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Research-based This form of teaching approach and learning focuses on the joint

acquisition of new knowledge by lecturers and students. This requires lecturers to

reflect on their role as teachers and learners.

**the process of teaching through research based approach somehow motivates

the student to develop an investigative attitude and can create opportunities for
acquisition of knowledge .

investment, and encourages students to complete assignments.

*Integrate research findings in your lessons. 

*Make your lesson more interesting, updated, more convincing and persuasive in
order to capture your students interest and attention. To Help the Students
Develop their Understanding

>>learning is an approach to learning that emphasizes the student’s role in the

learning process. Rather than the teacher telling students what they need to
know, students are encouraged to explore the material, ask questions, and share

> Research based approach somehow uses different approaches to learning,

including small-group discussion and guided learning. Instead of memorizing facts
and material, students learn by doing. This allows them to build knowledge
through exploration, experience, and discussion.

Research based approach strategy

1.)Creating the Environment for Learning

•Setting objectives and providing feedback provides direction for learning,
acknowledges student interest and i

2.) Scaffolded instruction refers to teachers (a) challenging students to engage in

tasks that they are unable to complete independently and (b) providing the
support needed to enable students to share the teachers' understanding of the
tasks and successfully carry them out

3.) The teacher must help the students in developing their understanding.

for example the teacher provide : Homework and practice provides students the
opportunity to extend learning and become more independent. In order to know
the capacities of the students.

And the Teacher can generate and test hypothesis to his/her student which
means the students won't always rely to the teachers.
** during the American rule they brought a lot of influences in our country most especially in teaching
democracy and even in Education and School system, Health and Welfare, Language and literature are
one of the greatest influenced during this period that cause great marks in our colonial mentality and
being materialistic and individualistic ways among Filipino.America’s greatest achievement in the
Philippine was the introduction of the public school system. Moreover American introduuced the idea
of free education to the Philippine island. the united states even sent teachers to help establish school.
where the filipino children could have a free education. Overall, the public school system increased the
number of Filipinos who knew how to read and write. The American regime recognized the equality of
men before the law and right of every man to all the freedoms- freedom of religion, freedom of speech,
freedom of the press, freedom to complain, and freedom to change’s one domicle

During the Spanish regime, one of their contribution is they create formal education and founded
scientific education . The Spaniards has introduced education in the country, method of agriculture were
also taught. During their times ,there were universities and college established .And they even
ntroduced christianity convert the natives into Christianity and also they brought with them ingredients
and labor intensive cooking methods that were unknown in our country in which the variety of customs
and traditions in the Philippines today can be traced back to this influence. Many universities were
opened early. And the Philippines have improved in civilization, wealth, and Populousness. The establish
of schools, many schools were built. They taught the Filipinos how to read, write, and speak in English.
The population greatly increased, cultivation was extended.

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