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NCM 107 (WEEK 1 PART 2)

REPRODUCTIVE AND SEXUAL HEALTH Evidence shows that reproductive health in

any of this life stages has a profound effect on
A. Concept of Unitive and
one’s health at a later life.
B. Human Sexuality Therefore, it implies that people are able to
C. Responsible Parenthood have a responsible, satisfying and safe sex life
D. Reproductive System and that they have the capability to reproduce
1. Male and the freedom to decide if, when and how
2. Female often to do so.

In order to maintains one’s sexual and

What is Reproductive and Sexual Health? reproductive health, they should have access
to accurate information on the safe, effective,
According to WHO, it is a state of complete
affordable, and acceptable contraceptive
physical, mental, and social well-being; and not
method of your choice.
merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in
all matters relating to the reproductive system Many women must be informed and
and to its functions and processes. empowered to protect themselves from
sexually transmitted diseases and when they
decide to have children, further women must
What is Reproductive Health? have access to services that can help them to
have a safe pregnancy delivery and a healthy
➢ Addresses the reproductive baby which means that individual has the right
processes, functions and system at all to make their own choices about their sexual
stages of life. and reproductive health.
➢ Which mean that reproductive health
is lifetime concern for both men and The main objectives of increasing awareness
women from infancy to old age. on reproductive health are the ff:

1. Help in educating every youth about

sexual and reproductive health.
REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH 2. Creates awareness among adolescents
- Different functions of the about safe sexual practices.
reproductive system. 3. Helps in preventing sexually
transmitted infections, including
4. Protects both the mother and the child
- Referring to sexuality of the
from infectious diseases and to deliver
individual. Sexuality is about your
a healthy baby.
sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions
5. Provides complete knowledge about
and behaviors towards other people.
the early pregnancy, infertility, birth
control methods, pregnancy, post-
Different life stages are associated with childbirth care of the baby and
specific women sexual and reproductive health mother, etc.
issues; this includes menstruation, fertility,
Research found out that reproductive and
cervicus cleaning, contraception, pregnancy,
sexual health is affected by social health. So,
sexually transmitted diseases, chronic health
the association between Social Development
problems related to reproductive system, and
and Reproductive Health are likely to be
reciprocal in nature.
NCM 107 (WEEK 1 PART 2)

- What do you mean by reciprocal? Japanese, it is an integral part do what we do

Meaning. Mutual or interconnected and who we are. So, what is human sexuality?
with each.
➢ Sexuality is the way in which we
SOCIAL HEALTH experience and express ourselves as
sexual beings. (Rathus et al., 1993)
➢ Refers to one’s ability to form
meaningful relationship with other
➢ Sex in gender is important aspect of a
people and interact in healthy and
person’s identity. However, they do
positive ways.
not tell us about a person’s sexual
Requires: orientation.

➢ A positive and respectful approach to ➢ Sexuality is one of the fundamental

sexuality and sexual relationship. drives behind everyone’s feelings,
➢ Possibility of having pleasurable and thoughts, and behaviors because it
safe sexual experiences, free of defines the meaning of biological
coercion, discrimination, and violence. reproduction and describes the
psychological, sociological
representations of self and orients a
Maintaining a good level of social wellness person’s attraction to others.
allowed the individual to build interpersonal
relationship with others. This relationship FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE DEVELOPMENT
includes, friendship, peers, intimate OF ONE’S SEXUALITY:
relationship between a man and a woman 1. Being a male or a female
binding them together to procreate and 2. Family and family relationship
reproduce. Thus, creating a family. So, the 3. Cultural background
binding of the man and the woman is called 4. Religious background
unity. 5. Environment

