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Memory Improvement

How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to

Learn Faster. Includes the Neuro-Linguistic
Programming Tips and Tricks
Chapter 1: Introduction: Memory Improvement
and How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to
Learn Faster
Memory is our ability to remember the past and so it represents a
function generally attributed to the brain. It denotes a more abstract
concept of something—a person, a feeling, an episode. Our memory is an
essential part of our lives. We are data-collecting creatures and we are
living our life because of our memory. You wouldn’t be able to do
anything without a memory; you would be unable to learn, to think, to
create, and even be without intelligence.
Memory Improvement

How amazing would your life will be if you could learn and remember information easily,
quickly, and effectively? Think about it.

Everything in your life is improved when you improve your memory. You can access
information more quickly and more easily, which creates greater opportunities for connections and
associations. Memory improvement also enhances basic intelligence because the recalling of all the
events, people, and facts are the basics of intelligence.

You can create things and do more when you remember more because factual knowledge
always precedes skill. This book will guide you on how you can improve your memory and how you
can access information more quickly and more easily. This guide will provide you with a set of
powerful memory improvement skills and tricks. This book will allow you to take control of your
learning and improve your memory.
Chapter 1: Introduction: Memory Improvement & How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster
Memory Improvement
How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster
The thoughts about being helpless
Blaming someone else
Too much stress
Chapter 2: Memory improvement techniques & Memory improvement tips
Memory Improvement techniques
Step 1: Visual Image
Step 2: Acrostic (or Sentence)
Step 3: Acronym
Step 4: Rhymes and Alliteration
Step 5: Chunking
Step 6: Method of Loci
Designing Mnemonics, Imagination, association and Location
Memory improvement tips
Harnessing the power of your Brain
Tip 1: Do not skip on exercise or sleep
Tip 2: Make time for friends and fun
Tip 3: Keep Stress in check
Tip 4: Eat a brain-boosting diet
Tips 5: Give your brain workout
Chapter 3: How to Improve Study skills
Skill 1: Reduce Interference
Make it Meaningful
Minimize Intervening Activity
Avoid Studying Similar subjects Together
Study Different subjects in different rooms
Skill 2: Space It Out
The Limits of Attention:
Consolidation during Breaks:
Differing Contexts/Moods:
Skill 3: Use Whole and Part Learning
Progressive Part Method:
Skill 4: Recite It
Skill 5: Use a Study System
Chapter 5: Simple Steps to Learn Easy
Making things Interesting
Manage your time
Study in 30 minute chunks
Rewrite your notes at home
Avoid similar subjects
Chapter 6: Neuro-Linguistic Programming Tips
Tips to Improve Memory
Start to get to your visual prompts
An alternate approach to utilize this methodology is as a part of discussion.
Work on changing your physiology
Chapter 7: Brain Training
Brain training #1: Keep your senses workout throughout the day
Brain training# 2: focus on one thing at a time
Brain training# 3: Practice Deep Breathing Exercises
Brain training# 4: Play word association games
Brain training# 5: Do a Crossword Puzzle Everyday
Chapter 8: Memory Improvement for Students
Memory Improvement for students
Step 1: Pay Attention
Step 2: Involve all your senses
Step 3: Relate information to what you already know
Step 4: Focus on Basic Ideas
Step 5: Rehearse
Step 6: Exercise and sleep
How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster

To use advanced learning strategies to learn faster, you need to

have the most necessary thing: concentration. When you develop
your concentration you can easily use learning strategies to learn
faster. When you start learning the strategies, stop making
excuses for reading the whole information you are going to
learn. Excuses are thought viruses; they don’t care if people just
quickly focus on the information and skills. You block your
focus and your energy when you excuse yourself from learning something new. People used to give
away their powers by the most common excuses and those are:

Thoughts About Being Helpless

Stop thinking negatively about yourself like “I am not smart enough” or “It’s not my nature to learn
these strategies.” These thoughts always stop you from using advanced learning strategies to learn
Blaming Someone Else

My parents and friends always said that I was stupid.

