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Gothic Mix and Match

Setting Who’s being spooked? Who’s doing the spooking?

A Victorian mansion The cleaner Rattling noises

A cottage on the edge of the moors A feisty young woman Things going missing

A boarding school A night-watchman Strange smells

An orphanage Newlyweds Shadows

The woods A vicar Flickering lights

An unused factory Rebellious teenagers Possession

A rundown hospital Orphaned twins Doors closing or people being locked in

A deserted hotel The gamekeeper A life-like picture or statue

A lunatic asylum A frail old lady A creeping mist

An old European city such as Venice, Paris

Strangers/visitors to the area Things being moved
or Rome

A child’s bedroom A butler or a housemaid Hearing voices or music

A graveyard A sickly nurse A dug-up grave

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