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A a “ou 198 04 Ay nok 15 em pe dots 1404 B48 UO URED USB ‘Ais, 9 pue wesioo ayo apps IE PUEIS 9 ‘oyod oun pue Ayes mk Bux oy eno SsnequBIoU @ cL YBIeNS O) wooipea noh wo} Buss GungAve SoA cue 9601 PHO UE pS UNL dausue su 26040 of Ayn use Zop nok ppous Bunt EAD) etn YO BvO UA Paypesues UE Se EY SNES put todo soap so pu nok ODS OYE EU ane oF Hosted Isa BIE MOK A OUEL srs vennouey sexo (eunea) sonsie9 ose abies pes 10 un8 s1oyng deus 90 184049 supeuebos veda yi) 1860UNe oad umourun ue Jo U9) 01S ued Busnes sing acre wd06u ‘yes 10 poor 0 00 squop asue.ey aunuexe prom Aout seus 2v9pino Jo adh a4 unin sta ype yore 0 SUH We ‘eouspine yo sa yo si 6 8 Vues AUCoeS ai "SHadee 98UHO} J 75] #5) MODY LINDO 19H ONL MI luessecau 5! uonewoj eu ye ut ‘ok op Ayn saves Ouno & we porseyen 8 mE eouOpAS ByWIALOD Bog # UO LEW S LONE BUA eye ase syonneooid esoun wun nok Ayn weg 499s eu e Te paged ya) ee stUHSeBy Jo sony ‘see unto Ha o Buoy 04 oxNsue 2 saUNIANG auBDs OUND Aq YORE SUONAEDE!S ony ST) ‘yuo prouusadxo Aq ors 20 pares Asp st aot AtogDsoqosUoHO} AMY oH poHOdsHON UowD sf Supp sty tuoupn 4 puD pun sos Us gf aay “HOP au peiqo fo a ae LH PoFeAE PuO TEE ro sng sm] S6ng yopeds ont a wou PUD soz20Ky qx dn pay axD s>a!go TOUS Hag SAAS “ramen 30 6unpup eno, uop42ip 04h 08 S390}6 pud sooystond "atutoy 109m os doe 200) 948 BurEpNEY jroo oy spuboeynp to punks Ao Saiqy pays ot sop OER Bursnap aanpsoid jopeds som sudo aL “suoyssiduu 214 0 sudooys swans puapias notage aiour pu poo(q 30 ods HOU 949 ou ‘on agai sundiobay sonqy ‘sfO4 0} Yoo} AL 9BoUrDP AUD Gop mows HUEpI9 Jo Stax oqToUIS sta soy Yoo, on pauron u9q axoy Ay B6MOD stDdsD 0 Yo] 34 pIHOUS aH sHB BuTUTUTDND ‘ste prea OL ‘purypa wat aq oso prne> sur> otn als op ot Butunou sou sown souspiaa nine “ala yuasouny fe Koso pours fipoxu9ppo0 20 pakonsap aq prnED aap 30 Son toy aja ty tis passant 9099s 9upJ|"Y>| OM atp panURTOD oY Wosind sep) sOPUEHO 3h usta uy som 11 Hoppuoo axa 0 3afsod so aso} SO 9q smu BURDS aUNED a yS.IDINS we OY STN OF “us at panytuulen ou Znoosyp 8 wota post AYER yom soup 10 san 0} pIEOL SU “PoNEKIOD om oun © atayoe ao oxy Biaroxo AIosop saxad pasjOat LETH ‘aousPs o ony ojprap 1 p=LOIs Spun futon spot Az02 oun ut osamoy -soerynado UD 4q payAuaps 10 JD ax Uw TB N0D, oH ays 30 Soy soqum sure © Jo patarted 24 0} YEUTAHD © 405 aso SOUND soma ADS IMU HOE —— — Fc 6 Fingerprinting “very person is born with @ unique patter of ridges and furrows on thelr fingers ond hands. These pat femme Lan be used to identify individuals, The ridges and furrows can be grouped into eight basic c feanne dor spa) GOA WSS op (mie of pats) Fingerprints cannot be perecty matched using only these patterns ~ there must be other characters or features thot match, Imorderto decare that a fingerprint found ata crime scene ond a fingerprint hed bythe police were made ty the same finger a fgerprint expert has to find atleast eight ential characteristics on both finger prints in exactly the some place, Examples of these characteristics are below. —- _—— SS es rs Ny a ee » ogenteaacntenengmenmtmmenh 5 tas places on the fingerpsints, BRR 4E S : ; ZG, ; : WW 18 Wnich fageeprint above do you think was found a ime scene and which ane was made at 2 poke ‘ation using ink? Give reasons for your answer. «ee atferent suspect (8, Cand D1 jeg of me) 29 07 Jo“ ‘peay aruaq JOv0 pp mop fo sews0> ay ae wd oy uesiod ues oy) Aa wo oven fous KAU NOK Og “BuDUEY 9 yo} aA YOST (e601 249 sono uod au sousnd popuowryat 40 (od omy sone uad oxy snd) papuy-ybu st wostad v1 a4 Uoo BunHApLOY assfou (4203 9206 420 W100) stana} utoN> 0 (s1aa( 3pojq 30 Bunt ‘asemo ‘ajdunox9 20) Bur a1 JO HGS UL + lil sasidn 9 7 yows04 "yy puoxppog 99 ued yp Bug 3 adoTS aL ‘unum a 30 mo paw aunssoud 4 + ‘sono autos po spaoia ai asia soods aBmaAD Mth + su equoz p04 © 0) UoRD|a UL ax stoND| AMD NOL PUD YEH MOH + Sunmpuoy 30 soyduros om Butta ways 30 Yoo ptnow undxe BunkmpuoNo yn sus Jo aI B sf BuLwOTOS AL psn Bano pd 0 wad jo aA aun put Bun st as 0 94 ypu Ut Rod ay ‘101 rouonow pu otsiyd stim axa Sq paraso oso s souvaveddo sy PuDY PUD ofa ‘ay ‘Jo dop>eusu aus Uo spuodop Jedd uo sipaddo 1 Ao agp pup anbyun st Bunkimpuy SOnpIappuy UY an uy, Eee kore cee ey Nome. - Alice Lawson woke up slowly from a deep sleep. She was surpased when she realised that it was ater 8am. ‘She had not slept this late for years. As she lay there she thought about how much thelr lives were going to change withthe exciting news that they recived yesterday: Alice and her husband Michael hat just won 51 million in the lottery. She alsa thought it was strange that Jamle, her active two-and-hal-year-old son, had not woken her earlier, she got up ond walked into Jamie's toom to check on him before hoving a shower. Jamie was not tere His cot wos empty. Alice was selzed by a feeling of deep pani; her breath was sharp an diffi Jamie” she called out in a choked voice, trying to appear calm. ‘Are you downstairs? ‘Thete was no answer, She didnt expect one, Jamie was a rather clingy child and t was not ike him to go ownstars on his on, His usual Touthie, now that he could climb out ofthe cot, was to creep into his mother’s hed once his father ad left for work. They would exchange some hugs and kisses then Jamie ‘would demand his breakfast Sul, Alice ron downstairs, No sign of Jamie there. Her husband Michael, fomie's father, was away inter state for work and was not expected to return unt later that day Alice wos realy scared nov She turned ‘ond ran back up the stairs, just one more look in Jamie's room to make sure she hadn't made a mistake, “This time os she walked into the 700m she noticed an envelope sting on a toy shelf It was propped up against one of Jamie's bears. She langed for it and tore it open. \oetosy We wid cnet ops dowt Se ro, ae we con ond wat for ow code Me have Th 1 What are te fist two things tet you think lice shouldo, and in wht ore? What se ting that Ale should NOT 8? {Give reesans for your answer to question 8 mm ern sions jo 18 €Usis ot oF OP UEDA SBN EM NE SEIN 6 epoyse 69 pnoys osm ony suoNsonD IweLodN oy axe LEAN @ ‘sno 50508724) 18 1) 400,08 HeRE AMOK INSU PROM