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INSTRUCTIONS: Read the question and present your arguments in NOT more than 3- 5
QUESTION: Do you think UN has been successful in achieving its main function?

United Nation is a global diplomatic country – fostering reconciliation with other

countries – one of the international bodies promoting peace and stability; providing food and
medical assistance in emergencies; and offering humanitarian support to millions of people
around the world amidst the fact that at some point, they have been receiving verbal attacks
because of their policies, bureaucracy and spending. Recollecting their current records, UN has
already accomplished hundreds of successful peacekeeping missions through their different
bodies – the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social council, Trusteeship
Council, International Court of Justice, and the Secretariat that provided a wide range of global
concerns, accomplished by preempting and preventing conflict, and by persuading parties in
conflict to make peace and improving the conditions to preserve peace including the part of how
they keep on protecting human rights with 80 treaties and declarations. Today, the country is at
pace of providing solutions for problems related to healthcare, the environment, criminal justice,
and refugee dilemmas though others believe that somehow, the organization may be
overstepping its boundaries. Unfortunately, United Nation also had many failures – these covers
allegations of sexual misconduct and rape, accused corruption, and the time when peacekeepers
were unable to stop the Srebrencia massacre of around 8,000 Bosnian Muslims who fled to a UN
declared safe-zone in 1995. However, in my own perspective, I believe that the country has
already been successful in achieving its main function, knowing that United Nation is indeed the
sum of its parts, composed of member states with their individual interests – enabling policy
change that corresponds with its task of maintaining peace and security.

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