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HART RESEARCH Study #12724--page 1

August/September 2019 Conway / All* Above All Online Survey

1724 Connecticut Avenue, NW Interviews: 1,413 national registered voters

Washington, DC 20009 and 407 registered voters in battleground
(202) 234-5570 congressional districts
Dates: August 28 - September 6, 2019


Study #12724
Conway / All* Above All Online Survey
August/September 2019

Please note: all results are shown as percentages unless otherwise stated.

S1. For statistical purposes only, please indicate your gender.

National Battleground
Voters Voters
Male .................................................. 48 47 [110]
Female.............................................. 52 52
A gender identity not listed here ....... - 1

S2. For statistical purposes only, please indicate how old you are.

National Battleground
Voters Voters
18-24 ................................................ 8 7 [111-112]
25-29 ................................................ 8 9
30-34 ................................................ 9 7
35-39 ................................................ 9 10
40-44 ................................................ 7 8
45-49 ................................................ 8 8
50-54 ................................................ 5 9
55-59 ................................................ 12 9
60-64 ................................................ 11 7
65-69 ................................................ 11 10
70-74 ................................................ 7 10
75 and older ...................................... 5 6

S3. And again, for statistical purposes only, do you come from a Hispanic or Spanish-speaking background? (IF
RESPONDENT SAYS “NO,” ASK:) Please indicate your race.

National Battleground
Voters Voters
White ................................................ 71 81 [115]
Black/African American ..................... 13 5
Hispanic/Latino ................................. 10 9
Asian................................................. 4 3
Other................................................. 2 2

S4. What is the last grade that you completed in school?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
Grade school ............................................................ - - [116]
Some high school..................................................... 2 1
High school graduate ............................................... 28 27
Some college, no degree ......................................... 18 16
Vocational training/2-year college ............................ 11 12
4-year college/bachelor's degree ............................. 23 27
Some postgraduate work, no degree ....................... 4 2
2 or 3 years' postgraduate work/master's degree..... 11 11
Doctoral/law degree ................................................. 3 4
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August/September 2019 Conway / All* Above All Online Survey

S5. Are you currently registered to vote?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
Yes, registered ................................. 100 100 CONTINUE [117]
No, not registered ............................. - - TERMINATE

S7. How would you describe your overall point of view in terms of the political parties?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
Mostly Democratic ............................ 27 23 [133]
Leaning Democratic .......................... 16 17
Completely independent ................... 20 20
Leaning Republican .......................... 14 17
Mostly Republican ............................ 23 23
Total Democratic 43 40
Total Republican 37 40

S8. Which of the following best describes your current employment status?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
Employed for pay, full time ............... 46 49 [134]
Employed for pay, part time .............. 14 11
Unemployed but looking for work...... 5 6
Student ............................................. 3 1
Stay-at-home mom or dad ................ 6 9
Volunteer .......................................... 1 -
Retired .............................................. 25 24

During this survey you will be asked questions about some different social issues. We want to make sure we
include the full range of viewpoints on these issues.

1. Which of the following statements comes closest to your position on abortion?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
Abortion should be legal in almost all cases ....................................... 29 31 [135]
Abortion should be legal in most cases but with some restrictions ..... 28 30
Abortion should be legal in just a few cases ....................................... 28 25
Abortion should never be legal............................................................ 15 14

2. Below are some other statements about the issue of abortion. Please indicate which one comes closest to
your own view.

National Battleground
Voters Voters
I personally support a woman’s right to abortion and believe it should be
legal and available ..................................................................................... 40 46 [365]
I am personally against abortion, but I do not believe government should
prevent a woman from making that decision for herself ............................. 35 33
I personally believe having an abortion is wrong and should be illegal ...... 25 21
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3a. When you think about access to abortion in our country today, do you think things are moving in the right
direction or are they off on the wrong track?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
Moving in the right direction .............. 20 19 [137]
Off on the wrong track ....................... 57 64 CONTINUE
I’m not sure ..................................... 23 17 Skip to Q.4

4. Do you think the trend of states passing laws that place greater restrictions on women’s access to abortion
is generally a good thing for our country, a bad thing for our country, or does it not make a difference?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
A good thing for our country ............. 32 34 [160]
A bad thing for our country ............... 51 55
It does not make a difference ........... 17 11

5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?