NOK Np B2UBPIN YO SBUALAHOHIP BN 2 20} 900) Bt ou Wosue oy, Euppoxp uosisd ou eu SU IUCN OM BIE EIN (ou wosues a paLp IM UN ‘jue uy oF cay av a4 aad WeIoYP a Ye AEHUBdNS pUE BSED ‘jou wosves ea asKeuy > os 1 pocddeupeyarey WEku SUNN Bus 04M RO PU I YOST yy MaIAIY] a ‘uses ane fava snomidens Buuue Bupa) SinoqyBisu aut YONEENO, ‘96n0 Su0sie] aN 1 BaUEDIRE 218800 505 yoIeES tro Aueo nom e609 uosied oie ‘NDA Te SHEE Oo 5H) 94 TYBIKENY MO 14 3) pavou 5 aye acjs9 aves a utesBO04d Of uewaye ana enjoin ebooraheg suns aucos a9 ‘yaerauorI9G pee jo UondueeeG | uses uD ee papasu 3/d00d Mey 5 void ao) aii oi a8 1 vondiDeap a 637) uSDE OUND BH te me Aus or poroadka ag nam as Jo 4 Suu ak SyEe 4p qU9FeP ‘UOsIAd Woes 104 ‘voNeBSON ‘ui ain nak da of sua OU axa Ye 99 TAB oY ajoDeM A3y BOI 8 MO}EA BIEL BAL UIA] | -uosie ano so stazonddos at out uonoBuseany ap J aftD4p w Gosiadayp aw NOK YOWD BUG OKNL pauoo T area, Cee Evidence collected by mid-morning 1 Two sets of fingerprints were found on the cot in fares room. AL a ° @ Location of 4 Fingerprints oft incide of cot (At) plus clear thumb print Ash outside All are from fi a en hand. is al ‘ Location of 2 Fingerprints (81) dé palon print froma fake hand. Found as shown (82) u awveeén? sas wo in 78 eannaa vs Senne am ors no antes onwrie 102 rT 7 v aunnasarus | E nl S Mp wore EY : gaan ann 0814 339 @ SLM 23INId od ‘2 303H aNaos Se worst? sa | Cunreeranns ys vO purl ib14 0 40 (ex) yd ged gud vpn ate saleeet Reese swoorpaq 3tp pmo] 10M aouppya9soxno ap pud swab om “ous sous mole roAbiogp aut “woos aO| UI JUS af wo puto} som syuUAAEUT 0 Ws HOMOEAP V@ patos 2 wea Part 2 cont'd ‘©The tyre marks below were found in the laneway by the side fence of the house (see A below) and two diferent sets in the driveway {see B and C), The locations of these impressions are shown on the map fn page 14 by side fone (Ba Ra aie bie ‘ B c Divay, 2 None Dev, Sitton Divert, 12 Nerine Dive, Smithton {4 Footprints were found in a garden bed outside the downstairs dining room window. A plaster cost as tale by the crime scene examiners. It was estimated that the footprints were made by a size 11 sports Gogging) shoe. See the photograph of the cast below. The location of these footprints Is shown on ‘he map on page I 2 rr Ea s2y21ve7s WY ay sys Lid WINE ‘SHOW T0OL an00 shin wa) ¥ ners BUUIIG IIMS & ‘51 aod uo unoys st opus sit Jo woREno, att “puno} Arba eIBBUY pun SHOU [oO ars4e nous mofaq uioi6orp au “antod ah 4a paadsu} Yala PRYPO] SOM NOPULM axB AAdMOHL “MOpUIN am UBnonp poqunp Burso4 auOeIIDE yy eALssHo9 TSMOPUIK a4 UO SaYpIDS jo sOUEpIAD som ALE "opuu wor Suluip SMbASUOIp D uo puna] ares UALPMADS 10 449] 3144 W wOH Agis0d) SOU OL ‘pongo so LH yONG Y0D 91p o pues SHY ToUUTD BAS JO Lagu FOU W OH APU ty youoetou ‘xq wou S018 uopoos oy stays 109 a4 JO {OH aHB UE AGBNoD So1Qy UoaIH Buoy aWiOs oH aoa] B “AL 9m) 2oou taoar uy 34p UF ma ay}09 © Uo Puno} som Hat Jo dro poyseUUN wy 40 at apisoq sn woos santo, ut 200 an wo puny Som aynq an3:05D poysonbs dup y= Map of house and yard 12 Nedine Orv, Sith Part 2 contd LacaTiod oF JAMIES BEDROOM (above'this rom) sive mins Boon eure ‘onbons (toot tees) house 2 Neen pave suiraren LAME WAY Bells Lane __ <— WERINE DRE > sg. mn ee nner uy pay poe de amy 2809} 346 1p sous 24 zanazayo aoe 1 spate 9q sn 1 Koa ap © Atwo SoHE {BURN w KONE OP pIROM ‘Cum Pouoddoy son oH pu — Buoy IO6 aou>HY uN SUEDS uN J a4 aX OF LT pose ont 001 tath Aavou! aif anogo pxbsy poxg of eq Bus |POXHIHE YOY 394 sot oy oe a juo [HUA OH oF axBY PHO aH YOY! KATY PII Tang OAH NHK dn yore 1 Huon, fom 941 a90qd oy 201d wos BusADUL Yen ‘99h sHINB9? OM Hu 34 30 dodys 3POIA YL JO OS Son punore Bujonen ‘9 nod sboraao ANG AH 4094 IMO} J HT UDDS 3,24 AMM ADOBE § Jogo asnoy na yo dn pou 344 -Posg sano ABN 5f20q>]Y st SHOU OK LossDd 9120 94, ‘x8 01 faxnb ynago yo ao UU WERNANG us PUD UUOPY 4g aj SSUES SOG} oxEIOL yo [18> SPOR STU OL HOM EPP 1 asHDDeG tAdog'y YRoRD Yo 1 KouOUT AYP MAME OP POE ue sBur auto oqo pawou pu aajo> © po an SIU Aw pu) Su 0 o9P Heat an ‘yoo un) Ysa 6} qu ayp 05 pats | TBOAPIAY POO! 1up{HO {oH "HOWLHOS OOH OL Popo puo paix 0s som | ouou ae Ges sn nog mou owe apdosdl soqN0 om a BML “op prom am yHE yRege paste 3H pup ouio 106 a4 um aja atau 1 02 ou poaiBo 9) 9F'6 OF NOOK H9BG a4DH GOIN AUD poy uj studs. ayo yBnomp 90> [o> si 9peq_ our Gu or wy 105 osu ‘WL 9s Gumoeut 0 uy Sov ax ‘PubasTH AU [o> 0 po4n 1 auEUA axp dn BUN {SD GOOS sy Sah, _hevoU 81) YOM od eur sMOUY OY a6jO BUOAUE B18 S| ‘ouo(uo 19} 0} 204 04 payee pub auOUr ay) yNOgD ZBY po L-poUEDS!S | uoKH BuoLA sos yout 996 0} ut auro> ays aennoaq fauour agp ynogD SOR} AAR “PID SH {Hox PEADAO fb som png anogo som o> suoyd aq: BU ABU ToqUIR 2 MOL A,4OP | A184 OM MOS, uj o4p snoge umouy ancy Axa gynoyn reo euouderes reqs poneoes noX uoym asnoy oy) us s9daayasnay.snOA pu sequyd oY! YIOd 315K aud vost say ayn aos © ~ wont 1§ woo pou axe you sn Bur © Bua om aveogpus Arsu a UE esta wos sin yoo atoud a4, an6H UD yNog wvop tog AjuO Pew a4 ParoU | PUD ‘dn UTE ‘yom UG asfou 341 TOW) Posiom som yaeroneg aw axp OU {“Buor auONM ayY UKTSO'E 1y ‘pura 1 any uo sno 0} 3104 Som 2g Apo Aan Garuyoup som youy aE» Ho DAUD pu” doy Burddup o xy 01 paaytD soquimyd ax “wdgg'Z oq ‘dow o 20; sop apa yn 1 pup “tude ynoq pours hop 1 ‘a qt som aeo[ “spun 49} PURE B 9K puD Buoys BuO Op oF HOE ogo YY UHH 1 ang] 20 uf Sowod ays AtjoutON ats 94 Wyse puayead aun puads 0, Yo AopumIs Bun SOM aus 80 tiog qnoqn past adanyesnoy Sur “aq “ouoHd 0 yp a} Woz 1 aAn>q or POH 3H ‘snonog dstopouncy dn 106 pubs Sus FoeET “ool Aq UDG yRoqo 7 TOrsA SO UDyOM SDM ehpieisak suelweroU nok noge BU AOA pyno9 ‘sosmeT S1¥y sad sex-0-pU0-0m a0 "Uos!47]fEY>IN SALHO{ Os BuO BADH at PUD TOSAKT SOL BOKDH x pyou uo | "GONRAMS ‘axa AUTEN ZK 1 aa PUD 'SI0O4 OF pabD ‘uos!TT asIROT ADIT UND “2680)d ade au so syou8g aut 10; og Guyssnu a 08 dhysuoneyes pue asmods‘ssayppe “26 ‘aweu nj nod @AIB nOA pinod "uOsNie) S1¥Y ‘983NLIN 40 LNAWaIvis AWWINGVISNOD 3OMI0d ° ° ° WROTE own, OTST seq TET aE Ag woe, naan aayessunin jo ation) yo woweres Part 2 cont'd (0 tb okay Mrs Lawson; Ihave @ larga team of experienced oficers out there combing the area for eee ent sure wel find out