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Name of Drug Classification Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Pharmacologic Class: Assists all enzymes General Indications: - Hypersensitivity -CNS (with I.V. use): Before
Magnesium Sulfate Mineral involved in phosphate - Used for - Myocardial damage confusion, decreased - Check the doctor’s order
transfer reactions that use treatment/prevention of - Diabetic coma reflexes, dizziness, - Assess patients
Trade/Brand Name: adenosine hypomagnesemia; - Heart block syncope, sedation, sensitivity to magnesium
- Epsom Salt,magnesium triphosphate (ATP). prevention and treatment - Hypermagnesemia hypothermia, paralysis - Assess GI pain (duration,
sulfate injection Magnesium is required of seizures in severe - Hypercalcemia - CV (with I.V. use): location, quality, time of
for normal function of the preeclampsia or eclampsia; - Administration during 2 hypotension, arrhythmias, occurrence, relief with
Patients’ Dose: Therapeutic Class: ATP-dependent pediatric acute nephritis, hours preceding delivery circulatory collapse food,
Antacid, anticonvulsant, sodium-potassium pump in treatment of arrhythmias for mothers with toxemia - GI: nausea, vomiting, causative/exacerbative
Route: electrolyte, laxative muscle due to hypomagnesemia of pregnancy cramps, flatulence, factors).
P.O., Intramuscular, membranes. It may (ventricular fibrillation, anorexia - Assess for weight loss,
Intravenous effectively treat digitalis ventricular tachycardia, or - Metabolic: nausea, vomiting, and
glycoside–induced torsades de points hypermagnesemia, history of recent
Form: arrhythmias because Drug Interaction/s: hypocalcemia abdominal surgery.
Oral, Parenteral, Topical Pregnancy Category: correction of - Aminoquinolones, - Musculoskeletal (with - Assess renal function,
D hypomagnesemia nitrofurantoin, I.V. use): muscle serum magnesium levels.
Maximum dose: improves penicillamine, weakness, flaccidity - Perform hand hygiene
30 to 40g MgSO4 the sodium-potassium tetracyclines: decreased - Respiratory: respiratory and prepare the
pump’s ability to absorption of these drugs paralysis medication.
Minimum dose: distribute potassium into Patient’s Indication: (with oral magnesium) - Skin: diaphoresis - Educate the patient about
4g MgSO4 intracellular - CNS depressants: - Other: allergic reaction, the drug, its benefits and
spaces and because additive effects injection site reaction, risks.
Availability: magnesium decreases - Digoxin: heart block, laxative dependence (with
- Granules (for oral use): calcium uptake and conduction changes (with repeated or prolonged use)
120 g, 4 lb potassium outflow I.V. use) During
- Infusion Solution: 10 through myocardial cell - Enteric-coated drugs: -Identify the patient
mg/ml, 20 mg/ml, 40 membranes. faster dissolution of these - Inspect the parenteral
mg/ml, 80 mg/ml. -In laxative action, it drugs drug product for
- Injection Solution: 125 increases osmotic gradient - Neuromuscular blockers: particulate matter and
mg/ml, 500 mg/ml. in small intestine, which increased effects of these discoloration.
draws water into intestines drugs (with I.V. use) - administer only the
and causes distention. prescribed dose for the
Content: These effects stimulate patient
Magnesium, Sulfur, peristalsis and bowel - inform the patient about
Oxygen evacuation. the possible side effects.
(contains 100 to 500 mg - In electrolyte action, it is
elmenteal magnesium per primarily found in
intracellular fluids, After
essential for enzyme - document the drug
activity, nerve conduction, administered
muscle contraction. - monitor patient’s
Maintains and restores response to drug, as well
magnesium levels. - In as the adverse effects
antacid action, reacts with - discontinue drugs if
hydrochloric acid in adverse effects occur
stomach to form water and - evaluate effectiveness of
increase gastric pH levels. teaching plan
- In anticonvulsant action, - Assess for relief of
depresses CNS and blocks gastric distress.
transmission of peripheral - Monitor renal function
1 ml of injection, 1 to 5 g neuromuscular impulses, (esp. if dosing is long term
elemental magnesium per producing seizure control. or frequent).
10 ml of - Monitor daily pattern of
injection, and 40 mEq per Onset: Oral: 1-2 hr. IM: 1 bowel activity, stool
5 mg of hr. IV: Immediate. consistency.
crystals) Duration: IM: 3-4 hr. IV:
30 min.

Absorption - Following
administration, 30-50% of
the dose is absorbed from
the small intestine.
Distribution - Crosses the
placenta and small
amounts enter the
breastmilk. Protein-
binding: 25-30%
Excretion - Via urine
(absorbed fraction); Via
faeces (unabsorbed

1) Hodgson, B. B., & 1) Hodgson, B. B., & 1) Hodgson, B. B., & 1) Hodgson, B. B., & 1) Hodgson, B. B., & 1) Hodgson, B. B., & 1) Hodgson, B. B., &
Kizior, R. J. (2016). Kizior, R. J. (2016). Kizior, R. J. (2016). Kizior, R. J. (2016). Kizior, R. J. (2016). Kizior, R. J. (2016). Kizior, R. J. (2016).
Saunders Nursing Drug Saunders Nursing Drug Saunders Saunders Saunders Saunders Saunders
Handbook. Missouri: Handbook. Missouri: Nursing Drug Handbook. Nursing Drug Handbook. Nursing Drug Handbook. Nursing Drug Handbook. Nursing Drug Handbook.
Elsevier. Elsevier. Missouri: Elsevier. Missouri: Elsevier. Missouri: Elsevier. Missouri: Elsevier. Missouri: Elsevier.

2) Magnesium Sulfate. 2) Magnesium Sulfate. 2) Magnesium Sulfate. 2) Magnesium Sulfate. 2) Magnesium Sulfate. 2) Magnesium Sulfate. 2) Magnesium Sulfate.
(n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from
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