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A a \ NY ese Ten} Hans Mol Demo cs Sommer T Rory an Education Eel oot FibleesA? of. ishersSA.2014 ijeds hecho el depdsito que marca la Ley 11.723. Texto © Cantabaily Limited, Mary Cherrington and Hans Mol 2014 [Adepiacion: Diena Allamprese, Patricia Lapex Disefo eilustracion G Macmillan Publishers SA, 2014 Disefio: Eclipse Grafica Creativa llustacion de tapa y portada: Federico Combi Editado por: Juan Catlos Ottalina y Guadalupe Herrera Este libro 2s una adaptacion de Macmillan Next Move, originalrente publicadc en 2014, y se publica eon la auteriza:ion de Macmillan Publishers Limited, llusteado por Gabriele Antonini (Advocate Art) ppt, 28, 44, 58, 74, 86; Fiona Gowen p!8; Javier Joaquin (The Orgenisation) ppaS, 46, 61, 75, 76, 89; Anna Hancock (Beehive Ijustration) 925; Katana pps, 8, 11, 51, 67, 82, 83, 85; Gerald Kelley pe7, 21, 37, 53, 69, 81; Rob MecClurkan pp'8 (Actividad 1), 20, 92, 66, 68; Martin Melogne iconos para actividades; Ben Mounsey pp 16, 77, 90; David Hurtado ppt8 (Actividad 2), 39, 92; Andy Rebb (Bechive ilustration) ppa0, 47, 5%, 60, 76,91; Mark Ruffe (The Organisation) pp34, 62, 78 Los autores y los editores agradlecen par el permiso para reproducir sus fotoarafias & imgenes a: Thinkstock by Getty Images mochila y mapa Gremmar Trip, recuscro seccién “Look!” mapas en qvardas, manos Lesson 9, pp4, 5,6, 7,8, 9, 10 (chice adolescente}, 11, 12 [excapto caballos del Ejército de Terracota), 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22 excepto 2 y 7), 23 (excepto maripara), 24 (Alhambra), 26, 27 (excepto laguna del Ibera). 23, 30, 31, 33, 34 (excepto pandas Activided 2), 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 (cancha de fisbol), 46, 47, 49, 50, 52, 54 (excepto Park Tae-Hwan), 55, 55, 87, 63 (excepto d), 64, 65 fexcepto ccc), 66, 67, 69, 70 (excepto museo), 71, 72, 79 {excepto placa y resrato Bram Stokes), 60 (nfo), 81, 82, 83, 84, 87, 90 excemto 1), 93; Wikimedia Commons/Cale Preston p10 Ganya Bay); Wikimedia Commons/Huangdan p10 (Tianye~ Hhaifaol; Wikimedia Commone/Tomasz Sienicki p12 (caballos al Ejareto de Terracota); Wikimedia Commons/Leanco Kibisz p13 (Mar del Plata); Wikimedia Commons/Juan Emilio 9522 (2), 31 (@); Wikimedia Cammons/Felix Reiman pp22 (7), 31 7) ‘Wikimedia Commens/Alberto G Rovi p24 (acuario); Wikimedia ‘Commons/Hermann Luyken p27 (laguna del Iberd); Wikimedia Commons p63 (a); Wikimedia Commons/Krugerr p65 (ccc); Wikimedia Commons/Acrian Grycuk p70 (rmuseo); Wikimedia Commons/Jany Sniuk p73; Wikimedia Commons/FluartLaufer P29 (retrato Bram Stoker); Wikimedia Commons/Bergpavian p79 (place Bram Stoker) Flikt/Emilia Gerassino p13 (Comodoro Rivaclavia); Digital Stock Corp p23 {mariposa}; Latinstock [pp3¢ (pandas Activided 2), 43 (excepto cancha de futbol, 5a (Park Tae-Hwarl, 80 (excepto chico adolescente), 89, 94; Macmillan Publishers Ltd. p36; Macmillan Education Image Bank/Getty p90 (1) Cant, Amanda My English Trip 4 Pupi’s Book / Amanda Cant y Mary Charrington ; acaptedo por Diana Allamorese y Patricia Lépes.= 1a ed. 13 reimp. - Boulogne : Macmillan, 2075. 96 p. ; 28x22 cm, ISBN 978-987-672.228-5 1. Ensefianza de Inglés. |. Cherrington, Mary Il. Allamprese, Diana, adapt. Il Lépez, Patricia, adept. IV. Titulo, €DD 4207 Nose permite la repreduccién parcial o total, el almacenamiento, el elguiler, la transmisién o le transformacién ‘de este libro, en cualquier forma o por cualquier medic, sea electronico 0 mecanico, mediante fotocopias, digitaizacion y ctros métodos, sin ol permiso previo y escrito del editor. Su infaccion ests penada por las leyes 11.723 y 25.446. Impreso en Argentina / Printed in Argentina 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 111098765432 Primera edicién, primera reimprasin, Esto obra se terminé de imprimir en enero de 2016, en los talleres de Servicio Industrial Grafico S.RL, General Mansilla 649, Lomas del Mirador, provincia de Buenos Ares, Argentina. ira Vocabul Language focus: ‘Agjectivesto describe Review present simple: It's a H ’ jeople and things delicious cake. Do you like ii? Similar or = eee A 2 Social skills: Iim attaching seme photos, Cage me a en ae different people, sunbat is cleaner than your re sunhat. A chocolate cake is Country: more delicious than a cheese China sandwich. ; Ocean ani wild Superlative adjectives: 1e whale isthe biggest The shark is the most disturb wildlfo. jerous ocean animal ex. \Aetivate and Explore Pee Deunits 2 and 2) Vocabulary: Language focus: Jobs Going to: mm going to be Actions ave I'm not going to be a writer Social skills: Are you going to do your Wok hard. homework? What are you going to do F Country: italy going to UOT e 9 Abilities an Rr) } Activate and Explore (Units 3 and 4) Vocabulary Sociat skills: Don’t give up, Country: Poland Vocabulary: Types of films Actions (imeqguiar verb forms) kills: Activate and Explore (Units 5 and 6) ¢2) aT @ eect “Language focus: When I vas two, | could valk ‘But! couloln’t nurs fast. Could you ride a bike when uwere five? Did sou. Where did you What dic you bi Language focus; Inkers: First, they kr the door. Then they Ree Nee nd Cet mca Is the place where you live similar een enn) el esses Tm Chen and here Lam with part of my family, This is my grandpa. He is tall but | my.grandmais short. | Jove them. They are nice people. That is Gua-cua, my dog. He is thin. He is drinking some water, He is thirsty. And that is Mei-¥in, my grandma's cat. L Mei-Vin is fat. She is always hungry. Look at her! She is eating a fish, Ah! Look! This is my bike. itis one of my best friends! Hal Hal tis clean - but my T-shirt is very irtyl v Match the related adjectives. Then listen, check and say. Look at Chen. Look at him. OTL a, 1 hungry 2 tall Look at Me-Yin. /Look ather. NN 2 short b thin Look at grandma and grandpa. / : 3 fat c clean Look at them. 4 diny d_ thirsty 8 Sat €@© Look, read and correct. Then compare with a friend. Hua is tall Boisshort, = Hua’s boots are dirty. Hua’s dog is thin. There are many waterfalls in China, One is the Huangguoshu Waterfall in Anshun, in the province of Guizhou. | | | { My sunhat is cleaner than }- your sunhat now! [Wow It’s hot. It’s hotter ancl nicer than yesterday. But this water is cold. It's colder thon the ocean. Look! My sunhat is dirtier ‘than your sunhat. eae N diny/ dirtier N 8 ncer’s hat is dirtier / dirty tha ) Look at Activity 1 and complete. 