your mouth...your tongue." The Latina gulped in anticipation. "Unless you
feel uncomfortable, then..." Lauren quickly began to add before she's cut off.
Camila disconnected her lips from her friend's collar bone and looked up at her. "I
can do that." She replied biting her lip nervously.
Lauren opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out, she couldn't
believe this is really about to happen. Suddenly Camila's mouth was back at her ear again, her hot
breath making Lauren's entire body tingle.
"I can't wait to taste you." The younger girl whispered into her ear and Lauren
literally felt the words run down her entire body, settling in between her legs. "Lie back." Camila
then instructed.
"You wanna do it right here?" The older girl asked as she finally found her voice
again. She was feeling a mixture of shocked, impressed and excited all at the same time.
"Lie back." Camila repeated frantically, like she couldn't wait another second.
Lost for words once again, Lauren did what she was told, pushing the remainder of
the stuff behind her onto the carpet with one sweep of her arm, before lying down. The realisation
that Camila Cabello was about to fuck her on a table suddenly hit her and she decided that surely
she must be dead and this was heaven - a very gay heaven yes, but heaven all the same. There's
no other explanation that seemed to make sense.
And suddenly, Camila was kissing down her body and she was stopping at her chest
and her nipple was in the younger girl's mouth and she's grazing it gently with her teeth. Lauren
was so caught up in her own pleasure that she barely even noticed that the smaller Latina was
undoing the button of her trousers until she was yanking them impatiently down her tights along
with her underwear. Before Lauren knew it, she was lying completely naked on their hotel room
table, the same one that they made coffee on this morning.
"You're so wet." Camila began to say breathily against her chest as she ran two
fingers though the older girl's centre.
Lauren couldn't help but think that really didn't sound like something a straight girl
would say and all of a sudden it dawned on her that Camila wanted this just as much as she did.
She didn't have time to over think it though, because Camila was now kissing lower down her body
and it was making her head spin. She couldn't seem to catch her breath, she couldn't seem to do
anything much at all. But then the sensation stopped and the green eyed girl was about to
complain, when suddenly she felt two arms loop around her thighs, sliding her body down the
table so she was at the very edge. Her legs were then draped over what felt like shoulders and
Lauren opened her eyes and looked down to see the other girl kneeling on the floor in between
her legs. Her eyes rolled back into her head as Camila began to place a trail of kisses up her
thighs at a painfully slow pace, but it felt so damn good. Lauren heard herself moan Camila's
name and it fet like she wasn't in her own body anymore ].

The younger girl was finally hovering over her centre when Lauren looked up at her, she was
holding her gaze with her lustful brown eyes. Then, without looking away, she let her tongue swipe
up though Lauren's folds, gathering some of her wetness into her mouth, causing Lauren to moan
and involuntarily thrust her hips up into Camila's face. Not wasting any time, Camila gripped
Lauren's thighs tighter, holding the writhing girl in place as she brought her tongue back to her hot
slit, this time swiping up and down with several smaller licks, before tilting her head, slightly
sucking on Lauren's lips, eliciting a groaned "Fuckkk, Camila" from her throat.
The younger girl continued by placing a few wet kisses over Lauren's centre before
bringing her lips to her bundle of nerves, swirling her tongue over it in a slow teasing rhythm, all
the while, her eyes fixed on Lauren's face, watching her every reacting. Lauren let out her loudest
moan yet, bringing a triumphant little smile to Camila's face like she'd just cracked from sort of
code and the younger girl continued in that spot, experimenting with the speed and pressure of her
tongue. Within a few minutes, Lauren was moaning uncontrollably and trying to grind herself up
into Camila's face again.
"Cam, Camz." Lauren panted, grabbing a fistful of the other girl's long brown hair.
"Shit, shit babe, I'm so close." She added, pushing Camila's face a little lower.
