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26/3/2020 全素酥脆燕麥餅乾 Vegan Crunchy Oatmeal Cookies | | Barrel Leaf 桶子葉

全素酥脆燕麥餅乾 Vegan Crunchy Oatmeal

Crunchy, sweet, and full of goodness, these Vegan Crunchy Oatmeal Cookies are
simple to make and taste amazing! After one bite, I know I will not stop until the
cookie disappears.

Prep Time Cook Time Cooling Total Time

5 mins 15 mins 10 mins 30 mins

Course: Snack Cuisine: American, vegan Keyword: 30 minutes or less, dairy-free, sweets, vegan
Servings: 8 people Author: Barrel Leaf

70 g (⅔ cup + 1 Tbsp) rolled oats 傳統燕麥片
25 g (a heaping ¼ cup) almond flakes 杏仁片
3+½ Tbsp coconut oil 椰⼦油
3+½ Tbsp maple syrup 楓糖漿 or other liquid sweeteners
3 Tbsp whole wheat flour 全麥麵粉
¼ tsp ground ginger 薑粉
¼ tsp ground cinnamon ⾁桂粉
1 Tbsp pure vanilla extract 純香草精 see Note 3
A pinch of salt 鹽
2 Tbsp dried cranberries 蔓越莓乾
2 Tbsp pumpkin seeds 南瓜籽

1. Preheat the oven at 170 C / 340 F. Line the baking sheet with parchment paper or a baking mat.
2. In a mixing bowl, add the flour, oats, almond flakes, salt, cinnamon, and ground ginger. Mix all together.
3. Add maple syrup, coconut oil, and vanilla extract. Use a fork to combine.
4. Then stir in the dried cranberries and pumpkin seeds. The mixture should be a little bit wet.
5. Use a tablespoon to scoop out the mixture onto the baking sheet, evenly spaced. Use a cookie cutter or
round mold to help to shape the cookies.
6. Place into the oven to bake for 12-15 minutes at 170 C / 340 F until golden brown.
7. Transfer onto a wire rack to let them cool down completely. You can leave them in the oven too cool for
15 minutes so they can be more crispy. Then EAT!

1. 烤箱以 170°C 預熱,烤盤上鋪烤紙或是烤墊
2. 將麵粉、燕麥片、杏仁片、鹽、⾁桂粉、薑粉放到同⼀盆中,⼤略混合
3. 再加入楓糖漿、椰⼦油、香草精,攪拌混合均勻
4. 最後加入蔓越莓乾與南瓜⼦,混合均勻,混合好的狀態是偏有點溼的
5. 先各挖⼀⼤匙放到烤墊上,中間要留⼀些間隔,然後⽤餅乾模或是圓型圈輔助弄成扁圓貌 1/2
26/3/2020 全素酥脆燕麥餅乾 Vegan Crunchy Oatmeal Cookies | | Barrel Leaf 桶子葉

6. 放入已預熱好的烤箱,以170°C烤 12-15 分鐘,⾄表⾯⾦黃

7. 烘烤完成後出爐放涼,也可以讓餅乾留在烤箱內 15 分鐘會更酥脆

This recipe starts at 5:23 in the video.
Storage: Store the cookies in an airtight container or jar for 2 weeks.
Adapted from Chokolat Pimienta
此食譜於影片 5:23 開始
保存:剩下的餅乾放密封罐中,常溫保存約可放 2 週

全素酥脆燕麥餅乾 Vegan Crunchy Oatmeal Cookies 2/2

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