1 cold cold 3 diny dirt 5 tall tall 2 hot — hot__ 4 dean clean, 6 short short €) Choose and complete. 1 Manu Gindbi __ than Lionel Messi. (short / tall) 2 Shrekis___ than Fiona. {small / big) 3 Winter is than summer. (cold / hot) 3 0/4 This ig Nai Na?’s shop. [ ike it very much. You cain see different objects here. Aa It's acrazy shop! delicious Kemfort dangerous / beautiful colourful / dangerous delicious / interesting expensive / delicious colourful / dangerous Neu delicious / comfortable @ Look and complete. Use adjectives from Activity 1. 4 Ws /an—___ car. fsa fan ___ dress. Its a /an_____ animal. tsa /an___ bed. Ws.a / an __cake. Ws fan flower tsa /an comic. 2, Then play amemory (— 3) . game with a friend. It's adelicious cake, Listen and read. Paula Subjsct:| Hello from Buenos Aires! Hi, Chen! Thanks for your email and the picture-of Nai Nai’s shop. Here in Chinatown there is a similar shop but itis smaller. | gm attaching some photos of the things you can find there. Look at the sword! Itis bigger and older than the sword in Nai Nai's shop. And it is more expensive than the sword in Nai Nai’s shop. Do you like it? And look at the dress! it's a present for my mum, Itis more beautiful than the dress in Nai Na's shop. And it is more colourful, too. hope you like the photos and you can visit me in Buenas Aires. See you soon Paula ~ G Mia an Rea ese | The dress for Paula Dee eer hieaeai eer) ‘Compate the buildings in the big city with the ones by the lake 6 —@ what do you think? Choose and write. 1 football / golf (popular / interesting) 3 swimming / skating (easy / dangerous) Football is more popular than golf. Football is more interesting than golf. 2 acat/a snake (quick / dangerous) 4 fish / meat (delicious / expensive) ) & Compare with a friend. Use some of these adjectives. colourful expensive delicious comfortable dangerous _ beautiful 1 amotorbike /acar nimi \ chocolate sake is more delicious 2 a chocolate cake /'a cheese sandwich eeelate medeets sre deleted than a cheese sandwich 3. abig plane / a small car ey ial, shoes / boots Cig : @ dangerous 2 expensive / 3. small 4 dirty 5 cheap v 6 beautiful 7 clean 8 colourful Listen again and complete. (2 bag 1 There are BeachesSnihe [sland of Hanan. | arn Sanya Bay is sandy and 7° ‘The food in Sanya Bay is very : g 2 ‘than Sanya Bay. 4 Tianya-Haijiao is more = 5 The food in Sanya Bay is than in Tianya-Haijiao. 0 to the beach, Sanya Bay Or Tianya-Haijiaa, 1 There is only one beach in Paula's the beach, too. There are many tina. They are beautiful country. 5 is it Sonya Bay or Tanya Haiiaa this y Chen prefers Sanya Bay. [ Tianya-Haijiao, My mum prefers Sanya Bay but it's more expensive than Tianya-Haijiao. | am happy. | hike Tianya Hajjiao because it’s more exciting than Sanya Bay. There ‘are many rocks. My brother and | sometimes climb the rocks and my mur gets scared, We have a ot of fun 3. Chen is scared of the rocks. 4 Chen thinks Tianya-Haijiao is ‘more exciting than Sanya Bay. Do many cople go there? Yes, a ot! So it's diet than Sanya Bay. But like because - | have alot of friends there | usuelly swim and play 6 5 Chen is bored at the beac! football with them, We have a wonderful ime together hen J etedl peo one 5, cool! Which country's bigger? 2 China Argentina Which riveris longer? a Yangzie River Parand Rivet Which waterfall is higher? Iguazi Waterfall Huangguoshu Waterfall Which city is colder in winter? Buenos Aires Beijing Which city is hotter in summer? Xian Resistencia Look and compare with a friend ~ one of you looks at Picture A and the other one at Picture B. Use some of these adjectives: tall short big small expensive cheap_—_—clean dirty colourful sunny cloudy thin. fat Ree Mdeeniar The Terracotta Army The Tergcotta Army sa collection of terracotta solders and horses. They are part of the mausoleum of the fist'Emperor of china, Qin Shi Huang, in the city of Xi'an. This is an underground construction with feally impressive figures, There are approximately 8,000 soldiers and around 130 chariots with more than 250 horses. in the past, the soldiers and the horses looked more colourful than now. The generals and the soldiers look different. The generals are taller than the soldiers. the gereerals’ clothes are more elegant than the soldiers’ clothes. Their caps and shaes are more elegant too, But what was the purpose of this Army? Can you guess? chariot iy chen! Last summer | w9s inthe oly of Xan with my family : ? ‘My mum thinks the Great Wall of China is mare famous than ASGiee! the Terracotta Arm. Blt Mike the Army. | think is mare The mausoleum of the iferesting than the Wall first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, is in the Read again and write True or False. UNESCO World Heritage List. The purpose of the Terracota Army was to protect the Emperor. 