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Activity 2

I. Answer the following questions briefly but substantially.

1. Following the theories of Erikson and Marcia, describe your own development of self-
identity. How did you become who you are now? What factors influenced you?
When I was young, I used to be this kid who doesn’t really talk that much and be mean
to others, the ones who I don’t really know. Because I grew up not knowing how to speak
Ilocano. But once I got used with the language we are using, I am just known to be the young
girl who is shy, doesn’t participate much in class, does not interact with others unless I am
comfortable with that person. But now, I feel like I’ve slightly changed, yes, I still get nervous
every time I communicate with others, but now, I choose to respond, I am beginning to gain my
confidence in talking with other people. These past few years, I used to be insecure, I always
compare myself to others, but with the help of my family and friends, they helped me to get
through this phase of mine. I am who I am now, because I am learning how to love myself even
more, appreciating everything that I have even more. Also, I am who I am now because of the
help of the people that I love.
2. What are the challenges and issues you were confronted with during your transition period
from childhood to this point?
People don’t really confront me, but when they do, I am for sure will be hurt, because to
be honest, I am sensitive growing up. Maybe being sensitive is one of the issues they have
confronted me with. Because I use to cry a lot, when they raise their voice at me, I cry. Even just
the simple things make me cry. People always tell me that I should know how to control my
emotions, which I did, and that’s an improvement. I know that I annoy a lot of people, but I
don’t really get confronted from it, I just hear it from other people that I annoy that certain
person already. This is where I started to know how to control myself, because I don’t want
people to dislike me just because I irritate them. And the only challenge I faced during my
transition is when I started questioning my existence. But I am glad that I talked about this with
a friend of mine, and helped me to get through with this challenge I was facing.
II. Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses
Try to assess yourself and provide the needed information below.

One of my skills is cooking, because growing up, I really want to learn how to cook, even just
the simple one so I can help my momma by doing the kitchen chores. Cycling is also one of my
skills. I used to be this clumsy kid who falls a lot using her bicycle without the balancer. But I
really tried my best to learn this skill of mine because I want to go on more adventures, and this
skill will help me to do this. And lastly, playing musical instruments is one of my skills, because
growing up I loved music, and I was amazed by the people I was watching playing their
instruments, and that inspired me to learn and play different instruments, and share my skills to
my friends and family.

The only talent I have growing up is singing, because I started singing when I was just a little kid,
and luckily, I am one of the many who is blessed to know how to sing.

Being confident in my own judgment and decision is one of my passion. Growing up, I’m not
really confident with myself, because I always think about what may others think of me,
especially now that we live in a society where most of the people around you may judge you
just because of your physical appearance. But what I learned is that I should not care that much
about what others think of me, because it’s my body anyways, it’s my life. No one can control
or judge me but myself. And this helped me to be more confident than before.

Ever since I was a child, I have interest in music, my dad told me that I used to sing a lot. Until
now, I still have my love for music, I sing, and play different types of instruments like ukulele
and guitar. But growing up, I realized that I do have more interests, like interest in cooking,
reading, and traveling.

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