I need support to learn these skills.
This book is not so easy to learn. I found difficulty in it so it’s the book’s fault.

You can’t blame someone for your negative emotions. Free your mind and concentrate and focus on
learning strategies. The choice is always yours to learn from it or you can place blame.

Too Much Stress

The excuse that there is just too much to learn and it is difficult and the book requires to do too much
are stopping your powers to use advanced strategies to learn faster. Now it’s your decision to stop
giving away your powers to your excuses. You are more than your excuses.

When you decide to let go of your excuses, judgments, and complaints then you quickly learn a new
skill. You will master it if you consistently change your approach and increase your desire to learn.
Chapter 2: Memory Improvement Techniques and
Memory Improvement Tips
Memory Improvement Techniques

Memory improvement techniques help you improve your

memory. To remember the structure of information and to remember
the facts accurately, these techniques are the basics. The memory
improvement techniques are split into two sections. In the first section
you will learn the memory techniques and in the second section you
will practice to remember the information.

The word mnemonic is another word used for memory technique. Difficult information is easy to
remember with the help of these mnemonic techniques. Complex stimuli such as color, images,
structures, sounds, smells, tastes, touch, positions, language, and emotions are easily encoded by the
help of these techniques. Our brain is developed to understand and remember the complex stimuli.

Mnemonics are clues of any kind to help you remember something. It helps you by associating the
information you want to remember with a visual image, a sentence, or a word.

Visual Image

When you start learning or remembering something then associate a visual image with a word
or name, it will help you remember them better. Images that are positive, pleasant, colorful, and
three-dimensional will be easier to remember.
Acrostic (or Sentence)

To improve your memory use sentences. Make up a sentence in

which the first letter of each word is part of or represents the initial of
what you want to remember. For example, the sentence “Every Good
Boy Deserves Fudge” is used to memorize the lines of the treble clef
representing the notes E, G, B, D, and F.


Make up a word by taking the first letters of all the keywords or idea you need to remember
and create a word out of them. For example, if you are remembering the names of the Great Lakes:
Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior, then use the word HOMES to remember.
Rhymes and Alliteration

Rhymes and alliteration are the repeating sounds or syllables used to remember more ordinary
facts and figures. Even you can take help from jokes; they are also a memorable way to remember
ordinary figures.


Chunking breaks a considerable rundown of numbers or different sorts of data into littler, more
reasonable chunks. For example, to remember a 10-digit telephone number, separate it into three sets
of numbers: 555-867-5309 (as compared to 5558675309).

Method of Loci

Imagine setting the things you need to recall along a course you know well or in particular areas in a
natural room or building. For example, for a shopping rundown, envision bananas in the portal to your
home, a puddle of milk amidst the couch, eggs going up the stairs, and bread on your bed.
Designing Mnemonics, Imagination, Association, and Location

Imagination, association, and location are the three basic principles

of mnemonics. With this guideline, generate powerful mnemonic
systems by working all three together.


For a fast later recall, imagine and visualize the situation more strongly. It will stick in your mind
very effectively.


The best way of remembering things is by linking a thing with the things you want to
remember. This association can be created:

If you place things on top of each other.

Rolling things together.

Assimilate images together.

Covering the things around each other.

Make associations by using the same smell, color, shape, or feeling.