Taking this as her cue, Camila dipped her tongue into Lauren's dripping centre,
whilst she continued working at her bundle of nerves with her thumb. The noises falling from the
older girl's mouth told Camila that she was doing the right thing. She continued like this for a
minute before finally pushing herself in as deep as she could, flicking her tongue repeatedly inside
of the older Latina. Lauren let out a long cry of profanities as she began to fall apart, releasing the
tension that had been building inside her in a gush of wetness against Camila's face. Camila kept
going with her movements as she helped the other girl ride out her orgasm, only stopping when
Lauren's body finished convulsing beneath her. Camila pulled back, admiring the sight of Lauren's
heaving chest and shaking legs as she came down from her high.
She got up from her knees and leaned over Lauren's body to kiss her on the lips,
which the older girl deepened after a few seconds.
"Do I, uh... I mean, does my mouth taste like pussy?" Camila asked almost
innocently against Lauren lips and the green eyed girl on the table couldn't stop herself from
laughing. That was such a Camila thing to ask.
"Yes Camz, you taste like pussy." She chuckled fondly, as she looked up at the
beautiful girl hovering above her.
Camila nodded in return and Lauren thinks she looks kind of pleased with herself.
"Was that ok?" Camila then asked, sounding a little unsure.
"Fucking incredible." Lauren replied simply, still in a bit of a daze as she finally sat
herself up again. She'd never had an orgasm on top of a table before and whilst it wasn't the most
comfortable of places, it was probably one of the hottest things she'd ever experienced.
She made a mental note not to eat her breakfast on there tomorrow as she wrapped
her arms around Camila's waist and pulled her in for another kiss. This whole situation felt very
different than last time they fucked. Before, during, after...all of it felt different. Something felt so
real this time round.
"So what else do you lesbians do for fun?" Camila mumbled against the older girl's
"I could show you better than I could tell you." The older girl husked back
seductively. She immediately slid herself off the table and lifted Camila up, causing the younger
girl to let out a cute little squeak as she wrapped her legs around Lauren's waist, letting her carry
her to the bed.

Camila watched with wide eyes as Lauren lay her down and immediately began to pull off her
skinny jeans, followed by her soaking thong. The older girl then crawled onto the bed, situating
herself between Camila's legs as they began to kiss once again. As their mouths moved together,
Lauren felt the realisation hit her that she really didn't want to kiss anyone that wasn't Camila ever
again, but she pushed the thought to the back of her head quickly the second she felt a familiar
stinging sensation in her chest. Right on cue, as if Camila knew she needed a distraction, the
younger girl took Lauren's bottom lip into her mouth, sucking on it gently and immediately the older
girl was right back with her. Lauren let her fingers run down Camila's body, finding their way to her
centre, where they began to work at her bundle of nerves in slow circular motion, before pushing
their way into her heated core. As Lauren continued to slide in and out of her slick folds, she used
her free hand to grab one of Camila's, guiding it down to her own centre, silently asking for Camila
to do the same.
It didn't take long before both girls were panting heavily again, Lauren wasn't really
sure how long she was going to last once she changed their position. However, after another
minute or so, she began to shift anyway, pulling Camila to sit up with her and immediately
readjusting herself so that she had one leg over Camila's right and the other underneath her left.
She knew this didn't work for every girl, but she wanted to show Camila something new, and if she
did it just right she was sure she could make the younger girl see stars.
"Lean back a little, baby." Lauren instructed. Camila did what she was told, putting
her hands behind her back to support her weight. The older girl then turned slightly to the side,
sliding her body in to connect their already very wet centres.
As Lauren began to grind her hips against her, Camila quickly caught on and began
doing the same and the two girls started sliding against each other with ease, their clits bumping
clumsily together with every few stokes. The room was now filled with the sound of panting and
their wetness moving against each other.
"Shit, you feel so good." Camila let out in a throaty moan, making Lauren want to fist
pump in the air because the 'straight' girl she was in love with was currently scissoring with her
and enjoying it.
Lauren felt Camila shift as she lifted one arm from behind her and wrapped it around
the back of her neck, helping the younger girl move herself faster against her. Lauren quickened
her pace too, perfectly complimenting Camila's rhythm.
Just as the older girl has expected, it didn't take long before she felt a heat rising in
her once again. She could feel it setting every part of her body on fire. Her legs were trembling
now, making it hard her to keep up with their movements, but thankfully Camila seemed to have
that covered.
