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Learning activity 4

Evidence: My motivators

Studies of successful individuals have found that there are a few motivators that guide their
career and job choices, and make working an enjoyable and successful experience for them.
Below you will find a list with the motivators that are most commonly mentioned by high-
achieving people. For this evidence you have to organize them in order of importance from
1 (the most important) to 10 (the least important) and write a composition expressing how
they have been part of your professional development. Recycle the grammar and
vocabulary you have learned in this learning activity. (Example: I feel variety is the most
important factor in my motivation. I don’t like doing repetitive things. In my current job I
have learned how to use Photoshop and how to market different products online. I am
becoming very good at it and now I am able to teach others.)

Fuente: SENA

Challenge - Competence - Independence - Interest - Lifestyle - Money - Recognition
- Relationships - Security - Variety

1.Trust 6. Relations
2. Security 7. Money
3.Variety 8. Patience
4. Perseverance 9. Resistance
5. Interest 10. Intuition
I feel trust is the most important factor in me because is the basis to the motivation and inspiration.
When someone truly trusts you, they push you to bring out the best in you.

Self-confidence is the main responsible for our successes, be it in the professional field or in the
personal one, it has being important for me because i am learned to be more firm and to defend my
points of view.

I consider myself a person who likes to be active, that's why I really like the variety regarding work, I
like them to be 50/50 administrative-field. It was interesting because I got to know both the
administrative and the productive part at the same time, which gave me the advantage of knowing each
of the company's procedures.

Perseverance has been the one that has given the strength to face obstacles or difficulties, I maintain the
idea of not giving up and continue forward despite frustration, discouragement or simply the idea of
wanting to surrender without any justification.

Interest involves being intensely immersed and focused on something, it is an experience that fully
concentrates my attention.

Relationships are necessary, since from them alliances areformed to achieve common goals, which
otherwise would be difficult to achieve.

In reality, money helps you to have a better quality of life. Thank God I have been able to make good
use of money and I try to save as much as possible.

Through patience I have learned that you need to give time to time, you have to let things develop in
due course. "God's time is perfect".

Resistance to change is something that I have always evaluated in my life, I don't like being in a
comfort zone, although it has been difficult nowadays because I don't have a job, I am always doing
different things, I like to feel productive.

Independence has been very important in my academic and work training, because I can do the things
to way me.

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