With the help of location you can place information into rational situations so it drapes
together. It is a way of separating mnemonics from each other.
Memory Improvement Tips

You can improve your memory if you have a healthy and energetic brain; your strong memory
is dependent on your healthy, strong brain. If you are a student who wants high grades in exams, a
working professional who wants to stay mentally sharp, or you want to enhance your grey matter as
you age, there are a lot of things you can do to improve your memory.
Harnessing the Power of Your Brain

Your brain is an amazing storage box that has the surprising ability to adapt and change even
into old age. This amazing ability is known as neuroplasticity. Your brain has the ability to form new
pathways, modify open connections, and get used to ever changing ways with the help of the right
stimulation. When it comes to learning and memory, your brain reshapes itself and holds true with its
amazing ability. To increase your cognitive ability, boost your ability to learn new facts and figures,
and improve your memory, you can harness the natural power of neuroplasticity.
Tip 1: Do Not Skip on Exercise or Sleep

Your brain and memory relies on a nutrition-packed diet and

on sleep to perform its best. When you care for your brain with
healthy habits and a good diet, then the ability to remember things
increases with it. Treat your body with good health and increase your
ability to work and recall information. Make a habit to do physical
exercise because that increases oxygen to your brain and decreases
the risk for disorders that causes memory loss, such as diabetes, etc. Exercise increases the effects of
brain chemicals that are helpful and protects the brain cells.

Healthy exercise, diet, and sleep are also necessary for improving memory. If you have lack of sleep
then your brain finds difficulty to operate with its complete capacity. Due to lack of sleep, your
creativity, problem-solving abilities, and critical-thinking skills become affected. Sleep deprivation
is a recipe for disaster for your studies and work. Sleep is necessary and is a memory-enhancing
activity and a basic way to improve your learning.
Tip 2: Make Time for Friends and Fun

The best way to improve your memory and relax your brain is to make friends and have fun
with them. A life full of friends and fun has cognitive benefits. Our
healthy relationships are the ultimate memory boosters that stimulate
our brains. When you interact with your friends and family it is the best
exercise for your brain.

The next tip for improving memory is to take a medicine of

laughter as much as you can as it will keep your brain healthy and fresh. Listen to jokes and work out
punch lines that activate the learning and creativity areas of your brain.
Tip 3: Keep Stress in Check

Stay away from your brain’s worst enemy and that is

stress. Stress destroys brain cells and damages the power to think
and remember anything. Improve your focus, creativity, memory,
concentration, and learning skills by doing meditation as it
decreases your stress. Meditation leads you to feelings of joy and
equanimity and boosts your learning abilities.
Tip 4: Eat a Brain-boosting Diet
As your body needs different healthy fuels to keep it strong
and powerful, so does the brain. For improving memory, eat a healthy
diet based on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fats that boost your
memory such as nuts, fish, olive oil, and almonds. Omega-3 fatty acids
are important for your brain health.
Tips 5: Give Your Brain a Workout
Memory is like a muscular strength, it requires you to
use it. For better processing and to remember information better,
you should work out your brain more. These brain exercises
break your routine and challenges you to use it and develop new
brain pathways. The activities for your brain workout are:
playing musical instruments, enjoying games, knitting, tennis, and
all those activities that challenge your brain also includes
spatial-temporal reasoning and creativity.
Chapter 3: How to Improve Study Skills
This chapter covers all the study skills that improve memory. Every student desires the best
study skills to achieve their goal. The best study skills are:
Skill 1: Reduce Interference

Forgetting something is known as interference. When the new material is similar with the
previous learned information then the interference that occurs comes from your study skills. Follow
the given strategies to enhance your study skills:
Make it Meaningful

Make the information more meaningful by making sense of the

material you need to study; it will reduce your interference and helps you
remember things. The more you think around a subject, the less
demanding it is to learn new material identified with it. Case in point,
experienced chess players have the capacity to retain new moves more
rapidly than other individuals who are not acquainted with chess.

To my mindset, the guideline of nature is one of the numerous profits of being a long-lasting
learner inspired by an extensive variety of subjects. Something you learn today may help you learn
related material eventually. The second way to remember information is to convert it into rhymes.
The rhymes will make the information more meaningful and easier to remember. Patterns are another
way to make information more meaningful the same way rhymes do. For example, identify repeating
patterns or rules that can help you quickly memorize subsections of a list when learning a list of
Minimize Intervening Activity

To minimize the interferences between your study times, go to sleep because the
interferences increases when the amount of your study time increases.