who's responsible very soon. What you have todo fs tal! me eer Sing that you know so me don't overlook a single detail You never know when something Fre ceun unieyportant tars out to bs the very thing that points to the person were after. Now Before re nish want you to tell me what you aid after your husbend’s phone cal. ‘We din’t talk long as Michael had to get ready to goto dinner. Brad eft very soon after: When Jenny brought Jamle bac, I gave him his bath and we had tea about 6 cock or just afte. tread ome afew stories before tucking him in to bed just before seven. fam sure about that thne, because T wanted to catch the 7 'ciock news on television. Bety brought me tn a.cup of tea ust before the news finshed ond she must have left not long after that. [mst have been very tired ecouse I don't remember her leaving or what I watched after the news. I thought that the trettement of he money must have mocle me tted, woke up infront of the TV at about L1pm. Then Tent up o bed and fell asleep again steaight oway. 10 Mes Lawson, do any other people besides you and your husband have Keys to your house? {sof course, Betty has a key and so does Jenny. We als left ake hidden outside last week fo the ‘lumber who was hereto do some other wotk. That key is iw back inthe drawer in the Kitchen. 0 100. Nove I wont you to think very careful Do you remember hearing any avis in the night for anything else that was strange? [No.1 recall eling tired and Tony waguely remember going up to bed. I slept Ike a log all night ‘unt about Bar (0 Mis Lawson, do you or your husband smoke? | No, neither of us smoke | (0 Also I must 28k you, do you own any pets? | No, we don't have any animals here 0 One last question please Mrs Lawson. Can you describe exectly whet your son was wearing Prenivou put him to bed? Also, wed like» photograph of Jamie that wo can cirewlat. Jamie wos wearing a pale blue all-in-one sult with a zipper down the mide, It had a dark bus (olor and cus, Here’ a photo for you ~ we took it atthe beach a few weeks ogo t_Thank you Mrs Lawson, We will let you know as s00n 2s we hear anything. Now Iwont you to ar hora lose to the phone in case the kidnapper rings. There wil be a police ofieristening | too. We'll tape and trace any calls that come in, ‘This statement of, pages signed by me isthe truth tothe best of my knowledge athe asin duyof sane 2030 signed _Alousioe _ 16 nc a a a ae - ll yp op wo pura} SEW FL mopure woos | ng v0 puny ny pune une aqua 10 to 0 uo fine $10} 08093 20 aro pays © tn pun na suai uses P tuo! Somer cen apsin puro} se > ony ws Ca anon puro} EU OL uo) ops ng 00 DHE te, pas ae acreoer w y0 payee S01 ay uo fu pu sus peur ug ue pecceaornag | a0! SUN BUS ONO othe dunes st | spec nntadoy am pasag )wovenive pune suvceits © — ponies paw . unos souspino at OH oun ‘ok 0} auop veg #4 00 15 a4 AmHEOEL EU SOLAS suo ro pais aq pom wos nok ns aI UUH® A Tet es pened eset a may nn pus eum sta GY SURES NT ‘oun Ho a aula bBo) Sump a 0 9 A aE NH AN SSL t ee u.ON Part 2 cont’ Name 12 Refertng tothe evidence tht was found atthe scone, give each person listed in the table below a score ut of 19 according to wry itis that thay ate the ladsapoer Gn the second column). For example, ae score of 10 ta the persan (or peopl] you tink might be gulty of the crime. In the las column give treason for your seares, incusing raies. Porson ‘Seor Reasons ‘Mice Lawson (mother ‘Michool Lawson tate! Bony Themes thovsekoepe) Frank Furie (lure Jenny Philips ten Brad Lawson (Micraesbrothe) 1 hit at Inst six questions that you woul ask ll ofthe suspects 8 rn ck Dee irre weer ie Tn oe ot sor oppo ‘sm ou Buti sos ays Uayon wanse Jay waa Jo dno bay apoE Pog oF AHO] and pRID sarod se gs "Ba BUY 1 594 SKoaO NOSMOT SHY BUI 941 §30G) "POPLE 9 nogd 001 POY ‘o4p pu wry pomeg wos 594 wou ‘smOY aq] YB Nosq oop NOU MON SE SHY 81 59K epouacidey 1eym uw 61 POA ueD yo] voSMeT pexE JW 12Y® MON 00D 0 “hos pt Kajuy any s09U Agogon un aay pad ayy uaaeDg 4 ‘SUIS EXD aH 10K, {Sues vosney Joevoiys 1 uain au 83 NOK UPD “SBWIOUL EH) O ‘ang sed joy punaxe aqSous "Buns wos ay ayo Yat oR Bunk ax {APD IOUUES ua8 0 p0q ua to au aX apOUN TTY MOP 9M YBNANYY UF YOO od POH UOKS PUD {no stay pre pO BuyPGol no WH “uD As “OBO SUB aay w Poysaam SU UOSAPT AVY x0 yp ‘opti woos Burp azn x. pasoddns sox ox rauadie> ayy Bur yuPOU | KH PA Supuas | WHE “eu pes yiog 4oxe me ‘29409 10 9m AD pawtow. AONE J LOWE SIN POYED EPA ‘bues aqioop out Jaye pouacidey 284 aw 18) Inq “Uny Woy 1120s © BuNdo0y.y jea PINOD NOK 41 MOU UEP TEM O 2x NOM Nop "HIRE THEE WY ADEs a4O4 yZUPMOYS BANA PUD spUEGSTHL “Sowduy ‘0} Jou sur ps AON 3.upep HoswET sy§“auoUe OWA UO 3 TONLE PIP | SEA TPM AY 22Un10} poo8 suosweT syn Inoge puegsnY J004 2k NOA PIP "SEWIOUL SND Kagan ur 0 Buren ys pIno> | puE} parousuD Uosyy SIP 01H PO|F som | Bunt rraqioop ayy data Again At of oud a8 Uo som | 98mBD3q ‘ay aojBq SAL UBD BA_K SM ponuse meyurioyiosg §uoEMe? s1yy AUIUE OA op ew LEY INOGY D Any aur ayy wos auto dawy axateq 01 PIO, 39 0 as0a49 pup ypoYP a ods faxpTaAA TEMIEUG BuMOK sos] AY 34 01 RO SLAM OH 3d addy aus ~ soysia» poy ays 3309 106 ays uate pud mMO4] UO NOD auOD {quo sos OHS “pry poob Jay ynoqe sd SH 1 0109p not Iuam pluD 2uo aj ax YOO aKa pau SOIR aqua 9p thin panos Ags BuRAaUE © UH TAS Say Inq Xqqey 14 BLO} SEN UOSME SIEM, ne euoud sus see paveddey teum MON “SSUI0U Sty 295 1'S0% 0 yoy us 3 S59N6 | 060 tno om 0 prog som 2 sous gol 396 a9 4 ABI09D yuh wou Kouout ax EurpaaK: Ager>o| ‘st pu abs095 sia ‘8 0} pouaddoy pL ysis | “smTop WIT © uow Koc OEE Me SUIT ng ‘uossey] 3 2) pauaddoy ax04 3y6]u: Pog BurKpeuos ayBNoKp { - wAHS J94 pI | -Oa1 40} Stas ayn Bop Som ways aan ynogo o> auoyd © 106 UosMaoT SK “UTD at IF 0 PALO raquanyd ayy 12g Bu 20N "Pog 01 Aq 3H BMH Nu YSt-OM NOG 306 RAE SI BO SOK, ‘pun Jaye Bullous woy suey ause0 wosKey 21yy ou 241 snoqe se Buzsers Aepiei pausddt 2Um Bir 01 04 ue | 'SEULO4L HY sedaayasnot 9 59 Hoss sar da pono Wo | ERS “pooy 10104 sez “ST UN WI aan aM “UaxpsP OW Ba04 9m puD SOMIOYL WOGTy asIO2D or pouroUN ‘af jo S004 gp eo | Aung poqeo sMomfo wi IMq SOMO euUANED apa st guOU AN _aseaid ader ou 40 1y2u2g 94 0) gu0sée7 94) 07 dysuoperes pus awseu