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Journal of

American Paranormal Research

Volume 1 No. 1 Pinebox, San Augustine County, Texas Spring 2003
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Nazi Identified in Rosetta

By Jackson Green

Rosetta, Texas-A local Rosetta capture, fleeing to South America. Manz’s horrid past.
man found dead in his home last The US Secret Service has been Sources close to the investigation
week has been identified as a Nazi advised of the case and is conduct- revealed some interesting facts re-
Officer who perpetrated many ex- ing an investigation on how this Nazi garding finds in the Heimglimmer
periments and crimes against Doctor could have entered the US home. Documents and photographs
humanity during the Holocaust. Au- and lived undiscovered for over fifty found in the home link Dr.
thorities were surprised to find Nazi years. Heimglimmer to the secretive
documents and paraphernalia in a Dr. Irwin Revinowitz, a member Birkhuhn, or the “Black Guard”. Be-
secret room of the home of Frank of the Rosetta Medical Examiner’s fore being assigned to Bergenvalden,
Manz. Papers found in the home Office, examined the Dr. Heimglimmer
were sent to Bonn, Germany for veri- corpse and the prelimi- worked with this unit
fication. This information allowed the nary autopsy suggests of the Gestapo, which
police to identify the man’s true iden- that Dr. Heimglimmer specialized in the oc-
tity to be that of Dr. Franz died of natural causes, cult. Several artifacts
Heimglimmer. Dr. Heimglimmer is a relating to the harden- were found inside the
former member of Germany’s Nazi ing of the arteries. A house. These include
party, who escaped the allies in 1945. startling mystery re- a large golden Star of
Lead Detective Hector Martin garding the corpse is David that dates back
refused to discuss the case, but did that it had been par- to the 12 th Century
state that the paraphernalia originated tially mummified. Dr. AD, and organ urns
from a large concentration camp in Revinowitz stated that (Canoptic Jars) be-
Poland named Bergenvalden. Dr. he had “no explanation for the mum- lieved to have originated from ancient
Heimglimmer worked at the camp mification of the body, but a more Egypt.
serving with the camp’s medical detailed autopsy will be conducted.” Israeli authorities have requested
staff. He is purported to have been Neighbors regarded Mr. Manz as permission to join the investigation.
a protégé of Dr. Mengler, one of the the “quiet sort.” One neighbor stated Dr. Heimglimmer’s part in the Holo-
most infamous of Nazi doctors. that Mr. Manz often “worked in his caust is of great interest to Jews all
Heimglimmer is alleged to have par- yard and was a nice enough old over the world. Many of these people
ticipated in various Nazi experiments man.” They also said that he often seek information and possessions re-
on children, the invalid, and the in- played with the neighborhood chil- garding loved one’s that were lost
sane. Dr. Heimglimmer was last seen dren and gave out the most candy during that disastrous page of world
in Germany, shortly after the Nazis during Halloween. No one in this history.
surrendered. He managed to elude upscale neighborhood suspected Mr.
Texas Tattler, Volume 1 No. 1 June 2003

Truck-Sized 12 to Midnight
proudly presents

Catfish Reported Last Rites

By Jackson Green
The Nazis left their cruel mark
Lake Graystone, Texas- some may be up to twelve on the world more than 50 years
Recent dives to repair the forty-year- feet…long. But none have ever been ago, and some of those
old dam have spread reports found that match the description of wounds still bleed. Hitler and
throughout East Texas of giant cat- these so-called man-eaters.” other high-ranking Nazis were
fish. The divers claim these fish live The dam is suffering from foun- enamored by the idea of using
in the deep waters just north of the dation problems and several of the the Occult in their attempt at
dam and they are large enough to antiquated engines require replace- world domination. In their quest
swallow a full-grown man. ment. The state has authorized a for power, horrific experiments
Several underwater wielding $250,000 spending program to get the were conducted on Jews, Gyp-
teams have ventured into the murky dam back into compliance with the sies, Homosexuals, the
lake waters. Earl Scroggins, a senior Federal laws governing the opera- infirmed, and the physically and
diver for ArcLite Construction, tion of hydroelectric power dams. mentally disabled. Many of
stated that “They (the catfish) are these experiments were done
down near the bottom and only when on helpless children, whose
you dive that far down do you come innocence was consumed in a
face to face with ‘em.” furnace of pain and humiliation.
Earl went on to say that, “If those With the defeat of the Nazis and
were catfish, they must be some sort the freeing of the experiments’
of prehistoric kind! One swam up to survivors, humanity thought that
me and his whole head was taller their evil would never rise again.
than me!” Earl reported that he sur-
faced as quickly as he could and They were wrong.
called up his entire team.
“It could have been dangerous. Look for Last Rites at
One swallow and any of us would,
have been goners.” Earl and several coming July, 2003.
members of his crew have refused
to continue work on the dam. If
ArcLite does not find new divers
they may lose the contract. The re-
pairs are scheduled for completion
by the end of the month.
A local game warden, Captain
Jim Miller, does not believe in the tall
fish tales. He stated that, “There
have always been these urban leg-
ends about those catfish, but none
have ever been proven. There’s no
photographs or bodies of these fish.”
Captain Miller also stated that
“There are large flathead catfish and

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