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NCM 107 (WEEK 2 PART 1) possible.

The endometrium is the

inner layer tissue of the uterus and
subjective to hormonal changes and
2nd week Topics sheds of during menstruation

3. CARE OF THE MOTHER AND THE What is menstruation?

FETUS DURING PERINATAL PERIOD - Female reproductive cycle wherein
✓ Menstrual cycle periodic uterine bleeding occurs in
✓ Pregnancy response to cyclic hormonal changes
✓ Fetal development - Its purpose it to bring an ovum to
✓ Embryonic and Fetal features maturity; renew a uterine bed for the
✓ Feto-placental circulation growth of a fertilized ovum. Which
✓ PRE-NATAL CARE allows conception and implantation of
a baby.
2 Physiologic Process of the Female
Reproductive Cycle 3 organs involve during menstruation

1. Menstrual cycle

Hypothalamus – it is a small region of the

brain located at base near in the pituitary
gland, it is responsible in the release of
2. Gestation (Pregnancy) and Lactation luteinizing hormone or releasing hormone.
Pituitary gland – small bean shape gland
located at the base of brain, it is the
responsible in the production of luteinizing
hormone and follicle stimulating hormone.
Ovaries – are two glands located in the
pelvic cavity anterior to the rectum
posterior to the bladder and it is
responsible in the release of female sex
hormone such as estrogen and
- It is other term of pregnancy these 3 organs are responsible in the
release of hormones that regulates the
The menstrual cycle menstrual cycle
- Refers to the regular changes in the
activities of the ovaries and
endometrium that make reproduction
4 Main Hormones Menarche – which refers to the first onset of
the menstrual period, usually occurs during
1. Luteinizing hormones (LH)
early adolescence as part of puberty. After
- LH is important because it stimulates
menarche menstruation usually occurs on
the ovarian follicle in the ovary to
monthly basis, it poses during pregnancy until
produce the female sex hormone
the woman reaches menopause. Where in the
- An increase in the level of the
ovarian function decreases and menstruation
luteinizing hormone causes the
diminishes or ceases.
ovarian follicle to tear and release
immature oocyte or egg from the
- This process of release of mature
ovum is noun as “ovulation”

2. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

- It stimulates the growth of ovarian
follicles in the ovary.
- It stimulates the follicles to mature.

3. Progesterone
- Progesterone helps thicken the lining
of the uterus to prepare for a fertilize
- It supports pregnancy
The monthly menstrual cycle can vary
4. Estrogen duration from 20-35 days, but the average
- is the primary female sex hormone, it cycle is 28 days. Each menstrual cycle begins
is responsible for the development and on the first day of menstruation and it referred
regulation of the female reproductive to as day 1 of menstruation. In ovulation or the
system and female secondary sexual release mature ovum from the ovaries occurs
characteristics. 10-14 days before the first day of menstruation
or 14 days before the next cycle.
The menstrual cycle is consist of For an average 28 days’ cycle, this means that
interconnected and synchronized processes there are usually 14 days leading up to
Two interconnected processes ovulation and we call it as the “pre-ovulatory
phase”, and 14 days after ovulation is called
1. ovarian cycle “post-ovulatory phase”. During these two
- development of follicle (egg cell or phases the endometrium undergo several
ovum) and ovulation changes.
For the ovary the two weeks leading to
ovulation is called “follicular phase” which
corresponds to the menstrual and proliferative
phases of the endometrium, and the two weeks
following ovulation is called “Luteal phase”
which corresponds to the “secretory phase” of
2. Uterine cycle the endometrium.
- Which focuses on the way of the
endometrium thickens and shed of in
response to the ovarian activity.
PRE-OVULATORY PERIOD Since the corpus luteum degenerate, it is
expected that the progesterone level will also
drop causing the endometrial lining to shed
off, which results to menstruation.
Once the mature ovum, the sperm of the egg
cell meets at the upper or the distal portion of
the fallopian tube they unite in to one. The
union of the sperm and the egg cell is called
“fertilization” about 5 days later the zygote
implant in the uterine endometrium.
The human chorionic gonadotrophin which is
secreted by the chorionic villi in the
Follicular Phase endometrium of a pregnant women stimulates
- Start in the first day of menstruation that corpus luteum to secrete estrogen and
up to 14 days of the 1-month cycle. progesterone until the placenta takes over.