1 There aren‘t any horses in the Army, 2. The soldiers are shorter than the generals. Paula was in the city of Xi'an with her family Paula thinks the Great Wall of China is more interesting than the Terracotta Army. areas Do you know historical places in your country? Is there 2 mausoleum in your town or city? ) Prepare. * Get into groups of three or four Where ane they? * Choose two cities to compare. ‘Ua cov gout tes? + Use the Internet, read books or encyclopedias to find Ave they simian’? information about the cities. ai. " Hose thay, dierent? P) write notes for a presentation using the information from Activity 1. —s You can also use: Sw || Mar del Plt and Comedore Rivadavia are on the ly fon. ed || Attantic coast. You can swim, surf and practise ous ean. || different types ef water sports in both cities a emo... than, | The busches in Comodo are wide and you can practise sand yachting. It is a very exciting sport Beg Ae The stain Comaloriscolder and more dangerous || Seme people say itis dictier than the sea in Make a poster. Remember Mar del Plata. Mar del Plata is warrser in summer. to draw or paste pictures. | Many penple vst thiscity all year fong. In fact, iis || mare popular than Comoe. Share your work with the class. Welcome to the party, Where are you I ike your blue cress. It's more beautiful than my dress. Thank you. Like your black bag. It's prettier than my be Thanks! Where are you from? Well, you're welcome, too. We're all friends here! Tick (V) the best option to describe the situation. | 2 Accept and welcome different people. 3. Offer drinks to people from other countries. i | 1 Talk and offer drinks to iendly people. & 9 How do you welcome new people? Read and tick (7). | | 1 Look at them: 3 Help them with new things. 2 Say hello and your name. 4 Invite ther to a party orto play. Take a shower, You're _dirts 1 My dog eats too much! He is so Your eat is very Give him more food. Can | have a drink, please? I'm I play basketball lam Can | have an apple, please? I'm Read, look and tick (“). Which animal. 1 is fat and hungry? 2. is fat and dirty? 3. isthin and thirsty? 4. isthin and clean? is thin and dirty? 9 Complete using the correct form of each adjective. dirty het big tall 1 z © it’s__hot in my country. it’s _hotter than in your on country! b 2 The treesin this town ore Theyre ‘than in your town, 3 My T-shirt is i’s___ than your Fs Your sunhat is But my sunhat is than your sunhat! 9 Answer about you. 1. When are you hungrier, before or after breakfast? 2 When are you cleaner, before or after a football game? 3. When are you thirstier, before or after the PE class? 4 When are you happier, before or after the English class? 9 Connect to make words. 1 danger aon zal 4 colour 2 comfort 5 expens 3 beaut 6 delici 1 I’s__colourful 2 Its 4 its q Look and write. Use the correct form of these adjectives: (expensive delicious dangerous comfortable 1 _the T-shirt is more colourful than the shorts. qQ Put the letters in order to make adjectives. Then match. & 2d G b : dv -a- “ 3 & O iy" 0 ¥ ( 4 Ienae 3. rdyit 5 uyhnrg 2° trohs 4 itl 6 htrsyti 9 Complete the sentences. There is one extra option. colourful beautiful interesting comfortable delicious \ love my bed. It's very 2 There are many —______— flowers in our garden: red, yellow, blue, pink... 3 Whata_____—_cake! Can | have another piece? 4° like your dress. | think it ! 9 Look and complete the sentences with the correct form of these adjectives: Es) MiyaRrogress J can describe people, animals and objects. ee ee | can compare two people, animals and objects. long small big expensive dirty esisto] 1 The skateboard is the t 2. The guitaris________the trum 3 The train is the 4 The guitaris________ the k 5 Thecaris the ene sleet gear ire Sues [prego tele ees Complete. Then compare with a friend. strong small dangerous ig colourful 9 9 Which is bigger __— the whale or the seal? Which is = the seahorse or the shark? Which is ~ the crab or the dolphin? 4 Which is =the seahorse or the whale? Which is =the shark or the dolphin? Look at Activity 1 and play a guessing game. are yellow. There are ten. They are small and they Do you like my drawing? It’s fo school project. Look! There is ¢ fone squid and one swords They are difficult te draw, (Seahorses! Listen and read. ——— 7] Tina and Bouncer are sno: Hey, that’s not fair, The shark is bigger than the seahorse! The poor seahorse is the smallest of them alt! But look! The whale ap isthe biggest! ‘The largest. aqucrium in Europe isin Valencia, acity on the ecst coast of Spain, If has an underwater exhibition room and restaurant. Visitors can have lunch and see the animals in the aquariun around them! Ma AR Rae tS cm een ey Mere Snares @ Look at Activity 1 and complete. 1 small the small 5 the [ong slow the slow. the big__ the fast___ the hungr the strong, the dirt ~ ( think sharks are the hungtiest. the slowest? aa the hungriest? > ——EE_ thaifastest E No, think the crab ) the strongest? ees is the hungriest. (Tipeps 52.530) Lesson 3 G09 This is another poster for the school project It is about wildlife in the Iberian Peninsula. These are some of the animals that live her isten and say. Which of these animals ¢an you find in your country? ildlife By Paloma Sanchez q Ty_8 butterfly p= @ Write True or False. Then correct the false sentences. 1. The eagle is more colourful than the parrot. 2 The bear is bigger than the monkey. 3 The scorpion fs longer than the lizard. 4 “The butterfly is more dangerous than the scorpion. ee @ Look at Activity 1 and play a guessing game. It is colourful. It can fly and it exeacsk is bigger than the scorpion. Ps storpion ts more danganous than the spider Bat the sabe the most dangnrusn So- be conabul hen sf optonio in parle ov you efinBeo tae Snakes tine near water and grey areas. rthe octany be cariful too, There ane a tat of species off animals andi tome ane dangerous ‘The swoedhih ts mone dangerous than the dalphin ov the | xab, But the shank nthe most dangerous. fRowe an | about BO species of Shans ov the Weitsantane | Sea the most dengecous inthe gat eft shar E Coeur e teal Me a Rete Look et the animals. Which Set eee rete 7 is the biggest? Which is the smallest? Which is the 2 most dangerous? Which is cee angerous 2 the most colourful? The snake is the m oe Put the words in order to make sentences. bird / is / most / The / the / parrot / colourful 2. eagle / dangerous / The / is /bird / the / most 3. dangerous / the / most/ is / ocean / The / shark / animal butterfly / The / most / is / the / beautiful /jnsect — g Complete the email with these words. There is one extra option. a == (Biggest dangerous most beautiful" _older— pactinuul most famous _mostimportant—_oldest | From: { Paloma “e:[Jason Subjece| Welcome to Spain! ~ 2 Hi Jason, I'm so happy you are in Spain. Come to my house this weekend! | can take you to one of the places in Valencia, the Aquarium. Mum has three tickets for the Aquarium and we can go together. | was there last summer -e in the area. Itis my favourite! This and | think it is the ?