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1. Create your personal manifesto which is composed of three (3) basic components: beliefs, goals, and
2. Choose five (5) areas from the list below. The areas that you will choose will be the focus of your
a. Dealing with disappointment and hardships
b. Dealing with failures and mistakes
c. Dealing with opportunities and risk-taking
d. Daily interaction with others (waiters, cashiers, neighbors, and so on)
e. Choosing your attitude
f. Your general approach toward life
g. How you’ll treat your body
h. How you’ll spend your money
i. How you’ll spend your time
3. In addition, you can also create a manifesto by asking yourself questions such as:
a. What do I stand for?
b. What am I willing to die for?
c. What are my strongest beliefs?
d. How do I want to live my life?
e. How do I choose to define myself?
f. What changes do I need to make so that I can live my best life?
g. What words do I want to live my life by?
4. Submit the first draft of your manifesto in Week 2. Then, your instructor will give his/her
recommendations regarding the format, style, and grammar of your work.
5. The final copy of your manifesto should be written in a scroll and submitted to the teacher in Week 4.

Rubric for scoring:

Criteria Description Points Score
• Used a strong, affirmative language in declaring his/her
beliefs, goals, and wisdom
Content • Written for a specific area in life (e.g. how do you value 30
education, how do you view hardships, how do you view
temptations, etc.)
• Incorporates facts with the author’s own spin
Creativity 30
• Information presented in a unique manner
Expressed the points in clear and logical arrangement of ideas
Organization 20
in the paragraph
Grammar and Used correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and
Mechanics capitalization
Total 100

01 Task Performance 1 *Property of STI

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