The menstrual cycle is controlled by the Chorionic villi – this are buds that develop
hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, the from the chorion in order to give a maximum
hypothalamus is responsible in the release of area of contact with the maternal blood. It is
gonadotrophin releasing hormone or the from the chorion that the placenta develops.
luteinizing hormone releasing hormone. This Once the mature ovum fertilize it undergo
hormone is usually release after puberty, the mitotic division to form what we called
gonadotrophin releasing hormone or the blastocyst or embryo. Generally, the baby
luteinizing hormone releasing hormone will be called an embryo from conception until
stimulate the pituitary gland to release the the 8th week of development. After the 8 week
follicles stimulating hormone and the the baby will be called fetus until it is born.
luteinizing hormone. The blastocyst will implant into the uterus and
The FSH and the LH controls the maturation implantation of the fertilize ovum called
of the primary oocytes, once the primary “implantation or NIDATION”, once the
oocytes mature, it secretes estrogen. This fertilize ovum is implanted the woman is
estrogen will accelerate or increases the considered “pregnant”.
maturation of the primary oocyte and when the Characteristics of Normal Menstrual Period
estrogen level increases or as its thick level it
will release the mature ovum causing - Menarche – average onset 12-13
ovulation. years
- Interval between cycle – average 28
On the 15th to the 28th day after ovulation the dates; 23-35 days
follicle will become “corpus luteum”. Corpus - Duration – average 2-7 days; range 1-
luteum (mature follicle) is a mass of cells 9 days
which is responsible for the production of - Amount – average 30-80 ml
“progesterone.” Progesterone is the one that
thickens the lining of the uterus and increases – Heavy bleeding saturates
its vascularity in preparation for fertilization, pad in < 1 hour
so this is the luteal phase of menstruation
- Color – dark red; with blood; mucus;
cycle. However, when fertilization does not
and endometrial cells
occur the progesterone level increases and
suppresses the growth of the corpus luteum
until it degenerates after a week.
FACTS ✓ Gravida (G) – we write gravida by
using the capital letter G, this refers to
- Lifespan of a sperm = 48-72 hours
a pregnant woman
- Critical period is 72 hours
- Refers the number of pregnancies the
* 48 hours before and 24 hours after
woman who has had regardless of the
outcome of pregnancy
✓ Nulligravida – a woman who has
Parts of sperm never been pregnant
✓ Primigravida – a woman pregnant for
the first time
✓ Multigravida – a woman who has had
two or more pregnancies (even the
baby got laglag)