"Shit, don't stop, I'm gonna to come." Lauren moaned as Camila pushed herself
slightly forward, grinding vigorously against her.
"Not, not yet, give me a minute, I want to, come with you." Camila panted back,
completely out of breath.
Lauren shut her eyes and let her head fall back as she tried to concentrate on not
falling apart. It was the most blissful kind of torture. She gripped Camila's backside with one of her
hands, helping her move against her in the way that the younger girl needed. Her entire sweaty
body was now riding up against Lauren's.
"Laur, shit Laur, oh my god." Camila cried out.
Hearing the sound her needy voice, Lauren forced herself to lift her head again,
looking at the girl in front of her who was right on the edge of her orgasm now. Lauren couldn't
believe how beautiful she was in that moment. A few more trusts was all it took and both girls
began to fall apart together in a frenzy of breathy moans and sloppy kisses. Somewhere in there,
Lauren was pretty sure she panted an "I love you." but thankfully Camila appeared to be too lost in
the moment to have noticed.

The younger Latina's head slumped forward onto Lauren's shoulder as both of the girls finally
stilled. She tilted her face to kiss Camila on the temple before pushing her back so that they were
both lying down on the bed. Camila curled into Lauren's side as they lay in silence trying to catch
their breath. Unable to stop herself, Lauren began the caress the side of her younger friend's face,
pushing back her hair.
Camila's eyes fluttered open to look at her.
"Are you sure you haven't actually been fucking girls recently, 'cause that was
insanely good." The green eyed girl chuckled.
Camila bit her lip. "I uh, I read up on some stuff." She replied shyly as she reached
up to place her hand on top of Lauren, beginning to stroke softly up and down her arm with the tips
of her fingers.
Lauren wonders why the hell she's been reading up on lesbian sex, but she doesn't
have the guts to ask because she never seems to get the answer she was hoping for.
"Read up some stuff? Camila, I know we're both pretty nerdy but that's a little
extreme." She giggled instead.
"Shut up, you liked it right, I didn't hear you complaining." Camila teased back.
"I'm definitely not complaining." Lauren grinned. This whole situation right now felt
too good to be true.
And then it was.
"Well, I think we can safely say you don't have a problem Lauren." Camila laughed
awkwardly. "Maybe you were just going through a dry spell, you'll be back to fucking bitches at
college before you know it."
Those words somehow hurt Lauren more than when Camila had said she wished
she was a boy the last time. It was completely undermining the meaningfulness of the amazing
sex they just had. The sex that Camila had instigated and obviously enjoyed. The younger girl
clearly felt something, so why couldn't she just admit that. Lauren couldn't do this all over again,
she just couldn't.
"Fuck you Camila." She said as she pulled herself from the younger girl's embrace to
sit up. "You don't get it do you? You still don't get it."
Camila rolled over onto her back, staring up at the older girl in confusion. "Get
"You're my problem." Lauren shot back. She couldn't hold it in any longer.
Camila sat up now, looking at the other girl questioningly. She didn't know how or
why they had gone from cuddling to fighting in the space of about ten seconds. "Lauren I don't
underst..." She began to say when she was cut off.
"You said that I don't have a problem, but I do! You're my problem, Camila!" Lauren
shot back, the words were just tumbling out of her mouth and she couldn't seem to stop them. "I
can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't fuck, and it's all because of you."
"I don't understand what you mean?" Camila repeated again, a blank expression on
her face.
LIKE IT. USE YOUR BRAIN." Lauren snapped
Camila looked a little shell shocked. "Lauren..." she said pleadingly.
"I'm in love with you." The older girl blurted out suddenly. "That's my problem, that's
why I can't make it work with anyone else, ok?" Physically I'm with them, but mentally, mentally I'm
always with you. You're all I can think about and I fucking hate it."
Camila's mouth dropped open to say something then immediately closed again.
They sat in silence for a minute before she managed to speak.
"Have you been feeling like that since we first had sex?" She asked in a small voice.