Some- Some-
Total Total Strongly what what Strongly
Agree Disagree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
However we feel about abortion, politicians
should not be allowed to deny someone’s
health coverage for it just because they are
struggling financially. [162]

National Voters ................................................ 80 20 58 22 9 11

Battleground Voters ......................................... 83 17 60 23 7 10
The amount of money a woman has or does
not have should not determine whether she
can get healthcare services, including
abortion. ** [165]
National Voters ................................................ 79 21 56 23 12 9
Battleground Voters ......................................... 77 23 57 20 13 10
Regardless of whether she has private or
government-funded health insurance, every
woman should be able to get the full range
of reproductive healthcare, including annual
screenings, birth control, pregnancy tests,
and abortion. [161]

National Voters ................................................ 75 25 55 20 11 14

Battleground Voters ......................................... 80 20 58 22 11 9
The amount of money a woman has or does
not have should not prevent her from being
able to have an abortion. * [164]

National Voters ................................................ 73 27 52 21 9 18

Battleground Voters ......................................... 81 19 57 24 10 9
Health insurance should cover reproductive
healthcare, including abortion. [163]
National Voters ................................................ 64 36 39 25 14 22
Battleground Voters ......................................... 69 31 45 24 13 18
* Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM A).
** Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM B).
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6. Medicaid is the health insurance program for people with low incomes. Under current federal policy, if a
woman who is enrolled in Medicaid becomes pregnant, Medicaid will pay for her pregnancy care and
childbirth, but Congress currently denies her coverage for the cost of an abortion.

Would you favor or oppose enabling a woman enrolled in Medicaid to have all her pregnancy-related
healthcare covered by her insurance, including abortion services?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
Strongly favor ................................... 38 39 [166]
Somewhat favor ................................ 24 30
Somewhat oppose ............................ 16 13
Strongly oppose ................................ 22 18
Total Favor 62 69
Total Oppose 38 31

7. Listed below are some facts about healthcare in our country today. For each statement, please indicate how
much of a concern you think it is.


Some- Not That
Total Very Fairly what Much No
Big Big Big Of A Of A Concern
Concern Concern Concern Concern Concern At All
Restrictions on abortion coverage fall hardest
on women struggling financially, who are more
likely to be women of color, immigrants, and
young people. [168]

National Voters ...................................................... 64 42 22 16 8 12

Battleground Voters ............................................... 66 44 22 13 11 10
When lawmakers place restrictions on Medicaid
coverage of abortion, they force one in four
poor women seeking abortion to carry an
unwanted pregnancy to term. [169]
National Voters ...................................................... 63 41 22 15 9 13
Battleground Voters ............................................... 67 45 22 12 11 10
A woman who pays for an abortion out of
pocket may be forced to delay the procedure to
raise the necessary funds. 58% of abortion
patients say they would have liked to have had
their abortion earlier. [170]

National Voters ...................................................... 60 36 24 18 9 13

Battleground Voters ............................................... 65 42 23 18 8 9
Women who want to get an abortion but are
denied are more likely to fall into poverty than
women who can get an abortion. [167]

National Voters ...................................................... 58 35 23 18 11 13

Battleground Voters ............................................... 63 38 25 17 12 8
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8. Below are two statements on both sides of this issue. Please read both statements carefully and then select
the statement you agree more with, even if neither is exactly how you feel.

STATEMENT A: Using taxpayer dollars for abortions forces all of us to pay for them–even those of us who
do not believe in abortion.

STATEMENT B: However we feel about abortion, politicians should not be allowed to deny insurance
coverage for it just because a person is struggling financially.