_____ tourist ‘Aquarium is the?___in Europe. There are more than 48,000 animals ~ 500 different species. | like the penguins, the red coral and the Giant Spider Crab. It looks scary but it is not *_ | also like the dolphins. Some have naines, for example, Kiara aod Ely. They are the $________ dolphins in the group. They are $ very popular! ‘Well, we can also visit the Alhambra or Red Palace. It is one of the § constructions in Spain. It is just like the Aladalin film. I'm sending you two photos! Phone me or write to me soon | Hugs, Paloma (ed @ Listen and check. Q ® Read Activity 1 and write True or False. Qa 1 Jason doesn't live in Spain. 2. Paloma can take three friends to the aquarium. 3. The Velencia Aquarium is Paloma’s favourite tourist place. 4 Kiara and Ely are not dolphins 9g Complete the poem with these words. foricall balla), tun game loealeublece Sid the squid ‘sin the club With ocean nimds Having Aven kind of sport, Aspecal* Underwater Isitspome Starfish kicks the ‘Then Sc kicks ogain, And bladeink 8 out, fe ballisin the net! Sel stencls end looks He cont see the © Storfish runs fast. And scaresa? (ed @ Listen and check. v TA @ Write 2 poem with a friend.» é Arnew kind of sport, its sume : > @ Read your poem with a friend. > © Answer. Then compare with a friend. 1 What's the most popular sport in your country?® 2 Which is the biggest stadium? 3. Who are the most popular sportswoman and sportsman in your country? Read about the Iberian lynx. Peleg) em spnin govriberanly w | — & The Iberian lynx | The Iberian lynx is a big cat. It is @ carnivore. The lynx is a solitary animal and its main diet is rabbit, It occesionally hunts other mammals, birds and reptiles. The lynxes have longer hair than cats but their coat is There arg only small populations in the south of Spain, for shorter than other species of lynxes. The male is larger than the female. example in Andalusia there is a population of 300 lynxes. The Iberian lynx is an endangered species; itis the most endangered species of cat in the world, and the most endangered carnivore in Europe. There are different projects to save this species. Projects include the preservation of the lynx’s habitet and the lynx end rabbit population. There are new preservation centres in Spain to help the lynx not to become extinct. Read again and write True or False, The Iberian lynx is bigger 2. The Iberian lynx lives in many parts of Spain. than the Caftadian lyre The Iberian lynx eats rabbits. 3. The number of Iberian lynxes is very big but the Eurasian lynx is the biggest of the three. People are trying to save the Iberian lynx. TR Are there any endangered species in your country? What can you do to protect them? i] Prepare. * Choose 2 national park or a nature reserve. * Use the Internet, read magazines or encyclopedias to find information of Q@ Write an article for an | online encyclopedia using the information | from Activity 1. You can also use: “Tie national pax: sth. Tees Thos... Gps eons tee, Thee. how ane. “The longest: / atest | animal is | The... higgen / soil. / Stronger thon 9 Share your work with the class. * Get into groups of three or four LESSON 8 Se Where i the national pak / nature serve’? othe ponte / users big? ‘What type of animals can, Esteros del Ibera Reserve _ \berd Reserve is 1x Corrientes: Its very big - Inis very famous because The Esteros del svis the largest wetland in Argentina species in it tt has an Incredible there are a lot of animal variety of plants and animals. Some typical species are the alligator (vaca {ciervo de los pantanos) and the capybara (carpinchol. The rodent in the world. it lives near water largest and eats plants end fruits. Femeles ate heavier than males | nether typeal anigra isthe siartnteater (050 hormiguem) | \cicthe largest in ts family I ives inthe forestand eats ants | Males are bigger than females, Giant anteaters are In danger | of extinction, so there are different projects 16 protect them. ré), the marsh deer capybara is the Tee oN) : , 26 | | EWG slp) @ Usten.and read. Where did the children find the animals? | In the morning, Jasper and Kirsty are at 2 (vs lunchtime and time to go home. { 1e evening, Mum goes into 5 a bathroom — Bye, squid! | Aahh! There's asquid anda } Bye, starfish! | starfish in the bathroom! J J a | a, You're homme now. i They're special, but they aren't gg pets, They need sea water, ? Read the story again. » © Do you respect wildlife and nature? 2 Tick () the best option Think and answer Yes or No. to describe the situation. 1. | don’t disturb animals. 1 Respect your pets. Po 2 Lam quiet near wild animals. / "¢ disturt wildlife. 2) (Dnteatenss | use the litter bins to put 000 Have wild animals as pets. my litter. Write sentences comparing the animals from Activity 1. (big) The whale is bigger than the seal. (dangerous) (beautiful) (small) {colourful Write your own sentences comparing people, animals or objects. Use the correct forms of long, tall, interesting and important. 2 3 4 9 Look and complete using the correct form of these adjectives: Shumery dirty clean big small 1. The shark is the hungriest . 4 The dolphin is 2 The crab is 5 The seahorse is 3. The whale is big small el young fat_thin * Sears old * 65cm 1 _Sandy is older than Tess, but Mike is the oldes = 50kg Sang, = Syears old «40cm 2 10kg < * Lyear ole = 200m ok one 9 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of each adjective. 1. (short) isthe __ shortest _ person in my family. 2 (old) is the person in my family. 4 (all) is the person in my family. 5 (young) _____is the person in my family ° ylo|mil D/ 1|Bic|oO Y|D|UJOIN L|B/T/O|K Kle|ticle RIO;JE|N/Y T[R[R|HIE| C|KI FI TH O;E,LIM]I aleity|zly @ Look at Activity 7 and write. Use the correct form of these adjectives: beautiful dangerous interesting colourful 1 The is the most interesting animal. hwN cA Q Choose and writ 1 football / tennis / skating (exciting) Skating is the most exciting sport. _ 2 achocolate cake /'a tomato sandwich / ice cream (delicious) 3 acomic/a book / a dictionary (interesting) 7 a 4 acar/a bicycle /a plane e (expensive) (comfortable) a >) Write about this. unit.