Lauren's anger had suddenly disappeared and she was now wiping tears back from her eyes. "No
Camila." She sniffed. "Since the day I met you, when you fell over that trashcan because you were
too excited to get to the cafeteria 'cause they were serving pizza. I came to help you up and you
were so flustered and embarrassed and cute....I've been in love with you since I was fifteen years
old. Everyone can see it, everyone knows. Our friends, my parents, your parents. Why'd you think
they let you come on this trip? You're still only seventeen Camila, they only let us do this because
they trust me with you more than they trust anyone else. They know I'd would never let anything
bad happen to you, I would lay my life down for you if I needed to because I'm so ridiculously in
love with you. Everyone who knows us knows that"
"I didn't know." Camila replied just above a whisper, her voice slightly cracking.
Lauren couldn't believe that was all she has to say.
The older girl rolled her eyes, letting out a sad, desperate laugh. "I booked us a
romantic trip to Paris Camila! Did you think I took all my friends to Paris? Organising fucking rose
petals in the room and candle lit fucking dinners? Do you know how difficult this trip has been for
me? My heart has felt like it's broken a hundred times over. You act like we're a couple to people
as a joke, but It's not a joke to me Camila! That's literally all I've ever wanted and you're dangling it
in front of me like I'm some sort of dog and your heart is meat on a string that will always be just
out of reach."
"I thought..." Lauren paused to swallow the lump in her throat as she tried to
compose herself a little.
"I thought we could fix our friendship, I really did. But I can't Camila, I can't do this
anymore. When I'm around you my heart fucking hurts. Not metaphorically, it feels like someone
has literally sucker punched me in the chest. Meanwhile you're off fucking a bunch of random guys
like I mean nothing to you and what we did means nothing to you. I wish I'd never met you, I wish I
didn't love you."
"Lauren." Camila tried to grab the older girl's attention but failed.
"You're my best friend Camila but I can't do this anymore, I can't, it hurts too much."
"Lauren. Would you just shut your mouth for two seconds and let me speak." Camila
tried again.
"Nothing you can say is going to help, so please just don't Camila!" Lauren made a
move to get off the bed but the smaller girl grabbed her by the arm yanking her back to face her.
"Would you just fucking listen, please!"
Lauren stared back at Camila blankly as the younger girl tried to gulp back her
nerves, her hands were literally shaking.
"The first guy I slept with after you...I felt nothing. Honestly it was just like being with
Austin." Camila admitted. "It was dreadful and I was so frustrated because it had been so easy
with you. So I tried it again just before you left for New York, but I did something a little differently
that time and it seemed to work, so I just stuck with that. That's the reason I felt like I couldn't
speak to you."
"Why? Because you were too busy fucking hot football players?" The older girl
"No? Don't you get how ironic this is?" Camila began to laugh. Lauren didn't see how
this situation was funny in the slightest.
Camila let out a deep shaky breath. "The only reason you haven't been able to have
sex is because it wasn't me...whilst the only reason I have been able to have sex, is because I was
picturing you."
Lauren's mouth dropped open as she felt all the air leave her lungs.
"That's the only way it worked for me Lauren, I had to close my eyes and pretended
it was you. Do you know how confusing that was for me? All my life I've assumed I was straight
and then suddenly I can only get off when I'm thinking about my very female best friend. I couldn't
even bring myself to say goodbye to you when you left for college because my head was such a
fucking mess, I didn't know what any of it meant."

"I used those months we spent apart trying to get my head around it, but I always came to the
same conclusion. I'd ring you to tell you about the guys I'd been with to see how you'd react but
you never seemed to care. Then, just before we came out here I decided that I'd use this trip and
try and figure out what I felt for you once and for all and whether you possibly felt the same, but
you just kept knocking me back over and over again. Do you know how much courage it took for
me to keep trying after being repeatedly rejected? This week has been just as difficult for me as it
has for you and maybe I am dumb for not realizing your feeling sooner, but you're dumb too! I've
spent the last week pretending we're in a couple, just hoping that you'd finally start playing along
too. I wasn't even subtle, I pretty much asked you to have sex with me on the flight over here and
you just ran away, I felt like a fucking idiot.
The two girls went quiet as they tried to wrap their heads around everything that they
the other had just said.
