Taller de Ingles

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Nombre y apellido: Ana Maria Farrufia Rodallega.

Programa: Administración de Negocios Internacionales – 3semestre
Código: 12000108
Materia: Ingles III
Future Tense with going to
A. Read each sentence. Circle the correct answer.
1. Is Caroline (going to meet / go to meet) you before the concert?
R// Is Caroline going to meet you before the concert?

2. Fred isn't (be going to clean / going to clean) his room tonight.
R// Fred isn´t going to clean his room tonight.

3. Edna (has / is) going to study all evening.

R// Edna is going to study all evening.

4. Is she (going to / go to) wear her new dress?

R// Is she going to wear her new dress.

5. I (am going to / going to) leave now.

R// I am going to leave now.

6. Are you (be going to / going to) eat lunch at school?

R// Are you going to eat lunch at school?

7. We're going to (work / working) late tonight.

R// We're going to work late tonight.

8. Jessica (is going to / am going to) sing her favorite song.

R// Jessica is going to sing her favorite song.

9. Allesandro (is going to / be going to) ride his bike tomorrow.

R// Allesandro is going to ride his bike tomorrow.

10. Terry and Nancy (is going to / are going to) play their guitars now.
R// Terry and Nancy are going to play their guitars now.
B. Unscramble the words to make sentences.
1. are / They / going / watch / movies / weekend / to / this /.
R// They are going to watch movies this weekend.

2. sister / My / is / going / to / next / leave / year / school /.

R// My sister is going to leave school next year.

3. is / Sam / going / to / travel / not / to / India /.

R// Sam is not going to travel to India.

4. we / Are / house / going / buy / to / a / new /?

R// Are we going to buy a new house?

5. is / He / going / to / test / not / do / the /.

R// He is not going to do the test.

6. you / to / Are / tomorrow / going / swin / morning /?

R// Are you going to swin tomorrow morning?

7. your / going / us / Is / tomorrow / help / dad / to /?

R// Is your dad going to help us tomorrow?

8. are / to / a / this / going / They / party / have / not / week/.

R// They are not going to have a party this week.

C. Complete each sentence using the correct form of be going to.

1. Michel and Montana are going to take riding lessons next year.
2. Gabriel is going to move to his new home this weekend.
3. Is Eric going to do his homework later?
4. Atara is not going to come to class next week.
5. Is Cindy and Akua are going to go shopping tomorrow?
6. The teachers are not going to have their meeting tonight.
Time Expressions for the Future
D. Write sentences about what you are going to do or not going to do in
the future. Use the time expressions.
1. We are going to go out later.
2. Don't worry, he is going to call this afternoon.
3. I'm going to be there tonight.
4. Tomorrow morning they are going to come here
5. This weekend I am going to the shopping mall.
6. Next week she is going to travel
7. I am going to study all next month.
8. I am going to visit my mom next year.

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