200,000 visitors > 10,000 robberies a year » Weather: snow very cold Great white shark Cee See Lg STL ol than the The dalphin ie or i faster » 10,000 visitors » 8,000 robberies 8 year > 20,000 visitors > 8,000 robberies ayear > Weather: sunny, hot een Read Glien’s blog entry about endangered animals in his country. Then write True or False. | Endangered species in China ae | The Giant panda is an amazing animal. It lives mainly in the bamboo | forest in China. Its furis black and white with black patches around | its eyes. | Panda bears eat bamboo, grass and sometimes small animals like birds and rats. They are quiet animals but they are dangerous when their babies are in danger. This species is in danger of extinction. Why? Because people are destroying its habitat. Unfortunately, there are also other wild animals in China that are j in danger of extinction, like the Siberian tiger. This tiger is more dangerous than the panda and it is faster, too. Many people consider this tiger as the largest and most dangerous wild cat. The Chinése government promotes protection measures to help the panda and the tiger survive. 1. The panda bear eats only meat SS The most common panda bear is brown. wn Panda bears are quiet animals. 5 The Siberian tiger doesn't run fest. a Nobody is protecting these animals in China, —__ @ @ Read and match. There is one extra option. A. This panda baby is at the Taipei Zoo, in Taiwan. Itis a week old. itis white and pink and very small. These pandas cannot see. B Baby pandas don't open their eyes until they are seven or eight weeks old They cannot move until three months. They start with their bamboo diet when they are nine months old, In the picture, you can sce the baby panda with its mother. eee ee eae ec Teen mee Ne rece LESSON 1 ho works on a boat / in a hospital? G0 @ Listen and say. w a 7_ firefighter | 4 writer | 6 vet aan, Soe @ Read and complete. Use words from Activity 1. He works on a plane. He is a___pillot She writes stories for children. She's a My father loves the ——— 7 \yater Hels = Gendolice He's brave and helps people. He's a. FFind/and describe hime She works in a hospital. She's a He works on a boat. He catches fish. He's & She works in an animal hospital. She's a He is athletic, He runs a lot. He works in a team. He's @ She wears a uniform. She works with people, mainly in the street, She's a we oevoanueone He works in a restaurant kitchen. He's 2 ¢ > © Ask and answer with a friend. mer I want to be a writer because | love stories. LESSON 2 Tm not going to be a cock, Tm going to be a pilot, Are you going to be apilot? OSE oc SOREL Tc. Hi, 'm Donato, from Venice. I'm not ‘ acook. Ime because Hello, 'm Anetta, from Naples. | want Heer y isa oven Be vrite songs and stories for children Tr? 5 Most Italian fami have a dos or a cat Some favourite dogs! = names are Lupo, Hi, 'm Giuliana, from Rome. Im not Valentino and Donna. owriter Some typical cats names are Romeo and Dolce, a ep © write about your future plans. Then compare with a friend. 3 1 fm ___ 2 I'mnot Lesson 3 ged 9g Listen and say. Do you do similar activities every day? e t 1 do my homework 2 have a shower 5 brush my teeth 6 buy sweets c= God @ Listen to Gianna and number in Activity 1 the activities she does. 4 use the Internet © Answer about you. 1 Do you do your homework every day? _ 2 Do you buy sweets at school? __ - —_____§ 3. When do you use the Internet? _ 4 When do you have a shower? _ 5 When do you text a friend? _ ge @ Look at Activity 3 and ask and answer with a friend Do you de your homework every day? Pietro: Anna: Pietro: Anna Hi, Anna, What are you going te do after school tomorrow? Hi, Pietro, Im going to have a shower after my gum class anct then li going to do my homework, have a test on Friday, | see, What are your brothers going to de? They are going to use the Internet and study, too. They have a presentation. What about Gianna? Pietro: Oh, she's going to buy a CD tomorrow. And your sister Carla? Is she going to study tomorrow, too? Anna: Oh, rho. she isn't, She’s going to play vieleo games. She's got anew one called Chomperman, Pietro: That's great! I think!'m going to visit your sister, Q Match. Then write in your folder. Ea Ru setae uc uen > " Pietro do homework / Sree a Too 7 not study C ‘Anna Anna's brothers visita friend Carla buy aco # Gianna Sl | Gs Where is Frank going to study? _He’e going to study at the library. Is Anna going to have a coffee? Is Susan going to buy milk? Are the doctors going to work in the hospital? What are Sandra and Jane going to do? What are the children going to see? rea Lesson 5 Tam going to tell you about my grandpa, Giorgio, He is 68 years old, He has a pizzeriain the’_Cc%y __ of Modena, He makes the most traditional kinds of ®_/) 2,20 _ but he also makes a delicious vegetarian pizza, the speciality of the house. lam? { to make ice cream next summer. because my grandpa is also goin There are two and three waitersin the pizzeria, Lam going to help my grandpa during the *_Z1 J My brother Pietro is going to learn to cuok because he wants to bea chef. He is going to ®. «with grandpa, A pizzeriais hard work but itis fun. My grandpa his pizzeria and I [ove him, . : Ra next summer > Past: last summer s SS eee) ity 1 and write True or False. Q 1. Gianna’s grandpa only makes traditional pizza. 