Lauren was the first to break the silence. "Do you want to go for a walk?" She asked
randomly, taking the other girl by surprise.
Lauren shrugged. "I don't know about you, but I could really use some air."
"Uh, I guess." Camila replied, still a little confused by the sudden change of topic.
Both girls got up and quickly got dressed in silence, not bothering to make
themselves look presentable or like they hadn't spent half the night fucking, the other half fighting.
It was pretty late now, or early some would say and the last few stragglers were
making their way out of the surrounding clubs and bars. A group of three particularly drunk men
walked by and Lauren immediately put her arm around Camila's waist protectively as they passed
them. They continued to walk through the streets silently with no destination in mind but the further
they got from the hotel, the further the tension between them seemed to slip away too.
Although on the surface Lauren seemed calm, inside she was completely freaking
out. Camila had basically just admitted she had feelings for her and Lauren couldn't help but wish
now that she'd kissed her there and then, but she hadn't and now if felt weird. She wondered if
she could just stop now and do it, or should she wait for them to have another moment. Lauren
glanced down, she wasn't sure when it had happened but they were holding hands. She gave it a
little squeeze just to make sure that this was all real and Camila looked up at her and smiled. It
was real.
They walked a little longer before Lauren suddenly felt herself jerked backwards.
"Hear that?" Camila asked, her eyes bright and excited. The older girl pricked up her
ears, recognising the sound of a guitar in the distance.
"I love that song." Camila gushed, yanking her friend in the direction of the music.
A minute later and they reached the source of the beautiful sound. It was a girl
playing and singing a slow acoustic version of La Vie en Rose, a few tipsy couples slow dancing in
the vicinity around her, the Eiffel Tower sparking brightly behind them in the distance. The two
girls watched on with smiles on their faces, the whole thing kind of looked like a screen from a
"Lauren?" Camila piped up, voice just above a whisper.
"Hmmm?" The other girl replied, her eyes still fixed on the couple dancing nearest to
"Do you want to, with me maybe?" Camila said nervously.
Lauren turned to look at the younger girl, staring into her eyes uncertainly. After a
few short moments, she bit her lip and nodded shyly.

Camila took the lead, taking Lauren by the hand again and pulling her into the middle of the paved
square where people where dancing. She stopped, glancing up at Lauren nervously before
wrapping her arms around her neck, whilst Lauren's went straight to her lower back. For some
reason this felt a lot scarier than the grinding they had been doing earlier in the club. Lauren pulled
Camila's body against her and the younger girl rested her head on her shoulder, facing into the
crock of her neck. With that, they began to move slowly together, everything around them fading
into the background.
"Lauren?" Camila whispered, her lips brushing against the older girl's skin.
"Yeah?" Lauren hummed.
There was a long drawn out silence.
"I love you." Camila finally replied. "And I know I say that all the time, but I really love
Lauren gulped. "Please don't say that if you don't mean it the same way I do."
"I do mean it that way Lauren. I'm in love with you. I think I maybe have been for
quite a while actually, I just didn't want to admit it to myself."
Camila finally looked up to meet Lauren's speckled eyes, she was looking back at
her with a concerned look on her face that told Camila that she didn't quite believe her. The
younger girl understood why, this was all really coming out of nowhere."
"It's all starting to make sense now." Camila started to explain. "All those times I
insisted on spending alone time with you without our friends." She let out a little laugh before
continuing. "For three years I literally forbid any of the other girls from coming to our Friday movie
nights. I love Ally, Dinah and Normani, but I didn't want them there because that was our time. And
I hated spending time without you, like I used to get so bored when I was just with Austin. I'd
literally be lying on the couch making out with him, thinking about something funny you said that
day or plans that we had for the weekend. That's what nearly all of our fights were about. Austin
would say I was too obsessed with my friends but I think what he meant was I was too obsessed
with you. Austin and I did have a lot of genuine fights, but sometimes I'd actually start something
with him just so I could give myself an excuse to go round to your house and cuddle with you. A
few times I even told you we'd had a fight when we actually hadn't. Like to me that seemed like a
perfectly normal thing to do, when it obviously wasn't, I just liked being near to you. I cried myself
to sleep for weeks when you got into NYU, I think the only time I wasn't crying was when I was
with you. The girls thought I was having a nervous breakdown about our exams, but really I think I
was just heartbroken that I wasn't going to get to see you every day and hold your hand and
snuggle in your bed. I'm pretty certain I've been falling in love with you for years Lauren."
