Course Output: Course Module Title Topic Coverage Reference/s Duration Learning Outcomes

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Course BELISH130-Teaching English in the Elementary Grades (Language Arts)

Topic Communicative Competence: The Goal of Language Teaching (Mother Tongue, Filipino, English)
Coverage  Meaning of Communicative Competence
 Four Aspects of Communicative Competence
Reference/s Corpuz, B., & Salandanan G. (2015). Principles of Teaching 2 (with TLE). Quezon City: Lorimar
Publishing, Inc.
Duration A.Y. 2021-2022 | 1st Semester | Midterm | 9 Hours
Learning At the end of this module, you are expected to have:
Outcomes 1. explained the nature of communicative competence;
2. designed a scoring rubric to determine one’s communicative competence; and
3. written a resolution or pledge related to developing communicative competence.
Enduring One should enhance communicative competence (a life-skill) to understand communication ethics,
Understanding to develop cultural awareness, to use computer-mediated communication, and to think critically.
Competence involves knowledge, motivation, and skills.
Output/s Scoring Rubric for Communicative Competence


Module 1: OUTPUT

Group yourselves with three (3) to five (5) members. Based on the indicators of the four aspects of communicative
competence, develop a scoring rubric to determine the level of communicative competence by citing indicators under
each type. This is initially done for you. Complete it. Each member of the group shall turn in (in Word Format) one and the
same output. Retain the layout and all specifications of this paper. This output will be scored based on the following:
(Rubric: Task Fulfillment-5 points, Content-5 points-Creativity-5 points)

Group Members:
1. Destacamento, Virgilio Jr. N.

2. Gemarino, JR G.

3. Malijan, Kris Nicole E.

4. Margen, Frances Marie P.

5. Mirasol, Mishel P.

Scoring Rubric for Communicative Competence

Indicator Never Seldom Sometimes Often Always

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
A. Grammatical Competence
1. I apply rules in grammar correctly
2. I always correct myself from grammar slips.
3. I can identify if the statement happens from the past, present,
or future.
B. Sociolinguistic Competence
1.I used right language in different situations and audiences.
2. I choose appropriate topic for communicative events.
3. I used right gestures to communicate to avoid
C. Discourse Competence
1. I express my own opinion.
2. I understand what is written in the instruction.
3. I follow the instruction correctly.
D. Strategic Competence
1. I paraphrase words that I don’t understand.
2. I make use of synonyms to words that I forgot.
3. I use emphasis and modulation to be heard when speaking.

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The perfect (highest) score is dependent on the total number of indicators multiplied by 5, the highest score per item. The
closer you are to the perfect score, the highest your level of communicative competence. The farther you get from the
perfect score, the lower your level of communicative competence. The midpoint is the highest possible score (perfect
score) divided by 2.

Answer each question below in one substantial sentence:

1. Are you happy with your score?

Yes, we are happy with our scores for it shows evidence that we are a competent communicator who uses language
effectively and appropriately in the communication process.

2. What message does your score tell you?

With the score that we got, it tells us that we have a tacit knowledge about the language as of where, when and
whom to use it, and that we were an effective communicator who take into consideration the four competencies of being a
communicative competent individual.

3. Do you consider the scoring rubric reliable? Why or why not?

Yes, we do consider the scoring rubrics reliable because it is anchored to the definitions and examples of the 4
competencies of communicative competence.

4. What is the importance of developing one’s communicative competence?

The importance of developing one’s communicative competence is to know where, when, and whom a language
should be used that observes appropriateness in the given situation and by maintaining a smooth process of

5. Write a one-sentence resolution or pledge related to developing communicative competence.

“If you don’t know something, Pause, Think and Paraphrase.”

What is Outcome based Education?

outcome-based education or OBE it is a learner-centered learning philosophy the process of measuring students’
performance. OBE is not a teaching style, it is a principle for designing your teaching in an effective way that learning happened
in help for students to achieve the intended learning outcomes. In OBE is what is learned rather than what is taught.

Teachers used to determine the progress of students towards attainment of the desired
outcomes are Measurement, Assessments and Evaluation

- Measurements
- we use some standard instrument to find out the students learning understand it can be done
- by giving them test and perception or setting up rubrics to scale students outcome or performance.
- In simplest word its SCORING

- Assessments
- is the systematic process of gathering information or evidence of students performance over a period of time to
determine learning and mastery of skills such evidences of learning can take the forms of dialogue records could be
journals it could be written works portfolios and tests and other performance results.
- In simplest word its REVIEWING the students’ progress to improve the learning quality.

- Evaluation
- is a process designed to provide information that will help us to make a sound judgment okay take note of the word
judgment about a particular situation. This where we determine whether the student pass or fail.

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