2. Her grandpaimakes)ice cream in the pizzeria, 3. Four people make the pizza. 4 Gianna is going to help her grandpa during the holidays. 9 Write the questions and answers. a 1. What / Gianna / do / during holidays? She is going to _ 2. Where / Gianna and her brother / work? They are _ __ = 3. What/Pietro/learn? Heis 4 What / Gianna’s grandpa / make / next summer? _ He tim going to work in an animal hospital. I / work iv an animal hotpttal ___ || ty ston / Bel people na Royal —_—§ Wy briond / wean a, Blue unikorm . —| my tt pin iteRen nestourant _* i i i | @ Qe Read and match: Ido exercise and train every day. | play in a team, J score goals! Ike animals and always help them. } &L) GD Ihelp people and doctors. 1 work in a hospital. ‘| | GD Le help people in an — et emergency, | rescue people from accidents and fies Iprotect people and Ido exercise and train every places. I stop crimes. day. |use a racket. Sometimes 3 Ee ar i. the matches are long. am ‘ ‘ dz © Listen and correct the words in bold. Monday to ‘Thursday, 2Play a shower. Moncey te “Thursday, *Complete your homework) Before | go to school. Have your “dinner, After [ finish school, Have your dinner, Test ready in the morning. “Use your teeth! I study in my ‘garden. “Email a friend, | What do you think!do2 “Use your teeth! Whatelse do youthinkdo? Use the Internet! 7 | 2 (2 9 Listen again and sing in groups. Lesson 7 Look at my cousin Carla! Her photo is in a magazine, She's farnous now! A. A magazine article —— @ Read about Gianna’s cousin. Holidays in the snow Tn Italy, skiing is a popular sport. In some $< gesoris there are ski schools for children. They [eara to ski by playing a lot of games and raving fun. ‘With the help of the ski instructors, children {great first experience in the snow. They ces and enjoy have Jeara to ski, participate in ‘games in the snow i “ebugli is a ski instructor. In winter, { tmgoing to arla works ata ski resort in San Domenico, slike Gssola For te Test of the year, Carla works as titer. She yates stories for children “Going to be a ski tobeawrter. instructor. t's un Carla L sane Sfre cualiinen at the ski school love Carla's \egfons and theysfove her books, @ Read again and write True or False. In all the ski resorts there are ski schools for children. Children have fun in the ski lessons, —__ Carla writes stories in winter — T three-year-old childrer id children can go to ski classes in Italy swne Children only like Carla's lessons. i Why do you think Carla's students love her? Which of Carla's jobs is more interesting? And more difficult? Why? cult? Why’ ot dows he / she do? Get into groups of three or four. ‘Whore door ke: / she woah? * Choose ial person to write about. 5 3 e o Choote aspect | SEIS: i What s fis / fet kaiky saute? * Find information about him / her. Include some facts about his/her personal and "What actinities dot Le / ifr do? professional life. Whotisoke / she qaing to do in the batios Lupa | 2 ceperce (7 Qe Write a blog entry about the special person using the information from Activity 1. You can also use: he / Shea... the / She winks... The 7 He ts going 9 Share your blog entry with the class. bout 7 of 7.30. Then he has bbreakfast with his family, has'a shower end goes to work. He is a professional football player. He trains every day from Monday to Friday at his club, Barcelone FC. Lionel always gets up early, does different exercises with his teammates. Then they all have lunch together. After lunch, he TV or uses the Intemet or plays video games. At about 3 o’clock, he goes to the football pitch and practises ball. After training, he has a shower and goes home. he is at home, he always plays with his son. In the marnin Next summer, he is going to visit his Argentina. . familand friends in Lionel says he is ¢ reat job for him until he retires, This is rd, ing to play footbs id he works very t old Calp @ Listen and read. Wha does the boy want to be? Lookat the police officer in his fast going to be a firefighter, Tm going to be a police officer, Im going a nurse 1 Workhard.(} 2 Doyourhomework. 1} 3. Go to work every day. () @ @ 00 you work hard? Read and tick (V) what you do. 2 1 Lalways work hard at school. () 3. Lalways go to school. oO 2 | sometimes miss classes. O 4 sometimes do my homework. () Yaa eC e a o) Qe Put the words in order to make questions. Then answer. 41 ho/officer/a/Is/police _Is hea police officer 1 he/Is/ fisherman /a 2 2 nurse / she /a/\s she / police / Is / a / officer 3 4 a/she/Is/vet — 5 pilot/a/she/Is ‘6 he/Is/a/ writer helfs animals. likes the ocean flies planes: aoc A fisherman works in’a hospital 2 a iriter? wu, tt a ty eee (| 9 Look at Activity 4 and complete. 1 _I'mnotgoingtobe a police officer. _I'm going to be a pilot. 3 2 a writer. 3 a nurse. @ Look and write. 1 Sam _t'm going to be a police officer: 2 Marcia —— 4 Carol @ Match. use the Internet text a friend buy sweets have a shower do my homework brush my teeth ouRena 9 Look and write. 1 watch TV 2 havea shower Peter Peter isn't going to watch TV. 3 buy flowers 4 tun in the park Maney Paul 9g Look at Activity 8 and complete the questions. Then answer. 1 _Is Peter goingto read a book? No. he isn’t. He’s going to.use the Internet. 