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Nama: m.alghani sutrisna

Kelas: X IPS 4
Lutung Kasarung
Once upon a time in tatar pasundan there is a Kingdom that lead by
a wise King, he is known as Prabu Tread.
Prabu Tapa Agung has
two beautiful daughters namely Purbararang and Purbasari sister.
Upon approaching the end of his life King Supreme Footprint pointing her
youngestdaughter, Purbasari as a replacement. “I was too old, it’s
time I abdicated,” said Prabu Tapa.
Purbasari had a brother named Purbararang. He appointed his younger
brother disagree replace their father. “I’m the eldest
daughter, supposed father chose me as his
successor,” grousing Purbararang on his
fiancée named Indrajaya. Kegeramannya already have the intention to make
it hurt peaked his younger brother. He encountered a grandmother magic
for memanterai Purbasari. Grandma magic put a spell on Purbasari so that
time suddenly becomes black  leather Purbasari. Purbararang so have
reason to evict his sister. “People who are condemned like him unworthy
of being a Queen!” said Purbararang.

Then he sent a Minister to isolate Purbasari to a forest. Once in the

forest the vizierstill kind enough with making a cottage to Purbasari. He
also advised Purbasari, “Bethe master of the Princess. This ordeal will
certainly come to an end, the Almighty will surely always be
with Princess “. “Thank you Uncle”, says Purbasari. During his time in the
jungle, he had a lot of friends that is the animals that are always good to
him. Among the animals there
is a mysterious black hairy ape. But the ape that is the most attention
to Purbasari. Lutung kasarung is
always exhilarating Purbasari with flowers – get abeautiful
flower and fruits along with his friends.
On the night of the full moon, Lutung Kasarung behave weird. He walked to a
quietplace and then . She was begging for something to the
gods. Lutung Kasarung proves that this is not an ordinary beings. Shortly
thereafter, the land near Lutung breaks and creating a small lake, the water is
clear. The water contains a drug that is very fragrant.

Lutung Kasarung next day  Purbasari and asked her to bathe

in the Lake. “What are the benefits to me?”, think Purbasari. But he was willing
to comply. Shortly after he only himself. Something happened on his skin. His
skin became clean as before and it became beautiful again. Purbasari was
very surprised and excited when he reflect in lake.
At the Palace, Purbararang decided to see his brother in the forest. He went
with his fiancée and his bodyguard. When he arrived in the forest, he finally
met with his sister and looked at each other. Purbararang could not
believe seeing her sister back as before. Purbararang did not want
to lose face, he invites Purbasari buffalo hair length. “Who is the
most long hair he is winning!“, said Purbararang. Purbasari was
initially unwilling, but because his elder
brother meladeni he urged continued. It turns outthe hair longer Purbasari.
“Well I was lost, but now let’s handsome fiance kicks us, this is my fiance“,
said Purbararang while approaching to Indrajaya. Purbasari started
to fidget and confusion. Finally he glanced
at and interesting hand Lutung Kasarung. Lutung Kasarung bobbing as if
to soothe Purbasari. Purbararang laughing out loud, “so the monkey your

At that time also Lutung Kasarung soon to meditate. All of a

sudden happened a miracle. Lutung Kasarung changed into a dashing young
man very handsome-faced, more than Indrajaya. All were surprised to see the
incident as cheer. Purbararang finally admitted his defeat and his guilt over
this. He apologises to his younger brotherand begged not to be
punished. Purbasari that kind forgiving them. After the
events that eventually all of them back to the Palace.
Purbasari to be a Queen, accompanied by a young idamannya. The young
man whoturns out to be has always been accompanying dihutan in the form
of a lutung.

20 kata sulit dari cerita tersebut dan terjemhanya:

1. Approaching: mendekati
2. Apologises: meminta maaf
3. Evict: mengusir
4. Vizier: perdana menteri
5. Exhilarating: menggembirakan
6. Meditate: merenungkan
7. Encountered: ditemui
8. Buffalo hair: rambut kerbau
9. Initially: mulanya
10. Unwilling: enggan
11. Outthe: keluar
12. Fiancé: tunangan
13. Admitted: mengakui
14. Confusion: kebingungan
15. Glanced: melirik
16. Interesting: menarik
17. Dashing: gagah
18. Soothe: menenangkan
19. Eventually: akhirnya
20. Accompanying: menemani

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