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LALIMARMO, Alexannedra Louise E.

BS Psychology 1A


Socio-economic issues in the Philippines

1. Poverty

Countless kids live in poverty in the Philippines, frequently missing proper shelter and clothing.
Impoverished kids frequently live with their parents in bamboo huts that lack enough stability and
structure. Because the wealthy own a noteworthy part of the country's land, farmland is expensive. The
Filipino regime relies mainly on taxes gathered from nationals living abroad. This tax structure resulted
in a nationwide revenue plight during the worldwide recession of the before time 2000s, because
nationals living abroad win less money and as a result, pay fewer taxes.

2. Unemployment

Unemployment is a serious social and economic reissue that results in a titanic effect on
everything but is repeatedly overlooked. A stronger scheme of evaluating unemployment should be put
in the area so as to decide its causes and how to address it better. Unemployment has costs to a society
that are over just financial. Societal costs of lofty unemployment add higher crime and a reduced rate of
volunteerism because of its effect on the mental and social health.

3. Government Corruption

Another economic problem in the Philippines is lingering government corruption. Because

foreign nations see the Filipino authority as untrustworthy, foreign nations and businesses be indecisive
to invest capital in the country. For this reason, infrastructure does not design rapid sufficient to keep
pace with the growing population. What growth occurred in current years came in the genuine estate
and gambling industries, which do not generate long-term, middle-class jobs.

4. High-crime Rate

The Philippines has a moderately high rate of violent crime, particularly in the capital city of
Manila. Incidents of violent robbery and assault occur frequently, and visitors are often targets. The
biggest culprits of these acts are local criminal gangs, and it’s not unheard of for individual hoodlums to
strike on their own. One of the reasons for high crime rate is also because of unemployment.
Unemployed people tend to commit crime because this is where you can get easy money.

5. Poor Standards of Education

The unpleasant quality of the Philippine educational scheme is manifested in the comparison of
completion rates between the highly urbanized municipality of Metro Manila, which additionally
happens to be but also the country's capital but the greatest metropolitan place in the Philippines and
other places in the state, for example, Mindanao and Eastern Visayas. Even though Manila is proficient
to boast a most important school completion rate of more or less 100 percent, other areas of the nation,
that is Eastern Visayas and Mindanao, take the most important school completion rate of only 30
percent or even less. This sort of statistic is no surprise to the education scheme in the Philippine
context, learners who hail from Philippine urban areas have the financial capacity to total at the
extremely fewest their most important school education.

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