The older girl was smiling back at Camila now, her eyes drowning in affection. How
could they not be after what she had just said?
"It's kind of ironic isn't it? That all those year you spent falling in love with me, I spent
trying to fall out of love with you." Lauren chuckled lightly.
Camila quirked an eyebrow playfully. "How did that work for you? Falling out of love
with me I mean?"
"Well...Right now I'm on a couple's vacation that I booked for us, even though we
weren't a couple. Slow dancing with you on the street, even though I kind of hate dancing and I
can't feel my nose or my feet or my hands right now because I was too flustered to pick up a god
damn coat when we left the hotel. But I don't even care, because this is literally a moment I've of
been dreaming of since I was fifteen years old and my heart's beating out of my chest right now
and I can't really comprehend everything you've just said to me because it feels like it must be a
dream, plus I think I'm so cold my brain has frozen. But none of that even matters because right
now I'm in one of most beautiful cities in the world, holding the girl I'm pretty certain is the love of
my life. Does as that answer your question? Because I can't even remember what the question
Camila stared back at Lauren in awe, her face was currently the definition of the
heart eye emoji. "I can't remember the question either but I'm pretty sure that was the perfect
Lauren bit her lip as she brought her hand to Camila's chin, tilting her head up to
bring their lips together. She kissed her softly a few times, alternating between her top and bottom
lips before slipping her tongue into her mouth, kissing her slow and deep. It was a nervous and
little uncertain but it was filled with so much desire. It almost like it was their first kiss.
Camila placed a few last short pecks on Lauren's lips before pulling away. Their
eyes fluttered open at the same time and they simply stood in silence staring at each other for a
little longer, neither of them quite able to get their head around everything that had happened this
evening. They hadn't even noticed that the music had stopped and everyone had left.
"So everyone back home knows you're in love with me?" Camila eventually asked,
breaking the silence.
"Everyone." Lauren confirmed.
"So..." Camila dragged out. "They'd be happy if they found out we were together?"
"They'd probably be ecstatic, your mom has been rooting for us for years." The older
girl chuckled.
Camila nodded looking reassured. "That's not so scary then."
"Why? Do you want to tell them we're together?" Lauren raised an eyebrow. "Are we
"If you want to be?" Camila replied nervously. "I was just assuming when you called
me the 'love of your life' that maybe you'd want to give this a try?"
Lauren smiled and bit her lip. "Of course I do."
"Ok." Camila whispered with the biggest grin on her face before leaning in to give
the green eyed girl a soft kiss. Her fingers grazed Lauren's hand and immediately she noticed
how cold it was. "I think we should get back to the hotel though, you're shivering."
Lauren nodded, clasping Camila's hand as they began to walk. "Are you ready to
sleep now? It's 4am."
Camila looked up at the older girl. "I was thinking more along the lines of a hot
shower." She husked purposefully.
"Oh were you now?" Lauren smirked. "A hot shower sounds nice actually."
Camila chuckled. "I did try and tell you Lo...that shower is big enough for multiple
Lauren stopped abruptly. "Wait. So you were trying to get me in the shower with you
on that first day? I convinced myself I made it up in my head."
The younger girl shook her head and laughed. "Lauren, I've been trying to get you in
that shower with me all week."
Lauren's eyes suddenly darkened as she stared back at Camila and it dawned on
her how many amazing opportunities she'd missed over the last few days. She grabbed the
younger Latina by the hand again and began to pull her back towards their hotel.
"Walk fast." Lauren demanded, voice filled with desire. After all, they did have a lot of
lost time to make up for.
So there you go, part 2 as promised. I hope it didn't disappoint.
Quite a lot of people on here have asked me to make this into a series but I've
decided I'm just going to leave it at 2 parts.
If you want to say hi I'm on Twitter (TxAnywhere) and tumblr (Ticket-tx-Anywhere)

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