✓ Para (P) – the number of pregnancies

that reach the age of viability
Viability – it is ability of fetus to live in
the extra uterine life.
Age of viability – 24- 28 weeks
- Normal amount of semen: 3-5cc
- Number of sperms: 120-150M/cc/E What is the age of variability?
- Mature ovum may be fertilized for 12- - The age of variability is 28 weeks or 6
24 hours after ovulation months
- Sperms are capable of fertilizing even ✓ Nullipara – a woman who has never
for 3-4 days after ejaculation delivered a fetus that reached the age
- Zygote stays in FT for 3-4 days of viability
✓ Primipara – a woman who has
Gestation and Lactation completed one pregnancy to viability
✓ Multipara – a woman who has
- Gestation is other term for pregnancy completed two or more pregnancies
to the viability
Pregnancy – is a state of being pregnant
- It is a PERIOD when a woman carries
one or more offspring inside her ✓ Term infant – and infant born between
womb. 38 – 42 weeks of gestation (AOG)
✓ Post term – an infant born after 42
Terms related to pregnancy
weeks AOG
Obstetric History ✓ Preterm – an infant born before 38
weeks AOG
✓ T/F – number of full-term infants (>37 Difference signs and symptoms of
weeks’ age of gestation) pregnancy
✓ P – number of preterm infants (<37
weeks of gestation) The signs and symptoms of pregnancy are
✓ A – number of abortions divided into 3
✓ L – number of children living
1. Presumptive sign (Baka buntis)
What are the different presumptive signs Melasma – it is also term as the mask of
of pregnancy? pregnancy; it is a common pigmentation
disorder that causes brown or grey patches on
Amenorrhea - refers to the absence of
the skin primarily on the face. The most
common areas part of the melisma to appear
Breast changes – what are the
on the face includes the bridge of the nose,
possible breast changes that may occur
forehead and the cheeks
during pregnancy?
- Breast tenderness Hyperpigmentation of the neck and armpit
- Enlargement of the breast – this hyperpigmentation of the neck and
- Changes in the color of areola in the armpit as well as the melasma would just fade
nipple away, it will just disappear 6 moths to 1 year
Urinary frequency after the delivery of the baby and sometimes it
Quickening - is the first fatal will take at least more than a year before it
movement felt by mother totally disappears.
Nausea and vomiting
Easy fatigability
Chadwicks sign – is the bluish 2. Probable signs (most probably
discoloration of the vagina and usually buntis)
it can be visualized with the use of
vaginal speculum. What are the probable signs of pregnancy?
Skin changes – what are those Hegar’s sign – is softening of cervix
different skin changes that may occur and it is felt during internal
during pregnancy? examination.
- Linea nigra Uterine growth or enlargement of the
- Striae gravidarum abdomen
- Melisma Ballottement – is rebound felt by the
- Skin discoloration or examiner when the finger is push
hyperpigmentation of neck and armpit sharply against the uterus to detect the
presence or position of the fetus.
Goodell’s sign – refers to the
softening of the cervix
Uterine soufflé – is soft, blowing
sound heard using a stethoscope or
adapter usually the second trimester of
pregnancy or between 13 to 28 weeks’
age of gestation, this sound is heard
most clearly in the lower part of the
uterus and synchronous with the pulse
of the mother.
Linea nigra – is a physiological form of hyper
Braxton Hick’s contraction – this
pigmentation commonly seen in the first
trimester of pregnancy, it is a dart vertical line refers to painless uterine contractions
that trans down the middle of abdomen and it Positive pregnancy test – why is it
that positive pregnancy test is not a
can be one of the earliest indicators of
pregnancy, it is also known as the pregnancy positive sign of pregnancy?
line. - Because it is possible have a positive
pregnancy test even if the woman is
Striae gravidarum – this are stretchmarks not technically pregnant, this is called
cause by the over stretching of the skin in the false positive. It is sometimes cause
abdomen by a chemical pregnancy.
- Chemical pregnancy occurs if the • Maternal physical changes start
fertilize ovum known as an embryo is
enabled to implant or grow or maybe What are those maternal physical changes?
the woman may have hydatidiform - Uterine enlargement
mole or H mole or what we call molar - Chadwicks sign
pregnancy. - Hegar’s sign
- H mole – is the growth of an abnormal
fertilize egg or an overgrowth of tissue At this stage the woman should refrain from
from the placenta. Women with H taking drugs or medication without doctors’
mole appears to be pregnant, but the advice or prescription and to avoid strenuous
uterus enlarges much more rapidly activities for it will affect the development of
than a normal pregnancy and because the fetus which may result to physical or
of the excessive production of the mental abnormality or even abortion.
human chorionic gonadotrophin
What is abortion?
hormone they have a positive
pregnancy test result. It is an expulsion of an embryo or fetus which
can be intentional or unintentional.