UNITIVE → unity or binding together of man Humans are not sexually active just for the
and women → MARRIAGE sake of reproduction but there are tight of
complex factors that lead people to have sex
UNITIVE → PROCREATIVE → Ability or such as love and affection to the opposite sex.
capability to produce new life or offspring → And once they are bind together, they form a
FAMILY family and will become responsible parents.
The unity and procreative aspects are single,
entity, or act which cannot be separated for
any reason. They mentioned that key to great
marriage is to hold says in high honor. God Directional Plan of POPCOM
wants us to cease sex as sacred. Spiritual acts a
way to worshipping for the gift of husband and ➢ is the willingness and the ability of the
wife. parents to respond to the needs and
aspiration of their family and children.
B. HUMAN SEXUALITY ➢ It is a shared responsibility of the
husband and wife. To determine and
Does human’s sexuality place a very important
achieve the desired number spacing,
role in everyone’s life. Regardless, whether we
timing of their children according to
are young or old man/woman. American or
NCM 107 (WEEK 1 PART 2)

their own family life aspiration.

Taking into consideration, a. Penis – is the man’s organ for
psychological preparedness, health population. It is composed of
status, social, cultural, and economic erectile tissues which is
concern. responsible for erection during
b. Scrotum – this are pouch or sock
Things to consider in parenting:
that covers the testes. Most
1. Parental role – parents should provide function is to protect and regulate
physical material and continuous the temperature in the testicles.
guidance to their children in order for The scrotum usually contracts
them to become responsible members during cold weather and expands
of the family and the society. or relaxes during warm weather.
2. Emotional adjustment - parents must c. Testes or testicles – are oval-
be emotionally prepared and adjusted shaped organ located inside the
to cope up with their life’s challenges. scrotum and responsible in the
3. Family relationship – the parents production of the sperm.
master forms their role and create d. Epididymis – is a tube that
harmonious relationship with the connects the testicles to the vast
family. deference. It transports and stores
4. Knowledge in child rearing – parents sperm cells.
must be educated so that they will be
prepared to face the challenges of 2. INTERNAL GENITALIA
parenthood. Being responsible
parents means having the economic a. Vas deferens – also known as
means to provide the needs of the ductus deferens, it is a tiny
family. It is from responsible parents muscular tube in the male
that we most often learn social values reproductive system. It carries
such as kindness and honesty. Parent’s sperm from epididymis to the
values and parenting style can shape ejaculatory duct.
the children’s fundamentally as b. Prostate gland – is a walnut shape
people. gland located between the
bladder and the penis. It is
Review of the Male and Female responsible in the secretion of
Reproductive System semen. The fluid that nourishes
Male Reproductive System the sperm.
c. Seminal vesicle – these are too
Functions: small glands that store and
1. To produce, maintain and transport produce the majority of the fluid
sperm. that makes up the semen. During
2. To discharge sperm within the female the ejaculation, fluid from the
reproductive tract. seminal vesicle is expelled into the
3. To produce and secrete male sex ejaculatory duct where it can then
hormones. move on to makes with the sperm
in other reproductive fluids.
2 PARTS: d. Bulbourethral gland (Cowper’s
gland) – these are pair of pea
shaped exocrine glands located
NCM 107 (WEEK 1 PART 2)

postero-lateral at the h. Bartholin’s gland – are responsible

membranous urethra. It is in the secretion of fluid that helps
responsible in the production of lubricate during sexual
the alkaline fluid to lubricate the intercourse.
urethra for the passage of the i. Fourchette – it is located at the
sperm. bottom of the inner falls of the
e. Urethra – it serves as a vulva. It is where the labia minora
passageway of urine during meet.
urination and sperm during j. Perineum – it is the skin located
ejaculation. between the fourchette and the
anus. It is the ones being cut
Female Reproductive System
during labor and delivery.

