Nursing Activity

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1. The father of microbiology is Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek. He is the 1st human to observe and record
the existence of bacteria. Van Leeuwenhoek observed water closely and was surprised to see tiny
organisms - the first bacteria observed by man. His letter announcing this discovery caused widespread
doubt at the Royal Society but Robert Hooke later repeated the experiment and was able to confirm his
discoveries. He was inspired by the discovery of Robert Hook which is the use of compound microscope.
Later, Leeuwenhoek began to hand craft lenses and construct microscope. He was known to make over
500 microscopes of which only ten survive to this day. Leeuwenhoek’s microscopes were actually little
more than magnifying glasses, although surprisingly powerful. He has a big help to microbiology because
he make many lenses that can see microorganisms. workIn his shop, Leeuwenhoek learnt to handle the
magnifier “weaver’s glass” which served for counting fabric threads. Being curious by nature, he
applied his magnifying instrument to examine everything he could lay his hands on and he described
exactly what he saw, without any interpretation. He also discovered and studied the spermatozoon. His
discovery about spermatozoon is by observing multitude of “small animals” which he named
“animalcules”. “I had observed enough material coming from a sick person but also from a healthy one,
immediately after ejaculation”. “I had seen such a multitude of live animalcules more than a million,
having the size of a grain of sand and moving in a space. Those animal-cules were smaller than the red
blood cells. They had a round body, foam in the front, terminated in a point at the back; they were
equipped with a tail with five to six times the body length. They progressed in a snake-like motion
helped by her tail.

*Contribution to Anatomy

• He studied the epidermis, the hair, the nails, the teeth and the muscle structure. He noted the
fascicular nature of nerves and described the striation of muscular fibres, the internal structure of
the crystalline as well as that of the optic nerve.

• He discovered the red blood cells in 1674.

• In male semen he discovered “the animalcules”, small motile elements with the help of which
fertilization occurs.

2. Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis

(Mtb). It is the most dangerous bacterial infection responsible for severe increase in death cases.
Tuberculosis is a chronic granulomatous infectious disease. Tuberculosis usually attacks the lungs but
it can also affect any parts of the body. The characteristics of M. Tuberculosis is rod shape. My colic acid
present in its cell wall, makes it acid fast, and it resists decolourization with acid & alcohol. It is also
aerobic and non motile, multiplies slowly and can remain dormant.

How is TB Transmitted (Hachart et al., 2016)

a. Person-to-person through the air by a person with active TB disease of the lungs.
b. Less frequently transmitted by:

1. Ingestion of Mycobacterium bovis found in unpasteurized milk products or


2. Inoculation (in skin tuberculosis).

3. Transplacental route (rare route).


• M.tuberculosis starts a IV hypersensitivity immune reaction inside the lung which damages the
lung tissue while killing the foreign microorganism.

• Pathologic manifestation of tuberculosis like caseating granuloma and cavitation are result of
hypersensitivity that develops in concert with the protective host immune response.

• Macrophages are the primary cells infected by M.tuberculosis

3. Novel Coronavirus is a respiratory illness caused by a new virus. It is called novel because it is new.
Symptoms range from a mild cough to pneumonia. Some people recover easily, others may get very sick
very quickly. The virus is most likely spread through, close contact with an infectious person, contact
with droplets from an infected person’s cough or sneeze, and touching objects or surfaces (like
doorknobs or tables) that have cough or sneeze droplets from an infected person, and then touching
your mouth or face. People with coronavirus may experience fever, flu-like symptoms such as coughing,
sore throat and fatigue, and also shortness of breath.

* The PPE's that should be use to prevent from getting

that virus is using a tissue and cover your mouth
when you cough or sneeze. If you are dealing with a patient who has an NCOV , it is better if you use all
your PPE like the gloves, gown, mask, and goggle to be not affected.

• Gloves - Use gloves because objects harbor that virus through their cough and sneeze droplet. You
might touch touch that objecy.

• Gown - Use gown to protect your clothes because it will harbor that virus. You can get that virus
through touching your clothes then putting your hand on your nose or mouth.

• Mask - Use mask to cover your mouth and nose because this are the portal of entry of virus.

• Goggles - Use goggles to cover your eyes because one portal of entry of virus is eyes.

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