2 brush his teeth? , 3 __ buy sweets? run in the club? ck () and write. What are you going to do tomorrow before and after school? Pe eeeeal eee tl have a shower have a shower do your homework do your homework text afriend text ofriend brush your teeth brush your teeth use the Internet, use the Internet have lunch have lunch Tomorrow, before school, I'm going to After school, - Myabrognress: - I can name jobs. can name actions. I-can talk about future plans. | can ask people about their future plans. LESSON 1 CS 24! » Q Listen and say. Then tick () what you can do. Ability quiz 4 doahandstand | 8 doacartwhee | Quiz result: | can do more than 6 of these activities - Excellent! _|can'do 3 of these activities ~ Not bad! I can do 4 of these activities ~ Very good! I can‘t do any of these activities ~ Mmm... Practise more, 9 Read and complete with words from Activity 1. Why is Suni happy at 1 the circus school? i, fends! Tam Sus Eas arn in Busan, tm South Koren. I is Tuesay aftereon paws. Zam no at home La at circus schol vith my friend. ke this school Because Lean doa lt of things I veally like. Ti Young is relly ged at doing : Shean ale 2d _____ 4. ith nly one al : Lean't doit. His very dffieutt! Deng and Min-ho can *r_—___very well. ca eas ag be Se tnd ee = Tam lenrning to do §m_—___ f-______ rw Some of’ the tricks are not easy but I enjoy there f an = ee © Look at your ticks (v) in Activity 1. Then look at the results and talk to a friend. | can do taekwondo, catch a ball and skip the rope~ three activities. Not bad! What can you do? Circle eee te etc] Me eke @ Look at Activity 1 and complete using these words: doahandstend walk run catch aball _rollerblade 4 When Suni was one, she £ but she When Suni was three, she a but she 3 When Suni was eight, she but she 7> © write about you when you were six. { When L was six, Joule can but: © © Then compare with a friend. | couldn't skip the rope Ge LESSON aie qos gq Listen and say. Is Mary a good violinist? 3. Pat's playing th 2. Grandma a "are walki onena 3 « a _} Ben's runhing fast, ind Grandpa’ ing slowly. Will and Paul ptf, p ny ohn and viar ¢. > @ Ask and answer with a friend. Do you run fast or slowly? Do you swim well or badly? Do you read fast or slowly? Do you eat fast or slowly? Do you play football well or badly? Do you run fast oF slowly? 3.41 trumpet badly 4. Maryis playing the violin well, 1 _Kate is riding her bike fast. r i SSNMMINROA Look at the man riding the bike. Howishe riding? Do you think the man playing the drum plays well? ad cee F " al) @ Listen, read and say. It’s Saturday morning. It’s a sunny day. Could you ride a bike when you were three? Could you ride a bike when you were six? But [couldn't ride a bike well Ream At Ree En Lucy: Yes, lean / could but | couldn't / can’t ride @ Put the words in order to make questions. 1. skip /you / Could / the / were / when/ you / rope / five ? 3 were /you / well / Could / dance / you / when / four? 2 you / Could / taekwondo / when / were / you / do / eight 2 | 1 4. you/a/ Could / when / were / do / handstand / you / six ? 9 Answer the questions from Activity 2. Then compare with a friend. Yes. | could. / No, | couldn't, Could you... when you were..? Lesson 5 (eb @ Listen to Suni speaking about her uncle and € Oo tick (V) the correct éolumn. st, 1 When Suni’s uncle was 7, he could»! i play foatbel well J) 2. Baskotball was her uncle's favourite rn Sport. ~~ 3 When her uncle was thirteen, he could = > run fast Se Ww — € PEE AIONOT ~ ~ & Heruncle is a doctor now. C) } Sains Fae " fer uncle pl ‘@ match in the Worl ~ Cupin 2002 ; & a @ complete the text with these words. There are two extra options. gq couldn't were her well «= was, ahs, | ark Tae-Hwan is a South Korean swimmer. He was born in Seoul > in 1989, When Park was five, he !______ do many sports because he suffered from asthma. But then he started swimming, and this was good for his asthma. When he *__six, he could swim *_____ and when he was seven, he won *_____ first, compatition. In the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008, he won © gold medal in the 400 metres freestyle race and a silver medal in the | 200 metres freestyle. Could you swim well at the age of eight? lh silver medal 9 Read Activity 2 and write True or False. |. 1 Park Tae-Hwan is from Seoul. He won his first compptition when he was three. 2 3. The 2008 Olympic Games weren't in South Korea, 4 Park Tae-Hwan won two medals in 1789. Coull you ride bike || When yeu were small? | Coal you run? Could jmp? Cautd you’ Gould you play the drums | When you were three? || Could you dance? Could you sing? - —" & Gould you hate When you ware eight? | Cold yo read? Could rate? | couldn’ and/_____? Listen and check. Then listen again and say the poem. ) Look at the questions in the poem. Ask and answer with a friend. Work with a friend. Add a new verse to the poem. Could you $$ | ? When you were — © Gail ta 2 Could you —___——? Could you? F . o__ ————— ————— Share your verse with the class. Q Read about a Korean martial art. In the past many people practised martial arts. They used their hands, feet and bodies for self defense. One of these arts is taekwondo. Many people | think that this martial art is quite modern but, in fact, | __ the first forms of taekwondo appeared about 50 BC in Korea. | And it beceme popular in the 1960s | Taekwondo is one of the most popular martial arts in the world now. It combines combat and self-defense techniques with sport and exercise. Teachers and students of taekwondo believe that it can be an important part of your life. You learn self-defense: but you also learn discipline and respect for other people — and it’s a lot of fun! @ Read again and answer. = oe ee TIPS Soo Septem 218-648 om ‘When | was 7, | was scared of everything. | couldn't do sports and | couldn't play with my friends. My parents were worried. Then | started tackwondo classes. Now | am 15 and [feel confident, Taekwondo helped me a lot. SEE Taekwondo means ‘the right way of using all parts of the body to stop fights’. tt helps to build a better and more peaceful world. Why did people practise martial arts in the past? Is taekwondo a popular martial art now? What values can you learn in taekwondo? Do you think the values you can learn in taekwondo are important? Is taekwondo popular in your country? What sport ow actinidiy coulls / couldnt Choose four people to interview. gow do whine your wane thrae / sty. / oight? Prepare questions to ask these people fab mab your favourite post ow about the sports or activities they could / ‘ wel couldn’t do when they were younger. Feit a © Do the