3. Absolute/positive signs • 10 days after conception, HCG

(human chorionic gonadotropin) can
What are positive/ absolute signs of be detected in the pregnancy test
HCG – it is a hormone normally produce by
FHT (fetal heart tone) – are the the placenta and it is important in the early
heartbeat of the baby which can be stages of pregnancy because it helps determine
heard through the use of the whether the woman is pregnant or not.
stethoscope or doppler during the last
week of third month age of gestation.
The normal FHT is 120-160 beats per Second Trimester:
Funic (umblical cord) soufflé/suffle • 13th – 28th or 4 to 6 months AOG
– it is a sharp whistling sound at is • Uterine and fetal size increase
synchronous with the pulse of the substantially and other physical
fetus and usually heard with the use of changes occurs.
stethoscope of Doppler during the
What are those physical changes?
second trimester of pregnancy or
between 13 -28 weeks age of gestation - Weight gain
and the mother will feel the fetal - Breast changes (breast tenderness,
movement and there is a positive x- enlargement of the breast, changes the
ray/ultrasound result color of the nipple and the areola,
Fetal movement pigment changes, increase waistline
X-ray/ultrasound due to the uterine growth, and
abdominal striations)
- By week 20, the woman feels
Pregnancies divided into 3 trimesters
Trimesters of pregnancy - Quickening is the first fetal
First Trimester:

• 1st – 12th (critical time) or 1-3 months Third Trimester

• Rapid fetal cell differentiation
• 29th to 40th week or 7th to 9th month - Nails beds: forming on fingers and
AOG toes
• The woman experiences Braxton - Spontaneous movements are possible
Hicks contractions - Tome reflexes present
- Braxton Hicks contraction is the - Tooth buds: present
painless uterine contraction, and this - Bone ossification
can be a sign of false labor. - Tooth buds: present
• Increasing uterine size may displace - Sex: distinguishable by outward
pelvic and intestinal structures, appearance
causing indigestion, protrusion of the - Kidney secretion:
umbilicus, shortness of breath, - Heartbeat: audible through Doppler
haemorrhoids and insomnia.
16th week
• The patient’s center of gravity changes
(may cause backaches) - Length: 10-17 cm
- Weight: 55-120g
- Fetal heart sounds: audible
Stages of fetal development - Lanugo: well-formed
3 stages of fetal development - Liver and pancreas: functioning
- Pre embryonic period (Two - Fetus actively swallows amniotic fluid
fertilization which is 3 weeks) - Sex: can be determined by
- Embryonic period (3 to 7 week) ultrasonography
- Fetal period (8 weeks until birth) 20th week
- Length: 25cm
Milesstones of fetal development - Weight: 223g
End of 4th gestational week - Fetal movement can be felt by the
- Length: 0.75 – 1cm - Antibody production
- Weight: 400mg - Hair: head and eyebrows
- Head - Meconium: present in the upper
- Heart intestines
- Arms and legs - Brown fat: kidneys, sternum and
- Eyes, ears and nose posterior neck
8th week - Vernix caseosa
- Sleeping and activity patterns:
- Length: 2.5cm (1inch) distinguishable
- Weight: 20g
- Organogenesis: complete 24th week
- Heart: beating rhythmically - Length: 28 – 36cm
- Facial features - Weight: 550g
- Arms and legs: developed - Passive antibody
- External genitalia: present but sex is - Meconium: present
not distinguishable - Active production of lung surfactant
- Abdomen: appears large (fetal - Eyebrows and eyelashes: well defined
intestine is growing rapidly) - Eyelids: open
- Sonogram shows a gestational sac - Pupils: react to light
- Viable
12th week
- Hearing: responds to sudden sound
- Length: 7-8 cm
- Weight: 45g 28th week
- Length: 35 – 38cm - What are the endocrine functions of
- Weight: 1200g the decidua?
- Lung alveoli: begin to mature o Endocrine functions:
- Testes: begin to descend into the a. Secretes prolactin
scrotal sac (responsible in the
- Blood vessels of retina secretion of breastmilk)
32nd week Prolactin – as it names implies
a hormone that promotes
- Length: 38 – 43cm
lactation of breast milk
- Weight:1600g
- Subcutaneous fat: begin to be
deposited b. Secretes relaxin (reduce
- Responds by movement to sound the uterine contraction)
active Moro reflex
Relaxin – relaxes the body’s
- Fingernails: grow to reach the end of
muscle, joints and ligament, it
has a great effect on the joints
36th week of the pelvis allowing then to
stretch during delivery, it also
- Length: 42 – 48 cm
softens and lengthens the
- Weight: 1800 – 2700g (5-6lb)
cervix and helps relax the
- Body stores (glycogen, iron,
smooth muscles in the uterus
carbohydrate and calcium
- additional amount of subcutaneous fat c. Secretes prostaglandin
is deposited
Prostaglandin (pain hormones)
- crease sole of foot
– this are hormones which
- lanugo: begins to diminish
contains chemicals that
40th week constricts the blood vessels in
the uterus and mix the muscle
- length: 48-52cm
layer contract causing painful
- weight: 3000g (7-7.5 lb)
cramps during menstruation
- fetus: kicks actively
and labour
- fetal hemoglobin
- fingernails: extend over the fingertips
- creases on soles of feet: cover at least
Layers of the Decidua
two third of the surface