Avoid Studying Similar Subjects Together

When you study similar subjects together then interferences increase. For example, if you
want to study the disorders of eyes and the disorders of ears together, then the interference increases
because their names are somewhat similar.
Study Different Subjects in Different Rooms

Study different contexts and different subjects in different rooms. It also reduces
Skill 2: Space It Out

The best amazing study skill is to space out the studying for any
particular subject. Most students try to learn all the study material in one
study session in what is called cramming. In the same way that
separating the material of a few separate subjects into different,
separate study sessions improves memory for the material, separating
the investigation of a solitary subject does likewise.

There are at least three reasons why this spaced learning is better than cramming:

The Limits of Attention

There is a limit for how long you can focus on something. Don’t try to learn too much at once,
keep your ability to concentrate on the facts and figures as you are learning.
Consolidation During Breaks

When you take breaks during studying, your brain strengthens. The less consolidation of
memories occurs when you try to learn all the material at once and take no breaks during study.

Differing Contexts/Mood
Environmental context affects memory. When you want to focus and concentrate on your
subject then take different contexts for study. Take breaks during a study session. It will boost your
Skill 3: Use Whole and Part Learning

This is the best study skill that teaches you when to take
a break during a study session. With this approach, you first use
the whole method to get a good grasp of the material. In other
words, read straight through everything carefully once or twice.
Then you separate out the more difficult sections for extra study
and reinforcement.

First go straight through all the material a couple of times quickly. Then break up the material into
logical parts that you study separately. At the end, go back and review everything from beginning to
end. With this methodology, you separate the material into areas and start contemplating the first part.
At that point you proceed onward to mulling over the second part, yet you ponder the first part again
alongside the second part. At the point when considering the third part, you likewise think about the
first and second parts.

You proceed along these lines all through the material. This dynamic taking in methodology
keeps you from overlooking the material you learned and it additionally helps you sort out all the
material reasonably in your mind.
Progressive Part Method
With this approach, you break up the material into sections and begin studying the first part.
Then you move on to studying the second part but you study the first part again along with the second
part. When studying the third part, you also review the first and second parts. You continue this way
all through the material. This progressive learning approach prevents you from forgetting the material
you learned at the beginning as you go along and it also helps you organize all the material
conceptually in your brain.
Skill 4: Recite It

Recitation is another good skill for study. It means

recalling the information you just learned. When studying your
material, take a pause and look away from the material and try to
remember the facts that you learned before.

If you feel you forgot it, then go back and read it again. To recall
the material for studying, the easiest way to memorize a chapter is by giving headings to each chapter.
For reciting the material you just read, get with a partner and recite it together. Recitation is the best
study skill to remember things for a long period of time.
Skill 5: Use a Study System

The study system is the fifth best skill to

improve memory and for study skills. To approach the
study material is a standard method. SQ3R is the best
study system. It is an acronym that is based on the steps
for the system of Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and

In surveying, you just need to understand the framework of the information. Read the important
structural parts of your study material quickly without going too deep.

When you complete your survey, just go through the parts you just learned and make questions
in your mind that you ask yourself.


Peruse straight through everything without taking notes. Make a point to read in detail through
the diagrams, section synopses, and so on again also. Utilize velocity perusing strategies, particularly
amidst your first go through the material, to spare time and expand cognizance.


With the information that you just read, ask questions and answer yourself. Read all the
chapters and read each heading and subheading.