gesnods ‘seyppe ‘abe ‘ued inj IMOA BAY6 NOA PAOD Seo! SIH) “GROOT sw “OTST seq ——PreUDTHAT TT Aa vores ‘FOOT TATE — (ssounms yo eweu) jo wawsieis ‘SS3NLIMO INAWALWLS AMWINBVISNOD 39M0¢ Gio oe Part 5 cont'd (0 What did you de afer you mad the cup of tea for Mir Lawson? Did you leave thon? | white she was watching the news stacks the ashwasher and cleared vp, twas shed jst efor eight 1 went to say goodbye, but Mrs Lawson was asleep In front ofthe TV, She must have been very ted cos she didn't reply when I said | was going, So you left at about 8 o'clock then? Yes, that’ right. es Thomas, do elther you or your husband smoke? [No, we don't smoke. We con't afford it. made George give up smoking about 10 years ago 10 Just a couple of last questions plewse Mrs Thomas. Do you have any ets? ‘Well yes, but [don't se what that's got todo withthe boy being kidnapped 2 No, but could you please just answer the question What sort of animal or animals do you have, Mrs Thomas? ‘We have two. A itl fox terrier that's been the only bright thing in my’ husband’ ie since he lost his job, and Melly the cat is mine. (0. What colaurs re these animals please? “The dog is black and white and the cat is ginger and white {0 One last question. MrsThomas, do you have a key to the Lawson's house? ‘Yes of course, t work there six days a week, s0 Idrive myself there at 10am most days and It Thyself nf es Lawson st home, {Tock up when 1g. Yesterday {worked ater so tha | ould have today off to stay with my sister fr the whole weekend. 1.c. Well tank you Mrs Tomes We realy do appreciate your coming beck to help us with our ‘onquiries. Wel bain touch IF wo have any further questions. ‘This statement of __2 pages signed by me isthe truth fo the best of my knowledge Dated the 16 day of_June _ 2010__ signed wz FT [ts 000. Rp ET tecnaennmdipvetet —T— pamencvin ey sn yun ‘uppeyo iow vonnwis eave) Lou op aseerd anuaneoyy“suO}s0ND seyLiN Aue MOA yee 0) poo nj 4on01 v2 1,99 "et 2NOA dM Burn/B Mok ayerasade ax "ang sy Gare Aion MOA MUELL 70) ‘Suapyom wt aM aXoUls .A0p 1 nq sOHILODP axaIqENS Ang AqoRSN {YOU OP [EA pueig yey ‘op 104) pus “yous nok og mayny 4y vonsonD Ise) av0 3:01 MON) ‘eu v9] 38 ysnig 0} ow owas oye) IML YELUIUE Joye PexOO} Jom AU0A B "885 UED| "SOA say Jo arn v nok mous 1 324 ‘Bop pofourDs anys © axD4 | puD aye Ux, {8100 hue ene4 no Op 0101 WO so ut and 29 prnoys om yf Suxspowessaop own 9¥aKHD ows Tun | “ussprIppUELE no Buds 0 proses Yoo! sKostO pM MEAP acy | OW Ajo NUNC deqyn sok dy 0 no yu AouoUs soy) jo awos aseys 0 suosme7 aq aBexncoue 0} Buydteupry S80jusey apy ® Aut nOA prnoyA Aypeq O81 POOL ej NOK Ue n0A Bien AQUOU e10U LIM Yo AeLOo}wOD ApeO;E ave OU 20RD 885 6 NEY 24 ISM) O -suosa ay ajdond {pn} Aon a Aol Some yU6innE UH aj AU }96 PION SI\fOP Uo 050 upd uasg ot Boj» yo) aaDy 3m anon yafoay ata 106 azn ao esMaDaG ING UAE JO 20 0 es aus suowaro|das diy 9 andy 0} foudsoY oI 96 oY Bunor | pud Jom AIpsDy ND ays ‘mou nod I dion 324s =p} AL ayo 400] 6) BUEN YB RNS UoH | HOHE 5 YORE HF aT LOH ‘popnotn gno.ny 19 4Btu 380 pp NOK ey eu N83 Ok UeD MON O ‘oqiana| an ua} and pa” P09, pyro utp pu ano29» uD ino nau | gol aun VO AUadS | Buoy Mou Mo BOM pinA> {OF SN aN "unop ajoun | 9snoy au ye [aye Bans ps4) dus MOU ay Uo JetR09 skp pnaro pad | sak urge ¥ 25704 242 2} POA Aes nok MON “ams 51304) 10m 894. jeu Kod oy proyo 3m» 451543 Kos 0) 2190 4 3,404 a 8001 ot {pm os som. sTBAL .UPIP 1 9yFEH © YOM pox 94F AUBNOAR 1 opI9seK “POH OYE pIDDY | “ONY efpseis94 Aav0u 40 1} € vo UosMeT 51} JEU) PIEOY NOK BLM IN OS D ayn aq 04 aut pays ays Ain sour op [0s ‘SuoYd 24 Wo urDans 494 pray | NOLAN BAL ‘Au ayous You aur p2ys0 LosmE] sayy asnp33q dao(s0 URpq DADY NN a} “PUNO y.aHOH ay ‘ON, e2twer dog en 24 255 N04 pyp ‘ponsie Nok voUMA © don Azpunoy » uo Jaysoys ax pizonp os Adu yusdop YUE 2¥p ys puoH Aoxp Hot PD _urosp aun top payson aq uno sens a fo 3x) UR afd aeHOg "UTEAP PIBOLH Busy Sm | 28104) Oulop Ayen}2e nok 212m seym ‘Ans14 9sNOY WosMNeT OY) 1 810M NOK YOUR ‘85 nok ey inoge suotsanD aos € nue 2689} MOM fi moLNg IN U BuLe> 105 NOK YUP “Anpioyso4 utdog'g 01 0¢7 wow asnoy s.uosM07 ayy yo Burgurnd aw0s Bulop sow | ane OT (0% parout pun ao jo sibo4 g§ wr “uowUAFS YBaNS auOHSBUCAFY Ez YO Bay] LMP] AWOLY WO | ‘aseojd oder ou jo 1y2u0q oun 0} suosae7 241 01 dysuonejs pue oweu s28n0ds ssesppe ‘abe oueu fr 190K DAB MOK NOD “ELIS HY O DROOTT ew ——“orw I meg TOOTS Aa wove, TTR (ob Jo sweU) o MOMS SS3N1IM 30 LNAWLVLS AMVINEVLSNOD 39104 pawoo ¢ 418g Part 5 cont’a POLICE CONSTABULARY ‘STATEMENT OF WITNESS Statement of (nama of witness) Jennifer Pips Token by D.C. MaDonsit Date 186.10 Time 11.000 © Mrs Philips, could you give your full name, ago, adress, spouse's name and relationship tothe Lowsons for the benef ofthe tape ploase, ‘My name is Jennifer Anne Philips, ve at 14 Nerine Drive, Smithton. Iam 34 years of age, am ‘maried to Andrew Pete Philips and have two children, Megan aged § years and Adam aged 3, @ Thank you Mrs Philips, Now can you please fel us all the times you saw ether Mrs Lawson or lami Lawson yesterday? Yes of couse, Ace came around with Jamie about three thirty yesterday afternoon. I am quite confident of the time because I had just returned from picking up my daughter Megan from School. We hod a cup of coffee together and Jamie played with my son Adam Right. 