interviews. SD otterotewed,.. bot. © Make a table to record the answers using the information from Activity 1. w coud / couldnt...whey he / she wah... Then write notes about each person He / Sl could. He / Shee ‘ you interviewed. You can also use: rollerblade doa cartwheel X | Jehnny draw | write rollerblading Marcia | Kevin Sandra interviewed four people about the sports ar activities || they could | couldn't de when they were younger || When Johnny was 3, hhe could run but he couldn't | fide a bike. When he was 6, he cou Id draw but he Make a poster showing the people's sports or activities. Remember to draw or paste pictures. || couldn't wrt. when he as B the could rllerblade but he couldn't doa cartwheel. His favourite activity 9 Share your work with is rollerblading nite Cisse. | When Marcia was 3, she could ot = (0 @ Listen and read. Céuld Jack and Tess help to réscue the sheep? Jack, his dad and their dog, live ona sh { Ninety-nine... One sheep is ) lost. Let's look for it. yen A ] OK. Take this a Read the story again. Tick (V) the best option to describe the situation. 1 Team work solves problems. (_] 3. Individual work solves problems. (_} 2. Solving problems is easy. Oo © Do you cooperate with others? Write Yes or No. 1 [help my family, — 2. | work ina team. 3. | try to help my friends with their problems. Look and complete the sentences. When Edna was eight, 3. When Jonathan was four, [Lean run, | can ride a bike. | can speak English —— ——— \ can do a jigsaw puzzle. | | can rollerblade | 9 Look at Activity 3 and write. 1 run. aeon | 9 Look arid write using these words: well badly fast slowly) —Could you ride a bike when you were - : eight? four? seven? six? two? four? oN oun wn two? Look at the questions from Activity 6 and answer about you, 9 Read and complete the story. When | was small, | could... but | couldn't... 9 When | was one, | A When | was five, A x z______ fast, but | ie When | was seven, | could do some more things. | fe Se TS aie m es Qe Put the words in order to make questions. Then answer. 1 you/ were / when / five / you / write / Could ? 2 were / rollerblade / eight / you / Could / you / when ? 3 you/when / were / catch / one / Could /a/ you / ball ? six / were / you/ when Gould / fast / you / run ? four / were / you do / when / Could / magic / you / tricks ? lean name actions / abilities. I can describe actions. \ can talk about what | and other people could do when we were younger. | can ask people what they could do when they were younger. stop fires and save people help doctors and patients 7 > write stories and novels ~ 4 : ft fain and! playin a club Maxis.going tobea 1 2 3 4 5 6 0%. fave sports anc! | train 'y day, but when I was a child, nit very good at sports! a 9 Look and write about Shin. When Shin was a child, he _couldrunfast He : =e 9g Look and label. There is one extra option. Pee hcg a Fo a '@ @ Read and match with the pictures from Activity 1. Every morning | wait for my four-legged patients. Some are happy ta see mer others are not very happy because they are nervous. When Iyeturn home. I play with my cat Ginger. | love cats. a - J like to see the earth from the air, It is a fantastic experience, But | lke to relax at home, too, When | get back home, my dog Titan is always happy to see ine. We go out for walks in the morning. He plays with his favourite ballin the pork & Every morning, Igo te the different, homes to look for my “friends. They are waiting for me. When | was a child I said, 'm going to be a pilot’ put unfertunately I couldn't train to be a pilot. Now I love ry job becouse the dogs are happy to see me and Im happy, too. 9 Read Activity 2 and write True or False. 9 Read Activity 2 and tick (7). What do the three poole have 4 The dog walker never wanted to in common? be-a pilot. _—_ The pilot likes dogs. —— 4 Treylike animals. (_] The dag walkers dog is Titan. — — o = 2 Theylike planes. (_) The vet has a cat. —_— eres si abe tiee on Vitam) you buy in an open market? NCR ately pe aenagriea your city / town / village?, Lesson 1 re ip. Listen and say. Was yesterday aweekday? 7 ZL 4 a , ey? & 2 He went to school 3 & ate a with his friends. anana, i lateaie {He got up at This is my brother Kamil. He’s two years younger apple juice 7 o'clock. than rhe. This is what he did yesterciay, = ome 5 He bought & He went to bed ate at 10 o'clock. 7 He read his 6 Hedid his book. homework. g Read about Marek’s special day. Put the letters in order and write the verbs. I didn't have classes yesterday, sol wasn't at home all day! I'tgo pu___——_early and then?twne____to the big park near the rivet, There I had a picnic with my friends. It was a sunny day, |3tea fruit and adark _ ofange juice We played some games and then we ‘uhbgot ice cream. It was delicious Jartived home at 4 o'clock. | had a shower. dali_ iny homework end varde__ book, Iwent to bed at 10 o'clock. I was very tired, 9 Read Activity 2 and write True or False. 1 Marek got up late yesterday. 2 Marek had a picnie with his family 3 Itwas a cloudy day yesterday. — _ 4 Marek ate some fruit. Marek and his friends bought a cake. Listen, read and say. Then listen again and number. Marek can’t find his homework. He's remembering what he did this morning, On Sunday. | had a birthday party, $0 I didn't clo my homework. This morning I got up at 6 o'clock and did my homework. Then | gat dressed, ate some biscuits and drank orange juice. Mmm... Then I put my homework in my backpack. I didn't walk to school, | went by bus, I got to the bus stop. took the bus, arrived at schoo! and went into the classroom. Oh, no! homework is still on the bus! Saree eRe nt es up gotup eat ate doesn'tdo didn't do Need et aK? Po eee eat? Pe Pee eee? Look at Activity 1 and correct the sentences about Marek. Marek had a wedding party on Sunday. He got up at 7 o'clock this morning, He drank some milk. He went to school by bike.

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