The survey step ought to take just a couple of minutes. The system comprises of discussing
some way or another through the material once more. The more times you can survey before your
exam, dispersed out over hours or days if conceivable, the better you will probably recall the
Chapter 5: Simple Steps to Learn Easy
Here are the few techniques which can help you learn easily:
Making Things Interesting

Logical points of views are difficult to understand. To learn easily and to find every subject
easy, link your study material with your life events and things you’re interested in. This is very ideal
if you want to learn your study material easily.
Manage Your Time

Make a time table for study. This is the best way to improve your grades and makes it easy
for you to learn.
Study in 30-minute Chunks

It is difficult for your brain to read all the study material at once. So don’t keep studying for
hours. Take a minimum of 20-30 minutes of break during study. Within the break, do some other work
or activity you like to do.
Rewrite Your Notes at Home

For easy learning, rewrite your notes at home. It is a great way to remember study material
and improve your memory.
Avoid Similar Subjects

For easy learning and remembering of material for a long period of time, avoid reading
similar subjects during exams.
Chapter 6: Neuro-Linguistic Programming Tips

Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, provides practical ways in

you can change the way that you think, view past events, and approach
your life. It is the secret behind the success of many people. It is an art to
achieve goals without any negative implications.

NLP combines all the means of communication that includes verbal

language, body language, and written language. By using NLP techniques, your memory can be
increased. Recalling is constrained in light of the fact that the human personality is constantly turned
on and we all experience talking to ourselves among others more often than not. This is one of the
foundations for memory misfortune, as one is not ready to review a certain exchange in light of the
fact that at the time he was additionally having an extraordinary talk with oneself in his brain.

Gain from the past—history is a ceaseless cycle; antiquarianism helps us comprehend the past
with a specific end goal to anticipate and comprehend the future better. In one's home life, the same
may apply, particularly since people are inclined to rehash their mix-ups. To pick up control over
your life and propel forward, you must kick back and examine why you may have fizzled in a certain
assignment. Ask yourself how you can manage the undertaking and what prompted the past
disappointment. Along these lines, one can enhance his learning capacities and coordinate better into

People are sensorial animals and they utilize all their faculties as a part of a request to
remember and review a bit of data. NLP advances by gaining experiences by captivating all the
faculties. First, one can utilize visualization. Diagrams, outlines, pictures, and even words themselves
are simpler to review than theoretical ideas. Utilize this basic NLP strategy as regularly as you can.
Tips to Improve Memory

Get to Your Visual Prompts

Access the outwardly essential piece of your cerebrum by gazing upward and to one side. You
see when you turn upward and to one side you get to your visual memory. These are the pictures and
films that have flashed in your brain from the past. You can do this deliberately at this time to
discover things you lost.

An Alternate Approach to Utilize This Methodology is by being a Part of a


Whenever you talk with somebody, make sure to play w

the visual method. When somebody is identifying with you,
begin to make pictures in your brain. Listen to individuals as
though they were letting you know a story. Furthermore, as
they recount to you their story, manufacture a movie in your
brain. Add visual pictures to the story. The wealthier the
pictures, the simpler it will be to recollect.

I've utilized this technique during meetings and events. Everything I did was adding pictures to the
story I was hearing. A picture says a thousand words. Some individuals were astonished at how great
my memory was, however there's no trick to it—only a methodology.
Work on Changing Your Physiology

Make a point to address somebody by keeping your head up and shoulders back. Remain straight
when conceivable. This makes it such less demanding to gaze upward and make pictures. Also since
your memory needs to go through the picture-production enchantment that originates from turning
upward and to one side, it is the place you need to be. Work on seeing the world in an unexpected
way. Utilize the muscle between your ears. You've got a standout amongst the most valuable blessings
the world has ever known: your wonderful personality.
Chapter 7: Brain Training
This chapter gives you a complete guide on how you can train your
brain and improve your memory. In the field of brain fitness and
improvement of memory, the topic of brain training is the most
popular and amazing topic. To increase our memory, we are seeing new tools and tricks.

The scientific brain fitness games or brain training software or online puzzles are the powerful tools
for your brain training. Don’t be scared with these options. If you can’t buy expensive brain software,
we do have an alternative to guide you on how you can improve your memory.