20 Airs Lawson and Jemie arrived at 2.30pm, Did Mrs Lawson hive something special to tell you? Tam sure she has alieady told you, She came aver, very excited, to share her good fortune with (2 Ms Philips, cid you at any time tel anyone else about the Lawsons winning the money? Yes. told my husband when he came home at § o'clock. I asked Alic if twas okay first. have told no one eke. (When dia Mrs Lawson go home ater visting you? [Alice didn' stay long because she wanted tobe able to tell Michael when he rang. The boys were playing so nicely that we agreed to leave Jamie here for a while He is lovely chit although Sometimes he hes some strange habits, The other day he was collecting all sors of rubbish: a stone, a piece of glass, even a cigarette butt, all went into his pockets! However, he and Adam play ‘well ogéther I took him home at about quarter to six (0 And thet was the last time you saw Jamie? Yes It's so avful Alice must be terribly worried, Would I be alright for me to go overt help her fn some way? (Yes, fam sure that would be okay. My officers shouldbe finished there now. Just before you go, justa couple more questions. Firely, do either you or your husband smoke? No, nether of us smokes, That would be silly, having young children, wouldn't it? © cs Pili, do you have aay pets? Yes. We have Fut, our white rabbit, the children all adore him. And Duke our German Shepherd D.C. Thank you for your tne Mrs Philips, you have been most helpful This statement of poges signed by me i the truth to thebestof my knowledge Dated the 188% doy of _tune_ 20.10___Signed 2 Broncust sence SVrOTITiA Ne AIORAPPAG Oe AME Aeon "© Bloke Education 3005 ee nm ie 8 ee poubis OT ot SRF 0 hop THRT ow pa9g aBparmour du jo 99 M01 ya ayy st aut Aa pousyssabnd ——T— Jo yuruseres SUL 4s1y 29 aun Buppa49 mo seesran0 7084 OB 104 BP BEEOKs “y BUILOO 10} OA WELL IO ‘jn yorsuo6 ‘0 50 jn6ar ou ng. “tno {us Yor puD ox20ga {azED 1 ATOUOISERDO SouMREMIOS OP 524 TPA 304M 08 41 pu "wosme7 sy 230W'S 904 0 ‘uaysonb 1 auo sen onew ay wetUow ayn Je Hos 241 f0 bunaAue BunseB6rs 100 Ze aM O pura © you wi | pud zxpoug “bas 3} yooxp1yt ang ouous rewp Jo yiusy © Hada 20} 96% pooB B aanry AYBIUL | ZK0M op PPE aK Syoor {oun fen ap nox OH mou HoH oy ANDY J} BFeddns J Yor 01 NO Jo swat (OPES {isa bus pour | Busn6 pub Baraat pne> “BuO proaD AqpAO| pro 1S voy 34Bw ase} AouoU O4p age MOU Nod uOSMETIW OS O any arm ye) 1804p som | ADH FOHDAN 8 HAH supp aus Souour aay oqo paIp9 oF sss ays plo 9uO| ayE pasBasuD aoqy subU SOUR SOK 2008 upIp seu30.4 sNOA wo Je0 v0 © penjooos may-urseisis 290d “asnoy gs0430%9 sNOA J o1aN HOA SYA MON “UOSMET JAY OA WUEUL D aay JBUUp 196 pup rou Au 0 $009 196 san PLA UERNOWD 1 KMD OUD! UNH ANG aL 136 1 padoy POET “rn ant) oqo Yt Pu DEH, 6 € ynoge Paauro | “Buo| AoIsiupIp os “Sutyawos GudrasdU Sow jt $0 ‘Burwojan. 1049 TO Jou pu pajdnoooaud nq © poses ayy vumy 228 01 Gurdon, otto { SrooK mo} 203 TaOKDANY satRONG AU WOas yuBADY { ~sMo¥AgD 99 eM ABI WOM YAN, _gouo2 nok pip Ay pu esnoy soyr01q 04 18 axe nOA pp susp YeYM snoge MON “2809 our UBER ana 9M PIED IEUL'SBK D “nov ganoqyot © 99 Burky som 21 ow pros ao porte 1 wou Aopaaisa4 ang ea Jo soroud UDEs aa, 254N09 JO PAINE O16 01 {Yo Loy uiog som oy Sena spe Ha98 9331 240 | BO} WAU Ds AMD 1348U ETON, ‘2juiep maycsou sok 268 0 odoed se 24) J0 ovo uoRK ancy, ‘ews nok 8 suonsenb may @ 0d 38e 0) a4 501 Priom ayy wOsAIeT Zp UI BUH09 49} NOANUEUL axgoan #964N06 SUOSPT RODIN uo po ojfurs wo svasiono sioa4 ano} wy pouras sn anny | prOHoqnog workeLg Wo IMO tsonp auozo ath Burin wo wasatd yo pup Plo Toad gg Ue | UOsMPT Hol AaypOIg S awOU A “asnad ace 049 148029 9410) su0sMET 24101 ysuoyveyes pue aweu sesnods ‘sayppe ‘aBe “ue jn) snOA 3x46 MOA pneD ‘UOSMET IW O WROTE own, OF TS 189 ATG a wore aren romig™~ (erouy jo wou} so uowiiers ‘SS3NLIM 40 INIWALWLS AMWINGVISNOD 391104 Part S cont’d Name 1 Inthe fst column in the table blow i ast ofthe suspect, in the second column, record infrmation that {ule point to the possible gut o hat person bared on shat You have feed Mo! her statement. inthe thd olunn, racers information that pants tothe possible innocence ofthat pers00. i you reed rove space, se the back of tis sheet! Suspest Information fom the statement | tnformation fom te statement that points to possible quit | that points to possible innocence ‘ics Lawson ety Thomas Frank Furl enter Philips Brad Lawson 22 Think of two other people that you woud ke to Intorvew. List each person inthe fst column ofthe tb blow In te se00nd column, it the son why you woul Ike finer hi oes the thir Column, teat east ree questions that you would ask each person (if you need move space, use the ‘ack of hs sheet) ‘Suspect | Therreason why you would Trea questions you would ak Tie 10 itoriow hon oF ho ss as : Tagaboy yer seb no eu 7 7seB0r uoye SIS6u nog owe wiow ——_|_saussoruove savin ome owt 1337 ‘SONYH H08 40 NOISSSUAWI NIVId ae on we Sug ns ‘pM WIE Sea we etary) ‘GNWH 137 40 NOIssa4ani a3TIOM — HS 5a wn F PI SE ‘GNvH HOW 40 NOISSSHaWI GATION Wwe | gun Wow F ‘nus ex 40 98 puno} useq 524] 1040p ayy ssoqun epew used oAeY SuosLeCUCD ALesseDoU OUR IONE PEAONSSP oq IH SILA O8oU BETES sequin souessjay a1) ‘ROLE SARE GRANT @T_wonsooy —— erat aea TYNES 85u9H0 Toe “NOTES WATT STG 1 s80:ppv SEELEY Aa ure. ‘MOST HOTTY owen, -aNaOG 3WIND ¥ OL SS309¥ ALVINLLIOT HIM 3SOHL ONY S193ESNS "WILD JO SIHIOIA 40 SINId ONDA HOS G35 3B OL sropone vaya 9g pinoy Sue weg urea Bush guaLL31 ¥90%8 UI pareyh09 oq SMH HOH SL WHOS LNIddY3ONI4 NOLLWNIITS Enc! Part 4 cont'd AUCE LAWSON Fight Hand ott Hand 26 Te non SE a - i _ |i F { se © & ‘penta a Toe am Sona vr ob) yng ‘SONWH HL08 40 NOISS34AM ase e007 a1 OL sow yere | aponume ensues | NH 110 NOISSINAW GITION wade aun wes Buna | are woue pornBuz [aun woad + ‘ONE LHOIW a0 NOISSaMaNNI GSTION ‘euo ain jo AuN6 punoy usa sey sovop ay) ss9jun epew L994 ony sUOSediso® ALessaDzu OY see PAO! 94 IN sIUHA 9804) DETTE — sequin oouas9joy ow OTRAS HADNT STAT ET uonesey —_— ro FRR s0usH0) suey RORHEINE 'CVOR WiLISO GRETETs50100y “FETA Aa woe ‘BRO RISEWETET wen '3N30S avilu9 V O198399¥ SLVWILIOST HULIN 3SOHL ANY S1934SNS ‘WIND JO SWILOIA JO SINIUd ONDL HOS 03S 38 OL sane udye 24 proods SUG "qu 99a Bayon guSLLT OT U aweU0D oq SU Uo} SR, WHOd LNIHdH3ONId NOLLWNIAITa pawoo y area ae aba ye sbi m0) | wom an Tevyobon wave 980 RO Conve IMO sayao1 usye, SQANHL ONAL awe ‘SON¥H HL08 40 NOISSaeI NI oe = | vanuno [same | emmys eswere | eure ‘ONVH 1357 40 NOISSaN O3TION = | | Ban wis Tagnbue | serine oo nue | qwnaLNe ‘GNWH IHOW 30 NOISSauaNNI GSTION ‘uaa ay yo A4yn8 puno} vesq eu Jouop oxy sbojun epeu used onsy suostedivea Aresoeu aut Jaye paACNseP aq jm sid eFO4L ——ar1ree — sequin eovesojey wg KOEFEIE "EATET GNNTAATT_woReOOT rang aE 20H 0 TENGRS GPAT Oa O79 s80:PPY er Aq use, RT RET owen IN30S aviluO V OLSS300¥ AAWWLIOST HILIM 3S0HL ANY S1934SNS “WIND 40 SIVILOIA JO SINIs ONDIVL Os GSN 3 OL e929 axe 94 PIno¥s sd Wye "yu era Bush SSL 907 Ut PoreEo9 9q WEN! HO} SRL WHOS LNIHdY3ONId NOLLWNIWIS patos y 3red Part 4 cont'd