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What are your weaknesses

Some of my weaknesses is that before I spent too much time on projects, but I

have learned to trust my decisions and be more efficient, on the other hand I was

excited about new projects and without realizing it overloaded me. Now I have

learned to recognize my limits.

Alguna de mis debilidades es que antes invertía demasiado tiempo en los

proyectos, pero he aprendido a confiar en mis decisiones y ser más eficiente, por
otro lado Los nuevos proyectos me entusiasmaban y sin darme cuenta me

sobrecargaba. Ahora he aprendido a reconocer mis límites

Actividad 1

- What is the most important thing for a job interview?

The most important is you must arrive on time, smile, be pleasant and friendly, look the person in
the eye, and answer all questions.

- What can you infer about clothing?

For an interview you need to be well dressed, it can be with a traditional dress

- Why is it important to make visual contact?

To make visual contact is important in a job interview as it conveys security and confidence to the
Riquelme Cartes Susana Alejandra 24th September 2021

852 Mejillones Chillán Ñuble 3780000

26 twenty six
two thousand dollars

Forty five no


Coyam School Los puelches 1551 Chillán 4

Arturo mutizabal School , San Bernardo 1013 Chillán 9

Inacap university , Longitudinal sur 441 Chillán 4 Engineering in business administration

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