(IF RESPONDENT MAKES A CHOICE, ASK:) And is the statement you selected much closer or somewhat
closer to your point of view?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
Statement A–much closer ................ 24 19 [171/172]
Statement A–somewhat closer ......... 13 14
Statement B–somewhat closer ......... 25 29
Statement B–much closer ................ 38 38
Total Statement A 37 33
Total Statement B 63 67

FACTUALS: These next few questions are for statistical purposes only.

F1a. Did you vote in the November 2016 election for president?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
Yes, voted ........................................ 80 83 CONTINUE [262]
No, did not vote ................................ 20 17 Skip to Q.F2


F1b. And who did you vote for in that election?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
Hillary Clinton ................................... 47 44 [263]
Donald Trump ................................... 47 46
Gary Johnson ................................... 4 7
Jill Stein ............................................ 2 3

F2. I know it's a long way off, but how motivated and enthusiastic are you about voting in the 2020 election for
president, Congress, governor, and other local offices?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
10, extremely motivated and enthusiastic .......... 42 45 [264-265]
8-9 ..................................................................... 24 29
6-7 ..................................................................... 15 11
4-5 ..................................................................... 10 9
0-3, Not motivated or enthusiastic at all ............. 9 6
Total 7-10 74 81
Mean 7.8 8.3
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F3a. What is your religion?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
Protestant (includes Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopal,
Presbyterian, and other Christians) ........................................ 43 37 CONTINUE [266]
Catholic .................................................................................. 20 24 Skip to Q.F3c
Jewish .................................................................................... 2 6
Muslim ................................................................................... 1 1
Other ...................................................................................... 11 11 CONTINUE
None ...................................................................................... 23 21 Skip to Q.F3c


F3b. Do you consider yourself an evangelical or born-again Christian?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
Yes.............................................................. 26 17 [267]
No ............................................................... 27 31
Catholic/Jewish/Muslim/None (Q.F3a) ........ 47 52

F3c. How often do you attend services at a church, synagogue, mosque, or other place of worship?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
Never ................................................ 36 35 [268]
Once a year ...................................... 9 8
A few times a year ............................ 18 25
Once a month ................................... 4 5
About twice a month ......................... 6 7
Once a week or more often .............. 27 20

F4. Thinking about your general approach to issues, do you consider yourself to be very conservative,
somewhat conservative, middle of the road, somewhat liberal, or very liberal?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
Very conservative ............................. 18 13 [269]
Somewhat conservative .................... 22 23
Middle of the road ............................. 32 36
Somewhat liberal .............................. 16 17
Very liberal ........................................ 12 11
Total Conservative 40 36
Total Liberal 28 28

F5. Are you currently single and never married, unmarried and living with a partner, married, separated,
widowed, or divorced?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
Single................................................ 26 23 [270]
Unmarried, living with a partner ........ 8 10
Married ............................................. 48 54
Separated ......................................... 3 2
Widowed ........................................... 5 4
Divorced ........................................... 10 7
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F6. Are you the parent or guardian of any children under the age of 18 currently living in your home?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
Yes ................................................... 27 28 [271]
No ..................................................... 73 72

F7. How would you describe the area where you live?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
A city ................................................. 29 24 [272]
A suburb near a city .......................... 38 50
A small town, not near a city ............. 15 13
A rural area ....................................... 18 13

F8. And finally, for statistical purposes only, if you added together the yearly income of all the members of your
family who were living at home last year, what would the total be?

National Battleground
Voters Voters
Less than $10,000.................................... 6 4 [273-274]
Between $10,000 and $20,000 ................ 8 6
Between $20,001 and $30,000 ................ 9 10
Between $30,001 and $40,000 ................ 10 14
Between $40,001 and $50,000 ................ 9 7
Between $50,001 and $75,000 ................ 23 21
Between $75,001 and $100,000 .............. 12 13
Between $100,001 and $150,000 ............ 11 16
More than $150,000 ................................. 9 7
I am not sure .......................................... 3 2

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