Start practicing brain training exactly at your own pace in your spare time. The brain training
techniques are easy, fun, and amazing. The techniques are as follows:
Brain training #1: Keep Your Senses Working Through the Day

The first brain training tool to improve memory is when you see a mesmerizing picture, make
a note of it in your brain about its colors and the things you like in the picture. Take a moment to look
at the picture and try to memorize every detail about it. Recall the image throughout the day. The more
you think about every detail of the picture, the easier it is for your brain to keep the memory and
remember it at a later time.
Brain training #2: Focus on One Thing at a Time

In our everyday life we try many things to remember, but due to distractions we fail to focus on one
thing. In the second brain training tool, it teaches you how you can memorize things for a long time.
To remember some facts and figures in your life then turn out all other distraction and keep your focus
on the one fact. This kind of thing can be a chat you had with your family or friends, or employee, or a
magazine article you read. By focusing on one thing, you are giving a boost to your memory.
Brain training #3: Practice Deep-Breathing Exercises

Exercise is a powerful tool that keeps your brain active and strong. Train your brain by
practicing deep-breathing exercises. It will truly relax your senses and your brain will start to work
easily. It’s an amazing way to recall a situation when you start remembering things too hard and your
body tends to tense up and your mind’s stuck. Try to practice deep breathing daily as it will relax
your state of mind and it will be easier for you to memorize things.
Brain training #4: Play Word Association Games

The next tool is a fun tool for brain training. Associate things with something you want to
remember later and you don’t want to forget. This technique is very useful, especially when you have
difficulty in remembering people’s names.
Brain training #5: Do a Crossword Puzzle Everyday

A more fun and amazing training technique, if you are aware, is crossword puzzles. It can be
fun for you, but if you have never done crossword puzzles then you will be amazed at how much fun
they are and how they will encourage your brain. It is easy to purchase in dissimilar ability levels and
provides you and your brain with amazing and challenging levels.
Chapter 8: Memory Improvement for Students

Memory Improvement for Students

The memory improvement steps for students are as follows:

Step 1: Pay Attention

Pay attention to the study material you learn in the class
and at your home. The information cannot be encoded into your
brain unless you pay attention to your study material. The more you
pay attention to your study, the more your memory improves.
Step 2: Involve all Your Senses

When you focus on your study then relate the information of your study material to colors,
textures, smells, and tastes. When you rewrite the information, it will help you imprint the data into
your brain.

Step 3: Relate Information to What You Already Know

A great way to improve your memory should connect the previous learned information with
the new information.

Step 4: Focus on Basic Ideas

To improve your memory and remember the things you learned, memorize the basic idea of
the study material rather than the complex one.
Step 5: Rehearse

To get good grades, learn the information you read on the same day and give yourself breaks
between reading the study material.

Step 6: Exercise and Sleep

This is one of the best skills to improve memory: keep doing exercise and getting proper
sleep. Keep your brain healthy with healthy habits and a good diet. Treat your body with good health
and increase your ability to work and recall information. Make a habit to do physical exercise
because that increases oxygen to your brain and decreases the risk for disorders that causes memory
loss such as diabetes, etc. Exercise increases the effects of brain chemicals that are helpful and
protects the brain cells.
Memory is our ability to remember everything in our daily life.
Everything in your life is improved when you improve your memory.
You can access information more quickly and more easily and that
creates greater opportunities for connections and associations.

This guide will provide you with a set of powerful memory improvement skills and tricks. It
is a complete “how-to” on the advanced learning strategies to learn faster. Stop the thoughts about
being helpless and blaming someone else for your excuses. In memory improvement techniques,
mnemonics plays a very important role in improving memory. This book also provides Neuro-
Linguistic Program tricks and tips to improve your memory and become a successful person.

Thank you for reading this book. I hope it will help you. I ask you to leave honest feedback.

I think this book will also be useful for you: Speed reading by Oliver Thompson

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