Embryonic and Fetal Structures

1. Decidua – refers to the endometrial
lining during pregnancy
- Is the modified mucosal lining of the
uterus that forms in preparation of
pregnancy, it is form in the process
called decidualization under the
influence of the progesterone.
- The decidua forms the maternal part of
the placenta and remains for the A. Decidua basalis
duration of pregnancy. In the decidua - Thin basal layer
has endocrine function. - Works with the chorion in the
formation of the placenta
B. Decidua capsularis Amniotic fluid swallowed by the fetus helps
- Envelops the embryo the formation of gastrointestinal tract
C. Decidua vera
- At term the uterus contains 800-
- Site of attachment of chorionic sac
1200ml of clear and yellowish
amniotic fluid with specific gravity of
2. Fetal membranes
10007 to 1.025 and a Ph of 7.0 to 7.25
- are membranes associated with
- Amniotic fluid is also term as bag of
developing fetus, the two chorion
amniotic membranes are the
- It regulates the temperature for the
“AMNION and CHORION” these two
make up amniotic cell.
- Brown or greenish amniotic fluid
- Chorion – is to protect and nurture the
(the baby has pooped inside the
embryo, the chorion contains
womb); then monitor the FHT of the
chorionic fluid that protects the
embryo from shock and the chorionic
- Red (bleeding)
villi allow the exchange of nutrients,
oxygen and waste products with the Implications:
- Closest to the uterine wall a. Polyhydramnios – more than 15000ml
- Becomes the placenta b. Oligohydramnios (dry labor) – less
than 500ml
- Amnion - a membranous sac which Amniotic sac – a tough but thin transparent
surrounds and protects the embryo pair of membranes, which hold a developing
- The chorion and amnion together form embryo until birth.
the amniotic cell
- The chorionic villi emerge from the 4. Umbilical cord/ Funis
chorion invade endometrium and - Lifeline of the embryo
allow the transfer of nutrients from - Measures from 30.5 to 90 cm in length
maternal blood to fetal blood. - And 2 cm in diameter at full term
- Chorionic villi – this are microscopic - Contains two arteries and one vein
finger light projections that contains - Contains wharton’s jelly
capillaries to allow the blood to flow - Wharton’s jelly – a gelatinous
through the placenta and the baby substance that helps prevent kinking
3. Amniotic fluid of the umbilical cord
- Blood flows through the cord at about
Functions: 400 ml/minute
Amniotic fluid is the protective liquid One of the most embryonic and fetal feature is
contained by the amniotic sac which the placenta
serves the following function.
5. Placenta
1. Protect the fetus – amniotic fluid - Disk shape structure formed from the
protects the fetus by cushioning chorion, chorionic villi and decidua
against blows to the mother’s basalis
abdomen - Contains 15-20 subdivisions called
2. Prevent heat loss cotyledons
3. Maintains the fetal body temperature - Weighs 450to 600g. measures from 15
at the constant level to 25.5 cm in diameter, and is 2.5 to
4. Facilitates symmetrical fetal growth 3cm thick at full term
5. Provides a repository for fetal waste - The placenta contains two sides (the
6. Helps open the cervix during labor maternal surface)
- The maternal surface rough texture, - Umbilical arteries
appears red color
- The fetal side or fetal surface is shiny
and grey
Functions of placenta
1. Transports mechanism between
mother and the fetus
2. Receives maternal oxygen
3. Produces hormones – estrogen and
- Progesterone acts to maintain Blood reach nutrients and oxygen supplied by
pregnancy by supporting the lining of the placenta flows to the:
the uterus which provides the
- Umbilical vein to
environment for the fetus and the
- Ductus venosus blood flows from the
placenta to grow.
ductus venosus in to the
4. Supplies the fetus with CHO, water,
- Inferior vena cava up to the
fats, protein and minerals