1. To produce the female egg cells which a. Hymen – it is a thin membrane

are essential for reproduction. that covers the vagina and the one
It is divided into 2 parts: separates the external from the
internal genitalia.
1. EXTERNAL GENITALIA (Vulva or b. Vagina (vagina conau) – it is
Pudendum) composed of corrugated muscle
tissues which is capable of
a. Mons pubis – it is the pad of fatty contaction especially during
tissue, located anterior to the sexual intercourse and delivery.
pubic bone and is covered with This serves as a passageway of
hair. baby during delivery. It is also the
b. Prepuce – it is a thin skin that organ for copulation.
covers the clitoris. c. Uterus – is a hollow pear shape
c. Clitoris – known as the seat of a organ that stretches and enlarges
woman because it is homologous during pregnancy to support the
with the male glands penis which fetus.
contains a rectal tissue that Function: It houses and nourishes
capable of erection during sexual the baby, and it contracts during
stimulation. It also serves as labor to propel the fetus outside.
landmark for female catherization.
d. Labia majora – these are folds of Parts of uterus:
tissue that covers the other parts 1. Cervix - it can internal or
of the external genitalia. external.
e. Labia minora – these are two thin a. internal os – it is
folds of tissues that also serves to located inside
protect the other external b. external os – it is
genitalia. located outside
f. Urethral meatus – it is an opening
which serves as a passageway of It is in the
urine. external os that
g. Vaginal orifice/ opening – it is an we do internal
opening which serves as a examination to
passageway of menstruation and determine the
the baby during the delivery. cervical dilation.
NCM 107 (WEEK 1 PART 2)

2. Body of the Uterus/ Corpus – 3. Round ligament – gives stability to the

3. Fundus – upper portion of uterus and the one that connects the
uterus uterus to the labia majora.
4. Uterosacral ligaments - it maintains
3 layers of the uterus
the traction of the cervix.
a. Perimetrium
Damage of these ligaments can lead to
- Outermost layer
prolapse of the uterus.

b. Myometrium Pelvis
- Middle layer
- it has a very important role in
- Also known as living ligature, because
pregnancy, labor, and delivery.
it is the one that contracts during
- Bones that provide support and
protect the pelvic organs
- Muscular layer of the uterus
- It is the one which contract during BONES:
Sacrum – is wedge-shaped bone formed by
the fusion of five vertebrae.
c. Endometrium
- Innermost layer Coccyx – the small triangular bone at the
bottom of the vertebral column.
d. Fallopian tube – are two small tubes that
Pubic Arch – a triangular space below the
serves as a passageway of the mature
symphysis under which the fetal head passes
egg cell and the site of fertilization.
during the birth.
e. Ovaries – it is the primary female
reproductive organ. These are two glands DIVISION OF PELVIS:
located at the end of the fallopian tube
when is responsible for the secretion of 1. False pelvis
the two important hormones such as - This supports the intestines and
estrogen and progesterone. transmit part of their weight to the
1. Estrogen – is a female sex hormone anterior wall of the abdomen.
responsible in the development of 2. True pelvis
the female secondary sexual - It is divided into three.
characteristics. 1. Pelvic inlet – defines the
2. Progesterone – helps in the boundary between the
regulation of the menstrual cycle. It pelvic and abdominal
helps thicken the lining of the uterus cavity.
in preparation for fertilization. 2. Pelvic cavity
3. Pelvic outlet – defines the
The uterus is held in its position within the lower margin of the true
pelvis by what we call ligaments. pelvis.
Uterine ligaments - is the one that supports - Contains the pelvic colon, rectum,
the uterus. bladder, and some reproductive
1. Cardinal/ Mackenrondt’s ligament – it
is the main support of the uterus. Different Types of Pelvis
2. Broad ligament – supports the sides A. Gynecoid
of the uterus.
NCM 107 (WEEK 1 PART 2)

- is the most common type of

pelvis in female. Generally,
considered to be the typical
female pelvis. It is said to be
round, shallow, and open.
- “Classic” female pelvis; best
for vaginal birth.
B. Android
- Bears more resemblance to
male pelvis.
- It is narrower than the
gynecoid and heart shaped or
- Not favorable for vaginal birth
C. Anthropoid
- Narrow and deep
- Its shape is similar to an
upright egg or oval.
- Widest from front and back;
usually adequate for vaginal
D. Platypelloid
- Also called “flat pelvis”
- Least common type
- Wide but shallow and it
resembles an egg or oval lying
on its side.
- Widest from side to side; not
favorable for vaginal birth.

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