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Study Shows Link Between Autism And Vaccines Using

Cells Lines From Aborted Babies

October 10, 2016

October 10, 2016

A new study has been released that shows that increases in autism rates are linked to the
introduction of vaccines manufactured using human fetal cell lines from aborted babies.
While this has been theorized in the past, this connection has now been analyzed using
worldwide data. Researchers have identified three specific change points in which the
incidence of autism rose significantly in the U.S., as well as points in other countries. Each
of these points corresponds to the times that a vaccine containing DNA from aborted babies
was added to the recommended vaccine schedule.

The study was published in September in the Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology,
and was designed to analyze whether or not the environmental factor of the fetal cells could
be connected with the rise in autism. According to Health Impact News, they found that the
two were directly related, and that there was no other factor that could account for the jump
in autism rates. The study is the first of its kind to examine the relationship between autism
and human cells from aborted babies in vaccines.

An earlier study by the EPA confirmed one of the change points. In 1988, there was a large
increase in autistic disorder rates, reports LifeSite News. Though that 2010 study did not
speculate on a cause, a vaccine research group, Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute,
pointed out that the 1988 change point corresponded to the time that a second dose of the
MMR vaccine was added to the recommended vaccination schedule. That vaccine contains
cells from aborted fetuses.

The most recent study identifies three specific change points in the U.S. between 1970 and
2002. The first was in late 1980, following the approval in 1979 of the MMRII and
MuruvaxII (for rubella) vaccines, which used fetal cell line WI-38, instead of animal-based
cells. The period following was the first time that there was widespread use of a vaccine in
the United States manufactured using cells from aborted babies. An earlier vaccine,
Diplovax, approved for use in 1972 used the same kind of cells, but it never gained traction,
and was not widely used. By the next year, after the MMR and rubella vaccine use became
widespread, there was a dramatic increase in autism.

Earlier researchers theorized that the measles part of the MMR was what was dangerous.
Later, mercury (thimeresol) in vaccines became the focus of attention. However, the MMR
doesn't contain any mercury.

The researchers for the study state that "human fetal DNA fragments are inducers of
autoimmune reactions, while both DNA fragments are know to potential genomic insertion
and mutations."

Autism, Human DNA, and Vaccines

The United Kingdom experienced a drastic increase in their autism rates in 1988-1989,
which followed a switch in the cells used in the MMR vaccine, from animal cell lines to cell
lines from aborted babies in 1988.

That same year saw the second change point for the U.S., which corresponds to the second
dose of the MMR vaccine being added to the recommended immunization schedule. That
vaccine contains human fetal cell lines.

In Western Australia, their dramatic change point in autism rates occurred in 1990, after
the MMR became recommended for all children.

The chickenpox vaccine, Varivax, was approved and began to be widely recommended in
1995 in the U.S. This was the third change point in the rates for autism disorder. Again, the
varicella vaccine contains human DNA from aborted babies.

"Infants and children are almost universally exposed to these additional vaccine
components/contaminants, and these converging events are associated with rising autistic
disorder in a dose-dependent fashion due to the increasing numbers of human fetal
manufactured vaccines which have been added to the US immunization guidelines."

A number of vaccines contain DNA from cells from electively-aborted babies, including the
MMR, Varivax, Hepatitis A & B, and polio, according to Health Impact News. For many in
the pro-life community, it is not surprising that vaccines containing human DNA from
aborted babies is causing problems with the immune system. Aside from the connection
with autism, LifeSite News reports that the practice "creates wrenching moral dilemmas for
parents and consumers."

Dr. Theresa Deisher, the lead scientist on the study and founder of Sound Choice
Pharmaceutical Institute, expresses her concern in a press release.

"Not only are the human fetal contaminated vaccines associated with autistic disorder
throughout the world, but also with epidemic childhood leukemia and lymphomas."


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