- Right atrium
5. Carries end products of fetal
metabolism to maternal circulation for This blood mixes with blood returning to the
excretion heart from the upper body by the superior vena
6. Transfers passive immunity to the cava and from the lower body by inferior vena
baby cava
Types of placenta separation In the right atrium some of the blood flows to
right ventricle and some of the blood flows to
the foramen ovale to the left atrium and in to
left ventricle where they pump out to the aorta
to the body, blood that flows into the right
ventricle is them pump in to the pulmonary
artery, because the lungs are fluid instead of
air the vessels in the lungs are narrow creating
higher resistance to blood flow in to the lungs
Due to the high resistance of blood flow in the
pulmonary circulation and the lower resistance
1. Dirty or Duncan – it is red in color and
blood flow in the systemic circulation blood
pump in to the pulmonary artery by right
2. Shiny Schultz – it is shiny and grey in
ventricle is more likely to flow in to the ductus
arteriosus and then to the aorta, due to the high
Fetal circulation (video) blood flow in to the superior vena cava and
the inferior vena cava up to the right atrium,
- Fetal circulation and transition to post pressures in the right atrium are higher in the
circulation that occurs after birth left atrium this promotes blood flow to the
- These specific structures associated foramen ovale at the atrial level.
with fetal circulation include:
- Placenta Only 8% of right ventricle output flows into
- Umbilical vein the lungs providing nutrients for developing
- Ductu9s venosus lung tissues, most of the blood passes through
- Foramen ovale the ductus arteriosus into the aorta and out to
- Ductus arteriosus the body. The umbilical arteries allow blood to
flow from the body back to the placenta to be NOTE:
in reach of oxygen and nutrients. Once the
- two arteries and one vein. The vein
baby is born and takes a breath the umbilical
carries oxygen and nutrients from the
cord is clamp and the placenta is removed
placenta (which connects to the
from the systemic circulation. Immediately
mother's blood supply) to the baby.
transition from fetal to post-natal circulation
- neonatorum tetanus
With the elimination of the placenta from the
circulation, systemic vascular resistance
begins to raise, with each breath more alveoli
in the lungs extend and the vessels surrounds
in them dilate in response of the presence of
Pulmonary pressures begin to decrease,
although pulmonary pressure is lower than
systemic pressures within minutes after birth
it is 6 to 8 weeks before pulmonary vascular
resistance decreases to normal. In the post-
natal circulation blood no longer close to the
foraminal ovale or the ductus arteriosus, the
increase in the left atrial pressure after birth
forces the septum primum against septum
secundum functionally closing foraminal
ovale, within 3 months foraminal ovale
permanently closes as deposits defuse the
layers of septum wall together.
Point of clarification (video)
While the patent foraminal ovale or *** closed
by this time it also may not. Autopsy study in
adults indicate that 15 to 25 percent of adults
have a patent foraminal ovale which never
close. The shunt via the PFO after birth is
usually small.
The ductus arteriosus begins to close shortly
after birth, once the infant begins to breath.
Normally the ductus closes completely in 4 to
10 days. The ductus venosus is open at the
time of birth making central venous access
possible to the through the umbilical vein. As
vibrant infiltrates the ductus venosus it is
usually closes within 3 to 7 days, after it closes
the *** known as ligamentum venosum,
within a week after birth the umbilical vein
and the umbilical arteries are infiltrated with
vibrant and also become ligaments.

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