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NAMA: M. Rifadoni Syahrain

NIM : 31119058


1. news article is an article that contains an event that occurs in the community which is
then published using certain media with the aim that the event is known and becomes
the attention of the general public.
2. • News in pyramid structure :
With most other types of written content, the introduction, background, premise and
arguments constitute the beginning and body of the piece, while the conclusion or the
main point is presented at the end of the piece.
• The “5 Ws and H” :
A news article is all about providing details and information regarding an event. So make
sure that all the essential facts have been provided.
• First Line :
The first sentence of the news article is most important and it lets the reader know
immediately what the story is. Reading further will then depend on the reader’s interest
in that particular event; in any case the reader would be informed about the main points
of the event from the first line.
• Succinct and to the point :
Journalists are given tight word counts or column spaces. Within this restriction, they
need to include the exciting news scoop, all the relevant details and the background
information needed to understand the context- all the while trying to make the story
sound interesting and appealing to readers.
• Stay Unbiased :
News writing requires objectivity from the author, and should just focus on reporting
the facts- accurately and concisely. Even if you feel strongly about the story, try to keep
it free of personal opinions, speculations, unnecessary remarks, or any editorial
3. A. Vaccination or immunization aims to make a person's immune system able to
recognize and quickly fight bacteria or viruses that cause infection. The goal to be
achieved by giving the COVID-19 vaccine is to reduce morbidity and mortality due to this
Although not 100% able to protect a person from Corona virus infection, this vaccine
can reduce the possibility of severe symptoms and complications due to COVID-19
B. Online learning is less effective, starting from studying lesson modules, practicing
questions, collecting assignments, discussing with friends, to taking tests. Even though
the online system makes a lot of work easier, in the learning process, we get additional
work, namely making and sending photos, videos, downloading materials, and
uploading assignments that have been done. All of that takes quite a long time to work
on. My HP memory is full.
The deadline for submitting assignments is too fast. This is what I dislike most about
online learning activities. Almost every day I have assignments to be done and
submitted on the same day. I get dizzy and stressed if I am still working on assignments
and then there are other assignments that must be submitted at the same time. As a
result, there is an assignment that I was late to collect.
Even though studying at home is fun, nothing can replace the joy of learning by meeting
face to face with teachers and friends in class. That's my opinion about online learning is
less effective in educating students.

4. a. Why did the Jakara government launch a bus for disability?

The launch of this special disabled bus aims to provide special services and facilities for
special people, especially children so that every person with disabilities can be safe and
comfortable in traveling to school.
b. What time the bus is ready to be used to take students with disability?
The bus will be readied from as early as 05.30 am at the visually-impaired carehouse
and will operate until 16.00 pm. That is when the school is over and the proper time to
take the students with disability home to their caretakers.
c. When the bus for sudents with disability is launched?
At Cawang, East Jakarta, Tuesday (2/2/2016).
d. How many seats are available in the bus?
The bus contains 24 seats. It has been reported that there are only 22 students from the
carehouse and therefore each will be given the privilege of havin their own comfortable
seat on their way to school.
5. My last task regarding being a reporter was to provide and convey information about
covid 19. The Covid-19 pandemic affects many aspects of our lives, including school.
Schools are held online at students’ respective home. However, there is a discourse that
schools will be reopened in July 2020 or January 2021.
Many parents are worried their children will have to return to school in the near future. It
is because some local governments have included plans for reopening schools in the new
normal policy. For example, Central Java Education and Culture Office will enforce the
implementation of the new normal in its region starting July 2020.

Some options emerges such as imposing a shifting system, limiting the number of
students, and implementing existing health protocols.

On the other hand, epidemiologist dr. Dicky Budiman advises not to open the school until
the situation gets better. He says that schools reopening is risky, and it probably rises to
the second wave of the coronavirus. The students can go back to schools only if the
preparation is done and screening process is fulfilled. Furthermore, if the screening
process is not fulfilled, schools reopening is not recommended for it is dangerous.
In the end, Offline School can only be done if the situation in our country gets better, or
zero case. Since the case is still rising these days, online school is the best option to avoid
the new cluster.

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