BRADLEY LAWSON, Fight Hona Lott Hand Te abo; vay 6 m4 HOw LST Tabor ways SB Oy ‘any AKON 801 UeyeL SONAL OWL ONYH La SONYH HLO8 40 NOISSSUAMT NIV aun wevot Sins ua 6 opomwors | eosuere ume 9 “GNVH 1331 40 NOISS3UdWI GSTION € Ww ans Bouneuy | aePW BYE eng neue | aunuiube | ‘ONE LHOW 30 NOWSSSBaNW O3TION ‘auua ey 40 AyN6 punos usaq ‘sey s0U0p exp ste]UN apews UBER Bney suOsLEMWoD AiessooBU BUT JAYE POAOAEEP oq Im SIUUG SEOUL BETTESsoquiny seusiajey ow NOREEN WANG THE BT veneer Sree weg —SCS”*~*~*~*~*~*~S~*~*CSYT HO TE wey “NOTRE TAAUAG RACLSATANT FB sse1pPV HOREEIVE Aq uaye, TI ST owen 3N39G AWNIHO V OLSS300¥ ALVINLLIORT HIM SSOHL ONY Si93dSNS “JWIO 4O SWUDIA 40 SINIié ODL YOs aaSN 34 OL sojeno vaya 2 pynoys sue Wg yu nig Bush SUSLL 3 YOOTE UF paradH09 94 SMU LHS HL WHOS LNIdd#39NI4 NOLLWNINITA aon ¥ ared es \ # 2 | = = | oa | a | ‘aaa oye pou Lat | Tpuabo. ves 85) 901 cn aon sng vote. SEIVPHLOML awwisn SoNvi 108 40 NOTSESKA NTA @ ; al € 7461 08 ig" 6 pon eT err um O19 ‘GNWH 1537 40 NOISSaAWI aFHOU 4 1 ee ST = Se Tr a ‘nH LHDW JO NOISSSUAN OFTION ‘usu Jo ANB punoy wseq ‘seu .ouop exp ssojun epew uoeq oney suosied.o> Asessooou oul Jaye pedOnsep 29 fm stud SFO, SETTES soquiny souasejey why ROLRGS "HANG BANE eT von" rer orger aed SHEET ou Fa wuey —NOLILLENE OVOU WEIEOE SEETETss0.PPY roca — ha vaya, 9 BO owEN, "3N3OS 3NIUO ¥ OLSS390¥ TAVINLLION HIM 3SOHL ONY $1934SNS "3WILID JO SWILDIA JO SINKid ONDVL HOS G3SN 38 OL yeopona voy 99 pynOus SHUG Wied sq payq Buren Sua 37 YOOTS UI patoydoD 94 IE OS SL WHOS LNId83ONI4 NOLLYNIANTA. pation yatta Part 4 cont’a @ ---g GEORGE THOMAS. 4 Tata Testo. voye 804 nos tow La canon unors | usbo oye, sarin OML Taxns8o1 vars 19604 903 conv 37 ora ‘unas yor oanuero | outers a 4 arriba Corr “GNWH 1NDIE 30 NOISSSHaWNI GATTO ‘owe atg jo A4n6 punoy we9q coy s0uop ey ss9]un apew uosd aney suosueduico Avssa0eu a4 s9ye PeAONEAR oC A SIUH 9804 SSLTTES— sequiny oouavajoy ow HOLES 'SATWa GATT GT_voneae1 ai ag aa ove rr 80 “XR ERIE ETT GT s8020PV vt — fa von, Rr VTE ae “aN30S aWIHO VOL SS390¥ SIVINLLIOST sium 3SOHL ONY SLDadSNS “SUID 4O SWILDIA 40 SINIa ONDIL YOd GBS 3a OL yoyiane dye 2q pnous sd Wes supper Ben gySL17 90 UH psve09 aq EAU! HO} SAL WHOS LNIHaY3ONIS NOLLWNIWIS patoo yea | LAIRD AEE ES DEDEDE» ARES RATER ETE! ONT IE hy syupid oxy xe0 sqoodsng | Part 4 oont’a ” guspects’ sy sports shoe se prints sR es “en “if Sei Deneaat 6 wi oe SE TO oy «co. ee er a Oo seh O23 7 fac) Coe, 2741 Hap exo pt wee op Jag ep 7 ™, wowy os CRG Bis wna \e ne mere me meyrre ESTE eee ee ag mr pacuyo ure ate map. Been em vay Srysenad oe a tose yew WY abs eProp rap a cre fy pation § ta ha mp pew ye) pe mend eo IY soydures Suppampuey sjoodsng Part 4 cont'd Name Analysis of suspects’ fingerprints Inspect he fl es of mination fingerprints, Use the following odes forthe basic potters in the prints Aearch L=loop We-vthorl C= composite U= unknown “There are also cos for more complex patterns ‘TL ulna loop (where the loop slopes down towards the title finger) TA = tented arch KL radial lop (where the lop slopes down towards the thams) Di. = double Toop (CPL = contol pocket loop 1 Foreacn susboct, identity te shope ofthe pateen on each af ther 10 fingers and ort those inthe tale below Recor any scars with the eter 'S + Tetthead Tit hand Sapa me [feo ce Tere | ten | Ham [fore Prva | ing] Te Fe ier | toe | Ber ir | tase |e | ee ice |_ Sikon Ray oer comments eaaciag pane, fngate or 820 oh en | | I I roras | Fra tga oose ata oo | | I I EStson | Ray ather comments reprana "= | palma, ingas or sue of hands ae | I _[ Foths [Rava comment resrana bal tngors ov sue of hands cxuge I _ Sees, | aroma eames rasgg Ta gee han ti rane [I bawson | pains, iors ora hands 1B Look at the fingerprints found at the ciime scene, Record the pattems on each fingerprint in the table below ifthe fingerpart isnot present of Rs patern fs notes wre Xn the spece. Then Kelty any Sieties Between the ingerpnts Found tthe cme scene and the suspects fingers [ Lontnane ight hand ipa} ae Tang] elace | for [trom | tame | for | mide) arg | ue | iar] Hina | Fagor | Spee {ioc Shae | finger | ng Set 8 on any ther consents reaar | So See ae seiegn I {TT ioc” | aarater comments rea paling, tegors or 328 oF hands Becroom| I I sett “Bay other comments regarding — ee I fee | aaeelemele ——| pan tngore ov sae thas 0 SF seo scene aud ‘iooys ay 0 ood eis aan ened a)0u paou nok y JaceupH aul 99 Met BYS 10 84 “yan nok Ag Aes ‘uae uoe9 104 NOME ISB} fH) GOL! WOH] LOW SioAdSrS aS BME MOK E B seu 31009 ane oe soma one ewouy og pa of aus sin oys se parsaaro 100 ay uo punoy sco ost sony Tunas Ocz0 ia warn vORed a UH Ye UDPIAG vwodeng, (roaus Sit 10 7989 210 95m “sande esau paat nak ) 0K 0} pave uaa Sey 9v0 Si) au aDUeRIA xn JO BoUEReNS Soy Coneuetove eaevoses!e aus yoedsns 8 of Fey 29 UL Tey eUEPIR ABE 20209 WO}OG BL XU Co-y sBeq covopine us Guprouy z veg v7 u8oS 8usi> ou e puro} souRpINe a BI uUUMPLEY eb uu Gu Jeo sieve} pneu sized oy) Ws} UBNeL eOUSpIND Ne) uH0N paquoo ¥ aed FRc seen Late afternoon on 18 June 2010 Michael Lawson anived home around Spm, At about the same time, a retied couple were walking their tlog on a beach about 3 kilometres from the Lowson’s home and found Jamie Lawson wandering on the sand dunes, Jamie wos sill wearing his pale blue pyjamas. He was grubby and crying for his mether, but physically linharmed. Michael Lawson hod not been home for Iong when he took the phone call from the police saying they had found Jamie. He and Alice let immediately for the police station where they were reunited with thle son ‘The police made enquires of people near the place where Jamie was found This product only one item Gf enidence that could help. A young man jogging on the beoch saw an old white Ford or Holden driving Sot fom the sume dunes at a very last speed at about 4 o'clock. He didn't remember the driver ciearty xcept that he was wearing a beanie and Didn't appear to be a teenage lout, like you sometimes saw being ‘enulsance in the sond dunes, Summary of interview with Jamie Lawson James Michaet Lawson s two-and--half years old and he was interviewed while sting on his mothers [up father was also present. Janne isthe only son of Michael Trevor Lawson and his wife Alice Louise Lawson. They reside at 12 Nerine Drive, Smithton The following tformation was extracted ftom the child after gentle and sympathetic questioning by Police Constable Margaret Jolns and his mother. + Tamie was held in an upstairs flat, probably the kidnapper’ own home, + Jamie did not know the man, + He played with the man’s cat but did not know what colow twas, +The man was wearing a fuzzy, halry jumper +The man smelt smoky, + There were no other people in the house only the eat 1 jamie had no idea how ke got tothe man's house, he only remembered waking up there + Jamie said that he went tothe beach to find Mummy, because the man had said that she would be there «+ Jamie sald they went ina big, dity car. When shown some colours, he indicated thatthe ear was ‘white or pale cream, Latest information from the forensic laboratory «The tea left inthe cup by the television where Mrs Lawson had sat the evening Jamie disappeared Contained remnants ofa sleeping pill. Mrs Lawson claims never to have use sleeping pills and Certainly not on 17 June «+ The hotr bees found on the cot blanket were consistent with cat hatr and were all white ABET PAL Puss OT 0¢ a0 do TAT ou po1Va ‘0papony Au jo sq ay 0 INN 91H SF DUE Kg paUBIS sed —T— yo mrouaIOS SIG 2peq woe nak aaey nod Jey pasea/d ABA Wey MOU 30} Ye 29 IN YR “UOSMET IW MOAWUELL “1 ‘stooK 96059 dsoe Aus zou PayOU/U2HDU | “ON eoayous ® nok aie UORMET ND ‘yqpioao 24By a4 Uo dutoy auEED pjnom | soy pasUNON puO BONY BINSSON 0} POU L004 0p n0A pip sey Pu D ‘ur Guos ay Au ways BuTULOU SHA IE'® NOD AY esueveeddesyp semi Jo 894 iy 20K pp LDU UOSMET IND sega Auto| ploy pou 24s 104 “os a5 BUDAUD YL STONE OF our so4 pays poy aus YOK puo UojsHDAtO> suo 94 puBdqsB40 pou ADR YOU BHI POLIS SA {o(doed ewos pjos Aneaxye pey eys 24 e180pU am s9OA DIA ai stop pao as ar aon 06 1 yun amy uax9 You suKD 1a O ou BHEY AS PIP 1910 |, JO aao>yTUBS Sun 3ur an Atyoan upp at mq paypxd soo a8Oddns | “uODI9A0 Ng B SOM T SHE ID HOM, {SOU sil 01 UoNDBe! MoM Sex IY PUY ‘uo smu ayy au pod aus TxOU Aut 01909 106 | unui wdsy's ynogo Sor Kyun aya dex Guu oy “BunsoUL KUL yO BBossaUH 0 PEaRDA | -saK \sAepsersed une Asonoy 041 moge paPey 1814 ROA uoyM BU f% NOK VED MON ‘OSMET IW) NAA WELL D ssa 04 uo om ps6 ‘Hosser raoyaqy su] “os 340 9404 294 "ossANy asmNET TTY 1 pottTOUE HO PUD ‘360 40 si096 Ze UID | WNKPHMS ‘AHiG BUEN ZF 1 AA "LOST JOSONL BOLDIN Sf FANON A ‘ase ade oy 40 y0ue9 oy 105 dog BussH ‘042 0) atysuenetas pue auley gasnods "sea/ppe ‘266 “aut IN) sNOA an NOA PyNeD UOSMET AYO dogs sw OTST seq AONE TS Aa voeL HOSRVT TEVEODT — (ss0unm yo oweu) oruewareis 893M 30 LNAWaLvIs AMVAINBVISNOD 391104 ‘pawoo g 1382 Part § cont'd Stotement of ame of witness) GORGE THOMAS Taken by D1. BROWN “dete 18.6.0 Time 4.159m 2 MrThomss, could you give your full name, age, address, spouse's name, occupation and bu POLICE CONSTABULARY ‘STATEMENT OF WITNESS relationship fo the Lawsons forthe bene ofthe tape please, [My name is George Thomas lve in Unit 15, 238 Foster Rd, Smithton. 1am $2 years of age and ‘am married to Betty Thomas. At present Iam unemployed and I last worked a a security guard, Thank you MrThomas, have just a few questions to ask. When did you last see Jamie Lawson? {am not sure I have seen him inthe last yeor. ! may have seen him when picking the wife up from work, but Vim not sure. I only pick her up eccusionaly. Usually she takes the cat. Yesterday was one of those days, Bey finshed Tote, after dark, 50 I peked her up to take her over to her sister's place for the weekend. 109 you ever go ito the house wen you pick up your wife? No, 1 usually just tot and she comes out | ‘And you picked up your wite from work ast night? Yes. | picked her up at 8 o'lock lke we arranged, then | drove her over to her sste’s house in Lockton. I went back home and watched TV. '80.n0 one can confirm where you were after Spm lastnight? (Oh yes. I rang my brother after I gat home, about quarter to ten. So you could check the phone records that Iwas home then, Fight, wel do that. Now when exactly aid yeu find out about the lottery money? | did't hear abouts ntl {heard the news this morning, Your wie didn’t discuss it wth you yesterday when you picked her up. or over the phone? No, I don't think she did. don’t rally remember what we talked about, I don’ think she ‘mentioned it then, maybe she told me at 8 o'clock when I picked her up. ‘So your wife's employer winning $1 milion ie not important enough to mention ina phone call? No, not relly; we don’t mixin the same social group. They keep fo theirs and we Keep to ours. ‘Thats their business, Anyway, Bety says Nes Lavin fold er not to tell anyone, 90 she didn't Your wite has told us that you own some pets, MrThormas, s that right? Yes, We have a Fox tere, Bert, and Molly the oat ‘And Molly is ginger ond white? Yes that’ right, And MeThomss, are you a smoker? No, gave up smoking years ago. The wife said itcost fo much and it made me stink, Sil, 1 think the open fire she expects me to ight every day makes the house stink ust as much, |. Thank you for your help MrThomas, wel be in touch. This statement of __1. pages signed by me isthe truth tothe best of my knowledge. Dated the 2am day ot dune 2010 signed _ 97D rma op —____ nearer voverensom 4009 O48 paseo: eH OME YUN MOA OP AAA 2804 6,edeup 9 8 OY S14 Woy PoUoJSUEN ILE sem MOH ‘ase sno 1y Suosea! OND ZONE Yoo secHeUp aka A Pe cp BUN EMMA uoctdeupy si 0818000) omer UEP AUN, © ays 241 Uo poder pue uo s10U WosUEH Oy Sm MOY BLE LOU B epoddupyBiiog UE 104 LOST Soy LUA ANNA, @ _20sno 94 porowe eney sdeupH a MEU OH a ous om power saddeupry aur yun nak op mou pue UEUNA ‘soasanb 6usno}0 94 Josue 0 siuewele om euy 341 CUR zp BBEC)sILOUICOTEREP JoyUNy, UI LONELLOW BYR eST) eurpzo ory FUTATOS patos § 308g Part 5 cont’ 2 Imagine that you are the prosecution lawyer atthe tl af the Kidhapper of Jamie Lawson, Explain to the |iry how you tink the erm was cared ut. Doser the atwe anc monton anyone ee you think ws Involved ad haw they contributed to te eee. Remember, you have tobe dear and concise and conuince the jury, Boyend al reseonabie doubt, that ths porsan isthe Kenapper 6 nS SS oo nT se ves ee Suton 0h ts tur yo 98 any gu a BUEN NA aN SOLE jo 204 yuna pub e405 3 copes 99 aod noe st aw ano nok og Pew Loe a lash ousuopserina sien cover moo} SOKO fn ey eaves anus oy pu ue al OLED) Trot Som tnt gon un Suosay ag ane Nau Mok PQ ep shod a Burp sMoLEMOL OHO A “hu 9a aes oR WI UH enon REDE Sie oud SPOeL ‘NOL eeu OH YORE Peta ‘suo uno 0 uno J o USI Sy Pu pou = exs 0 NA NOT ‘mou 99s sy os Aa peau "m Amge woge Soy Uy TES WO 9 Au sie Ae ou S004 a pu ono usbe Sey ew Kuo Snoge EHaU B SEWOL AOR yen Gago Hod ng se AE 3.4 0000 you sop ao pura Gude] au Uayn sets Sb 84S 8! DRI oA NOH ORME EPI use ut pavooNy ays UND Joys BPH oe MOSM OY onuwoven soci ot prs Burren sid a6uy pee tog poy Paes @payBepUE er Bh GPM HON ¥ 21 Buseoren puna 0 hn ox pens SeuneU egg auras Woy pets pu PEoIOUd SEW, uotonaeu adeoronte Mj payer fue Jo Bt Ee pode Pease! BSGED GUE SacawN LN ch psa eH B soar oy samo pasaixo pur adh ay BE POOH NES BIE HUE SacoON Yon dh PEPHSSOOY 10, pst uenen ia pe auabe6 pase oho soyPIID FoR © ped SusLE sah HA PORE dr @ ‘onder wn uso paveduna pub “Sseue YN tes pojEGE PARES fu porbe pu sirseua uh dh pod HE av pe oye ua pind seg y seem Hh epOU EO @“um4ds ps sm peydesBxo4d stations com ode jo unas on poraina eho tag apeUSED SunOS GI SAU SE IAL gama srojcen Bua uae any foi SfoqyPau WEE sO ST LARSEN. {orn «hous; 299 Nu Os suRvE WOU ROK.0Q JERE SUE ae IE eng 0h 2 oy cCavesn ay Sm yu Pl e951 hod PP UD4yt ge ode eX Page HE OUT T01 “thao enone Butue Sonos nat BO ep snowend Buy slomenau sok A Te POM PD SeBuL 292008089190 8 Buse si00p pu sop poo 2 sm UsHOM weg Jos sce 014) PUES EO & osieauon ain pur nono iso wtb wpe wave Suny parow 8 mwlue aoie9 use cn wxoroyt of sayoEOID sn po] SI SOHO HowM Ou ouebs sian rd taip snus San 0 Yo] 9} Opn ste pn NES BET ahh ura ham soon exBonspes Jeddah fy sous oy sop pus aan ieee SOULE OU OU ove yn ieveos 9 Fos WS Eun Buysno, wos sory au UES ue pnp sux pauody sien cay HB sy pe 4 Ses DuNpeD seme OBA eOIED BAL ingen ou BONS ous IE > Ua ANE LIED vamea ‘mi won 9850s pun ‘waleKD 2 =o moja sto pow ado ‘Suede. SOLE 5h 28 aes ase sods ae on outa pes At ure: hojo so ue sands ado HOP Oy terOHD PUES Ag Ty oseog Hoes we T eAnanoy aos oun 8 puna wi eve pneu Sus apew unde podeys nbs 8. -enpasoid uotasison outa us pe puoi mya noe yy nok wi dy ots. aps Age san Bs BEEN Suna NEIERS A IY Soot Sopa pot ur sto usdkesotaeq sbnip = sou 1 Iso\p "ABS Jo poon jo sods ~ ues ‘yl meow eu ueuuunpel- yodke Boasepuy tKLasuy “Ned ydeOdy VOIENE SNAP INNO] "soa pang fue fo uassorsod ‘sive auoo tou poe pope ag we 05 OL OM pa_EIDD o4A UEIEE HD uO} aay Mol FO SON, Dalonsap saps ou os pio PU suzeb gan nl -Paon sans 40 a5 ou ote Hay OS SeO¥SSNG pul SoU HE NOD EO eA =3S)_T Tésanoy Goa Answers cont’ Parts 1 Aloe waar: sone she ie the mothe ana was pest, she dsovered mio wes mien, ‘xy Thomas: kn abou te tery win, ta husband Needs money, Pas acess o house, made De cup of butisa mated ompoyee Frank Fret: now abou he lotr wn, racds money, knows the jt the hese, may rc whe he Key mas aps but root tacaoman ard was tha use before rset seg “lenniter Pili: ny out he etry wee ust and Brad Laon: knew tout bey wh nosds many, probly now the ayer of the hose uta faray mabe 18 George Thomas: because nae oka iverson of what Bey hs ita, sid What were you rovemerta a ‘Ser Torn at ng nts orig? Wan is you heer bow tery win? Hoo You fea seat 1 Won 8 You Ieee Jari? How wt oyu loo ten? o you mor ater fe aware? Mico! Lawson tose hot rast say about Jaros dsepeewance What wera your mover Yor abr er Taste ae mang? Wher i ou Pas ateur te lotar wr? How ou fo shut? Mon You ist het {hat bme wes man? What was your ranctnn? Wha yur esonahip wh yur ve ke eu ote has bee ‘ese th a hoo of he ama wnt ae yur vs of he? bd Your eee bs caste o cheba ‘amie? Bo you kr of anno who bea you oY arly uta? Part 4 Le Akelmon UL UL WWW Beryinomae UL UE Lots of cas in gent coe whol hands Bodies UL UL TTR. UL A UL UL Fonefiets CL WOW OL CALS WWW GeorgeTmoms UL UL uk LLL Medtcliowsee UL ONS) AA CWO ULL era cea on ein fer a stint =X UW W xX xX x Kk x x No cei av UW Wont nd 2 inst Al Lava, Seon ea ena eee ee ese Dau 9 on hun an bo on rg match Gootg8 Tar COnshat___Thpmeme and esos he many fe tacks mach he ngs Bey Laws. Ding window Th tas an atl eat on he ger mah he Seger of Maha Laon 3 len nant ogg te ce psn sh ts rie he ens © Seay He feny Tomas: he tngerprs on all yoo hen ating ha hand on oa is sis, he whee ‘tayo tm hr ct contend rept oheoun epnces boawce sre wero hoe Frank Fret no sisptius erence ony reve, amma fave iced wp gaat bt yrs on de ae there hen he Soppeato te mon Senior Pili: ro weseres era; he suggstad Jam pd up bce he sons ard ob ire two: eusanc, ut eats arey~ Pose Robe ‘Mil Lawaon setts oases tomato he ding for window inch my hav broken nto Neon hour, nowt Bey sxsoed he fgets ky nen Ne went na George Thomas hs Ingerps on geen reson cot rx she os Say rope 4. George Toman eres an geet on ct feny mos handing on anon rake fr Lneron or Frank Fue athad mates andrew sou any bt no oer ever pares 3a George and Gey sna the cir oe the phne whan lo was taking Be Lava any fad sey whos hi a Georgy nen he nected er pm Aico wes anes ater bung uaoed wit a sonnet Pe cup ofa 4 Boty wot te ansom nots sn ove to Groen ton te so han oki lome dane know Geom, ony Get who west fr astra. £ Inmie war taken sete 9 and 949m, ae Georg phones he Sater x 946 whan he aad hom. ip me Tomas ex ater Georgy ta tcen Baty Lekon ‘The pales Ieestgaton mode Googe reste te seroumners of what he had done, and st his are, 2 George Thomas was the eset heed hs we ety, George was unernyed Bay ony ada smal Income 0 thee motive wate of mana. rey penned the came roger ove the arore. Bey wats the neo ahd Buta spa on Aico’ cup ol tos Googe od Bot vp em Herk at Be ae tok Nata et sta’ Pose. Fe returned othe Lavon hs stu Spm ana ante vg Boy's key. Gearge le te “asom nate on the snail ‘Ed horogead Jamu, la hs ger se jor Hees te cl and some at Pa on» bloke. oak Sania zane one ot The nat doy uth he ole guestnnghie we he lost ha nerve an lear tthe Beas iene gg he an statement pole,

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